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《Food Policy》2014
The European Union (EU) nutrition labelling policy aims to facilitate consumers’ food choice, stimulate innovation and facilitate the circulation of foods bearing claims across countries. However, the beef industry has not fully taken advantage of utilizing nutrition and health claims based on the EU nutrition labelling policy to differentiate beef products in the market. This study investigates consumer preferences for nutrition and health claims on lean beef steak. Two choice experiments were conducted among 2400 beef consumers in four EU countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands, United and United Kingdom). Multinomial logit and error component models were estimated. Our results generally suggest that consumer valuation of nutritional and health claims varies across countries. In Belgium, the Netherlands and France, nutrition and health claims on saturated fat yielded higher utilities than claims on protein and/or iron, while the opposite was found among consumers in the UK. The results imply that marketing opportunities related to nutrition and health claims on beef are promising, but that different nutritional marketing strategies are necessary within different countries. 相似文献
Claudio Schuftan 《Food Policy》1982,7(2):159-164
What drives nutritionists in their daily work? Why do they choose nutrition and not another field? Presumably it is the appeal of working, either locally or globally, to alleviate the suffering caused by malnutrition. This article explores the political awareness of nutritionists, the political implications of their daily activities and suggests an enhanced role for nutritionists in the battle against malnutrition. The starting point for this article is the motivating principles behind individual nutritionists. 相似文献
《Food Policy》1987,12(2):161-175
A 1966 survey of possibilities for increasing food production to meet India's minimum nutritional requirements concluded that a national programme could be formulated for making better use of India's vast potential in fisheries. This article gives an account of the current production and disposal of fisheries products in India. The three major phases of fisheries operations are distinguished, and actions are proposed that could be taken in each phase to help alleviate malnutrition in India. Finally the article discusses how such actions could be undertaken within a comprehensive national programme designed to increase the contribution of fisheries to the alleviation of India's malnutrition problem. 相似文献
Bankole N 《Food Policy》1982,7(4):323-331
A pilot survey of the factors affecting infant feeding practices in rural Western Nigeria highlights intercultural perceptual problems. Results show widespread use of imported, high cost carbohydrate foods and great resistance to the early introduction of local health protective items. It is commonly thought that "too much food" is bad for a child. Staff responsible for health education are held in a degree of disrepute not conducive to the acceptance of their educational efforts in the community. Recommendations include control of advertising; reviewed staff orientation and training; and an intensive campaign to reestablish breast feeding as the cultural norm. No data is presented on feeding of fluids (breast milk, additional milk, boiled water and glucose in water) and nonfluids (imported carbohydrate, local carbohydrate, local protein and fruits and vegetables) based on the mother's estimate of the age of a baby shown in a photograph. Approximate market prices of imported commodities commonly used for infant feeding in the study area are also included. 相似文献
Assessing the impact of migration on food and nutrition security 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Migration has become a key component in the livelihood strategies of an increasing number of households across the developing world and remittances have expanded dramatically in the last decade. This has come at a time when an increased emphasis has been placed on reducing malnutrition to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets. While this is the case, there has been little attention on the interface between migration and nutrition even though migration can influence nutrition through a number of channels. The objective of this special issue is to present state-of-the-art analyses of the link between migration and nutrition in developing countries. In this paper, an overview of the conceptual and empirical issues in identifying the link between migration and nutrition are considered. Further, the results from seven country case studies are synthesized and policy implications are drawn. 相似文献
The Innu of northern Labrador, Canada have undergone profound transitions in recent decades with important implications for conservation, food and health policy. The change from permanent nomadic hunting, gathering and trapping in ‘the country’ (nutshimit) to sedentary village life (known as ‘sedentarisation’) has been associated with a marked decline in physical and mental health. The overarching response of the national government has been to emphasize village-based and institutional solutions. We show that changing the balance back to country-based activities would address both the primary causes of the crisis and improve the health and well-being of the Innu. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, interviews with Innu older people (Tshenut), empirical data on nutrition and activity, and comparative data from the experiences of other indigenous peoples, we identify pertinent biological and environmental transitions of significance to the current plight of the Innu. We show that nutrition and physical activity transitions have had major negative impacts on individual and community health. However, hunting and its associated social and cultural forms is still a viable option as part of a mixed livelihood and economy in the environmentally significant boreal forests and tundra of northern Labrador. Cultural continuity through Innu hunting activities is a means to decelerate, and possibly reverse, their decline. We suggest four new policy areas to help restore country-based activities: (i) a food policy for country food; (ii) an outpost programme; (iii) ecotourism; and (iv) an amended school calendar. Finally, we indicate the implications of our analysis for people in other countries. 相似文献
Pines JM 《Food Policy》1982,7(4):275-301
