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The official South African systems for rural regional development planning do not allow democratic representation, are not effective and need reorganisation. The National Regional Development Programme acknowledges the dynamic nature of development planning, but the system is still trammelled by earlier misconceptions. Similarly, in rural regions the demand for regional services does not warrant regional services councils. In a new structure proposed for rural regional development planning each municipality provides all services and its boundaries are extended to include its rural hinterland. Regional services councils become regional development councils with the sole purpose of promoting social and economic development. Nongovernmental organisations and interest groups form standing committees to liaise with regional development councils. Implementation of development proposals will rest with local and higher levels of government.  相似文献   

Regional planning experienced a fast growth in South Africa, both in theory and practice, since the mid sixties. This growth was made possible by government support for regional planning and development and thus had a direct and beneficial effect on the development of less developed regions.

This paper describes the factors, both in SA and abroad, which contributed towards the growth of regional planning. It also outlines other contributions of regional planners and planning towards development of less developed regions.  相似文献   

The paper tries to find out the role played by economic and social infrastructure facilities in economic development across Indian states over the last quarter century. Infrastructure services have been indexed with the help of principal component analysis. Both parametric and non-parametric estimates are done to assess per capita income disparity. A comparative static framework is developed for testing the nature of movement of the development trajectory in income infrastructure plane over different time spans. The findings are statistically very significant to warrant new regional policies under the overall framework of globalisation in order to remove rising regional disparities in both infrastructure and income. This has a strong bearing on the success of poverty removal policies under globalisation as the poor are regionally concentrated in such diverse and heterogeneous country.  相似文献   

Highly polarized settlement systems in developing countries reflect and tend to reinforce strong disparities in levels of development between the largest city and other regions and between urban centres and their hinterlands in rural regions. Integrated regional development planning seeks to create a more diffuse and articulated system of settlements in order to diversify the services and facilities available to rural residents, increase their access to town-based markets, new sources of agricultural inputs and non-agricultural employment opportunities, and to provide guidelines for sectoral investment and location decisions. One approach to integrated regional development planning — ‘Urban Functions in Rural Development’ - was tested in the Department of Potosi, Bolivia, and its results provide insights not only into the methodology of analysis but also into the complex relationships among rural development, patterns of human settlement and processes of spatial interaction.  相似文献   

从邓小平的对外开放观到“统筹国内发展和对外开放”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李裕鑫 《特区经济》2007,3(3):22-24
科学发展观是开放的发展观。统筹国内发展和对外开放是科学发展观的重要内容。从十一届三中全会后邓小平提出的对外开放到以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央提出“统筹国内发展和对外开放”,标志着我国对外开放将朝着更加自觉、更高水平和更有利于发展的方向前进。  相似文献   

田昆  郝二辉 《特区经济》2011,(1):152-154
本文从统筹城乡发展的基本内涵入手,分析了当前统筹城乡发展中地方政府投资存在的问题和成因,提出了地方政府投资要适应统筹城乡发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

The absence of a coherent industrial strategy embracing sectoral enterprise development at the level of national government in the UK has meant a shift to regional and local levels as far as concerted intervention is concerned. But whilst there has been considerable interest in the activities of the local authority enterprise boards there has not been the same attention given to the regional development agencies like the SDA. The ideologies of intervention of this agency and GLEB, for example, are in theory very different, yet each confronts a series of opportunities and constraints at the level of economic sectors.  相似文献   

从可持续发展到循环经济   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
薛东辉 《特区经济》2005,(5):207-208
一、发展循环经济是我国加快转变经济增长方式的客观需要1.资源和环境的承载力已难以支撑经济的高速增长。2003年我国GD P的增长率超过9%,今后几年仍将快速增长。然而,我国经济的高速增长在很大程度上是以消耗大量资源能源和污染环境为代价的,我国万元GD P能耗水平超过发达国家  相似文献   

Alden, J. and Boland, P. (eds.) 1996: REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd, £16.95 paper.

Report of the Regional Policy Commission, 1996: RENEWING THE REGIONS: STRATEGIES FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Sheffield Hallam University, £9.99 paper.  相似文献   

It is argued that despite much research and monitoring of the physical manifestations of land degradation, there is a paucity of work which actually shows the socio‐economic and political interactions between land use, ecosystems and land degradation. In order to cope with the difficult interdisciplinary demands of such a study, regional political ecology (RPE) is suggested as an alternative conceptual framework. A particular methodology from this framework, namely ‘the chains of explanation’, is described using the Maputaland region as an example. Common property resources are discussed, as are factors likely to lead to the weakening of local institutions and natural resource management (NRM). The importance of using indigenous technical knowledge and participatory research such as farming systems research (FSR) as the building blocks for developing NRM policy is emphasized. However local initiatives need the support and space to operate that only regional and national institutions can provide.  相似文献   

首先向“全国首届西部区域(乌海)产学研合作创新高峰论坛”表示热烈的祝贺,在这个论坛上,探讨区域合作与发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper provides a short review of the history of urban development planning at different stages of urbanization, of the discussions and visions of the future of cities. It considers the urban planning doctrines in the Soviet Union and in today’s Russia (transition to strategic planning) and justifies the project of the system for managing the implementation of these strategic plans.  相似文献   

环渤海地区被认为是中国继珠三角、长三角之后的第三经济增长极.加强环渤海地区的金融合作,有利于在更大经济空间内发挥金融的媒介、导向和调节作用,有助于实现资金充分自由流动,有助于促进统一市场建设和产业梯度转移.  相似文献   

While the set of liberalising and fiscally conservative development precepts dubbed the 'Washington Consensus' are now discredited as a tool for development, there is as yet no widely adopted or accepted alternative other than references to the 'East Asian model'. In this paper, we distil the essence of the experience of East Asia—of Japan initially, then of Korea and Taiwan, and now of China—in a set of flexible precepts that we suggest underpin the policies and strategies pursued with success by these East Asian economies. In the spirit of proposing an alternative to the Washington Consensus, we suggest that these precepts—pragmatic and known to work—be dubbed the Beijing–Seoul–Tokyo Consensus (or BeST Consensus for development). The essence of this consensus is its focus on capability building, on dynamic transitions from one stage to the next, and on building an institutional platform to capture latecomer effects. We outline what this BeST Consensus might be and discuss why it is that its elements appear to work so well; and whether they can still be applied in the world of 21st-century conditions.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, rural areas have experienced major socioeconomic changes. Due to modernisation and deepening globalisation, the economic and employment potential of many traditional livelihoods has decreased. Currently tourism is increasingly seen as a relevant tool for addressing rural problems in developing countries and tourism is actively used for economic diversification and opening up new ways to generate income and employment. However, many development models, such as integrated rural tourism (IRT) with emphasis on co-planning, learning and participation, originate from the Global North. This calls for careful considerations when such models are applied to the Global South's rural contexts. This research note discusses some of the key challenges of rural tourism development, especially related to the integration of the tourism industry and rural communities in developing countries, and overviews the applicability and conditions of the IRT framework as a potential approach for rural tourism development in the developing world.  相似文献   

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