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EPC承包模式是一种涵盖设计、采购和建设全过程的模式,在该模式下业主与承包方签署承包合同,承包方按照合同要求完成工程的总体或若干承包阶段,对承包方而言,工程造价尤为重要,直接关系到工程的质量及经济效益。近年来该模式广泛应用于油田建设过程中,承包方应结合项目实际情况,确保造价控制管理的有效性,以此确保承包方的合法权益。基于上述背景,本文简要概述了EPC承包模式下承包方工程造价管理现状,并探讨了具体管理措施,以期能确保工程投资控制与管理的有效性。  相似文献   

技术开发评价的目的,无非一是提高技术开发的成功率;二是使所开发的技术在技术上、经济上和社会效益上达到最优组合。为此,技术开发初期,对方案选择的评价是至关重要的。本文阐述了利用专家估算时间价值评价法结合综合评价法来对方案进行选优的一种评价方法。一、专家估算时间价值评价法对于一项技术的开发,首先要确定是采取国内开发方式还是引进开发方式,这里通过专家对一些指标进行估算。见表一。  相似文献   

海1块为普通稠油注水开发油藏,按照总体上按一套层系、在构造高部位的局部地区分两套层系开发的原则,划分出分采区、进行细分层系全面注水调整,使分采区内水驱储量动用程度、采出程度等指标明显高于全块开发水平。通过对分采区开发效果进行综合评价,对分采区水驱采收率进行预测及研究分采区扩大、调整的可行性,明确了分采区适合内部调整、提高注水井分注级别等工作方向,为进一步改善区块水驱效果提供技术支持。  相似文献   

电力企业业绩评价的现状分析与改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力企业发、输、配和售电环节垂直一体化垄断结构模式和电力管理体制的改革,逐渐形成了电力企业双轨制业绩评价格局,本文对这种双轨制格局进行了分析,并提出了完善和改革的建议。  相似文献   

住宅小区人居环境评价指标体系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对人居环境概念的分析,探讨了人居环境的标准及其评价指标体系建立的基本原则,在此基础上建立了相应的评价指标体系,给出了评价的方法和具体流程。  相似文献   

主要研究常用经济评价标准,回收期、净现值、内部收益率、收益国一成本比率,并从理论上指 们所依据的假设条件和引用时的局限性。  相似文献   

工程设计文件质量评价体系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对工程设计质量评价标准体系发展历程的分析,阐述了工程设计质量评价标准体系的流程,评价体系评价指标和评价体系计算方法。给出了工程设计文件质量评价体系是确定工程设计成果质量合格与不合格的衡量标准,根据工程设计的不同阶段,合理设置质量评价指标,保证评价指标的协调统一性。评价体系计算方法是加权平均整体归一法,同时采取设计文件质量特性不符强制性条文规定的设计文件一票否决。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通项目经济效益评价方法初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
城市轨道交通投资大,经济的可行性对项目决策起着至关重要的作用。同时轨道交通作为城市基础设施建设,经济可行性应以国民经济评价、社会效益为主,其费用和效益的确定应做到科学、合理、全面。目前我国还未建立一个完整的城市轨道交通经济评价体系,本文希望通过作者多年的工作积累。为轨道交通项目效益的评价方法提出有益的思路。  相似文献   

以钢铁企业生产经营实践需求为导向,结合钢铁企业历年软科学成果评价的具体实践,通过对软科学研究成果评价标准进行三类划分,对每一类软科学研究成果评价标准进行新的描述和权重界定,并提出下一步需要改进的建议,以期更好地发挥软科学成果评价标准的基础性和指导性作用,从而加快钢铁企业商业模式和产业结构的创新,推进钢铁企业创新驱动。  相似文献   

企业合同管理标准化探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不论企业所属行业及其性质如何,都要通过合同来实现其销售、采购、技术转让等经济活动,石油石化行业的企业也不例外.为维护合法权益和提高市场信誉,企业可以通过建立标准化管理模型,实施企业合同管理标准化来提高合同管理水平.  相似文献   

小布什政府能源政策初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国小布什政府的能源政策于今年5月中旬正式出台。报告涉及石油、天然气、核能、煤炭、电力以及替代能源和可再生能源等,但核心是石油。报告强调美国能源形势不容乐观。报告提出的解决“能源危机”的国内战略是:(1)加强国内石油勘探和开发,包括开发阿拉斯加禁区和美国西部的石油和天然气资源;(2)强调发展核能的重要性;(3)继续发挥煤炭在电力发展中的作用;(4)改善和新建能源基础设施;(5)增加政府战略石油库存。报告指出:美国各种能源都能自给自足,惟独缺少石油,布什政府格须把能源安全放在美国对外贸易和外交政策的首位。报告提出的解决“能源危机”的国外战略是:(1)加强同加拿大、沙特阿拉伯、委内瑞拉和墨西哥等产油国的贸易关系;(2)加强同海湾产油国的关系:(3)加紧开发里海和俄罗斯的石油资源;(4)关注亚洲特别是中国的石油动向。能源报告公布以来,各界对此评说不一。综合起来分析,应当说:制定容易,执行难。  相似文献   