National nutrition planning has failed to fulfill its initial promise because of inadequate consideration of political and administrative obstacles to applying the methodology. The political and operational contexts within which multisectoral nutrition planning has occurred are reviewed in order to draw insights and lessons from the experience of the last 10 years. Considered are the political process, macro and micro planning, the multisectoral approach, integration with agricultural and health planning, nutrition interventions, community participation, cost benefit analyses, and information systems evaluation, management and organization. Emphasis on the multisectoral causation of malnutrition has contributed substantially to nutrition programming and remains indispensable for improving nutrition, but requires more thoughtful response to practical implementation problems. Integrating nutrition concerns more effectively into health and agriculture systems offers a more promising approach than efforts to attack malnutrition by encouraging multisectoral nutrition coordinating agencies and national plans. 相似文献
《Food Policy》2013
Consumers need information such as nutrition tables to assess the nutritional value of a food product. Although a broad range of studies has examined consumers’ attention, perception and use of nutrition tables, relatively little is known about what types of consumers use what kind of nutrition information. Therefore, using data from the Swiss Food Panel, we conducted a cluster analysis of nutrition information usage and health and nutrition interest to determine whether consumers could be segmented into specific groups. We identified four segments, which we labelled Official Information Users, Internet Users, Moderate Users and Uninterested. We then determined the segments’ demographics, food frequencies and perception of food. Based on our findings, we provide suggestions for targeted interventions that stimulate healthy food choices among these four segments. Our findings imply that nutrition education or the improvement of nutrition labels is unlikely tostimulate nutrition information usage among all consumer types; some consumers may rather benefit more from environmental cues that prime healthy food choices. 相似文献
Over the past few years, an increasing convergence can be observed between international and Indian initiatives towards cashlessness, often involving a broad range of actors and influences. Despite this convergence, it is also clear that the conceptualization and implementation, or goals and outcomes of cashlessness can vary considerably, which indicates the need for a closer look at the Indian case. In this introductory note to the special issue on cashlessness in India, we outline the variety of institutions, stakeholders (regulatory, financial and technological actors), technologies and policies involved. As we have observed, digital payments and financial inclusion are two significant planks of cashlessness in India. Perhaps as a result, digital payments have been intentionally defined in a broad manner in India – ranging from anti-cash to less-cash and now contactless payments in the aftermath of Covid-19. Considering the variety of legal, economic, social and technological concerns involved, this special issue adopts 2 complementary foci to study cashlessness in India: technological visions and the systems undergirding it, and practices of end users. The special issue includes four papers. The first paper argues that the Digital India programme may lead to the commercialization of bias. The second paper historicizes the Indian demonetization of 2016 and examines its stated and unstated goals. The next paper provides a conceptual model on technology adoption in the context of digital payments. The final paper argues that users strategically switch between multiple payments media based on the context in which the transaction is taking place. 相似文献
Diet and activity have been affected by the rapid worldwide shifts in technological innovations reducing energy expenditures during leisure, transportation, and work; globalized modern food processing, marketing and distribution techniques; global mass media. The increases occur increasingly in rural areas on all continents. The resultant global increase in obesity increasingly is shifting the burden of obesity to the poor. While few direct linkages between globalization of trade in goods, services, and technology can be directly linked to diet and activity, a strong case exists for globalization’s role as a key underlying force behind this stage of the nutrition transition. 相似文献
A framework for assessment of the potential of nanotechnology for enhancing food security in India is developed. Agricultural productivity, soil health, water security, and food quality in storage and distribution are identified as the primary determinants of food security that can be impacted by developments in nanotechnology. The framework is developed in two stages: (i) mapping nanotechnology to agri-food thematic areas across the agricultural value chain and (ii) from the thematic areas to the food security determinants. Using published literature and patents data, a model to organize and map nanotechnology research to the agri-food thematic areas and food security determinants is developed through a specially designed database. The model allows identification and prioritization of potential areas for nanotechnology applications to enhance food security. Comparisons of this technology with green revolution technologies and agricultural biotechnology indicate a possibility of greater and faster impact on all components of the agri-value chain with concurrent social, ethical, legal and environmental implications. There is a need for investments in capacity building and development of an agri-nanotechnology infrastructure in India, and for ex ante assessment of its implications for society. 相似文献
Joshua P. Berning Hayley H. Chouinard Kenneth C. Manning Jill J. McCluskey David E. Sprott 《Food Policy》2010
Nutrition labels can potentially benefit consumers by increasing product knowledge and reducing search costs. However, the global increase in obesity rates leads one to question the effectiveness of current nutrition information formats. Alternative formats for providing nutrition information may be more effective. Shoppers at a major grocery chain participated in choice experiments designed to identify preferences for nutrition information provided on grocery store shelf labels. Shoppers demonstrate a strong affinity for shelf-label nutrition information and the presentation of the nutrition information significantly affects their preferences as well. Several demographic variables help to explain differences in preferences. 相似文献
This paper compares results from a lab experiment and a field experiment conducted in France to evaluate the impact of health information on fish consumption. In both experiments, health information concerns a benefit (omega 3) and a risk (methylmercury). While the lab experiment focuses on two species, namely canned tuna and canned sardines, the field experiment offers a complete measure of the information impact on the choice of various species by consumers. Results from both experiments showed a significant preference change against canned tuna. In the lab experiment, the preference change was reflected by a decrease in WTP, while in the field experiment the preference change was reflected by a decrease in consumption. In the field experiment, among all fish consumed, only the decrease in consumption of canned tuna was statistically significant. A model calibrated to represent the demand for canned tuna allows for a comparison between the two experiments. It shows that the lab experiment suggests a smaller decrease in canned tuna demand compared to the field experiment. 相似文献
