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In Lee 《Business Horizons》2018,61(2):199-210
This article provides an overview of social media analytics for managers that seek to utilize the practice for social media intelligence. Currently, managers are challenged to analyze an abundance of social media data but lack a framework within which to do so. Toward this end, this article presents a simple typology of social media analytics for enterprises. It also discusses various analytics methods for social media data. Then, this article discusses management processes of social media analytics for enterprises. An illustration of social media analytics is provided with real-world consumer review data. Finally, four challenges are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates different modes of organizing for corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on insights from organization theory, we theorize two ways to organize for CSR. “Complete” organization for CSR happens within businesses and depends on the availability of certain organizational elements (e.g., membership, hierarchy, rules, monitoring, and sanctioning). By contrast, “partial” organization for CSR happens when organizers do not have direct access to all these organizational elements. We discuss partial organization for CSR by analyzing how standards and cross-sector partnerships make selective use of organizational elements. We maintain that an important feature of the increasing institutionalization of CSR—not only within businesses but also among non-governmental, governmental, and professional actors—is the rise of partial forms of organization. We discuss the contributions to this Special Issue in the context of our theorization of complete/partial organization for CSR and outline avenues for further research.  相似文献   


In spite of the high level of independence that exists in a franchise system, franchisees and franchisers are extensively dependent on each other. Because of this greater interdependence that exists in the system, financial success of one depends on the financial performance of the other. Therefore, any strategic choices made by a franchisee must always include the financial performance of the franchiser. A strategic typology based on the financial performance of franchisees and franchisers is presented in this paper. Potential strategic choices to the franchisees in different given financial performance scenarios are discussed. It is a conceptual paper offering a model and suggestions for future research on strategic management in franchising.  相似文献   


This study has two goals. The first goal is to develop and present a framework for analyzing and characterizing export marketing strategies. The second goal is to examine the proposed framework. The framework is based on three key dimensions: innovation, adaptation and involvement. In the first part of the paper a typological approach of strategic groups is applied to export marketing. In the second part an exploratory research is reported. One hundred one export ventures were clustered according to the three dimensions. We then test the validity of these dimensions by examining whether they generate prototypes that are significantly different in the adaptation, innovation and involvement. We identify and characterize four strategic prototypes based on the proposed framework. The correlation between the different prototypes and marketing variables is examined and compared with a set of hypotheses. We also explored the relations between the firm's goals, competencies and industry to the strategic prototypes, and the performance achievements of each prototype. We conclude by discussing the theoretical and managerial implication of the framework and the strategic prototypes.  相似文献   

This paper develops a typology of moral problems in business. The cross-classification of two fundamental dimensions of ethical conduct: judgment and motivation, is employed to distinguish four types of moral problems: genuine dilemmas, compliance problems, moral laxity, and no-problem problems. Actual cases are brought to illustrate each type of problem, and corresponding coping strategies are presented. The paper highlights the need to design a dynamic strategy that will take into account the relationships among different types of ethical problems. In its capacities as both an analytical tool for identifying and clarifying an ethical problem and a strategic tool for handling it, the typology has direct implications for developing ethical awareness, assigning accountability, and unfolding typical rationalizations in business activity.Aviva Geva is senior lecturer in the Open University of Israel, with a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The author of two text books and a monograph (in Hebrew) relating to business ethics and consumer behavior, she has also published a number of articles on issues of attitude change and moral decision making in business.  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurship develops innovative opportunities and solutions aimed to (re)generate the common good. This emerging organizational form poses unprecedented challenges to group decision and negotiation studies. This article leverages conceptual tools from the literature on the commons and institutional logics as it explores the organizational conditions of social entrepreneurship that trigger commons-enabling decision-making in its organizational field. Through an inductive analysis of a longitudinal case, this study proposes a model that highlights the critical role of the bridging organization that can be introduced by the social entrepreneur in a previously fragmented organizational field. This bridging organization is in the condition to develop an innovative co-creation logic that can serve as a common ground to enable collaboration between actors from diverse and even conflicting institutional logics. The proposed model suggests that a practice-driven path to the construction of such a common ground for decision-making is more effective than a disclosure-driven path, which is based on classical conflict analysis techniques. The ICT-enabled activity system developed by the social entrepreneur injects transparency and traceability into a previously opaque field, thus creating the conditions for distributed, flexible, and complementary sense- and decision-making processes that develop and protect the commons.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the development of the stakeholder concept in the last decade. The academic debate has been dominated over the last ten years by the managerial version of the stakeholder concept. The case of Shell in Ogoniland is elaborated to demonstrate that the managerial version does not pay sufficient respect to other interpretations of the concept. The article criticizes this dominant interpretation and argues for the need of an ongoing — academic and practical — debate on organizing and ethics. An ongoing "organizational stakeholder debate" is required. Social and ethical accounting, auditing, and reporting can be seen as one way to operationalize this notion of the "organizational debate", if it addresses the creation and diversity of moral meaning in the context of organizations.  相似文献   

