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心理健康问题早在中国的古代就有研究,而今天,和谐社会的构建更需要关注大学生的心理健康问题。加强对大学生进行心理健康教育,对促进大学生良好道德品质的形成、智力的发展、人格的完善、能力的培养等都具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文对国内外社会指标体系的研究现状进行了分析,用统计学的方法对和谐社会指标体系的体系特征、构建原则、权数设置方法、多指标综合方法进行了研究,为政府部门制定合理的社会政策提供理论依据.  相似文献   

杨晨  傅常红 《经济师》2008,(12):9-10
和谐社会强调人、自然与社会的协调发展,公民责任意识牵引着个人对国家和公共事务的情感,维系着人与人、人与社会的和谐关系,是现代社会公民必备的个性品质,构建和谐社会迫切需要具有高度责任感的公民。培育和提高公民的责任意识。造就具有积极行为能力的现代公民是我国当前面临的一项重要课题。文章依据马克思主义关于个人与社会的关系原理、公民资格理论等分析了公民承担责任的必然性,并从社会制度、公共生活环境和政府责任等方面论述了培育公民责任意识的社会条件。在此基础上提出和谐社会建设中培育提高公民责任意识的基本理念与现实路径。  相似文献   

论女性的经济参与在和谐社会建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许悦  谢丽华 《经济师》2008,(8):67-68
文章通过对女性经济参与的概述.进一步论述女性的经济参与可以促进男女平等,有利于推动和谐社会建设中的两性和谐和社会公平;可以提升妇女的自由独立性,反映了和谐社会建设中的民主内涵;可以发挥女性的聪明才智,激发和谐社会建设中的社会活力;可以确保和谐社会建设中的社会的安定有序的作用。  相似文献   

论和谐社会的道德建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张密生 《经济师》2011,(7):27-28
道德是社会和谐的重要的道义基础,也是构建和谐社会的精神动力,社会主义和谐社会构建中的道德建设,是新世纪、新时期对道德建设提出的新要求。社会主义和谐社会构建中要加强道德建设的紧迫性,准确把握道德建设的基本原则和道德建设的实施途径。  相似文献   

近年来,房地产过度开发对环境破坏的例子屡屡可见。公民环境权是公民固有的基本权利,为了维护公民生存和发展的适宜环境和实现可持续发展,达到人和自然的和谐相处,需在法律上建立和健全公民环境权保护体系。在房地产开发过程中,应从宪法、民法、经济法、诉讼法等具体法律角度出发,切实保护公民的环境权。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述企业履行社会责任有利于企业与社会的共赢,并以西方一些著名的跨国公司作为分析对象,来了解它们是如何以“企业公民”的形象出现,注重履行企业的社会责任,来追求企业与社会的共赢的,从而对企业在和谐社会的建构中所应发挥的作用有一个比较透彻的认识。最后,针对我国目前企业的社会责任感比较薄弱的问题,提出若干建议。  相似文献   

邓遂 《经济研究导刊》2013,(19):205-206,228
和谐社会,作为一种理想的社会形态,其形成与存在也需要一种具有稳定、温和、理性、和谐等特征的社会心理来支撑。这种起支撑作用的社会心理需要通过社会结构与各种制度建设、社会文化建设、社会心理支撑与维护网络建设等方面的建构来获得。  相似文献   

农村和谐社会建基于农村各利益主体间和谐的利益关系之上。农村改革引起了农村既有利益关系的变化,产生了诸多新的利益主体和相应的诸种新的利益关系,其中包括了乡镇企业改制所致新利益关系。处理好农村利益关系使之臻于和谐要求,协调好、统筹好农村各利益主体的利益。处理的原则是遵循经济规律的要求,处理之努力的重点应放在农民利益的凸显与维护方面。  相似文献   

循环经济发展与和谐社会建设本质上是统一的,我国在构建和谐社会过程中,遇到了诸多挑战与问题,解决这些问题和建设社会主义和谐社会的目标要求,迫切需要我们大力发展循环经济。  相似文献   

