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本文尝试从税收来源和使用角度分析税收增长的动因,指出税收增长是供给约束和需求刺激两类因素共同作用相互平衡的结果,并在此基础上提出了税收增长的供求模型。运用该模型,论文对于中国1992—2002年税收增长的主要因素,以及这些因素变动与税收增长之间的动态关系进行了初步的理论探讨和实证分析。研究结论表明,1994年税制改革在税收高增长中发挥主要作用。1998年以来实施的积极财政政策成为拉动我国税收收入高速增长的直接动因,并形成增长的拐点。同时,本文针对近年来税收增长数倍于GDP增长的现象以及不断攀升的税收弹性系数进行了较为深入的剖析,指出税收增长应同时具备适度弹性和长期稳定性两个特征,既要保证税收增长与经济增长的联系和互动,又要能满足长期的财政需求。  相似文献   

税收增长超GDP增长分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1994年税收制度改革以来,税收收入实现了持续快速的增长,税收十二年间年平均增长率为18.25%,而同期GDP年平均增长率为8.27%(可比价格计算)。税收超经济增长的原因已成为热点话题,本文拟从GDP的核算口径、税收制度设计和税收管理理念的角度,对税收增长因素进行分析,指出在税收制度重复征税设计不变的情况下,税收增长将具有长期性。  相似文献   

经济因素在税收增长中贡献作用的估算:1997~2005   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济因素在税收增长中贡献作用的实证研究,是分析税收高增长问题的重要突破口。在实际估算中,首先,在深入分析GDP与税基对应性的基础上,界定了经济因素的内涵及其与税收增长的关联性;其次,结合相关的数据资料,确定了相应的分析步骤和估算方法;最后,计算得到了主要经济因素在1997~2005年期间对于税收增长影响作用的实证结果。  相似文献   

税收增长与经济增长关系的理论分析和实证研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
1994年工商税制全面改革以来,我国税收收入呈现出高速增长态势,从1997年起税收增长幅度已经超过经济增长幅度,从而引发财税理论界和实务界的高度关注.对税收增长与经济增长关系进行理论分析,以1994~2004年相关数据为对象进行实证研究,对我国税收增长和经济增长关系作出基本判断:目前我国税收增长处于合理增长范围,税收增长与经济增长关系基本协调.  相似文献   

税收增长与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用回归分析方法对我国税收增长与经济增长的关系进行实证分析的结果表明:我国税收增长处于合理增长范围;税收增长与经济增长关系基本协调;税收收入增长的强劲势头保持一段时期是没有问题的;税收收入必将进入与GDP增速协调发展的轨道。  相似文献   

经济增长与税收增长关系的理论分析和实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着税改的不断完善,我国税收收入呈现出高速增长态势,从1997年起税收增长幅度已经超过经济增长幅度,从而引发财税理论界和实务界的高度关注。对税收增长与经济增长关系进行理论分析,以1994~2008年相关数据为对象进行实证研究,对我国税收增长和经济增长关系做出基本判断。  相似文献   

张晓丽 《云南金融》2011,(5X):26-26
随着税改的不断完善,我国税收收入呈现出高速增长态势,从1997年起税收增长幅度已经超过经济增长幅度,从而引发财税理论界和实务界的高度关注。对税收增长与经济增长关系进行理论分析,以1994~2008年相关数据为对象进行实证研究,对我国税收增长和经济增长关系做出基本判断。  相似文献   

本文通过把分税制改革前税收低弹性增长的阶段与分税制改革后的高弹性增长阶段纳入到统一的分析框架中,深入探讨了政府税收努力的决定机制,并将其应用于对税收高增长以及税收管理行为规范化等问题的解释。分析表明:地方政府与中央政府在利益目标上的差异是影响税收努力和税收增长的重要因素。1994年的分税制财政体制改革、税制改革和企业财务制度改革,对政府体系税收努力水平的提高和税收高增长,具有重要的影响作用。但地方政府税收管理行为缺乏规范化的问题,并未从根本上得到解决,还需要通过财政体制和税收制度的进一步改革进行完善。  相似文献   

