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我国钢铁工业结构调整起步较早。从上世纪八九十年代开始就列入了钢铁行业年度重点工作日程。进入21世纪以来,调整步伐进一步加快,效果也越来越好,成绩应该肯定。但是随着市场经济、全球经济和知识经济的发展,站在国际钢铁行业高度,与世界强国的标准和钢铁新政提出的要求相比,我国钢铁工业结构不合理的问题依然突出。过去的调整主要侧重于按市场需求标准对长短线产品结构的调整。  相似文献   

一、深圳行业协公发展概况从上世纪80年代中期开始至今,历经20年的发展,深圳市基本已形成了具有特色的行业协会群体,成为实践社会主义市场经济体制和推动行政体制改革的重要力量,在我市经济建设和社会发展各个领域发挥了积极的作用。纵观我市行业协会的历史轨迹,大体经历了起步  相似文献   

我国社会主义市场经济体制已经基本建立,行业协会是市场经济体系中极为重要的环节。完善市场体系,消除阻碍生产力发展的体制性障碍,按照市场经济要求,发展行业协会,是需要认真研究与对待的一件大事。一、行业协会的产生与发展是社会化大生产和市场经济的必然分析市场经济国家社会中介组织,大体上有三类,一类是行业协会,实质上是行业的业主协会;一类是职业协会,如会计师协会、工程师协会、律师协会、医师协会等;一类是鉴证、咨询、评估等中介服务组织,如会计事务所、律师事务所、各种咨询公司、评估机构等。1.行业协会是社会大…  相似文献   

一、规范发展工业行业协会的新机遇和新阶段目前,我国有全国性工商领域行业协会将近400个,其中工业行业协会200多个,还有一大批省、区、市工业行业协会,大部分省、区和部分市还建立了工经联,基本覆盖了各行业和省、区、市。工业行业协会已经成为工业化一支重要的社会力量,越来越充分地发挥着政府和企业间的桥梁、纽带作用。但是,目前行业协会也面临一些问题,一是随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的进一步完善,政府撒消各工业管理部门和更彻底地转变职能,以行业协会为主实行行业管理越来越显得重要和迫切;二是中国加入世贸组织,只有政企分开,以…  相似文献   

入世以后行业协会怎么办。朱总理在省级干部WTO研究班上强调,要抓紧建立健全行业中介组织,充分发挥其作用,要借鉴国外的成功经验,加快行业组织的改革步伐,真正按市场经济的要求,建立健全代表企业利益的行业中介组织,使他们在入世后行业及企业的应对中发挥积极的作用。第一个问题:中国入世以后,行业协会的发展进入了一个逐步完善、加快发展,并与国际接轨的新时期行业协会的建立发展是我国改革开放、社会主义市场经济的客观必然产物。国有企业需要建立行业经济服务组织———行业协会。非国有企业,尤其是民营企业的发展,在市场…  相似文献   

对于今日中国来说,行业协会绝不是可有可无的组织形式,它的发展状况不仅关系到市场经济体制的完善,关系到国民经济的整本运转的效率,也关系到企业和国家的国际竞争力。可以说,发展行业协会是一件事关全局的大事。我们重机协会在开展行业工作方面进行了积极探索。1.加强在我国加入WTO后对行业带来发展机遇和规则的宣传。我们经过认真的分析和冷静思考,提出了“入世”对重型机械行业是一个全面走向世界的发展机遇,而不是重型机械行业退出市场的时刻。重机行业多年来面临的是,重大装备在国家进口优惠政策的扶持下,都是“零”关税…  相似文献   

一、行业协会的性质与作用行业协会是市场经济发展的必然产物,也是市场组织的有机构成。随着我国社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,煤炭企业的管理体制发生了显著的变化:一方面政府简政放权,转变职能,实行政企分开;另一方面企业离开主管部门后,还不适应市场经济要求,加...  相似文献   

首先我对中国纺织企业管理协会成立20周年表示祝贺。随着市场经济体制的成熟,行业协会的作用将越来越大,依照西方发达国家的经验,一个国家市场经济发展越成熟,它的政府职能的转变越彻底,它的行业协会的职能就越完善,行业分工就越细。整个经济管理上所谓管理上的真  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善,我国工业管理体制历经几次重大改革,正在由过去的部门管理向行业管理转变,一个“政府——行业协会或联合会——企业”的工业体制新格局已基本形成。作为联系宏观经济和微观经济的中间层次,行业协会成为这一新体制框架中不可缺少的重要环节。  相似文献   

首先我对中国纺织企业管理协会成立20周年表示祝贺。随着市场经济体制的成熟,行业协会的作用将越来越大,依照西方发达国家的经验,一个国家市场经济发展越成熟,它的政府职能的转变越彻底,它的行业协会的职能就越完善,行业分工就越细。整个经济管理上所谓管理上的真空,实际上就是政府管理职能逐渐从政府转向行业协会的这样一个过程。今天纪念纺织企业管理协会成立20周年,并使其在今后发挥更大的作用是非常重要  相似文献   

