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Unrestricted tourism growth could lead to the positive economic effects of tourism being outweighed by significant social and environmental disadvantages, which could in turn translate the economic benefits into disadvantages. This process derives not only from tourism effects per se, but also from changes in the social structure. This article calls for not merely economic and technical adjustments in policies, but for a fundamental political transformation in the conception of tourism and recreation.  相似文献   

The use of cost-benefit analysis in leisure planning has been widespread, but it has invariably been restricted to the consideration of benefits accruing as the result of the allocative efficiency of leisure investments. Recourse to the theory of welfare economics indicates that this is not an exhaustive measure of benefits, since the effects of distributional equity are overlooked. This paper develops a model to encompass both efficiency and equity effects within a cost-benefit framework for leisure, before undertaking an illustrative application for the Derwent Reservoir sailing club in Northumberland, England. The results of this application indicate that benefits are significantly modified when equity, as well as efficiency effects are taken into account, in the measurement of leisure benefits.  相似文献   

This article considers likely future trends in leisure time and tourism. The economic climate over the next 20 years is usually predicted to produce an increase in tourism. However, there are clearly discernible limits to the growth of tourist demand in the industrialized countries, due to changing economic conditions, modified consumer behaviour and new technologies. Increasing leisure time will be allocated to other uses besides tourism. The composition of the tourist population will alter, with increasing proportions of, eg senior citizens. There will be greater emphasis on individual/self-determined holidays, and on educational and recreational pursuits. Increasing environmental awareness will effect planning policies and tourist demand. An interdisciplinary, long-term approach to tourism planning is recommended.  相似文献   

New concepts in planning for tourism and recreation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many tourism development plans are, in practice, not capable of being implemented. It is argued here that obstacles to implementation can be overcome in the planning stage itself by taking account of a range of factors, eg the socioeconomic, political, sociocultural and environmental context of tourism developments, and the spread of activities and actors involved in the tourism sector. Integrated planning is thus viewed as essential, and the Product's Analysis Sequence for Outdoor Leisure Planning (PASOLP) is offered as a creative, pragmatic and operational approach.  相似文献   

Due to the impressive development of the cultural heritage tourism, there is an increasing need to investigate the relationship between tourism and cultural heritage management, in order to avoid conflicts that may occur from parallel, independent development of these activities. At present the Romanian historic towns face an increasing process of fast tourism development within many rehabilitation projects that take place on historic monuments. Assessing their tourism potential in a realistic way may help in developing sustainable tourism at cultural destinations. In this context, the assessment matrix method proposed by McKercher and du Cros is applied to 10 case studies of Romanian historic towns, as a first step in tourism development planning. A refinement of this method is proposed by considering the distribution of the qualifiers assigned to the indicators that are being assessed. The matrix method is shown to be a useful tool for a correlated approach to both tourism development and cultural heritage management.  相似文献   

Mike Weed 《Leisure Studies》2013,32(2):125-141
Whilst leisure studies has now become an established field of academic analysis, there is still little literature on the dynamics of the leisure policy process, particularly in the area of cross-sectoral liaison. This paper attempts to synthesize previous research relating to general policy dynamics in developing a model of cross-sectoral policy development. In developing this model, particular attention is given to two major ESRC funded projects of the 1980s – work on Inter-Governmental Relations and Government Industry Relations – which produced two recognizably different models of the policy process. A combined model is proposed which is used to examine and compare the structures of the sport and the tourism policy communities and to analyse how these structures might effective the emergence of a sport-tourism policy network. In conclusion, the extent to which the model this paper develops might be applicable to other areas of leisure policy is discussed.  相似文献   


Following Pawson and Tilley's principles of realist evaluation and the contextmechanismoutcome (CMO) framework, this paper conducts a process evaluation of an environmental social marketing intervention in a heritage tourism organisation. Social marketing and employee environmental interventions have received relatively scant attention in tourism. Additionally, prior literature mostly focused on the evaluation of intervention outcomes (i.e. how far the intervention produces precise targeted outcomes) and ignores the importance of process evaluation (i.e. identifying what works, for whom, under which circumstances and how, plus issues of intervention maintenance). This paper fills this literature gap using realist evaluation theory and academic perspectives, as well as via the reflections of practitioners involved in intervention design and delivery. Findings suggest that a good understanding of the tourism and organisational context (regarding the dimensions of structure, culture, agency and relations) and the use of tailored, action-focused mechanisms (for each context dimension) are critical to achieving transformational outcomes in environmental interventions in cultural heritage organisations. Based on these findings, it is concluded that the CMO is a useful framework for assessing environmental social marketing interventions in tourism (both for heritage and other tourism organisations). Implications for tourism practice and further research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the trips to the homeland and the embedded tourist practices of Kosovan migrants in the Western Balkans. Drawing from the diasporic tourism literature, it emphasises the role of (material) space and place in these movements and tourist practices. Findings show that return trips to Kosovo involved for the participants leisure mobilities in the context of Albania and other Albanian-speaking areas in the Balkans. The paper concludes by questioning the strong connection in the existing literature between diasporic tourism and ethnicity, arguing that the former is also affected by material space – in the Kosovan case, more specifically, the sea – as an aspect of migrants’ experiences. Migration, leisure mobilities and tourism in the case of Kosovan migrants and the (West) Balkans region, at least, appear to have their historical, temporal and spatial specificities.  相似文献   

