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2003年,纺织行业生产快速增长、投资稳步增加、出口增势强劲、效益大幅提高。1-12月,全国规模以上纺织企业现价产值达12878亿元,比2002年增长22.76%,是过去5年来增长最快的一年。全行业实现产品销售收入12342亿元,同比增长24.6%。全行业效益大幅增长,行业产品产销率达到97.8%,比去年提高了0.35个百分点,三费比例为7.65%,同比下降0.68个百分点,流动资产周转2.21次,比上年增加0.1次,利润率和成本费用利润率分别比去年增长0.16、0.18个百分点,净资产收益率提高了1.07个百分点,规模以上企业盈亏相抵后实现利润达444亿元,比去年增长30.26%。  相似文献   

1、财务状况好 各项统计显示.2000年,法国标致──雪铁龙集团(PSA)的企业经营可谓“凯歌高奏”,尤其销售额和利润额均大幅度增长,创历史新高,税前销售利润率达到5%(属于世界汽车工业最好水平)。自1997年以来.该集团的销售额增长了55%。 据分析.企业的盈利主要来自轿车部门,税前利润额达到103.6亿法郎.与上一年相比增长39.6%.占集团税前利润总额的74%.表1列出PSA1998~2000年的主要经营指标统计.由此可以看出.近年来,该集团企业经营状况甚好,发展势头强劲。 2、汽车销售形势…  相似文献   

党的十四届五中全会提出“九五”期间“要切实把经济工作的重点放在转变经济增长方式上,取得明显成效。如何实现水电施工企业经济增长方式的转变,是一个亟待解决的问题。一、水电施工企业现状的评价目前对施工企业的经济增长方式尚无统一的衡量指标。我们借助于中国水利水电工程总公司系统所属16家大型水电施工企业1995年的经营统计数据,以发达国家施工企业的同类指标为参考性标准,从质量上进行区别,从数量上做出量化比较,来评价我国水电施工企业的经济增长方式。回.总产值利润率。回6家企业总产值利润率平均为0.96%,总产值利润率…  相似文献   

2006年是中国涂料工业最活跃、也是最困难的一年,一方面许多企业销售额大幅增长,全年产量有望突破450万吨,但因为原材料大幅上涨,使企业利润率大幅下降。根据公开的统计数据,前10个月涂料行业总产量已经达到了416万吨,超过了2005年全年的382万吨,油漆产量累计增长28.1%,建筑涂料增长率18.7%。按照这个增长速度,全年完成450万吨的产量是完全有可能的,因为11月份和12月份是行业生产的淡季。  相似文献   

工信部最近发布的《2011年中国工业经济运行夏季报告》显示,今年1-7月,我国规模以上企业运行状况良好,但是网难企业更加困难,特别是小型、微型企业经营困难加剧,中小企业整体利润率不到3%,有60%-70%的企业面临严重的生存困境,企业亏损程度却在逐月加重。  相似文献   

尊敬的企业家先生:您好! 我发现了一个有意思的现象,邀请您来一起探讨: 有这样一家企业,它占据了所在行业80%以上的全球市场份额,但2009年前三季度,在销售收入增长11%时,净利润却大幅下滑44%。目前利润率只有5%左右。垄断企业没有得到与之相应的垄断利润,这到底是为什么?  相似文献   

据国家统计局统计,2012年我国规模以上化纤织造加工企业工业总产值累计达到1244.1亿元,同比增长了8.62%;主营业务收入累计达到1192.65亿元,同比增长6.12%;利润总额累计为53.94亿元,同比增长6.54%. 与其他行业相比,2012年化纤长丝织造行业的各项经济指标保持了小幅增长,运行质量也相对平稳,利润率为4.52%;亏损面为9.53%,亏损企业亏损额近3亿,同比增长55.80%.这表明,全年行业运行仍存在较大压力,向好迹象并不明显.  相似文献   

本文利用企业数据,对我国1998-2005年工业企业的新增利润来源从不同角度进行了分析.并且进一步将收益率的变化分解为全要素生产率的变动和分配格局的变动.对正确理解这段时期工业利润率的变化提供了微观层面的解释。本文发现。在考察期内工业利润的增长是结构性的.重工业对工业利润增长贡献了70%以上:采掘业和原材料工业利润率提高的关键因素是产品价格的大幅上涨.而轻工业和机械工业收益率的改善主要来自于生产率水平的提高:工业部门平均工资水平增速小于GDP增速.行业间的工资水平差异较大.大部分劳动者的工资增速较慢.利润的高速增长很大程度上是以工资的缓慢增长为代价的。  相似文献   

