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企业生存与成长的压力越来越巨大,并且变得更加的复杂;企业曾经的成功经验与模式已经不能帮助企业实现持续的增长;曾经的竞争优势渐渐消失,已经不足以应对新的竞争形势,甚至在有的企业,这种竞争优势已经演变成为企业进一步成长的陷阱与障碍。世界是平的,由美国次贷危机所引发的全球性金融危机、经济危机对中国企业的影响日渐深入,越来越多的企业家开始陷入迷茫之中。  相似文献   

何东 《中国市场》2009,(24):5-5
<正>"金融危机",已经悄然成了一切报章杂志,任何话题谈资的导语。危机到底在哪里?下面这则小故事大概可以帮你找到它的藏身之地。从前,有一个淳朴的印度男人,在路边卖"Wada Pav"(一种印度小吃),借以维持生计。这个男人没有文化,所以从不读报纸;他听力很差,所以从不听广播;他视力比较弱,所以也从不看电视。但是,他做生意干劲十足,而且很聪明地使用了一些吸引人的优惠促销策略提高  相似文献   

据国家统计局统计,3季度消费者信心指数为93.8,比上季度回落0.3个百分点。这一数据已是今年以来连续3个季度逐季回落。此外,3季度全国企业家信心指数为123.8,分别比二季度和上年同期回落11.0点和19.2点。两个指数的双双下降,在一定程度上反映消费者对未来经济前景预期不佳,表明居民对未来支出预期存有顾虑,  相似文献   

论中小企业家能力对企业绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴敬 《商场现代化》2008,(18):82-83
本文从中小企业的重要性入手,在界定了中小企业及中小企业家的基础上,就中小企业家能力对企业绩效的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

通过对我国股市的中小投资者调查发现,到目前为止,绝大数的中小投资者亏损严重,其投资的信心丧失殆尽,上市公司质量普遍低下是影响中小投资者信心的最主要的因素,广大的中小投资者强烈要求保护他们的合法权益不受侵犯.造成这种状况的根本原因在于我国证券市场的制度缺陷、监管严重缺失和诚信不足而导致的各种机会主义行为.  相似文献   

自友文 《浙商》2011,(5):26-26
2011年2月份浙商信心指数8.1,较上期上涨0.6。  相似文献   

中小企业对我国GDP的贡献率超过了60%,对税收的贡献超过了50%,提供了75%以上的城镇就业岗位,提供了绝大部分的进出口贸易额和产品销售额,在繁荣经济、增加就业、调整经济结构、深化改革开放等方面发挥着重要作用。自2008年国际经济危机以来,中小企业发展受到了沉重打击,解决中小企业融资问题,确保中小企业发展也就成了能否保证经济正常发展的关键。  相似文献   

11月18日晚,中央电视台2009年黄金资源广告招标会在京落下帷幕。 今年央视招标表现出色,招标总额高达92.5627亿元,较去年同比增加15.29%。这样的成绩不仅一举打破历年奥运主办国广告收入下滑的惯例。更一扫当前金融危机带来的阴霾。 无论从企业参与热情还是招标成果而言,今年的央视招标都大大超出各界预期:招标报名客户超过230家。中标客户突破130家;其中备受关注的金融保险行业中标企业较去年有增无减,达15家之多,中标总额更跃居行业排名第二:而除传统食品、金融、日化等传统中标大户企业之外,今年招标更吸引了网站、新能源、汽车零配件等新兴细分行业。 央视招标结束,带给我们的不仅是一系列激动人心的数据,更带来社会各界对中国经济的信心。在招标政策调整之后。今年央视中标价格有增无减,招标竞争较往年更为激烈,企业对央视平台的重视无疑是对央视媒体价值的最大肯定。2009年,央视站在新的起点。其向世界级媒体集团进军的步伐将更加稳健有力。  相似文献   

今年以来,企业家信心指数与企业景气指数双双有所回落。从行业来看,房地产业企业家的信心指数最低,为118.4。预计,下半年工业企业利润增速在15%左右,2009年上半年下降到8%-10%左右,2009年下半年有望走出低谷。  相似文献   

近日,本刊所属浙商少帅会来到上海,拜访复星集团CEO梁信军。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的迅速发展,高科技企业对社会经济的增长起着越来越重要的作用,但融资难的问题依然制约着高科技企业的发展。目前,我国中小高科技企业的融资由于自身、银行和社会等方面的原因,还存在很多问题。解决中小高科技企业融资难问题,企业自身应不断完善自身管理,政府应该为非银行金融中介机构的发展大力创造条件。同时,在多个方面对企业给予政策支持,帮助企业有效解决融资难的问题,促进其持续健康发展。  相似文献   