Based on the findings of a qualitative empirical study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Swiss MNCs and SMEs, we suggest that smaller firms are not necessarily less advanced in organizing CSR than large firms. Results according to theoretically derived assessment frameworks illustrate the actual implementation status of CSR in organizational practices. We propose that small firms possess several organizational characteristics that are favorable for promoting the internal implementation of CSR-related practices in core business functions, but constrain external communication and reporting about CSR. In contrast, large firms possess several characteristics that are favorable for promoting external communication and reporting about CSR, but at the same time constrain internal implementation. We sketch a theoretical explanation of these differences in organizing CSR in MNCs and SMEs based on the relationship between firm size and relative organizational costs.  相似文献   

企业履行社会责任是社会和谐的基本保证;另一方面,构建和谐社会也要求企业承担对各利益相关方的社会责任。2008年9月12日,《无锡新区企业社会责任导则》正式公布,在中国首次提出了“和谐责任”的概念。  相似文献   

Contractualism conceives of firm-stakeholder relations as cooperative schemes for mutual benefit. In essence, contractualism holds that these schemes, as well as the normative principles that guide and constrain them, are ultimately ratified by the consent and endorsement of those subject to them. This paper explores the empirical validity of a contractualist perspective on firm-stakeholder relations. It first develops a typology of firm-stakeholder contracting problems. It subsequently confronts this typology with empirical data collected in an interview study of concrete stakeholder management practices, involving in-depth research interviews with forty-four managers working in the Dutch financial services industry. The findings of this theory-building study suggest that there are limits to the applicability of the contract model in the context of stakeholder management, and that disregarding either the model or its limitations may lead to highly ineffective firm-stakeholder relations.  相似文献   

A number of firm performance models are available. Reviewing these models and pointing out their individual strengths and weaknesses, would help both academic researchers and professional users to understand and appreciate how and when to use these various models. The theoretical models for Small and Medium-size Enterprise (SME) performance can be divided into two categories: firm dynamics theories and performance prediction models. In the first part of this paper we review, in a condensed manner, the most relevant firm dynamic theories, i.e. SME's performance models. These include: Stochastic Theories, Learning Model Theories and Hazard Modeling Theories. In the second part of this paper, we examine the performance prediction models of SMEs, which include Z-Scores, ZETA-Scores, Neural Networks (NN) and the SIV® models, among others. The strengths and weaknesses of each of these models are exposed and discussed.  相似文献   

Airport retailing represents a global industry which is experiencing significant market growth. Accompanying this growth has been an increasingly complex set of retail trading relationships. This article examines how developments in the air transport industry have influenced the structure of retailing at airports. It then attempts to develop a typology of the different trading relationships that can operate within an airport. Four main forms are identified. The article then considers fiture influences upon the industry and the implications this has for the structure of European airport retailing.  相似文献   

This paper explores certain characteristics of Japanese professional business services (PBS). The aim is to develop an analytical typology consisting of the three dimensions – organizational linkage, service market, and competitive situation – for analysing the obtained empirical data. This typology has been developed in order to increase the understanding of how Japanese companies operate within this sector and also to examine the reasons behind the fact that Japanese business services seem to be marginalized in an international context. This typology could serve as a theoretical frame for comparing Japanese companies with western companies in future research. This research is based on empirical material collected in Japan in the spring of 2001, covering research institutes, general trading houses and insurance companies. Using the constructed analytical typology, the findings reveal that strong organizational linkages have generated a business service market where diversification of service supply within companies is common. However, there are strong indications of a changing business environment with increased competition and further specialization among business service firms. Furthermore, the findings indicate that Japanese companies have difficulties competing with highly-specialized and reputable western business service firms.  相似文献   