1999年对于诺基亚公司来说是辉煌的一年。这一年,公司净销售额增长48%,达到197.72亿欧元;营业利润增长了57%,达到39.08亿欧元,营业利润率为19.8%;每股收益额增长51%,达到2.24欧元。这是诺基亚自1997年以来连续三年实现业绩创记录增长。 诺基亚能有辉煌的今天,源于大刀阔斧的业务重构。  相似文献   

一、“三资”工业企业的效益1.与公有制企业、私营企业和股份制企业的效益比较19g7年,北京市股份制企业的产品销售利润/销售收入指标(9.17%)为最低,私营企业的(1.13%)为最高,港澳台投资企业、外商投资企业、国有企业和集体企业的销售利润率介于两者之间。销售利润率、资产利润率和资本金利润率则是股份制企业最高(1654%、749%、24.01%),港澳台投资企业最低(一1.99%、-1.11%、-3.22%)。以利税指标来衡量的销售收入利税率、资产利税率与资本金利税率也有类似的分布形态。其中,外商投资企业的资产利税率居于第…  相似文献   

本文结合当前包装、印刷行业的发展现状,以天津科技大学为例,介绍了包装与印刷领域研究生的教学培养实践,总结了研究生培养取得的一些经验。针对包装和印刷专业研究生培养面临的问题,提出了提高研究生培养质量的新途径。  相似文献   

The article summarises the design and outcome of an inquiry into the promotion of interest in technology by technology education. The reason for the present study is the low proportion of women in technical occupations, studies or subjects. Such a marked gender difference leads to different ways of life which discriminate against women. It is necessary, therefore, to search for the underlying causes and to take measures in order to support technological activities. The aim of the German study was to determine differences in the interests of girls and boys in technology and to support interest more widely in technology by technology education. The study was conducted in a class in the third year of elementary education. At first, differences between girls and boys in the intensity and gearing of interest in technology were determined by a survey. After exposure of a `treatment Group' to technology education, the effects of such education were established by mean of a second survey. The results of the first and second survey were compared. The results show that the interests of girls and boys were aroused by technology education. Furthermore, gender differences are reduced significantly. The findings of this study suggest that it is essential to intensify technology education in elementary school because it is the earliest opportunity for curriculum intervention. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

STEM-oriented engineering design practice has become recognized increasingly by technology education professionals in Taiwan. This study sought to examine the effectiveness of the application of an integrative STEM approach within engineering design practices in high school technology education in Taiwan. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to investigate the respective learning performance of students studying a STEM engineering module compared to students studying the technology education module. The student performances for conceptual knowledge, higher-order thinking skills and engineering design project were assessed. The data were analyzed using quantitative (t test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, correlation analysis) approaches. The findings showed that the participants in the STEM engineering module outperformed significantly the participants studying the technology education module in the areas of conceptual knowledge, higher-order thinking skills, and the design project activity. A further analysis showed that the key differences in the application of design practice between the two groups were (a) their respective problem prediction and (b) their analysis capabilities. The results supported the positive effect of the use of an integrative STEM approach in high school technology education in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Internationally there has been concern about the direction of technical education and how it is positioned in schools. This has also been the case in Malawi where the curriculum has had a strong focus on skills development. However, lately there has been a call for enhancing technological literacy of students, yet little support has been provided for teachers to achieve this goal. This paper reports from a wider study that looked at teachers’ existing views and practices in technical education in Malawi. The article focuses on the findings from interviews that were conducted with six secondary school teachers to find out about their understanding of the meaning and rationale for technical education. It is also discussed how the teachers view technical education as involving skills development for making things and their thoughts on the benefits of such knowledge. It is argued that teachers’ views about technical education were strongly linked to the goals of the curriculum vacationalization policies adopted at the dawn of political independence. Besides skills training they saw the potential to impart thinking skills related to design and problem solving, and the need for essential pedagogical techniques to support learning in technical education. Examination requirements, inadequate opportunities to conduct practical activities and a lack of supportive policy were seen as limiting factors. This article claims that teachers’ views were shaped by their expectations and beliefs about the nature of technical education and what they perceived students may gain from such learning. Their views were also influenced by contextual factors which may have implications on reforms towards broader notions of technology education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the analysis of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum in six countries involved in the UPDATE-project, and on that basis, propose a conceptual foundation for technology education in ECE that aims to enhance gender sensitive technology education in the continuum from early years to adulthood. The existing ECE curricula in the participating countries were analysed according to the general pedagogical approach as well as the contents specific to technology education. In many cases technology education was presented generally or implicitly, embedded in various curriculum content areas, and the existing curricula did not offer much support for teachers to figure out the nature, aims and pedagogical means of early childhood technology education. The comparison of the curricula raised some common key-issues which are important to construe more theoretically. In consequence, the article also focuses on the contemporary view of child-centred pedagogy and the conceptualisation of technology education fitting into the scope of ECE. Play is highlighted as a fundamental way of learning seldom studied in the context of technology education. In addition, a gender perspective on technology education deals with equal possibilities of both sexes to acquire knowledge, abilities and attitudes needed in technological agency.  相似文献   

