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近年来,高技术企业对创新投入的贡献虽然越来越大,创新系统运行效率却普遍不高,高技术企业创新绩效不佳。基于研发人员组织政治行为视角,结合压力源研究成果,剖析在个人利益与组织利益不同关系下,研发人员基于工作研发压力、人际关系压力和职业成长压力采取的组织政治行为对高技术企业创新绩效的影响。研究发现,组织政治行为对创新绩效水平既有正面影响又有负面影响。管理者应当在协调组织利益与个人利益的基础上,加强对研发人员创新环境的管理,提高员工创新素质,促进创新绩效水平提高。  相似文献   

技术创新是推动稀土产业茁壮发展的关键,亦是实现我国工业现代化的重要前提。为此,研究基于社会网络理论,以我国矿业(稀土)企业与外部组织间的协同创新过程为研究对象,展开连续5个月的日记研究。研究结果显示:强组织间联结能够透过协同创新显著提升企业创新绩效,而弱组织间联结则将抑制,甚至削弱企业创新绩效;技术吸收能力能够强化组织间协同创新对企业创新绩效的提升幅度,且该机制在组织间联结的前因影响下,仍呈现显著;企业的战略信息识别水平越高,越能够强化技术吸收能力在协同创新与企业创新绩效之间的提升作用;但该机制在仅具备低技术吸收能力的前提下失效。故建议相关矿业(稀土)企业在协同创新合作中,因注重维系与协同方的组织间联结,尝试构建强社会网络关系,并重视自身战略信息识别与技术吸收能力体系的建设,以突破贸易保护思潮的技术"封锁"。  相似文献   

基于组织特异性免疫视角,构建分布式创新、组织特异性免疫与企业成长绩效3者关系概念模型并提出研究假设。以我国境内的中外跨国企业为背景,结合调研数据,运用结构方程对假设关系进行实证检验。结果显示,分布式创新3个维度分别对组织特异性免疫和企业成长绩效具有显著的正向影响,组织特异性免疫对企业成长绩效具有显著的正向影响,而分布式创新3个维度可通过组织特异性免疫对企业成长绩效产生间接作用。研究结果揭示了分布式创新影响企业成长绩效的内在机理,为企业通过分布式创新增强自身免疫力,提升成长绩效提供科学路径。  相似文献   

李剑力 《技术经济》2011,30(2):23-30
利用251家企业样本数据,将组织结构特性作为权变调节因素纳入探索性创新和开发性创新与企业绩效关系的考察中,构建了一个调节效应分析模型,利用回归分析进行假设检验。结果显示:探索性创新和开发性创新是提高企业绩效的两种重要途径,二者平衡有助于绩效提升、不平衡有损于绩效提升;组织结构特性不同,其对两种创新方式与企业绩效的关系的调节作用不同,其中,组织分权化对探索性创新与企业绩效的关系起正向调节作用,组织正式化对开发性创新与企业绩效的关系起正向调节作用,组织联通性则没有显示出调节作用。  相似文献   

开放式创新是企业在共享经济与全球经济背景下落实创新驱动发展战略的有效途径,但是开放式创新对于很多企业而言是一种挑战,因此探索开放式创新绩效提升路径具有重要意义。基于306份企业调查问卷数据,采用结构方程模型方法,检验组织知性资本、知识管理能力与开放式创新绩效关系。研究结果表明,企业组织知性资本显著正向影响开放式创新绩效,知识管理能力在其中发挥显著中介效应,且在网络嵌入性调节组织性格与知识管理能力关系的过程中知识管理能力的中介效应仍然显著。  相似文献   

目前,在我们进入二十一新世纪以来,我国的社会市场主义经济得到了高速发展,我国的企业也在逐年递增,企业的发展道路也一片光明.然而,也是在这样的社会背景下,我国的企业之间的竞争也日趋激烈.所以为了保障企业在众多企业中占据优势地位,企业就应该创新自身的管理方式以及创新自身的绩效,从而优化自身的内部结构,推动企业的进一步发展.  相似文献   

文章选用中国2012-2017年创业板上市公司数据,使用广义矩估计方法检验组织资本及其构成要素对企业创新绩效的影响效应.实证结果表明,组织资本对财务绩效和创新绩效具有促进作用;构成要素对企业财务绩效和创新绩效具有不同的作用路径,即创新资本对创新绩效具有促进作用,对财务绩效具有抑制作用;流程资本对研究投入存在负向关系,印证了企业管理能力支撑的规模扩张会抑制前端性强的技术创新活动.  相似文献   

