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This study adds to the understanding of China "s innovation prospects by examining how variations in institutional quality within China impact on the R &D efforts of firms located in different provincial regions. In the process of identifying the effect of institutional quality, the roles of other factors such as ownership types and market structures are revealed, which provides interesting insight into firms " R&D behavior. The key findings suggest that institutional quality positively affects the decision offirms to engage in R&D activities. Once firms start to engage in R &D, the subsequent expansion of firm-level R &D intensity depends on factors such as market structure. Therefore, strengthening domestic institutional quality is the first critical step towards the goal of building a knowledge-intensive economy in China. Efforts to nurture market development are also important for achieving this goal.  相似文献   

This study focuses on Medium-Sized Multinationals (MSMs) that belong to the sectors of mechanics and electronics, and that operate in dynamic international business markets. This work aims to investigate how international marketing strategies are based and maybe in some cases actually heavily dependent on the capacity to form and enhance skills in design, engineering, and production activities, and on the propensity to invest more resources in research and development (R&D) activities as well as in activities that are more strictly speaking production based (manufacturing). Undoubtedly, in a global and dynamic business, creative knowledge is one of the key resources that firms must possess in order to take up international strategies successfully. Creativity and innovation are strategic resources for all firms, including those of a medium size and even more for those that belong to the so-called "traditional sectors". This study also has the objective of examining the influence of the structure and composition of a technological MSMs international alliance portfolio in order to understand which forms of international collaboration are more opportunities for firms that aspire to increasing their know-how and taking up new and more sophisticated forms of exploratory innovation. The present work highlights the results of an empirical research that were carried out during the years 2000-2009. The research involved more than 80 firms of the mechanical and electronics department in the Marche region in Italy.  相似文献   

Does foreign direct investment(FDI) into developing countries affect the growth of local firms in host countries? Using a dataset of 38 sectors in China’s electrical and electronics industry,in this paper,we analyze whether FDI has a positive effect on local firms,with technology spillovers,added value and increasing total factor productivity,or a negative, market stealing,effect.Estimating the relationship between growth of local firms and investment of foreign firms,our results show that FDI is likely to have a negative impact on the growth of local firms in sectors with large disparities in technology and less experience in business.Therefore,local firms lacking in technology need to find markets with no competition from foreign firms or determine strategies to compensate technology disparities.  相似文献   

Using a survey administered in Zhongguancun Science Park in Beijing, China, this paper investigates the impact of R &D personnel-related intellectual property management practices on the patent propensity of small technology-based firms. It is found that R&D personnel- related management practices, including training and reward mechanisms, are effective in enhancing a firm 's willingness to patent. In particular, we find that reward mechanisms can negatively moderate the effect of size on a firm 's willingness to patent. One implication that emerged from the analysis is that a small firm can counteract its size disadvantage in patenting by introducing a well-developed reward mechanism.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) can benefit domestic firms in the host country. Using firm- level data for China, we find statistically positive vertical spillover effects of multinational enterprises on the performance of domestic firms through backward and forward supplier- customer relationships. The spillover effects are mainly from large multinational enterprises and are greater for state-owned firms and in poor regions. Our results are robust for both parametric regression and nonparametric matching techniques. Our findings have strong policy implications: while regulations relating to building business relationships with domestic firms when seeking foreign direct investment should be established, such policies should be aimed at private firms, big multinationals and less developed regions.  相似文献   

Usingfirm-level panel data covering 2005-2007, the present paper examines the effects of R&D and human capital investment on productivity in China's electronics industry. It is found that both R&D and on-the-job training positively contribute to total factor productivity (TFP). Firms' investment inemployees' health insurance andpensions, whichare components of workers' compensation, generate a productivity-enhancing effect, supporting the efficiency wage hypothesis. The estimated impact of R&D on productivity varies among different forms of ownership, and foreign-owncd enterprises experience higher R&D efficiency than state or private enterprises. After controlling for potential endogenous causality between TFP and R&D, the above findings remain unchanged We also find that on-the-job training can improve the quality of human capital and is helpful in promoting productivity. Therefore, establishing indigenous technological capability through various technological sources is quite important, and the government should devote further effort to investing in human capital.  相似文献   

Economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asian economies is increasingly attracting the attention of policy-makers, scholars, and practitioners. Firms from Southeast Asia have been playing an important role in China‘s utilization of foreign direct investment, though most of these firms have been viewed as small, labor-intensive, and ordinary in technology. This paper reveals one important dimension of economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asia. It investigates the factors that influence Southeast Asian firms‘ investments in Guangdong, which is one of the largest provinces in China in terms of utilization of foreign direct investment, and it tries to answer the question of what make Southeast Asian firms invest in China in a large scale and in the way of advancing waves.T he research outcomes contribute to the knowledge of the changing economic relations between China and Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between corporate performance and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) compensation in high-technology firms in the S&P 500. The total short- and long-term CEO compensation in high-technology was compared with other industrial sectors from standard classification codes and tested in terms of corporate performance. The ExecuComp database was used to find the variables and to create a sample of firms between 2004 and 2010. Important corporate performance variables are used in this work, such as assets, employees, sales, net income, and earnings per share (EPS), as reported by the firms for each year. A panel data GLS with a fixed effect model for time is estimated that describes total compensation for the period between 2004 and 2010. The result was aligned with the theory of executive compensations to address agency problems and to examine CEO pay-for-performance. The main objective of this paper is to consistently demonstrate that the performance is determined for the total CEO compensation for short- and long-term periods and to examine whether the total remunergttion paid to CEOs in high-technology firms in the S&P 500 is related to corporate finance. This work provides a better understanding of the relationship between compensation and performance in high-technology firms. Results suggest that high-tech firms tend to use more sophisticated performance measurements to determine CEO compensation.  相似文献   

The present paper focuses on the transformation of China's foreign affairs. The transformation is closely associated with and mutually reinforced by the developmental changes that have taken place in China. China's strong economic focus has had a profound effect on its foreign relations and international strategies. With sustained growth over the past three decades (1978-2008), China has become an important member of the world community. In particular, its influence has been growing in the Asia-Pacific area. China's unique developmental model and path are recognized and scrutinized worldwide. The present paper discusses special aspects of foreign aid and also explores the changes in principles of and approaches taken in the application of foreign aid policies. Under dual external and internal pressure, China has to constantly adjust, renew and improve its approach to diplomatic and international relations.  相似文献   

Using panel data for 29 provinces in China during 1990-2004, the present paper attempts to explore a possible link between financial development and China's foreign trade. Three measures of comparative advantage in manufactured goods have been applied in our study, including Balassa's revealed comparative advantage, the net manufactured export index, and the Michaely index. We also use four indicators of financial development to identify the different functions of regional financial development, and to determine both size and efficiency features of financial institutions. The estimation results suggest that besides factor endowments, foreign firms and infrastructure, financial development has a quantitatively large and robust effect on China ' s manufactured goods trade. Therefore, further reform of China's financial system should be encouraged to fully exploit the comparative advantage of China's foreign trade.  相似文献   

This study uses an unbalanced panel data analysis to examine the effects of social capital, top executive attributes and R &D on firm value in Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Board from 2007 to 2011. There are several interesting findings. First, the gender (male) and academic degree of the chairperson in the SMEs have a positive and significant effect on firm value. Second, social capital (measured by politieal connections, managerial business association networks and technology association networks) and R&D have a positive effect on SME firm value. Third, the effect of politieal connections on firm value for state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is stronger than for non-SOEs, while the effect of business and technology networks on firm value for non-SOEs is stronger than for SOEs. Our study has important policy implications for SMEs that want to compete successfully in China.  相似文献   

Despite the abundant opportunities are presented by Chinese market, many foreign practitioners have commented that operating in China is more complex and time consuming than necessary, and of the 53 companies interviewed by Hong Kong's Bank of East Asia, 42% were reported not to be profitable (Economist Intelligence Union (EIU), 1995). Given the fact that China's potential as a market is unparalleled, while many foreign business practitioners have commented that operating in China is difficult to be profitable, and it is more complex and time consuming than it is necessary (Ewing, Garuana & Wong, 1999), a large number of researches on doing business hi China recogniZe the concept of Guanxi, a business relationship network, as the key for conducting successful business in China This study co llectsboth primary data and secondary data to explore the issues of Guanxi. The review on the secondary data helps to build the analysis techniques and study instruments. A survey questionnaire is developed after the study on the secondary data, and the primary data is collected from the surveys, which are faxed to sample groups in both Taiwan and Mainland China. The study on the Mainland China senior managers is to find the current Guanxi concept of China, while the Taiwan senior manager group and the Mainland China college student group are chosen to explore the future Guanxi changes. By using statistical techniques of the mean and standard deviation calculations, the t-test for two samples with equal variances, and the correlation test, the findings of this study help to answer the critical questions concerning the study objectives. The practical interpretation and implications of this study of Guanxi are gained from the summary of the statistical results. A conclusion and recommendations of this study on the Guanxi concepts are presented to business practitioners both inside and outside of China.  相似文献   

