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各钢铁企业:近年来,我国钢铁行业面临日益复杂多变的外部环境和更加艰难的经营形势,在这种情况下,我国大中型钢铁企业继续深入开展“对标挖潜”活动,为企业进一步降低生产成本、提高经济效益和提升企业市场竞争力起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

我国钢铁企业国际竞争力研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了企业国际竞争力的内涵和衡量指标,对我国钢铁企业国际竞争力现状进行了分析,并基于波特理论,提出了提升我国钢铁企业国际竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

通过对世界钢铁企业的竞争力排名和其中各项竞争力要素指标权重的考察,以及对世界钢铁企业竞争力评价因素新内涵进行介绍,分析了竞争力要素新内涵对提升我国钢铁企业竞争力的启示,指明了我国钢铁企业提升自身竞争力的方向。指出我国钢铁企业应主动寻找差距,明确发展方向,进而制定符合企业实际的竞争力规划战略,加快提高企业竞争力,实现科学发展。  相似文献   

国有企业是我国社会主义经济的支柱,为我国的改革和发展做出了重大贡献。国有企业改革是我国经济体制改革的重点,搞活国有大中型企业,提高企业竞争力,是实现由计划经济向市场经济转变的重中之重。企业负债程度过高已成为影响企业发展,制约企业改革顺利进行的一大问题。以钢铁行业为例,1995年末大中型冶金企业平均资产负债率为56.1%,部分企业达到80%以上,而以钢铁企业目前的状况,资产负债率要在40%以下,才能保证企业运行良好。高负债率造成企业资金运作捉襟见肘,技术改造成为“无米之炊”,经济效益大幅度下滑,也影响了企业由…  相似文献   

简要分析了国外企业兼并重组的5次浪潮的基本特性及其对中国钢铁企业的启示,提出了中国钢铁企业应以培育企业核心竞争力为导向设计兼并重组的流程,并对流程主要内容进行了分析。  相似文献   

概述我国钢铁企业板材生产情况,从产量、板材轧机装备组成和品种竞争力方面对我国主要板材生产企业产品品种竞争力进行了分析,发现各类板材企业及其产品各有优势,应共同为我国钢铁工业的发展壮大做出贡献.  相似文献   

<正>目前,我国钢铁企业在国民经济增长中保持高速发展的趋势,市场份额保持相对平稳。但是,钢铁企业面临转型,淘汰落后产能、产品替代升级、环保设备投入、提升产品竞争力等问题,导致钢铁企业资本运营效率低,资产负债率过高,资本运营风险过大等问题。如何提高资本运营效率,控制钢铁企业运营风险成为钢铁企业不可或缺的研究方向。本文通过分析钢铁企业资本运营风险的原因,提出风险控制措施,以帮助钢铁企业改善资本运营效率。  相似文献   

各钢铁企业:钢铁行业“对标挖潜”工作自1999年开展以来,在各大中型钢铁企业的积极参与下,取得了很大成绩。为了把全行业“对标挖潜”活动深入扎实地开展下去,促进钢铁企业在激烈的市场竞争中,大力提高管理水平,挖掘内部潜力,推进技术进步,进一步降低成本,有效地提升企业的竞争力,经中国钢铁工业协会常务理事扩大会议决定,对大中型钢铁企业“对标挖潜”十项主要产品制造成本评选最佳单位。十项主要产品制造成本最佳单位简称“十佳”。一、评选企业范围“十佳”评选范围为所有参加“对标挖潜”活动的大中型钢铁联合企业。参加对标的各大型企…  相似文献   

<正>各钢铁企业:近年来,我国钢铁行业面临复杂多变的外部环境和更加艰难的经营形势,大中型钢铁企业继续深入开展"对标挖潜"活动,为企业进一步降低生产成本、提高经济效益和提升企业市场竞争力起到了重要作用。根据《中国钢铁工业协会关于"对标挖潜"十项主要产品制造成本及吨钢材利润最佳企业评选办法的通知》的要求,中国钢铁工业协会组织评审委员会于2014年8月27日在西昌召开了评审会,评选出2013年度"对标挖  相似文献   

