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企业间网络关系对战略的影响:一个理论框架 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
传统的企业战略研究将企业看作是自治的实体,随着企业间关系的发展,这一视角显得不够全面.本文将网络关系纳入到企业战略当中,在综述已有研究成果的基础上,建立了一个较完整的理论分析框架,分别从5个方面阐述了网络关系对企业的经营行为和业绩产生了怎样的影响,为今后该领域的研究提供了一定的理论基础. 相似文献
随着环境与技术的变化,战略网络已经成为企业生存环境的重要组成部分,同时也成为企业进行国际化扩张的重要模式.鉴于国际化战略网络对企业国际化发展起到促进作用,本文指出分析国际化战略网络中组织间关系的重要性,建立战略中心企业与海外经销商关系类型分析模型,并提出分类管理方法,以提高战略中心企业与海外经销商的合作效果,促进企业国际化发展. 相似文献
卢东芳 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2012,(30)
本文通过引入共生的分析框架,研究创新网络成员企业间的非正式关系。通过对创新网络企业间非正式关系的演化进行探索,认为创新网络企业间非正式关系是建立在互惠互利的信任机制下,经由关系依存到组织承诺,得出创新网络成员企业间非正式关系演化路径:信任→关系依存→组织承诺。同时,这种演化是伴随着合作方式演化"竞争→合作→合作竞争→共生"而发生的。 相似文献
关系营销是与关键利益方建立长期、令人满意业务关系的活动.如何能提升企业间关系价值,使企业间的关系长期稳定,是本文的出发点.文中从战略定位的角度对企业间关系进行分析,运用契合理论,通过实证分析,得出结论:战略定位契合可以提升企业之间的关系价值,并使双方达到共赢. 相似文献
张颖 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(12)
供应链管理是一种全新的管理思想和管理模式,本文以供应链管理为主要背景,以企业战略合作为前提,对供应链企业间战略合作关系的利益分配机制问题中利益分配特点、模式、原则及方法进行相关研究,并指出合理的利益分配机制是供应链管理成功的关键. 相似文献
在企业之间竞争日益增强的今天,市场营销作为影响企业发展的一个重要影响力已经被越来越多的企业所关注,许多企业失败与成功的例子也表示如今的市场营销战略已经不仅仅是企业发展的小的战略而是作为影响企业命脉的关键因素,并且晋升成为企业战略的核心。 相似文献
在不同企业间竞争力不断增强的当今社会,市场营销的地位在各类企业中不断提升。大量真实的企业案例表明,市场营销战略已不再只是一个受企业战略束缚的子战略。二者之间的关系在市场营销的飞速发展中发生了质的变化,市场营销战略逐步占领了企业战略的核心地位。 相似文献
网络技术的兴起,硬件与软件持续进步,为实现企业战略联盟提供了技术支持.但是在战略联盟运作上还没有很明确的理论出现,而关于物流企业战略联盟的研究更是处于起步阶段.本文从物流业内部及其相关产业的支持的角度对物流企业结成战略联盟的可行性进行探讨. 相似文献
近年来,随着市场经济的深入,企业与企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈,面对这一现实,企业应该怎样发展也成为了经营者面临的最大难题,市场营销战略与企业战略之间的关系也在这种情况下发生了变化。本文将从市场营销战略与企业战略基本情况入手,从传统与现代两方面研究市场营销战略与企业战略之间的关系。 相似文献
Enrico Santarelli Francesca Lotti 《International Journal of the Economics of Business》2005,12(2):183-192
The aim of this article is to analyze the survival patterns of a group of family firms which have already spent at least 25 years in the market. To this end, we use the Kaplan–Meier product limit estimator supplemented with qualitative information gathered by direct observation and discussions with entrepreneurs. The main findings are that small family firms which have reached their 30th year in the market face a very high risk of sudden exit, increasing with firm age. Further control carried out by means of interviews with entrepreneurs identifies problems connected with succession as one of the main causes of the decision to close down. 相似文献
Yong-Sheng Chang 《商对商营销杂志》2013,20(2):159-176
ABSTRACTPurpose: Building on the dynamic capabilities view and the configuration of network ties, this study investigates how dynamic capabilities moderate the relationships between bonding and bridging ties and firm performance, thus an area with potential to explain the divergent empirical results contained in the existing literature on the relationship between intra/extraorganizational ties and performance.Methodology: This study employed a mail survey to senior executives. A total of 169 firms operating in an industrial district were collected. Regression analysis was employed to test the proposed model.Findings: This study found that the combination of dynamic capabilities and bonding/bridging ties helps improve firm performance. Furthermore, this study found a positive relationship between bonding ties and firm performance, but no equivalent relationship for bridging ties.Research Implications: Research results indicate that firm performance is significantly enhanced by bonding ties, which provide opportunities for sharing information and exchanging resources. Moreover, the empirical results reaffirm the proposition that dynamic capabilities are important transformational mechanisms for managing resources.Practical Implications: The findings reveal that managers can improve firm performance by simultaneously building social ties and developing and implementing dynamic capabilities.Originality/Value: This study demonstrates that the components of dynamic capabilities (i.e., sensemaking and reconfiguration) are transformational mechanisms and can moderate the positive relationship between bonding and bridging ties and firm performance, empirically supporting recent perspectives from the literature on dynamic capabilities and social networks. 相似文献