In the past half century, the theory of the firm has become a specific and prolific research field. However, the social ontology of this central institution of capitalism has never truly been the subject of investigation. I consider this negligence harmful for organizational economics and management and, more broadly, for the social sciences, notably because the first and central question raised by the theory of the firm relates to its nature: What is a firm? For this reason, I propose some novel considerations for a social ontology of the firm by focusing on social emergence, reconstitution, the two-level institutional logic of the firm, complex organizational dynamics and interacting mechanisms, and power.  相似文献   

This paper seeks a holistic understanding of brand management in SMEs, incorporating both strategic and operational perspectives. The aim of the study is theory‐building, contributing a typology of SME brand management. The typology has two dimensions, namely a primary strategic focus (internal or external) and a brand management capability/operational capability (strong or weak). Four SME brand management types emerge: organization brand identity‐driven, operations‐driven, organization brand image‐driven, and opportunistic. The results have practical implications for SME owner–managers, who can utilize them for planning purposes, to develop the most appropriate strategic orientation and brand management processes to enhance the SME performance.  相似文献   

Organizing for disaster: Lessons from the military   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent global events have highlighted the need for disaster planning by leaders in all types of organizations, civilian and military included. This article illustrates, from both academic and personal viewpoints, lessons learned during relief operations for the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Having participated in this effort, I detail guidance for designing resilient and robust organizational structures that can deal with the uncertainties of a disaster environment. For example, organizations frequently form temporary command centers to improve information flow in a crisis. Consequently, managers are advised to create temporary organizational structures with a common cognitive map to improve sense-making for employees during turbulent times. Other lessons presented include the establishment of a nuanced priority system for assessing potential courses of action, and the need to eliminate bureaucratic barriers to action to improve the speed of response when lives are at stake. This article concludes by pointing out that proper organizational structures need to be considered prior to disaster in order for organizations to be effective and efficient during the course of a mitigation effort.  相似文献   

World population growth and increased consumption stemming from economic leveling are leading to scarcity of a number of natural resources on a global scale. Scarcity of critical natural resources such as oil, water, food, and precious metals has the potential to greatly impact commercial activity as the twenty‐first century progresses. The challenge of continuing to provide needed goods and services in the face of these constraints falls to supply chain managers, who are ultimately responsible for delivering utility to customers. Unfortunately, there has been almost no research focused on supply chain strategies aimed at mitigating natural resource scarcity’s (NRS) potential effects. The current research positions NRS as a supply chain risk and proposes an NRS typology based on key resource attributes. Supply chain mitigation strategies to counter each resource status are offered, with an overall objective of improving supply chain performance. The study recommends future research aimed at further developing theory and methods for countering NRS based on resource, systems and behavioral theories. In addition, this study has critical implications for practitioners faced with the growing threat of NRS in their supply chains.  相似文献   

We explore two dimensions of situational factors expected to influence decision-making about ethical issues among sales representatives – universal vs. particular and direct vs. indirect. We argue that these distinctions are important theoretically, methodologically, and managerially. We test our hypotheses by means of a survey of 252 sales representatives. Our results confirm that considering universal and particular and direct and indirect situational factors contributes to our understanding of decision-making about ethical issues within a sales context, specifically willingness to engage in an unethical act. We also find that personal factors act independently and interact with situational factors in decision-making about ethical issues. Both demographic factors, age and gender, and personality factors, Machiavellianism and self-monitoring, have main effects on decision-making, and some of these factors interact with situational factors to affect decision-making. For example, age of the decision-maker (younger) and size of commission (larger) interact such that the likelihood of choosing an unethical alternative is greater.  相似文献   

Various studies in the information search literature in the past have uncovered differing sets of prepurchase external‐information search patterns exhibited by individuals. However, across all these studies there has been little consistency not only in these reported patterns, but also in the terminology used to describe each of them. This paper seeks to address this major gap in the literature. Based on an exhaustive review of the prior empirical literature on prepurchase information search patterns, for the first time in the literature, a comprehensive supertypology is proposed in this paper that accounts for all the searcher types reported in this prior literature. Further, also for the first time in the literature, this paper seeks to explain these searcher types using an accepted theoretical framework. As must be pointed out, all of the prior searcher types uncovered (and reviewed in this paper) were empirically driven and devoid of theory. In this paper, also for the first time in the literature, testable, theory‐based propositions are developed for each searcher type in the proposed typology. Finally, this paper concludes with a discussion as to why this typology is needed and how it could be used by practitioners and theoreticians in marketing.  相似文献   

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