《Food Policy》2017
Using a model of household food demand that incorporates regional preferences (tastes) for culturally appropriate food, I investigate whether tastes for quinoa in the Puno region of Peru reduced household nutrition intakes when quinoa prices dramatically increased between 2004 and 2012. Adapting a model from Atkin (2013) and utilizing data from a national Peruvian household survey (ENAHO), I am able to deconstruct regional changes in household nutrition over time into several general equilibrium effects; in particular, I isolate the effect of regional tastes for quinoa on nutrition outcomes. This effect is identified by an exogenous spike in quinoa prices driven by international demand for quinoa. While I find evidence that regional tastes for quinoa do exist in the Puno region, these tastes do not have a statistically significant impact on nutrition outcomes. My results lend support to the conjecture that tastes for culturally appropriate food do not meaningfully affect household nutrition if the food in question is a sufficiently small component of a household’s overall diet. 相似文献
Dijana Stupar Wenche Barth Eide Lesley Bourne Michael Hendricks Per Ole Iversen Margareta Wandel 《Food Policy》2012
Changes in diet and nutrition, along with other lifestyle changes during the last decades, have affected the nutrition-related disease profile in many developing countries. This phenomenon, or process, is known as ‘The Nutrition Transition’. Several studies on adolescents in South Africa have shown that overweight and obesity are increasing, possibly due to this process. The aim of the present study was to extend our knowledge on the nutrition transition and the factors that influence adolescents’ choice of food in South Africa, and to develop policy recommendations that could facilitate the adolescents’ right to adequate food as laid down in the South African Constitutional Bill of Rights. The data were collected through focus groups with 25 female learners (grade 10, 14–16 years) from urban public schools in Cape Town and key informant interviews with 10 school staff members. The most important nutritional concerns that emerged from the analyses, included skipping breakfast and the consumption of unhealthy tuck shop food. In terms of the human right to adequate food, these findings reflected lack of availability and access to adequate food within the household, at schools, and in the community. In addition, the study showed that there were no or few opportunities for physical activity for adolescents during and after school hours. Social factors, including social norms and a need to conform to peer group pressure, appeared to affect the behaviour of learners considerably. Traditional foods appeared to have lost their importance, while learners preferred to consume fast foods and to adopt a more westernised diet connected to affluence and social acceptance. Traditional and more “Western” body perceptions co-existed among the study participants. The nutrition transition in South Africa is of a complex nature because of large differences that exist amongst different ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Policy decisions should be based on an understanding of these diverse factors. The media and the food industry should be encouraged to work with government in influencing adolescents to make healthy food choices. Cultural perceptions which may lead to unhealthy choices and lifestyle need to be addressed while at the same time respecting people’s cultural pride and human dignity. It is recommended that human rights principles are used purposively in the future in policy formulations, interventions, evaluation and monitoring. 相似文献
The paper focuses on third generation wireless technologies and on alternative technologies for wireless local area networks. The authors present the evolutionary migration path from second to third generation systems. Technological, economic and behavioral factors related to decision-making towards the migration are proposed. As an example, the paper studies the case of the national incumbent operator of India. It analyzes qualitatively the migration problem from the perspective of the operator, the equipment manufacturer and the users. For the quantitative analysis, real options are used to value the investment decisions. The analysis suggests that the initial (sunk) investment cost, the average revenue per user, the growth of the subscriber base and the volatility of the markets are the key factors in the investment process. 相似文献
As efforts to improve diets in high income countries intensify, attention has turned to how policies may influence diet composition. The case studies in this special issue contribute to our understanding of how two main types of policies have influenced food product composition and dietary outcomes: (1) policies affecting food manufacturers’ input costs and (2) information policy affecting competition. Research on the first type of policy is relatively new, but suggests that US commodity policies would not be good policy instruments to influence diets, except through the long run impacts of agricultural research. Research on the impacts of information policy continues to demonstrate that it can spur food industry competition to introduce healthier products, but may not result in healthier diets. International comparisons show where the US experience may have relevance for other high income countries. 相似文献
This paper is a comparative analysis of the telecommunications policy-making process in China and India. Adopting an institutionalist perspective and multi-streams framework, the paper analyzes the formal structures, rule-making procedures and interest groups involved in telecommunications policy-making in the two countries, in terms of their evolution over the last two decades. Though the two systems began this period with a somewhat similar ministerial-bureaucratic decision-making model, and faced similar problems of assimilating new interest groups and responding to international pressures, the paper finds that the decision systems in the two countries evolved in significantly different directions. China's telecommunications decision-making is significantly affected by the macro level political rearrangement and is more likely to be non-incremental. On the other hand, confronted by an increasingly litigious environment and a more fractious interest group culture, India represents a somewhat classical textbook case of incremental policy making. Nevertheless, numerous challenges remain in both countries, including institutional capacity and excessive regulatory deference to political authority. 相似文献