The managerial cognition perspective argues that managers operating in complex, dynamic environments develop knowledge structures that help them focus their attention, interpretation, and actions. We explore the content and structure of top managers' strategic knowledge structures by measuring differences in the level of attention they give in annual reports to strategic issues and themes that Miles and Snow used to describe their main strategic types. Twenty-one themes that form seven main factors describing managers' strategic cognition are identified, and these demonstrate reasonable fit with the Miles and Snow model. We show that expert raters can recognize these factors when they read annual reports that contain them. Cluster analysis is then used to identify groups of firms that share similar profiles on these strategic dimensions which are interpreted as examples of cognitive strategic groups. These groups show alignment with Miles and Snow's strategic types, are relatively stable over time, and differ in financial performance. The sample comprises 1,038 listed Australian firms between the years 1992 and 2003. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper extends previous analysis of weaknesses of the structure-conduct-performance paradigm and of the price-cost margin as a measure of performance. Sufficient conditions are established under which monotonic linkages may not exist between virtually any two of social welfare, its individual components, structure, conduct, or performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of asymmetric information on incumbent firms' propensity to engage in limit pricing when faced with threat of entry. I draw from information economics to argue that incumbents will use price to respond ex ante to entry in situations characterized by asymmetric information. I suggest two situations in which asymmetric information can arise: when potential entrants are from outside the primary industry and when incumbent firms are members of R&D consortia. I then study pricing in the U.S. cable TV industry to show that pricing patterns of incumbent cable TV systems are consistent with limit pricing when the relationship between the incumbent and potential entrant is characterized by asymmetric information. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Technological Diversification, Coherence, and Performance of Firms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Technological diversification at the firm level (i.e., the expansion of a firm's technology base into a wide range of technology fields) is found to be a prevailing phenomenon in all three major industrialized regions,—the United States, Europe, and Japan—prompting the term multitechnology corporation. Whereas previous studies have provided insights into the composition of technology portfolios of multitechnology firms, little is known about the relationship between technological diversification and firms' technological performance. Against a backdrop of the technology and innovation management literature, the present article investigates the relationship between technological diversification and technological performance, taking into account the moderating role of technological coherence in firms' technology portfolios. Hereby, technological coherence is defined as the degree to which technologies in a technology portfolio are technologically related. To measure the technological coherence of portfolios, a measure of technological relatedness of technology fields is constructed based on patent citation patterns found in 450,000 European Patent Office (EPO) patent grants. Two hypotheses are presented here: (1) Technological diversification has an inverted U‐shaped relationship with technological performance; and (2) technological coherence moderates the relationship between technological diversification and technological performance positively. These hypotheses are tested empirically using a panel data set (1995–2003) on patent portfolios pertaining to 184 U.S., European, and Japanese firms. The firms selected are the largest research and development (R&D) actors in five industries: pharmaceuticals and biotechnology; chemicals; engineering and general machinery; information technology (IT) hardware (i.e., computers and communication equipment); and electronics and electrical machinery. Empirical results, obtained by fixed‐effects negative binomial regressions, support both hypotheses in the present article. Technological diversification has an inverted U‐shaped relationship with technological performance. Technological diversification offers opportunities for cross‐fertilization and technology fusion, but high levels of diversification may yield few marginal benefits as firms risk lacking sufficient levels of scale to benefit from wide‐ranging technological diversification, and firms may encounter high levels of coordination and integration costs. Further, the results show that the net benefits of technological diversification are higher in technologically coherent technology portfolios. If firms build up a technologically coherent diversified portfolio, the presence of sufficient levels of scale is ensured and coordination costs are limited. At the same time, technologically coherent diversification puts firms in a better position to benefit form cross‐fertilization between technologies. The present article clearly identifies the important role of technological coherence in technology diversification strategies of firms.  相似文献   

Professor Barnes responds to William Curran's fictional dialogue between Senator John Sherman and philosopher John Rawls, with a fictional letter from Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. Professor Barnes discusses the importance of the anarcho-socialist movement of the late nineteenth century to the adoption of the Sherman Act, the historical and logical inevitability of adoption of a rule of reason in antitrust law, the relevance of efficiency to the rule of reason, and the relationship between competition and the promotion of democratic ideals.  相似文献   

This study tests six hypotheses on the extent to which a match between compensation and diversification strategies affects firm performance. Using both archival and survey data, results generally support the notion that a firm's compensation strategies make a greater contribution to firm performance if these are attuned to extent and process of corporate diversification. The paper concludes with a set of recommendations for future research on compensation-diversification strategy relations and their interactive effect on firm performance.  相似文献   

Tying a good produced monopolistically with a complementary good produced in an oligopolistic market in which there is room for collusion can be profitable if some buyers of the oligopoly good have no demand for the monopoly good. The reason is that a tie makes part of the demand in the oligopolistic market out of the reach of the tying firm's rivals, which decreases the profitability of deviating from a collusive agreement. Tying may thus facilitate collusion. It may also allow the tying firm to alter market share allocation in a collusive oligopolistic market.  相似文献   

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