Networks in Entrepreneurship: The Case of High-technology Firms 总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19
The value of networks as an integral part of the explanation of entrepreneurial success is widely acknowledged. However, the network perspective does not specify the role of networks in the emergence and early growth of a venture. We have distinguished three entrepreneurial processes in new venture development, i.e. discovery of opportunities, securing resources, and obtaining legitimacy, which are of importance for survival and performance. This paper examines how these processes are influenced by strong and/or weak ties and whether the degree of innovation (incremental versus radical) acts as a contingency factor in the way network ties support entrepreneurial processes. In this explorative study three cases on high technology firms in The Netherlands provide empirical material enabling us to develop a number of propositions on the network effect, in particular the mix of strong and weak ties, on the three entrepreneurial processes. 相似文献
主流企业升级理论研究具有两种视角,一种强调企业内部资源禀赋的重要性,另一种强调作为网络资源的外部网络环境的重要性.本文融合资源基础观和社会网络观,对全球生产网络背景下企业内部资源、网络联结与升级之间的关系进行实证分析.结果表明:内部资源与本土企业升级正相关,业务关系嵌入性对基础类资源与企业升级间关系存在显著调节作用,但全球网络联结对本土企业升级并未产生直接影响.本研究的研究结论对于本土企业在全球背景下进行内部资源的积累和网络联结的构建具有一定的指导意义. 相似文献
反倾销条件下出口企业的策略分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一般地,在出口国拥有成本优势的条件下,企业可以采取低价竞销、自愿价格限制和对外直接投资3种战略与进口国同类产品生产企业展开竞争.本文通过伯川德价格竞争模型分析出口企业在进口国反倾销制度约束下如何在这3种策略之间进行选择以实现自己的利润最大化. 相似文献
在多种因素的影响下,国有中小油脂企业的处境非常艰难。为了应对日益激烈的竞争,中小油脂企业必须在有限的几年实现快速稳健的发展,以发展求生存。要实现这种发展,必须有一个恰当的战略定位与规划。以重庆市油脂公司的名牌战略、区域性发展战略为例,为国有中小油脂企业的战略研究提供借鉴与思考。 相似文献
Journal of Business Ethics - This study investigates the interaction between suppliers and fraudulent customer firms from the perspective of reputation damage and reputation recovery. Specifically,... 相似文献
Fast-growth family firms were surveyed about their business and strategic planning practices. Of the 65 fast-growth family firms surveyed, the majority prepare written formal plans. The business plans are in sufficient detail to enable the business to tie planning to actual performance and to adjust management compensation accordingly. The majority of the firms regularly share information with employees regarding comparisons between actual company performance results and goals or planned performance. Further, the majority of the firms describe their business strategy as a high quality producer strategy rather than as a low-cost or time-based strategy. Further, when bringing new products to market, these fast-growth family firms adopt a first mover or early follower strategy. Implications of these findings for growth-oriented family firms are presented. 相似文献
企业集群与战略联盟的对比分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过国内外学者对企业集群与战略联盟各个时期的定义的集中论述 ,揭示出两者的不同内涵。对两者特点上的共性和差异性进行全面剖析和对比 ,明确两者的不同 ,避免混淆 ,从而有助于学者们针对两者各自特性提出有效建议 ,对促进企业集群和战略联盟的可持续发展具有一定意义 相似文献
This paper presents the findings of a questiorznaire survey ofstockbroking firnu in five countries in the Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN): Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Philippines and Indonesia. The main focus of the study istwofold: first, to investigate the advantages and disadvantages ofthe presence of international stockbroking firms in ASEAN, asperceived by local stockbroking firms; and second, to survey thestrategies of these firms in response to the competition posed byinternational broking firms. We find that local firms believe thatthere are benefits arising front the entry of foreign firms in theregion. Among the more important benefits cited are higherquality research, increase in trading volume and marketliquidity. The most intportarnt strategies of local firms are toimprove their research capability and to provide better stafftraining. This augurs well for the stockbroking industry in theASEAN region. 相似文献