Understanding more about the geographic location of leisure services is an important quest for research. For a long time now in developed economies, almost all employment growth is occurring within the service sector. In this sector, leisure services are fast growers. This means that the location of these services is important for economic growth and for employment opportunities of local market areas. Regional policy-makers time and again highlight these sectors as future engines of growth. This paper investigates the role of local demand in determining the availability and the scale of various types of leisure services. The analysis is motivated by observed regularities that indicate large and persistent interregional differences in the location and growth of leisure services. Based on a New Economic Geography framework, we investigate the role of local and regional demand for the size of leisure services in geographically separate markets in Sweden. We use data for 290 Swedish municipalities for the period 2002–2013 and run year-municipality fixed-effects regressions. Our main findings suggest a strong dependency on local demand, and less on the demand originating from other regions.  相似文献   

The paper reports findings derived from questioning 471 visitors to Katherine, Northern Territory. A questionnaire was constructed using Juster Scales and items based upon the items of the Beard and Ragheb Leisure Motivation Scale. Respondents were asked to rate existing and potential tourism products, among which were those based on Aboriginal culture. It was found that generally interest was higher in nature rather than culturally based tourism, but about a third of the total sample rated Aboriginal tourism products highly. However, it was also found that this sub-sample showed high rates of interest in natural and adventure based tourism and hence their interest is based upon ‘active information seeking’ that encompasses many needs. However, as the paper describes, Aboriginal entrepreneurs are already active in many different aspects of tourism. It is thus argued that while a demand for culturally based products exists, a wider market may be attracted by offering more mainstream products with Aboriginal culture representing, in marketing terms an added product value.  相似文献   


Allotment gardening has been identified as eco-leisure and associated with an ideological commitment to nature. Drawing on ten semi-structured interviews and observations of the materiality of allotments, this study explores the enactment of allotment gardening as leisure. Findings demonstrate tensions and complexities in this leisure experience. Firstly, it shows that allotment gardening entails both the experience of freedom and enjoyment and a contrasting sense of duty. Secondly, the study suggests that the freely exercised activity of the individual plotter is negotiated within a dependency on the social structures of the allotment community. Thirdly, the study indicates that ecological orientations amongst plotters are expressed through gardening practices rather than articulated as ideologies. Finally, it demonstrates the potential of a material and consumption perspective in explorations of how both environmental concerns and/or materialism is practised through everyday leisure. Overall, the study contributes to multi-faceted understandings of motivations for allotment gardening and dynamics in the garden as a project of self-fulfilment and care for nature.  相似文献   

Community leaders and tourism authorities in Las Vegas have suggested the promotion and development of medical tourism to improve the economy and quality of life for residents. The present study uses social exchange theory with spillover theory as the conceptual framework to examine factors of economic performance of medical tourism, overall community satisfaction, health care satisfaction and attitudes toward medical tourism; these factors influence on residents' perceptions of medical tourism's impact on community wellbeing, which in turn affects willingness to pay higher taxes and support for medical tourism development. The findings revealed that the greater the economic performance of medical tourism, the more positive the impact of medical tourism to community wellbeing was perceived. Similarly, attitudes toward medical tourism and overall community satisfaction positively influenced the perceived impact of medical tourism on community wellbeing. Finally, community wellbeing positively influenced residents' willingness to pay higher taxes and support medical tourism development.  相似文献   

Employment creation is an important consideration in grant-aiding tourism projects. Drawing on the results of 140 tourism projects that were given English Tourist Board support, this article evaluates their performance by comparing promised employment to jobs actually created and analyses the forecasting errors.  相似文献   

This study assessed tourists' motivations and satisfaction in participating in authentic Mi'kmaw tourism activities in Nova Scotia, Canada, as well as the ideas, perceptions and components of sustainable cultural tourism development from the Mi'kmaw perspective. To solicit the tourists' perspective, surveys were administered to tourists visiting the existing Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sites in Nova Scotia, while the Mi'kmaw perspective was obtained through key informant interviews. The results of the survey suggest that tourists visiting the Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sites were highly educated and deeply interested in learning about culture and participating in authentic cultural experiences. Tourists were also highly satisfied with their experience and were interested in participating in aboriginal tourism again. Findings regarding the Mi'kmaw perspective indicate a focus on cultural tourism's ability to educate both tourists and the Mi'kmaw people on the Mi'kmaw culture as well as provide economic opportunities for Mi'kmaw communities. Of greater importance to the Mi'kmaw people is the preservation and protection of the Mi'kmaw culture. Conclusions drawn from the research include recommendations for the future success and sustainability of the Mi'kmaw cultural tourism sector. This study's findings may also inform other Canadian aboriginal communities seeking to develop robust and sustainable cultural tourism in their own settings.  相似文献   