钢铁企业电子商务发展及策略探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钢铁企业是国民经济的重要支柱,有效应用电子商务能够提升钢铁企业综合竞争力。通过分析电子商务给企业带来的优势和我国钢铁行业电子商务的发展现况,就钢铁企业如何开展电子商务谈了几点看法。  相似文献   

Social capital is an important concept for multinational firms. Firms operating in global markets rarely have adequate resources to compete effectively in global markets; they access the needed resources through formal and informal relationships with other firms. The cultures in Asian countries have emphasized relationships much more strongly than Western firms. Thus, relational capital, based on guanxi (China), kankei (Japan) and inmak (Korea), provides the framework for business dealings in many Asian countries. As a result, the social capital of many Asian firms gives them a potential competitive advantage in global markets. Western firms must develop social capital and learn to manage relational networks to gain and sustain a competitive advantage in global markets. Western firms can learn how to develop and manage social capital from Asian firms. Alternatively, social capital has some disadvantages. Firms are limited by their networks and thus experience opportunity costs and path dependence. Additionally, while Asian firms often have strong network ties in their domestic markets, they have to develop many more ties globally to operate effectively in global markets. As a result, the development and management of social capital has become of critical importance for competitive advantage in global markets.  相似文献   

钢铁产业的产业集中度和空间布局是关系产业竞争力的两个重要方面,提高产业集中度和优化空间布局.是中国钢铁产业实现可持续发展的主要任务。本文通过建立相关的模型和数据测算.分析我国钢铁产业集中度和空间布局的变化,发现我国钢铁产业的生产集中度和空间集中度不仅很低.而且在2001年以来还在不断降低。研究显示,我国钢铁产业的空间布局呈现以市场指向为主、兼资源依托型之格局,临海港口型特征不明显。对三种不同类型的空间布局绩效的比较研究发现.临海港口型的空间布局应是我国钢铁产业布局的主要合理方向。论文对2005年新颁布的《钢铁产业发展政策》作了相应的分析和评论,探讨了产业政策的真正意义.主张作为产业政策不适宜对市场作具体数量的规定。  相似文献   

R&D managers in China experienced significant changes in the past decade, in particular because of Government policies of economic reform and opening to the outside world. These developments have brought about a number of rather specific R&D management issues and problems. The paper addresses the main problems faced by R&D managers in China. First, the current situation of R&D management in China is discussed, as well as the future developments. The paper then presents a case study of the CISRI (Central Iron & Steel Research Institute), a large comprehensive R&D organisation in Beijing. The analysis leads to the critical issues in CISRI's R&D management. After that, a further investigation is described into the trends of Chinese R&D management. The outcomes described focus on the future of R&D management in China as well as on the integration of Western R&D management theory in China. The paper concludes with the major issues and recommendations for the further development of R&D management in China.  相似文献   

In the last couple of years, new instruments and methods for measuring, valuing and managing different forms of intangible assets have been proposed. Firms started to implement comprehensive management techniques to identify and value different forms of intangible assets based on an integrative framework, incorporating different forms of intangible assets such as R&D and human capital. Research Technology Organisations (RTOs) present an interesting case for studying different forms of intangible assets, their interdependencies and their impact on outputs. The main business of these organisations is R&D; thus, nearly all forms of investments are related to the R&D process. Their outputs are knowledge-intensive products, services and public goods with the aim of improving the innovation output of their various customers. Some European RTOs have started to introduce new instruments for measuring and managing their intangible assets more explicitly. The paper investigates the general background, a specific model and empirical experiences of an Austrian RTO, which introduced an intellectual capital management system.  相似文献   