税收和经济增长的关系问题一直是经济学界的研究热点。经济增长的速度、规模和质量影响税收收入,税收收入总量构成等又反作用于经济增长。2001年来,云南省经济与税收总体呈现出同步增长的趋势,并且从2005年以后,税收增长速度大体上高于经济增长。对此,本文将采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的分析方法进行分析研究云南省近12年的经济数据。相关分析得出:影响云南省税收增长的主要因素是经济增长,但非经济增长因素对税收增长亦有一定的促进作用;云南省目前的宏观税负处于经济增长可承受范围内,并未抑制经济的增长;云南省税收弹性指标协调。在此基础上,提出了促进云南省税收持续增长的3点建议:扩大税源经济,提高税源质量;优化产业结构,开辟新税源;加强税收信息化管理,强化税源控制。  相似文献   

税收与GDP增长关系的数理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过以观税负的区间的分析,可见GDP的增长与名义税负、实际税负均成负相关,在一定程度上印证了“低税负高增长,高税负低增长”的研究结论,通过对税收弹性的分析,可见富有弹性的税收具有促进总供给与总需求平衡的功能,能够发挥其“内在稳定器”的作用,然而,由于“双主体”结构与GDP构成存在不一致、预算外收费挤占了税收、经济结构的变动、经济增长不实等原因的存在,严重影响了我国税收与GDP的同步增长,应尽快给予  相似文献   

The paper examines the relationship between both individual and institutional investor sentiment measures and the risk-neutral skewness (RNS) of seven stock index options comprising either growth or value stocks. It provides novel evidence that growth index option prices are affected by sentiment measures. The regression results indicate a significantly positive relationship between sentiment measures and the RNS estimated from four growth index options and a negative relationship with two value index options. The results are economically significant since an associated long–short trading strategy yields high abnormal returns with a Sharpe ratio of up to 1.1 and zero exposure to systematic risk. These high abnormal returns provide evidence of a value premium type anomaly in the index options markets.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between stock index futures markets development and economic growth using time-series methods for 32 developed and developing countries. Evidence of cointegration between stock index futures and real economy in 29 countries suggests the presence of co-movements among the variables, indicating long-run stationarity in those countries. Our findings show that there is Granger-causality from stock index futures markets development to economic growth for middle-income countries with relatively low real per capita GDP, and Granger-causality in the reverse direction for the countries with high real per capita GDP. Variance decomposition and impulse-response function (IRF) analyses results support the existence of a relationship between stock index futures and real economy.  相似文献   

The article models economic growth determinants in the Dominican Republic. The exercise considers a panel of 25 candidate explanatory variables observed during the last three decades of the twentieth century. The time series are selected on the basis of economic theory and previous findings in the cross-country empirical growth literature. The modelling reveals that the annual growth rate of real gross domestic product per capita is, on average, inversely associated to a proxy for market distortions, and positively related to government expenditure, economic growth in the United States of America, and an index of globalization comprising international trade and migration variables.  相似文献   

运用多元测算方法和主成分分析法获取我国31个地区2008-2014年“互联网+”、普惠金融和经济增长相关变量数据,借助面板向量自回归模型(PVAR)研究三类变量间的动态关系,实证研究发现:“互联网+”和普惠金融对经济增长的影响程度相当,经济增长对“互联网+”的影响较大,而对普惠金融影响相对较小.微观上看,三者之间正向作用已经存在,普惠金融对城镇化率和贸易开放度驱动的经济增长具有正向促进作用,“互联网+”对普惠金融发展、城镇化率和贸易开放度驱动的经济增长也具有正向促进作用,因此,需要各经济主体加强基础性投入、注重精准化投入并做到长期坚持以促进三者协同发展.但从长期看,普惠金融对“互联网+”和经济增长率和居民消费价格指数驱动的经济增长存在负面冲击,“互联网+”对经济增长率和居民消费价格指数驱动的经济增长也具有微弱的负面冲击,因此,需要政府层面加强统一监管并积极理顺三者之间的关系,以消除其中的摩擦因素.  相似文献   