With the ever-increasing economic integration of nations, cultural homogenization and relaxation of foreign ownership regulations by many countries, international acquisition has become an important tool for finns' globalization. Being important emerging markets, BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, China & India) are providing international acquirers, many unique opportunities and challenges. Joining in the WTO opens access to the world markets, promotes competition in the domestic market, provides opportunities to settle trade issues and increases trust of the trade partners and investors to the emerging countries. The author tests the wealth effects (i.e how the market react) of U.S. bidding firms on their announcements for taking over BRIC firms. In Brazil and China, significantly positive market reactions are found after their entering WTO, which reflects the sound economic development with the further opening up. Things are different in India, which are most likely caused by the economic depression during 1990s. As the only BRIC country having not joined in WTO, taking over Russian fires lead to vague market reactions in U.S..  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is often considered as a cost-effective and risk-reducing source for development finance. This paper,however,shows that FDI finance often entails underestimated risks and costs. FDI might react sensitively to business cycles and might not be as "permanent" as conventionally believed. FDI might also accelerate other forms of capital flow in times of financial difficulties and,hence,destabilize financial order. In addition to the risks,compensations to FDI and the high import-dependency of FDI-related trade lead to a considerable drain on the balance of payments. Moreover,the reliance on foreign capital for development finance is equivalent to building a Ponzi financing scheme and,therefore,is unsustainable. Given the fact that FDI financing is risky and costly and China does not lack savings,it is suggested in the present paper that China's efforts in attracting FDI should not aim at external capital provisioning.  相似文献   

The Chinese life-insurance industry has experienced major structural changes in recent years, primarily because of increasing demand and the entry of foreign insurers. Although the market is clearly booming, the efficiency of its growth and development is unclear. In this paper, we evaluate the efficiency of life insurers operating in China and compare foreign firms with domestic firms. We find that foreign insurers have not brought efficiency into the Chinese market, and that the market is still dominated by domestic giants. However, the gap between foreign insurers and domestic insurers is narrowing. After testing hypotheses regarding scale economy, technical progress andpotential improvements, we discuss several issues' of importance to life insurers, market investors and government regulators.  相似文献   

Economists have recently become interested in weighting how much domestic value-added is actually included in China’s exports.Formally,the proportion of foreign and domestic contents could be identified by calculating the vertical specialization share using non-competitive input-output tables.Applying such a method to the Chinese case,however, would result in a big measurement bias because China has a large share of processing exports,which utilize a disproportionately high percentage of imported intermediates.This paper,by directly employing 2008 trade data for which imported intermediates in both processing and non-processing trade could be identified by means of various trade patterns, provides a simplified way to estimate the share of foreign/domestic value-added included in industry-level manufactured exports.This paper finds that the vertical specialization share of China’s processing exports was about 56 percent in 2008,compared to about 10 percent for ordinary exports.It also finds that the sectors that experiencedfast expansion of processing exports have a much higher share of foreign contents.Since processing exports account for about half of Chinese exports,the prevailing trade statistics,which focus on gross values rather than the value-added of exports and imports,has obviously overstated the bilateral trade imbalances,especially between China and the USA.  相似文献   

Using the 2006 wave of the Chinese General Social Survey, the present paper examines the effect of risk attitudes on the likelihood of entrepreneurship in China. Our results show that risk attitudes have a nonlinear effect on the likelihood of being entrepreneurs. Risk neutral people are most likely to be entrepreneurs, while both risk averse and risk seeking people prefer to work for wages. When we further divide entrepreneurs into necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs, we find only a marginal difference in risk attitudes between wage workers and necessity entrepreneurs, while less risk averse individuals tend to be opportunity entrepreneurs. Our results have important poliey implications for the government "s efforts to promote entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   

Since 1979, China has recorded a remarkable trade performance, which has been driven by international processing and the offshoring strategies of foreign firms. The diversification of Chinese exports and their technological upgrading have been phenomenal However, there is also inertia, illustrated by the persistent dualism of the trade sector, the unrelenting specialization in downmarket products and the deteriorating terms of trade. These weaknesses have helped its partners to adjust to the rise of this new trade power. In the past decade, China's economy has faced the adverse effects o fan export-led growth and the global crisis has revealed its vulnerability. China is now forced to rebalance its economy. This will imply major changes in foreign trade, in favor of ordinary trade and away from processing. In the foreseeable future, China is unlikely to become the driver of international demand but will remain the engine of Asian economic integration.  相似文献   

Although the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has greatly improved the development of China's economy, its menace has also gradually appeared. With the help of quantitative and qualitative methods, this paper made a research on the impact of FDI on China's economy by applying Early Warning System (EWS), so as to measure the safe coefficient of China's FDI utilization, make timely prediction and, in addition, suggest specific foreign capital management and controlling strategies for the policy makers to adopt under various conditions.  相似文献   

Using data from 1986-2005, the present paper estimates the impact of direct knowledge spilled over from G-7 countries on China's economy. We use telephone line penetration rates andpersonnel flows to estimate the direct spillover effect. Our results show that direct knowledge spillovers through telecommunication networks and personnelflows are important components of international R&D spillovers in China. These direct channels of spillover effectively accelerate China's economic growth. Therefore, China should invest more in human capital and in its telecommunication network to enhance the absorptive capacity of direct R&D spillovers, and to increase communication with other nations, in particular the USA and Japan. More subsidies to domestic R&D research and purchase of intermediate goods will help to raise China's R&D intensity.  相似文献   

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