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本期导读○近几年,深圳石化集团声誉鹊起。上至中央领导下至企业负责人纷纷来考察、参观、学习……广东省曾向全省工交战线友出“关干学习深圳石化集团股份有限公司的决定”,化工部与深圳石化集团联合举办了九期经验学习班。那么,深石化的经验到底是什么呢?也许从《迎...  相似文献   

在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,在中央各部、委、办、局、银行、广东省及中国核工业总公司的领导、支持、帮助下,广东核电沿着改革开放的路线,已经走过了16个年头。早在80年代初,总设计师邓小平同志视察深圳时指示,深圳除了要建设好特区外,还要办好两件事,一是办好深圳大学,一是建好核电站。1985年广东核电合营合同在北京签字后,小平同志接见了合营双方的代表,勉励双方搞好合作,建设好核电站。1986年苏联切尔诺贝  相似文献   

老领导退休了,接近老的内退了,年轻的孩子们上台了,有的大学生工作几年后,不到30岁就当上了领导。 现在要求干部“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”是对的,但,有德有才而无好的工作方法是不能当好领导的。我经常听到有这样一位年轻领导给他的下级安排工作:“你把这件事按时完成,我不要过程,我只要结果!”这样的话要是中央和省市领导采说还可以理解:他们管理的面宽,事多,工作时间有限,因  相似文献   

尹小山 《IT经理世界》2000,(6):16-16,18,20,22
1995年,深圳润迅通信发展公司总经理杨军到北京出差,在白石桥南路口处看到竖立着的一块大招牌:“中国离信息高速公路还有多远?——由此向北1500米”。倍感好奇的杨军来到了当时在他看来装饰得金碧辉煌的瀛海威科教馆营业大厅,转了半天,他知道了什么是Internet,但还是没有搞明白Internet到底是靠什么赚钱。  相似文献   

2004年9月22日,万科集团20岁生日庆典。高朋满座中,万科董事长王石回忆起1997年的一天,他在深圳香格里拉饭店大堂偶遇一位朋友。“你怎么还敢在公开场合出现?!”朋友惊讶极了。这话问得王石一头雾水,朋友又说:“主管城建的市领导给抓起来了,原来热热闹闹的深圳地产现在多消停呀!难道你没什么事?”7年之后,王石回味起当时的情景,仍然记得当时自己心底里涌出的那股子自豪和坦然劲儿。20年了,和王石一样回味多年经营心得和坎坷的企业还有很多,海尔、联想、正泰、健力宝等公司都在2004年迎来了他们的第20个年头,他们在纪念,也在思考。这20年也是…  相似文献   

邓小平同志以一位伟大的无产阶级革命家的战略眼光,运用历史、辩证的唯物主义方法,精辟地阐述了他关于中央领导集体的思想,深刻地揭示了党的中央领导集体建设发展中的规律,为新的中央领导集体走向稳定与成熟提供了科学的理论依据。一、是否稳定与成熟是判断中央领导集体的两条重要标准邓小平同志在1989年那场风波以后的多次谈话中,明确地划分了三代中央领导集体的界限,提出了判断中央领导集体的标准。他指出:"从毛刘周朱开始,中国共产党才真正形成了一个稳定的成熟的领导集体。以前的领导都是很不稳定,也很不成熟的"。(《邓小平文选》第三卷P298,以下引言同书,只注页码)稳定与成熟就是邓小平同志根据第一代中央领导集体与以前的领导层的根本区别而概括出来的。稳定是对组织巩固和领导坚强的高度概括。首先,稳定是指中央领导集体在组织形式上的团结统一,它要求既要组成一个团结的领导集体,又要树立一个坚强的领导核心。其次,稳定也是指中央领导集体在领导行为上的坚强有力。它表现在无论是战争年代还是和平时期,都能够带领人民群众战胜各种困难,夺取最大的胜利。前两代中央领导集体堪称为这方面的典范,他们都无愧为稳定的中央领导集体。成熟是对路线正确和胸襟宽阔的高度概括。  相似文献   

他,如果不经介绍,很难相信30出头已经是深圳二公司的副经理;更难相信,他已经先后担任过京广中心项目副经理,世贸广场、金雨豪园、中央花园、雅庭园等大型工程的项目经理。 然而,走近他,从他从容自信的谈笑中,从他奔波忙碌的身影里,我们感受到了他是一位勤奋务实、努力耕耘的人。 他就是被中建总公司、中建二局评为优秀项目经理的常军。 熔身京广献才智 常军是1992年从华北航天工业学院工民建专业毕业,参加工作后在郑州132制药厂等工程担任技术员。也许是机遇,也许是巧合,1994年深圳京广工程开工,他被调往京广工地,有幸成为优秀项目经理杨昌德手下  相似文献   