A study of industrial marketing practitioner perspectives on industrial marketing education was conducted. Attitudes toward the educational process, definition of skills, continuing education, practitioner assistance in education and topic importance were queried. In general it was found that practitioners are favorably disposed toward industrial marketing education, are willing to assist in the educational process and have distinct perceptions on the nature of the educational process and how it should be carried out.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the elements motivating comprehensive school students to study technology education. In addition, we tried to discover how students' motivation towards technology education developed over the period leading up to their school experience and the effect this might have on their future involvement with technology. The research was carried out as a qualitative case study and the material was collected through individual theme interviews. The study group consisted of four 15 to 16-year-old students, each representing a totally different case of motivation towards technology education. In choosing individuals for the study the main criteria were gender and negative or positive motivation towards technology education. This study found that the artefact to be made in school and the student’s freedom of choice had the most significant effect on motivation. Although, we must be careful with final conclusions as the research group was relatively small.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, as well as in many other countries, there is an increasing interest in implementing education about engineering as a part of general education at the upper secondary school level. In order to know what pupils at that level think about engineering, a study has been done to investigate their attitude towards and their concept of engineering. This study was done not only in the Netherlands but also in 39 other countries. In the preparation of the study, pupils were asked to draw concept maps of what they thought engineering was about. In the quantitative main part of the study, pupils were asked to respond to 33 Likert-type attitude items and 32 concept-items of the same type. A factor analysis was done in order to reveal the dimensions in the pupils’ attitude and concept. In contrast to studies carried out amongst students in lower secondary school levels, a fairly clear concept about engineering was found. The gender differences relating to engineering, found in lower secondary education, were not found in upper secondary education. The prevalent attitude of students towards engineering indicated a fairly positive image of engineering.  相似文献   

It appears that programme development in technology education is emerging from an atheoretical perspective. This could be attributed to the absence/neglect of conceptual frameworks (philosophical underpinning) in the development of programmes in technology education. This article explores the role of the content dimension of the 'essential features' of technology and technology education in OBE (Outcomes Based Education) related programme development. An instructional programme was developed using criteria derived from the essential features of technology and technology education. In order to gauge learners' experience, in relation to these essential features, a qualitative case study involving 20 learners was undertaken at a College of Education. Engagement with theprogramme proved to be an empowering experience for the learners who had hitherto not had the opportunity to experience a formal programme in technology education. Although it could not be proved conclusively that cognitive development had occurred, positive inter-dependence,shared responsibility, social skills and enhanced learning were evident. The study has shown that criteria derived from the 'essential features' of technology and technology education could serve as a reliable yardstick to measure the extent of learning in relation to these essential features  相似文献   


Technology education was introduced as a successor to various forms of craft or technical education in some parts of the world in the 1980s. In South Africa (SA) the implementation of technology education was in more than one sense unique. Not only was it a new subject within the South African educational context, but it coincided with the dawn of a new political dispensation in which the new government favoured outcomes-based education (OBE). This has resulted in a series of curriculum documents over the past two decades which made certain demands on and held challenges for the teachers who were responsible for the implementation of technology. The purpose of this conceptual article is to investigate the demands and challenges that various curriculum documents have made on the technology teachers concerned. The research question that underpinned the research was: What were the demands and the challenges various curriculum documents had on technology teachers? The research methodology was desktop research in the form of a critical analysis of various intended or specified curriculum documents. The research also included a qualitative meta-synthesis of other scholarly work on the challenges posed by the implementation of curricula both in SA and other international contexts. The South African experience may hold important insights for ministries of education, curriculum developers and technology teachers that form part of the broader international technology fraternity. It was found that the underlying political ideology of a new government impacts and steers the country’s education in a particular direction. Soon after the dawn of the new political dispensation in SA in 1994 there was a move away from a content-based curriculum (CBC) towards an OBE curriculum. However, it was mainly contextual and practical factors at chalk level that placed major demands on and posed challenges to the implementation of a new education system, aligned with a new ideology. Due to these challenges the country now finds itself moving back towards content-based education just more than ten years later. In a developing context, in particular with insufficient logistical resources and where teachers are inadequately trained (and therefore have less competence) a more specified and fixed CBC rather than an open, flexible OBE curriculum seems more feasible. Subsequently, the effects of a CBC as opposed to an OBE curriculum in technology education need to be researched in future, specifically which approach would be conducive to a general design-driven subject or a fragmented vocationally-oriented technology subject.


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