A number of firm performance models are available. Reviewing these models and pointing out their individual strengths and weaknesses, would help both academic researchers and professional users to understand and appreciate how and when to use these various models. The theoretical models for Small and Medium-size Enterprise (SME) performance can be divided into two categories: firm dynamics theories and performance prediction models. In the first part of this paper we review, in a condensed manner, the most relevant firm dynamic theories, i.e. SME's performance models. These include: Stochastic Theories, Learning Model Theories and Hazard Modeling Theories. In the second part of this paper, we examine the performance prediction models of SMEs, which include Z-Scores, ZETA-Scores, Neural Networks (NN) and the SIV® models, among others. The strengths and weaknesses of each of these models are exposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Little has been reported on the characteristics and performance of affiliates of small and medium-sized multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in emerging markets. The paper has two research objectives: to assess characteristics of Korean affiliates of small and medium-sized MNEs, and identify the determinants of performance. Seven hypotheses were formulated and tested on a sample of Korean subsidiaries of small and medium-sized MNEs by using a bootstrap method of regression analysis. We found that: affiliates of small and medium-sized MNEs in Korea favored joint ventures with local firms rather than wholly-owned subsidiaries; ownership rate was directly related to the degree of control from the parent firm; and performance was determined significantly by the degree of control exercised by parent firms and their exporting levels. Age, size, and R&D expenditures had no relationship with the performance of affiliates of small and medium-size MNEs in Korea.  相似文献   

Past studies have analyzed issues pertaining to the definition of innovation, methods of measuring innovation and the relationship between organizational characteristics and innovation orientation. Extant studies have adopted a large business or a technologically intense context of study. By studying the adoption of new products, methods, systems, markets, and supply sources in small and medium-size seafood retail enterprises, this study reviews innovation and the adoption of innovation in a broader and novel context. Seafood retailers in this study operate in a concentrated industry environment where two large supermarket chains account for more than 70 percent of national food retail sales. The seafood retailers operate in a highly competitive environment, the industry is maturing, the firms are not very advanced technologically, and the sector has a disproportionately large number of firms owned and operated by persons of non-English speaking backgrounds. The results of the study indicate that incremental innovation offers substantial competitive advantages to small and medium-size firms, that incremental innovations can be adopted and operationalized rapidly by entrepreneurs with different cultural backgrounds and skills, and that small and medium-size firms that focus on sales and marketing innovations are profitable and are able to compete successfully with large businesses.  相似文献   

Collaborative entrepreneurship research suggests that organizations will soon pursue more collaborative relationships throughout a worldwide network of firms, driving a strategy of continuous innovation, specially small- and medium-size firms (SMEs). Tapping into a body of literature that focuses on the importance of human capital in driving long-term success, we merge ideas of collaborative research with a growing body of work on human capital or human resource management in SMEs. Our paper states that it is not the human, per se, that is the real asset but the relationships those humans have that are the most inimitable and important capital. We will discuss how companies use relational capital as the basis for collaborative entrepreneurship. Consistent with our hypotheses, our exploratory study suggests that smaller firms place more value on relational capital than do larger firms. We also have some indication that the key capital that differentiates low vs. high performance, regardless of firm size, is the relational capital aspect. To sum up, relational capital is a fundamental asset for firms, but especially for SMEs, and high performing companies are those that are able to negotiate with others and develop collaborative agreements, thus placing a high value in relational capital.  相似文献   

我国政府先后出台多项利好政策推动跨境电商的发展,小微企业如何利用跨境发展机遇,在激烈竞争中谋得生存和发展是一个重大的课题。本文从产业链终端和跨境平台的运营方入手,细分跨境电商模式。指出适合小微企业的跨境模式;从产品、物流、通关、信用、人才等方面构建了小微企业应用跨境电商的影响因素,最后对小微企业应用跨境电商提出具体对策。  相似文献   

随着国家发出"大众创业,万众创新"的号召和互联网时代的发展,小微企业逐渐露出发展苗头,但P2P融资模式和大数据融资模式都存在着一定的局限性,因此门槛低、方便灵活的现代众筹模式开始兴起。现代众筹虽然在一定程度上为小微企业的发展解决了部分资金和部分销路的问题,但我国小微企业却还是难以存活,因为市场环境复杂多变、竞争对手强大、人才缺乏、融资困难等方面的问题依然没有得到解决。因此在现代众筹模式的基础上提出无界众筹模式,通过线上众筹和线下帮扶双管齐下,在小微企业的全生命周期中帮助其发展和成长。因此,本文研究对无界众筹模式进行分析,探究小微企业在无界众筹策略的影响下其未来的发展情况和趋势。  相似文献   

改革开放30多年来,我国逐步形成了市场化的经济结构和多元化的所有制结构,小型企业更是蓬勃发展,成为最活跃的经济细胞和增长点,它们对促进科技进步、增加就业、扩大出口等方面发挥着不可忽视而且不可替代的作用。然而,对小型企业的发展所提供的金融供给滞后,融资渠道狭窄,小型企业融资难问题成为制约企业发展的“瓶颈”。资金短缺已严重影响和制约小型企业的发展。文章从小型企业融资的融资渠道方面对小型企业的融资问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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