This study develops a dynamic capabilities-based framework of organizational sensemaking through combinative capabilities towards exploratory and exploitative product innovation. Organizational sensemaking helps organizations develop cognitive maps of turbulent environments through its construction of shared interpretations of environmental changes. We argue, however, that successful exploratory and exploitative product innovation are not guaranteed by organizational sensemaking alone, but instead depend on how firms' capabilities synergistically combine and transform knowledge resources. Organizational sensemaking and combinative capabilities are together positioned as important dynamic capabilities. The dynamic capabilities-based framework is applied to explain why and how organizational sensemaking determining superior exploratory and exploitative product innovation in turbulent environments is realized by combinative capabilities. Furthermore, the paper examines the differential effects of combinative capabilities on the firm's exploratory versus exploitative product innovation. Firms can better understand how to leverage different type of combinative capabilities for optimal outcomes.  相似文献   

Research summary : Because employees can provide a firm with human capital advantages over competitors, firms invest considerably in employee recruiting and retention. Departing from the retention imperative of strategic human capital management, we propose that certain employee departures can enhance a firm's competitiveness in the labor market. Specifically, increased rates of career‐advancing departures by a firm's employees can signal to potential future employees that the firm offers a prestigious employment experience that enhances external mobility opportunities. Characterizing advancement based on subsequent employers and positions, we analyze data on U.S. law firm hiring and industry surveys of perceived firm status between 2004 and 2013. We find that increased rates of employee departures lead to increases in a firm's prestige when these departures are for promotions with high‐status competitors. Managerial summary : Firms often emphasize employee retention. Employee departures, especially as a result of being hired away by competitors, are often viewed as threats to a firm's competitive advantage. We propose, however, that employee retention need not be an unconditional strategic imperative. We argue that certain employee departures can enhance a firm's competitiveness in the market for human capital by signaling to potential employees that the firm offers a prestigious employment experience, which can help them obtain attractive positions with other employers. Analyzing data on U.S. law firm hiring and industry surveys of firm associates between 2004 and 2013, we find that increased rates of employee departures lead to increases in a firm's prestige when these departures are for promotions with high‐status competitors. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文对2007年中国企业竞争力年会的主要议题及与会者主要观点进行了介绍,综述了上市公司盈利和竞争力关系、中国上市公司的价值回归、中国海外上市公司竞争力、分享全球资本实现突破性增长、中国商道对话西方管理思想、环境保护和可持续发展等问题。  相似文献   

This study investigates Israeli transnational entrepreneurs who provide B2B intermediation services in China. To understand the dynamic evolution of their profile and activity, we apply an interpretative framework that combines practice theory and boundary spanning models to analyze six case studies of Israeli transnational entrepreneurs in China. The findings indicate a gradual evolution of their personal and professional profile, determined by a dynamic interdependence between various forms of capital, entrepreneurial habitus, and circumstantial factors. They mobilize a combination of social, cultural, economic and symbolic capital to span organizational, country, cultural and stage boundaries between Israeli and Chinese individuals and organizations. We integrate these findings into a comprehensive model, presenting the various components and stages that led to the development of transnational profiles and activities. Our findings provide an original contribution both to industrial marketing theory and practice, and to transnational entrepreneurship literature, advancing academic understanding and offering a clear roadmap for entrepreneurs, organizations and policy-makers.  相似文献   

转型背景下中国企业基于社会资本的知识管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究和分析了企业外部社会资本和内部社会资本在知识管理中所发挥的作用,论述了处于不完善的制度环境和组织制度下的中国企业如何突破制度限制以应对全球化竞争和知识经济挑战等问题。在此基础上,提出了概念模型和理论假设。并利用607家中国企业的有效数据对假设进行了检验,实证结果表明:内外部社会资本的构建有利于我国企业在制度环境不完善背景下的知识管理,有利于企业通过外部知识的获取和知识整合来构建自身的竞争优势。  相似文献   

Our study of 267 U.S. firms shows that improved environmental risk management is associated with a lower cost of capital. Our findings provide an alternative perspective on the environmental‐economic performance relationship, which has been dominated by the view that improvements in economic performance stem from better resource utilization. Firms also benefit from improved environmental risk management through a reduction in their cost of equity capital, a shift from equity to debt financing, and higher tax benefits associated with the ability to add debt. These findings help build better theory regarding the outcomes of strategic improvements in environmental risk management. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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