文章选用中国2012-2017年创业板上市公司数据,使用广义矩估计方法检验组织资本及其构成要素对企业创新绩效的影响效应.实证结果表明,组织资本对财务绩效和创新绩效具有促进作用;构成要素对企业财务绩效和创新绩效具有不同的作用路径,即创新资本对创新绩效具有促进作用,对财务绩效具有抑制作用;流程资本对研究投入存在负向关系,印证了企业管理能力支撑的规模扩张会抑制前端性强的技术创新活动.  相似文献   

从知识创造的视角,提出了组织即兴、隐性知识与创新绩效之间的关系假设。利用对山东省部分城市技术型新创企业的问卷调查数据,对理论假设进行验证。结果显示:组织即兴有利于产生"即兴化知识";隐性知识在组织即兴与创新绩效之间发挥中介效应。  相似文献   

在经济全球化深入发展、贸易摩擦不断增多的背景下,研究企业技术创新问题,无论对实施创新驱动发展战略、转变经济增长方式,还是对增强我国企业的国际竞争力都具有重要意义。本文从理论上探讨了组织柔性、技术创新动态能力与创新绩效之间的内在联系,构建了以技术创新动态能力为中介的组织柔性影响企业创新绩效的模型。以我国制造业企业为研究对象,运用文献研究与实地调研结合开发的组织柔性和技术创新动态能力的测量量表,对318家企业进行了问卷调查。通过对调查数据的统计分析,得出以下结论:组织柔性和技术创新动态能力对企业创新绩效有显著影响;组织的结构柔性和文化柔性对企业技术创新动态能力的各个维度都具有显著影响,但技术柔性仅对适应环境的组织变革能力有显著影响;在组织柔性影响企业创新绩效的过程中,技术创新动态能力具有部分中介作用。从组织结构柔性、文化柔性和技术柔性方面强化企业组织柔性建设,有利于提升企业技术创新动态能力和创新绩效。  相似文献   

越来越多的企业利用不断推出新产品获得市场与消费者的青睐,以建立长期竞争优势。企业若能成功推出新产品,除能以独一无二的新产品提高产品与市场的价值之外,更能提升企业整体竞争力。然而,在现今竞争激烈导致产品生命周期急遽缩短的趋势下,使得产品创新在企业日常营运角色中的重要性日渐增加,企业若能掌握产品推出时机,并且藉由创新延长产品生命周期,就有机会维持企业在座业中的领导地位。本研究以3M作为个案研究之对象,探讨渐进式创新、技术突破、市场突破以及激追式创新等四种不同的产品创新类型对组织绩效的影响,期能藉由实际个案与相关数据显示产品创新与组织绩效间之关联性。研究结果显示,无论属于何种产品创新类型,对组织绩效都有正向的影响。若能激发激进式产品创新的产生,更能透过新产品或新技术创造新的产品践,亦能强化组织的竞争优势,成为组织竞争优势的根源。3M超过百年的发展历史以及不断创新的历程与经验,使它成为商业历史发展的裹程碑外,更成为现今各企业的典范与楷模。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to test the effect of organizational innovation on product and process innovation (while controlling for endogeneity). Our hypothesis was that organizational innovation should have a significant and positive impact on technical (product or process) innovation. We control for endogeneity by using a Poisson estimator that accommodates a binary endogenous regressor. We test 10 potential instruments using a battery of test criteria and settle on five. All results are presented using the five instruments to avoid expectation bias. In general we find that organizational innovation does impact technical innovation positively. With the 2009 data we find that the mean of the average treatment effect for product innovation is roughly 1.7 times that of process innovation. For the 2009–2012 data we find that the impact on product innovation is roughly 1.5 times that of process innovation. For the 2012 data, we had anomalous results for process innovation, such that organizational innovation reduced the number of process innovations by 2.3 per year. In terms of Canadian government policy, the results lend support to the view that technical innovation is not the only innovation that matters. The right policy mix may encourage firms to experiment with and adopt more organizational innovations to enhance technical innovation.  相似文献   

By employing ergodic theory and applying the most advanced machine-leaning methods, this study exploits the rules of multi-dimensional, phased and non-linear dynamic evolution between the breadth and depth of knowledge sources and the innovation performance. The following conclusions are obtained. First, regarding explorative innovation, when both the breadth and depth of the knowledge source are at a low level, the enhancement of the breadth of the knowledge source may rapidly lift explorative innovation performance; when the knowledge source is at a high level, the theory of ‘ambidexterity balance’ is more applicable to find a balance between the breadth and the depth of the knowledge source for the enhancement of explorative innovation performance. Second, in terms of exploitative innovation, ‘ambidexterity balance’ theory can be applied at all levels. In other words, the balance of the breadth and the depth of the knowledge sources greatly enhances the exploitative innovation performance.  相似文献   