[编辑留言] "勺子哪有不碰锅沿儿的",职场中的我们经常要同领导打交道,你和你的直接领导也就是你的顶头上司有故事么?很多人都直接受控于领导,因此和这些领导之间产生点故事也就在所难免了,本期咱们就唠唠和直接领导之间的故事…… 张克强(电工):我是在车间里干设备维护的,维护组的组长就是我的上司,一个挺高挺瘦的老头儿.他平时不怎么说话,最烦别人跟他套近乎,你要是跟他开个玩笑或扯个老婆舌儿哈的,他就一句:"哪儿那么多废话!有能耐用到活儿上去!"立马给你整没电了.他不光对我们这样,就是对车间的领导也冷冰冰的,从不像别人那样有事没事都在领导眼前转,打溜须.领导有说错的地方,他会立马给指,根本不留面子.听车间里老人儿说,他这脾气,太误事,要不然车间主任早就是他的了.  相似文献   

人语8月4日,国务院国资委主任李荣融在广州作题为"遵循企业发展规律,推动国有企业科学发展"的专题报告,提到国有企业薪酬的时候说。这位自称为国有企业"老板"的人说,从2002年到2007年,他给1556个中央企业副总经理以上的领导,年均增加了共计4600万元薪水。而在这期间,1  相似文献   

5月1 1日,广东省内衣协会在深圳召开"广东省内衣协会战略新闻发布会暨首届中国国际时尚内衣论坛启动仪式"。相关领导、行业嘉宾、媒体齐聚一堂,献言荐策,共谋中国内衣发展大计,携手见证内衣行业这一盛事。会上深圳市政协副主席、深圳市科技工贸和信息化委员会党组书记、主任王学为致辞。他说道:"与其他同类协会相比,广东省内衣协会具有独特优势,广东的地域优势和深圳的时尚氛围都是难得的宝贵资源。广东省内衣协会将打造  相似文献   

本文从结构突变的视角,考察国际大宗商品价格波动对中国经济的影响规律。首先,运用内生多重结构突变的Bai-Perron检验,发现从1990~2015年的国际原油价格指数、工业投入品(包括金属和农产品)价格指数、中国工业增加值增长速度、消费物价指数等4个指标均存在结构突变现象。然后,利用退势处理方法去除这4个指标的结构突变影响,并运用结构向量自回归(SVAR)模型,建立了这4个指标之间的动态关系系统。脉冲响应分析表明,国际原油价格上升,短期内会减缓我国经济增长速度,但中期内反而会对经济有小幅刺激作用,同时会逐渐拉升我国物价水平;工业投入品价格上升也会减缓我国经济增长速度,但会先拉升后降低物价水平。本文通过考虑结构突变这一重要因素,能更精确地揭示国际大宗商品价格波动对中国经济的影响情况。  相似文献   

Wei Li  Xiang Yu 《R&D Management》2015,45(4):397-410
This paper builds China's intellectual property protection strength from the aspects of intellectual property legislation protection strength and law enforcement protection strength, and calculates by using the actual data from 1985 to 2010. The results show that China's intellectual property protection strength has always been enhanced, and Chow test shows that the structural breakpoints appeared in China's intellectual property protection strength in 2001(when China joined TRIPS Agreement). The further Granger causality test shows that the economic development level and technological innovation ability are the factors promoting China's intellectual property protection strength, which, however, has not effectively promoted economic development and technological innovation ability due to the impact of the overall economic development level.  相似文献   

Thirty years have passed since China started its satellite program. Due to differences in political environment, economic situation and social context, China's satellite policies were quite different from other countries'. This article examines why and how China's satellite technology was adopted, developed and applied. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of China's satellite policies, and historical and socio-contextual interpretations are provided to trace the factors that caused changes in these policies. In addition, both the advantages and disadvantages resulting from these policies for different periods are discussed.  相似文献   