本文在实践的基础上,针对工厂实际工作中劳动定额存在严重不平衡的问题,对统计分析法进行了探讨。认为:采用期望定额完成率和实际定额完成率之比进行调节,较好地解决了直接引用统计分析法对劳动定额制修订的不足。  相似文献   

针对石油工程分包商质量管理的必要性进行了阐述,并对存在的问题作了具体分析,提出了相应地改进措施。  相似文献   

At the beginning of this new century, design and technology educators face a serious dilemma: Practice conventional modes of design and technology, which have consumed proponents in Canada, England, Germany, and the US, or model design for sustainable lifestyles. Our conventional design, problem solving and technological methods embody a liberal, political ecology and in effect, these methods – our practices – are not sustainable. Using the political ecology of Nike shoes as an example, I describe ecological footprints, resource streams, and wakes as effective metaphors for sustainable practice. In contra-distinction to technocentric methods, I argue for modelling ecocentric processes rooted in political ecology and cultural studies. Attending to the political ecology of design and technology means nothing less than remodelling the design of lifestyles and reducing production and consumption in our practice.  相似文献   

In contrast to traditional assumptions about Asian conflict management, interdependence may induce cooperative approaches to conflict rather than avoidance or competition. Findings from supervisors on 216 subcontractors in Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong support the hypotheses that interdependence leads to cooperative conflict which results in constructive conflict which in turn helps the subcontractor contribute to the main contractor. However, competitive and avoiding conflict were found to be useful in Taiwan. Results were interpreted as suggesting that the theory of cooperation and competition offers the potential for strengthening conflict management in East Asia and that cooperative conflict, rather than avoiding, may reinforce feelings of interdependence in East Asia.  相似文献   

如何将人力资产纳入现有的价值管理体系在知识经济的背景下具有积极的现实意义。本文从四个角度对人力资产的价值化管理进行分析并给出了建议,认为必须首先解决人力资产的类型判定、计量方法、计量对象、投资者归属这四个基本问题才能真正促进人力资产价值化管理的有效实施。  相似文献   

页(泥)岩密度计是石油及天然气地质勘探中现场随钻测量页(泥)岩密度的专用计量器具.由于野外工作环境条件较差,很难保证其测量的准确性,因此,有必要开展量值溯源性研究,从而建立一套切实可行的量值传递系统,保证其测量数据的准确可靠,满足石油及天然气地质勘探工作的需要.  相似文献   

Since buyers offer a premium for access to creative financing (CF), creatively-financed houses will sell for more than otherwise identical houses purchased with standard financing. A commonly suggested method for adjusting house values to eliminate the effects of CF is the "cash equivalence" method, where the CF premium is assumed to equal the present value of savings from CF. This paper shows that in a world with active housing speculators, the cash equivalence approach gives the right answer: In an "arbitrage" equilibrium, house values must differ by exactly the present value of CF savings. Further analysis shows that when capital markets are perfect, each consumer is indifferent between CF and standard financing when arbitrage equilibrium obtains. Without perfect capital markets, however, consumers will strictly prefer one financing mode or the other.  相似文献   

Eco‐innovations are an effective way for companies to strategically align themselves with customers’ growing environmental concerns. Despite their crucial role, scant research has focused on eco‐innovative product designs. Drawing from the sustainability and innovation literature, this article proposes that in the design of an eco‐innovation, its degree of innovativeness, level of eco‐friendliness, and detachability significantly affect consumers' adoption intentions. This article develops various conceptual models tested through three independent online experiments with U.S. consumers. The findings support the hypotheses and provide useful insights into the underlying mechanisms of how and why consumers respond to eco‐innovative product designs across various high‐tech product categories. Specifically, the results show (1) a positive effect of innovativeness degrees of eco‐innovative attributes on consumers' perceptions of product eco‐friendliness and on their adoption intentions as well as a significant moderating role of consumers' need for cognition (Study 1); (2) a positive influence of eco‐friendliness levels of eco‐innovative attributes on consumer adoption intentions in the case of high‐complexity products but not for low‐complexity products, emphasizing the need to adopt different approaches when developing eco‐innovations to ensure favorable consumer reactions (Study 2); and (3) a significant impact of the detachability of eco‐innovative attributes on consumers' perceptions of trade‐offs between environmental benefits and product functionality and on their intentions to adopt eco‐innovations (Study 3). These findings add to existing theoretical knowledge, provide actionable managerial implications, and identify fruitful avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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