Ritchie, J.R. Brent and Michel Zins, “An Empirical Evaluation of the Role of Culture and its Components as Determinants of the Attractiveness of a Tourism Region,” Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 2, April/June 1978, pp. 252–267. This study examines how explicit manifestations of culture are related to the attractiveness of a tourism region. A mail questionnaire was employed to obtain the opinions of managers and functionaries from various sectors of tourism and from different areas of cultural develppment. Survey results were subsequently reviewed by respondents within the framework of discussion workshops. These orkshops provided qualitative enrichment of the quantitative findings and formulated detailed recommendations for tourist development programs.  相似文献   

Leisure has become a topic of interest in stress-coping research. This study examined the relationships between receiving leisure social support, providing leisure social support, leisure self-determination and leisure competence in older adults and their stress. A total of 639 community-dwelling older adults were recruited. Data were collected using face-to-face surveys, which included measures of leisure social support (receiving and providing), leisure self-determination, leisure competence and stress. Data were analysed using regression analysis. The results indicated that receiving leisure social support, providing leisure social support, leisure self-determination and leisure competence were significantly and negatively correlated with stress and that providing leisure social support was more significantly correlated with reduced stress than the other leisure factors. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

历史文化街区既是城市文化的重要地标,也是旅游发展的重要资源,由此成为新时期文旅融合的重要实践载体。本研究基于符号学视角,选取黄山市屯溪区毗邻的屯溪老街和黎阳in巷分别作为传统与复建历史文化街区代表,基于扎根理论构建历史文化街区文旅融合的符号学理论框架。实证分析表明:传统与复建两类历史文化街区均形成了主题定位、文旅功能、空间布局、物质载体、业态产品、旅游服务六方面的文化和旅游符号,前者以传统文化符号居多,后者以现代旅游符号居多;两类街区文化和旅游符号融合的独特性、凸显性、融合性和适应性等特征差异明显,前者偏向地域文化的独特性,后者偏向旅游介入的适应性。据此提出传统历史文化街区“旅游趋向”和复建历史文化街区“文化趋向”的文旅融合路径,两类街区在文化传承与旅游发展中应加强文化资源符号化、资源功能多元化、符号空间整合化、文化符号全景化,促进文化产品价值化、旅游服务品质化,以实现历史文化街区可持续发展。  相似文献   

While scholarship on the Gullah Geechee (GG) people has been extensive, little research has examined heritage tourism's potential to empower or disempower the GG. In an attempt to shed light on this, the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor (GGCHC) was chosen as a case-study site because of its 2006 designation by Congress to protect and promote the unique attributes of the GG's cultural heritage. Qualitative interviews were conducted to unearth how heritage tourism was psychologically, socially, politically and economically empowering or disempowering the GG. The interviews described heritage tourism as having both the potential to be a positive force for good, as well as destructive. Specific positive examples of empowerment discussed were increased pride in being GG, tourism providing opportunities for community members to come together around certain initiatives such as the Sweetgrass Basket Festival, tourism being a ‘carrot’ to clear heirs’ property issues, and the many economic opportunities associated with tourism in the Lowcountry. One example of disempowerment which transcended all four dimensions of empowerment was the claim that frauds were posing as GGs and attempting to benefit from the current renaissance surrounding the culture. Implications to the marketing and management of Lowcountry heritage tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates residents' perceptions of tourism's physical impacts in the Lake Bosomtwe Basin in Ghana. Data were based on a resident survey conducted in the basin in January 2006. Residents perceived both positive and negative impacts of tourism development, but were more inclined to the positive side. Based on the findings, it is recommended that the district assemblies in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism should start managing the impacts, and also educate the local population on the dangers of underestimating the negative impacts of tourism on the environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cross-disciplinary thematic investigation into the relationship between cultural heritage and tourism. It systematizes evidence on concepts, policies and strategies and provides an interpretive synthesis illuminating the factors deemed critical by researchers for the sustainable integration of heritage and tourism. It seeks to find consilience to lead to a “new age of synthesis”. After an extensive literature review, 483 studies were selected and reviewed, assisted by a qualitative data analysis software (NVivo). The research followed the meta-synthesis approach, particularly meta-ethnography, of identifying findings, grouping findings into categories and grouping categories into synthesized findings, to produce a representative set of 15 synthesis factors. These include local involvement, education and training, authenticity and interpretation, sustainability-centered tourism management, integrated planning, incorporation into a wider sustainable development framework, controlled growth, governance and stakeholder participation, market and product diversification, suitable funding provision, international governance and support systems, a heritage capital approach, effective site management, destination management and a sound theoretical/methodological base. These 15 factors are suggested as the fundamental components of a more efficient theoretical frame and evidence-based policy in the fields of cultural heritage and tourism, aimed at achieving sustainability.  相似文献   

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