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推广惠农卡和农户小额贷款既是农业银行服务"三农"、支持新农村建设的战略要求,也是开拓县域蓝海市场、寻求新的业务增长点、实现可持续发展的内在需求,根据农村市场的特点以及当前农业银行服务"三农"的整体部署,  相似文献   

推广惠农卡和农户小额贷款,既是农业银行服务"三农"、支持新农村建设的战略要求,也是开拓县域蓝海市场、寻求新的业务增长点,实现可持续发展的内在需  相似文献   

关键词一:差异化竞争 截至2008年底,全国有105家新型农村金融机构开业.其中村镇银行89家.贷款公司6家,农村资金互助社10家,邮政储蓄银行也开始发展小额信贷业务,与农业银行、  相似文献   

本文根据对农行黔东南分行惠农卡及农户小额贷款业务的调查,就欠发达地区农行如何推进惠农卡和农户小额贷款业务发展对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

本文通过深入基层农行进行调查,从推出惠农卡及农户小额贷款的背景分析入手,总结惠农卡及农户小额贷款在推行过程中出现的问题以及原因,并提出解决问题的一些建议,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

惠农卡及农户小额贷款业务推进中的难点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者通过深入基层农行进行调查,并运用所学知识,从推出惠农卡及农户小额贷款的背景分析入手,总结惠农卡及农户小额贷款在推行过程中出现的问题以及原因,并提出解决问题的一些建议,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

金穗惠农卡是农行面向农户推出的综合性借记卡,除了具有存取现金、汇兑结算、消费理财等基本功能外,还专门针对农户生产经营、生活消费特点开发了特色服务功能,包括办理可循环小额农户贷款、领取财政补贴、社保医保资金缴领、水费电费缴纳等事项。通过农行的大力宣传  相似文献   

2009年,农行广西柳江县支行被列为“整县推进”的试点行.结合“百村万户”的营销活动.每个月至少选定2个行政村.每村至少选择80%的农户为“整村推进”目标。龙凤村便是2月的工作重点村之一。  相似文献   

3月5日至6日,全省农行惠农卡和农户小额贷款工作推进会议在宁国市召开。各二级分行分管行长、银行卡部和农业信贷部(公司部)负责人,28个整体推进和重点推进支行行长,省分行相关处室负责人参加了会议。会议通报了惠农卡和农户小额贷款业务“回头看”检查情况,交流了八个具有代表性的惠农卡和农户小额贷款业务运作模式。列入惠农卡“四个一工程”的宣城分行,萧县、天长、歙县、含山支行在会议上分别作了发言。省分行党委书记、行长顾正宇作了《突出重点扎实推进全面做好惠农卡和农户小额贷款工作》的主题报告,  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of organizational distance (i.e. distance between the headquarters of the bank that grants a loan and the location of the borrower) on the use of collateral for business loans by Spanish banks on the basis of the recent lender-based theory of collateral [Inderst, R., Mueller, H.M., 2007. A lender-based theory of collateral. Journal of Financial Economics 84, 826–859.]. We find that, for the average borrower, the use of collateral is higher for loans granted by local lenders than by distant ones. We also show that the difference in the likelihood of collateral in loans granted by local lenders, relative to distant lenders, is higher among older and larger firms, than, respectively, younger and smaller firms. We also find that banks use lending technologies that are different for near and for distant firms, in response to organizational diseconomies.  相似文献   

Lender–borrower relationships facilitate monitoring in small business loans. We investigate how the duration and scope of the bank–borrower relationship affect the decision to secure line-of-credit and nonline-of-credit loans. We find that the likelihood of collateralizing a line of credit decreases with the length of the bank–borrower relationship. For nonline-of-credit loans, however, the incidence of collateral pledge decreases with the number of lender-provided financial services used by the borrower. Our finding indicates that the mechanism through which banks obtain private information depends on the type of the loan. Pooling across loan types may dilute the impact of both the duration and scope on the terms of a loan.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to determine the relevant variables, channels of influence, and dynamics characterizing the business-loan market. To achieve this goal the statistical approach of vector-autoregressive time-series analysis, popularized by Sims (1980, 1981) and Litterman (1979), is applied to a group of variables suggested by the portfolio and liability allocation problems of a representative bank and a representative business firm. The variance and historical decomposition analyses suggest that innovations in the level of business inventories and commercial bank financial assets are the most important casual variables in the business-loan market.  相似文献   

有效防控信用卡套现行为的策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,信用卡以其使用便捷、安全、实惠获得广大民众的喜爱,日益走近寻常百姓的生活。但是伴随着信用卡产业的高速发展,许多问题也逐渐涌现出来,其中尤以信用卡套现最为突出。如何有效防范和监管信用卡套现行为.已经成为影响信用卡产业健康发展甚至金融稳定的重要问题。本文从信用卡套现主要方式及其危害的分析入手。从加强司法对套现打击力度、完善监管制度、强化发卡和收单机构风险管理、强化征信体系建设等方面。提出如何有效防控信用卡套现的一些建议,建设良好的用卡环境。  相似文献   

东非地区独立财务管理顾问AlnoorAmlani FCCA撰文指出,在小额信贷日益成为一个全球化的大市场趋势下,如何保证行业职业道德已经成为相关人士的主要任务,同时指出:尽管不道德的商业行为本身难以被发现,但部分有着特定特征的企业的确更容易遭受此类风险。这一观点值得我们借鉴  相似文献   

小微信贷并不是创新和发展的问题,而是做深做透的问题,是真干还是假干、是深抓还是浅抓的问题,或者可以这样讲,做深就是创新,做透就是发展  相似文献   

This paper takes the concept of a discouraged borrower originally formulated by Kon and Storey [Kon, Y., Storey, D.J., 2003. A theory of discouraged borrowers. Small Business Economics 21, 37–49] and examines whether discouragement is an efficient self-rationing mechanism. Using US data it finds riskier borrowers have higher probabilities of discouragement, which increase with longer financial relationships, suggesting discouragement is an efficient self-rationing mechanism. It also finds low risk borrowers are less likely to be discouraged in concentrated markets than in competitive markets and that, in concentrated markets, high risk borrowers are more likely to be discouraged the longer their financial relationships. We conclude discouragement is more efficient in concentrated, than in competitive, markets.  相似文献   

Using confidential data on a large sample of relationship lending, we analyze the determining factors of the collateralization of business loans from banks, distinguishing between firms with observable risk and firms with hidden information. We achieve three main results. First, we provide evidence that observably riskier borrowers are encouraged to give more collateral to banks to obtain a loan, whereas firms with hidden information are less risky borrowers, offering collateral to signal their quality. Second, we show that relationship banking has a direct impact on the use of collateral and produces moderating effects on the other determining factors. Finally, we observe that distant bank branches—i.e., branches that encounter greater difficulties collecting soft information and obtaining site-specific data from headquarters—are more likely to require collateral than local bank branches.  相似文献   

In a comment in this issue of the Journal, Angeloni demonstrates via example some problems that can possibly result from analysis with vector autoregressions. In this reply I show with the same example that the alternative approach, analysis with econometric structural models, can suffer from problems that are at least as severe as those of the vector autoregressive approach.  相似文献   

In a recent paper published in this Journal, Kling uses a vector autoregressive model to study the market for bank loans in the United States. The paper's analytical method — consisting of reduced form estimation, orthogonal transformation of the residuals and ‘innovation’ analysis — suffers, however, from certain methodological difficulties that put its results and suggested interpretations into question. The purpose of this note is to enlighten the nature of these problems through a simple example, and to show that the evidence presented by the author is not sufficient to resolve them.  相似文献   

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