綦萌  舒子夕  刘洁 《技术经济》2023,42(7):41-51
创新是企业竞争优势的重要来源,也是企业可持续发展的关键动力。探究企业创新的影响因素及其作用机制对于企业创新发展具有理论价值和现实意义。基于社会认同理论,本研究建立包含团队断裂带、团队异质性、环境不确定性以及企业声誉等要素在内的企业创新影响机制模型。通过对66家电子信息企业样本进行模糊集定性比较分析,本研究探究企业内部结构与外部环境的各个要素对于企业创新的协同效应与联动关系。研究发现: 高企业创新绩效的驱动路径有三条,路径1强调在高环境不确定性、高企业声誉情境下,低高管团队学术背景异质性及低断裂带距离有利于实现高企业创新绩效;路径2强调在高环境不确定性、高企业声誉情境下,高团队学历异质性与低断裂带强度有利于实现高企业创新绩效;路径3强调在高环境不确定性、低企业声誉情境下,高团队断裂带强度与低团队断裂带距离有利于实现高企业创新绩效。研究结果拓展了社会身份理论在企业创新领域的应用,也为企业创新绩效的提升提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Organizational innovation favors technological innovation, but does it also influence persistence in technological innovation? This paper empirically investigates the pattern of technological innovation persistence and tests the potential impact of organizational innovation using firm-level data from three waves of French Community Innovation Surveys. The evidence indicates a positive effect of organizational innovation on persistence in technological innovation, according to the various measures of organizational innovation. Moreover, this impact is more significant for complex innovators, i.e. those who innovate in both products and processes. The results highlight the complexity of managing organizational practices with regard to the technological innovation of firms. They also add to understanding of the drivers of innovation persistence through the focus on an often forgotten dimension of innovation in a broader sense.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the hypothesis that nonprofit organizations emerge in markets that are characterized by contractual incompleteness because they ensure consumers against opportunistic behavior. We extend the Glaeser and Shleifer [Glaeser, E., Shleifer, A., 2001. Not-for-profit entrepreneurs. Journal of Public Economics 81, 99–115] framework, which studies an entrepreneur’s optimal choice of organizational form and service quality when quality is non-contractible into a repeated interaction setting. The main result is that when reputations can be sustained, then for-profit status is the preferred organizational form and high quality services are ensured. This finding suggests that existing explanations of nonprofit organizations that focus entirely on contractual imperfections in the producer/consumer relationship may be inadequate.  相似文献   

The choice of innovation policy instruments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this article is to discuss the different types of instruments of innovation policy, to examine how governments and public agencies in different countries and different times have used these instruments differently, to explore the political nature of instrument choice and design (and associated issues), and to elaborate a set of criteria for the selection and design of the instruments in relation to the formulation of innovation policy. The article argues that innovation policy instruments must be designed and combined into mixes in ways that address the problems of the innovation system. These mixes are often called “policy mix”. The problem-oriented nature of the design of instrument mixes is what makes innovation policy instruments ‘systemic’.  相似文献   

This paper draws on case studies of seuen LK-based multinational companies to examine the relationship between different types of technological innovation, internal and external organizational linkages and technology strategy. A model of technological innovation is deueloped to help explore this relationship. The model consists of three dimensions—technology, component and product—linked by four modes of innovation—incremental, architectural, fusion and breakthrough. The findings support the contingency theory, where different organizational structures and processes are consistent with dgerent contingency theoy, where diffrent organizational structures and processes are consistent with development.  相似文献   

王艳丽 《时代经贸》2007,5(9X):117-118
市场全球化使得企业必须重视国内和国外市场上的竞争,特剐是直接投资打入发达国家技术发明中心,跟踪国际新技术发展动态,利用比较优势向发展中国家提供适用性技术,将我国的经济发展置于更广阔的空间,是我国企业在开放经济条件下和剧烈的国际竞争中经营发展的必要选择。对外直接投资、从事跨国经营活动是一个国家加入WTO后经济发展的必然趋势和选择,是适应经济全球化发展的必然要求。本文简略地分析了我国对外直接投资发展的现状,着重探讨了我国企业对外直接投资的战略选择问题。  相似文献   

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