良好的大学校园文化对大学生的世界观、人生观和价值观的形成、人格的塑造、理想信念与目标追求的导向及意志品质的磨练等都有着重要影响.高职院校校园文化建设存在着一系列亟待解决的问题,需要从多方面加强校园文化建设,进而促进大学生的心理健康.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the causal impact of large unexpected windfalls on individual mental health, physical health, as well as health behaviors. I use a large individual-level panel data set of lottery winners from Germany between the years 2000 and 2011 and observe lottery winners before and after winning a large lottery prize. Mental health declines immediately after winning a large lottery prize for individuals with low education and low levels of financial literacy. While these individuals report being happier after winning the lottery, evidence from commonly used SF-12 measures of mental health indicates that winners with low education experience increased role limitations due to emotional problems, are more anxious, and have less energy after their win. The impact on various measures of mental health is highly robust, statistically significant, economically significant, and persists for up to two years after the win. Unexpected windfalls have no impact on the mental health of individuals with high education or high financial literacy. Winning the lottery has no impact on individuals’ health behaviors such as smoking or alcohol consumption, and it has no impact on doctor visits, hospital stays, or illness-related work absences regardless of education level.  相似文献   

Using six cycles of Canada’s longitudinal National Population Health Survey data (2000–2001 to 2010–2011), this article examines the relationship between job insecurity and mental health. Job insecurity is evaluated in both subjective (perception of job insecurity) and objective (probability of joblessness) terms while mental health is measured using a standardized psychological distress index. Applying a person-specific fixed-effects estimator, results indicate that for males and females age 25–64, job insecurity, regardless of how it is measured, is associated with an increase in psychological distress. Results regarding unemployment are not as conclusive, suggesting that it is not so much the actual occurrence of job loss but the threat of unemployment that is associated with higher psychological distress. Estimates of the relationship between job insecurity and psychological distress using pooled ordinary least squares are much larger, implying that much of the psychological distress/job insecurity correlation may be due to unobservable fixed characteristics. All results are robust to the inclusion and exclusion of a host of other potential determinants including income-related variables, education, and various health measures.  相似文献   

随着积极心理学的产生和发展,人们更加重视个人自身的积极因素,心理韧性即是个体自身的一种积极的内在保护作用机制,已成为国内心理学界的热点研究。从心理韧性观出发,探究在员工管理的过程中心理韧性的积极作用,并提出在未来的员工管理工作中心理韧性的具体应用价值。  相似文献   

Little is known about how workplace problems may influence diagnosable mental health and substance use (MHSU) disorders. We examine the associations between three common workplace problems (experiencing problems with co-workers, job changes and perceived financial strain) and three MHSU disorders (mood, anxiety and substance abuse/dependence). The analysis utilizes longitudinal data on a sample of working-age adults from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. These data are well suited for our research objective as the survey was specifically designed to study MHSU disorders. Results show that experiencing these workplace problems is associated with an increased risk for mental health disorders, but not substance use disorders. Importantly, various robustness checks and sensitivity analyses demonstrate that our findings cannot be not fully explained by omitted variables, reverse causality or sample attrition.  相似文献   

本文以高职院校学生心理问题的表现为出发点,具体以团体心理咨询的技术为例证,说明团体心理咨询理论在大学生心理健康教育中的应用及效果。  相似文献   

心理健康教育是大学生思想政治教育工作的重要部分。高校辅导员注重自身心理品质的培养,将心理健康教育的理念渗透于思想政治工作中,是新形势下提高思想政治教育的针对性和实效性、促进思想政治工作的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

团体心理辅导与大学生心理健康教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来的研究表明,大学生有20%~30%左右的人存在着不同程度的心理问题,其主要表现为恐怖、焦虑、强迫、抑郁、情感危机和神经衰弱等。面对日益沉重的心理压力,我们高校教育者应引起高度的重视。随着形势的发展,以往个体咨询与辅导、心理健康教育课、媒体宣传等以知识普及式的传统心理健康教育途径由于受人数及效能的限制,已不适应当代大学生的需求。团体心理辅导是一种在团体情境下提供心理援助与指导的一种咨询形式,近年来在心理健康咨询中起着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Utilising the latest large-sample data from a survey conducted in 2015 in China, we empirically estimated the impact of return migration on the mental health of children. Our results show that the experience of return migration has a significant negative impact on children’s mental health as measured by depression risk, self-esteem and resilience.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between partner's mental health and individual life satisfaction, using panel data and calculating the monetary valuation of mental illness. Accounting for measurement error and endogeneity of income, partners' mental health has a significant association with individual well-being. The additional income needed to compensate someone living with a partner with a mental condition is substantial (ranges between USD 33,000 and USD 50,000). Further, individuals do not show adaptation to partners' mental illness. The results have implications for policy-makers wishing to value the effects of policies that aim to impact on mental health and levels of well-being.  相似文献   

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