Capital account liberalization can potentially have important effects on the economy. Numerous techniques have been employed in the literature to quantify these restrictions. These include ex-post macroeconomic indicators, regression-based indices and qualitative indices of capital control legislation. This paper evaluates the effect of the removal of capital account controls on small island developing states. In order to evaluate the robustness of the relationship between capital account liberalization and growth, the study uses a bootstrap approach to index construction. This approach allows one to assess the potential effects of differences in index specification as well as explain inconsistencies reported in the published literature. The results reported in the study suggest that the relationship between capital account liberalization and growth is fragile but positive. These results imply that the countries should approach capital account liberalization with caution, as simply removing restrictions does not guarantee growth.  相似文献   

从经济增长的结构、稳定性、福利变化与成果分配、资源环境代价等4个维度构建中国经济增长质量综合评价指标体系,并采用熵权综合指数法测度了2000~2012年中国30个省域的经济增长质量指数。并采用 PS 收敛模型就中国省域经济增长质量的收敛性及其动态转移路径进行系统分析。研究结果表明:我国省域经济增长质量整体水平呈上升趋势,且整体上不存在收敛性,但是存在5个收敛俱乐部,且各收敛俱乐部经济增长质量的变化趋势及其相对转移路径存在显著差异。  相似文献   

By employing a conventional production function, this study advances theoretical and empirical research on the role of economic reforms and human capital on the post-reform economic growth. We construct two unique indices – a composite economic reform index and a human capital index – to perform a comparative analysis of a panel data model and to demonstrate that human capital and economic reforms have had a significant positive effect on economic growth in India and South Korea in the post-reform period. This positive effect is revealed in both contemporaneous and lagged estimations. The impact of reforms is found to be much stronger in South Korea than in India. This study also demonstrates the importance of time-invariant country-specific characteristics, and suggests that policies aimed to improve human capital accumulation have complementary effects on the efficacy of economic reforms.  相似文献   

选取北京大学数字普惠金融指数,研究基于创新、创业路径的我国数字普惠金融对包容性增长的影响机制。通过实证检验发现,数字普惠金融不仅能直接促进包容性增长水平,而且可以通过创新、创业提升包容性增长质量。异质性分析表明,数字普惠金融对包容性增长的促进作用在东部地区、经济发达地区、金融发展水平较高地区和人力资本水平较高地区效果更好,数字普惠金融的促进作用与区域特征存在协同效应。  相似文献   

Corporate governance quality: Trends and real effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper constructs a composite index of corporate governance quality, documents its evolution during the 1994–2003 period in selected emerging and developed economies, and assesses its impact on growth and productivity of the economy and its corporate sector. Our investigation yields three main findings. First, corporate governance quality in most countries has overall improved, although in varying degrees and with a few notable exceptions. Second, the data exhibit cross-country convergence in corporate governance quality with countries that score poorly initially catching up with countries with high corporate governance scores. Third, the impact of improvements in corporate governance quality on traditional measures of real economic activity—GDP growth, productivity growth, and the ratio of investment to GDP—is positive, significant and quantitatively relevant, and the growth effect is particularly pronounced for industries that are most dependent on external finance.  相似文献   

本文从金融成长规模和金融成长效率两个维度,选取多个指标.根据1979年~2011年中国金融相关数据,利用主成分分析方法,综合测度出中国金融成长水平指数,然后依据该指数,利用Logistic模型,定位中国金融成长历史坐标,以期能够深入认识中国金融所处的阶段,为中国金融改革发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

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