The digital economy is progressively emerging as a new driving force for high-quality development in China and has been paving a new avenue for enterprise development through the progress of the digital inclusive finance (DIF) system. Under this paradigm of development, this research examines whether and how DIF exerts an influence on the China's economy which is currently experiencing a transition development of enterprises (HQDE). Using a sample of China's listed companies from 2011 to 2019, the results demonstrate that DIF has a significant favorable impact on HQDE. Furthermore, our analysis finds that reducing financial leverage and alleviating financial constraints are intermediary mechanisms of the effect. Moreover, the beneficial effect of DIF varies in terms of different regions, enterprise property rights, and industrial nature—it is observed to be more pronounced in the eastern region, non-state-owned enterprises, and tertiary industry enterprises. Our results provide empirical evidence that DIF enables enterprises to achieve high-quality development.  相似文献   

Although it is generally agreed that governments should have some roles in the development of broadband, questions about the specific role of governments remain unanswered, particularly from the perspective of developing countries. This paper evaluates China’s evolving broadband policy by developing a two-dimensional analytical framework, with the different stages of broadband development represented by columns and the four components of broadband ecosystem represented by rows. Generally speaking, China's telecommunications development has been driven by investments from government-allied entities and features a strong industrial policy. However, the Chinese government has chosen a somewhat soft-intervention approach in broadband development and relied on the market itself to grow by creating a competitive market structure. As the market has recently evolved to a certain degree of saturation, there is a seemingly shift of emphasis in China's broadband policy from infrastructure buildup and service provision to application creation and user demand stimulation. However, China’s broadband future is uncertain due to unsettled but important institutional and financial issues. Policy changes appear not to keep up with the broadband ecosystem evolution.  相似文献   

When it comes to the analysis of the intrinsic mechanism of market behaviors and hence competition development and regulatory imperatives in the Chinese telecommunications industry, currently there is no consistent pattern offered in the literature. In China's emergent 3G/4G era, market behaviors can be affected by various institutional factors, along with various forms of informal forces, which may translate into different implications for competition regulation. Based on extensive archival research and interview, this current study aims to bridge the gap by following an interpretive approach. An input–output model was substantiated for pattern-matching in the Chinese context base on the postulation of a series of propositions and hence Industry-Gray-Box. Accordingly, two categories of market behaviors, that is, market-driven vs. institutions-driven, were arguably delineated as being underpinning the competition development. Policy implications and future reform imperatives were discussed. This study may advance knowledge in terms of: (1) the establishment of a relatively consistent pattern for mapping the landscape of China's communications industry; (2) the substantiation of the inner working mechanism of China's SOE system in the telecommunications sector; and (3) original first attempt in identifying different roles of telecom SOEs and the governing forces that affect them. The paper also offers extensive and cohesive insights on China's formal and informal institutional environment in general and for telecommunications in particular. Measurements developed in this study may serve as basis for future study.  相似文献   

交通运输是支撑城市活动最主要的基础设施之一,同时也是制约区域经济发展,影响城市化的重要因素。在新丝绸之路经济带沿线,无论是铁路设施还是公路设施近些年来都实现了新的飞跃,多地的交通运输水平得到了质的提升,本文在研究新丝绸之路经济带沿线交通基础设施空间分布的基础上,计算以高速公路和高速铁路为指标的交通基础设施和城市化的耦合协调度,以期为政府未来政策的制定提供启示和建议。  相似文献   

无论你愿意与否喜欢与否,淘宝正在形成一股能够左右这个商业社会的巨大力量。这已经是海尔第三次登陆淘宝了。从2006年开始,海尔便在淘宝上进进出出。  相似文献   

China has made significant progress in broadband development. As of September 2018, 95% of China's population was covered by 4G networks. However, our estimates show that nearly 30% of China's families did not use broadband that year. This study attempts to investigate the characteristics of China's broadband left-behind families. Overall, consistent with the findings for other countries, families with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be broadband non-adopters. In the information society, older, poorer, rural and less educated families are left behind. It is recommended that the Chinese government shift from a top-down investment-driven policy to a user-centered demand-driven policy to address the digital divide.  相似文献   

王妤  李剑 《工业技术经济》2016,35(2):105-113
经济发展新常态背景下,对我国经济发展和产业结构调整提出了新的要求,我国产业升级面临新压力和新机遇。本文采用普通最小二乘法探索了我国新常态下的经济增长与产业结构关系,研究得出:经济增长与产业结构之间存在协整关系;产业结构变动是经济增长的格兰杰原因,但是不能得出经济增长是产业结构变动的格兰杰原因,经济增长与产业结构之间存在单向的影响关系;定量测算得出第一、二、三产业增加值的估计系数分别为0.2563、0.5325、0.2357,第一、二、三产业增加值与经济增长之间均存在正相关关系。  相似文献   

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