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肖楚琴 《湖北经济》2003,(12):46-47
所谓独立董事,又称外部董事、独立非执行董事,是指不在公司担任除董事外其他职务,并与其所受聘的上市公司及其主要股东不存在可能妨碍其进行独立客观判断的董事。独立董事制度则是使独立董事在公司董事会内部起到制衡  相似文献   

公司所有权与经营权的分离是现代公司治理的主要特征,随着公司规模的进一步扩大和分散,股东与经理层的利益偏差也越来越大为保护公司整体和中小股东的利益.上世纪40年代初的美国出现了独立董事制度,并于七八十年代迅速在欧美发展开来,为许多市场经济发达的国家所认同。  相似文献   

陈恒 《浙江经济》2003,(12):56-57
为改变我国上市公司监事会监督功能不足导致的公司治理失控,近两年我国上市公司借鉴英美独立董事制度的优点,开始实施独立董事制度,以改善我国上市公司法人治理结构,并取得了初步成效。然而,由于制度不完善及相关配套的法律法规没有建立,制约因素较多,实施效果不尽如人意。  相似文献   

为顺应当前改善我国治理结构和提高公司治理效率的需要,理论界与实务的不少学者都适时地提出我国的公司法律制度应吸纳独立董事制度。然而究竟为什么要引入独立董事制度?该制度的引入又会给我国公司治理现状带来怎样的变化,本文将对之进行探讨。一、独立董事制度的推广参照各国  相似文献   

独立董事制度作为改善我国上市公司治理结构的政策措施,已通过证监会的文件《关于在上市公司建立独立董事制度的指导意见》(以下简称《指导意见》)在上市公司推行。但这项政策的实际效果并没有达到预期效果,原因何在?一、独立董事的职能定位独立董事的产生根源是由于股权结构的  相似文献   

独立性是独立董事的生命力,独立董事的独立性包括形式上的独立和实质上的独立。聘任、报酬等因素都会影响其独立性。国外对独立董事的任职资格都制定了严格的标准以保证其独立性。我国独立董事的独立性不高,难以对内部人进行有效的监督制约。应当借鉴国外经验,提高独立董事的独立性,以保证独立董事作用的发挥。  相似文献   

傅德俐 《开放导报》2002,(10):39-40
中国加入世贸组织后,迈入了直接与世界强国竞争的跑道,各行各业都面临着新的机遇与挑战.目前中国还是个落后的农业大国,要快速地富强起来,首要任务是农业要有一个快速发展.但是要使中国农业快速发展,最为关键的核心还是在于它的体制,即中国农村在什么样的经济体制下,建立有效的经营方式与管理模式.  相似文献   

要想当一名得力的非执行董事.需要有非凡的平衡能力。优秀的非执行董事对于执行班子来说.既是监督者.又是支持者:既能纵观全局。又能理解细节:既能在发言时得到别人的尊重.又善于聆听;既保持客观.又忠心耿耿。  相似文献   

We examine professional directors—board members with no employment outside of serving as independent directors. We find that boards with a higher percentage of professional directors engage in more acquisitions, experience lower acquisition announcement returns, and exhibit lower performance‐turnover sensitivity and lower financial performance. We also examine the returns surrounding the appointment‐announcement dates of professional directors and find that firms experience significantly lower cumulative abnormal returns upon the appointment announcement of professional directors as compared to nonprofessional directors. The negative returns are primarily experienced by firms that face greater agency issues, suggesting that the market does not value professional directors for stricter monitoring. Overall, our findings do not lend support for calls to professionalize corporate boards.  相似文献   

随着大学生就业制度改革的深入,就业市场的不断开放,高校就业工作面临许多新情况和新问题.因此,也对高校就业指导人员的素质能力提出了更高的要求.高校就业指导人员必须具有强烈的服务意识、良好的思想政治素质和职业道德素质、精湛的业务素质以及良好的心理素质,才能完成新的就业机制赋予的艰巨使命.  相似文献   

我国农村家庭养老保障制度有效性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国农村家庭养老保障制度有效性面临三大挑战:总体供给不足;家庭地位变迁;家庭观念淡化.在大力推进养老社会化、建立健全农村养老保障制度体系的同时,应采取规范家庭养老制度、出台家庭养老激励政策、弘扬传统孝道、树立家庭养老保障新观念及大力发展农村社区老龄服务产业等相关措施,以继续保持和发挥家庭养老保障功能,使农村老年居民真正做到老有所养.  相似文献   

今年2月香港汇报发表一篇韪为《港深经济日渐融合》的署名专论,章说:香港政府资料显示港人近年非公事性北上深圳数目达二千多万人次,消费额三百亿港元,约等于香港私人消费总额百分之四。同时北上消费亦不断深化,除数量增长外内容也日趋广泛,由购物扩大至各种个人服务(如理发、按摩及照相等)以至娱及消闲省城(如运动、艺及狩猎等)。从长远看,房地产和包括医疗、疗养及养老等的医护服务这两大领域对吸引北上消费颇有潜力。章还说,港人北上消费也为北上投资开启了新门路,如北上购物热已吸引不少港人个体商户到深圳开业,医护教育等方面随内地放宽管制亦有良好拓展前景,章最后指出港人投资与消费有可能形成互相促进之良性循环,令深港两地市场更为融合,长远看有可能走向“一城两制”的格局。  相似文献   

Considerable prior research investigates whether the extent of insider presence on corporate boards is detrimental. However, the majority of past research treats all inside directors as a homogenous group. This study considers that issue in the context of chief financial officers (CFO) serving on their own company's board. Our research is important because individuals in different executive roles bring different skills and knowledge to board interactions, highlighting the potential for differential contributions. As prior research does not specifically distinguish CFOs from other board insiders, the potential benefits of knowledge sharing due to increased communication with other board members may have been masked. Specifically, the CFO is directly responsible for the quality of the financial reporting process and can therefore be associated with specific outcome measures. Our results show that the percentage of CFOs serving on their own boards is not large, likely due to the perspective (consistent with agency theory and reflected in independence guidelines) that company insiders on boards could promote their own best interest at the expense of shareholders. Contrary to this perception, we find that companies whose CFO has a seat on the board are associated with higher financial reporting quality (i.e., a lower likelihood of reporting a material weaknesses in internal controls or having a financial restatement, and better accruals quality). Yet, we also find potential drawbacks in that CFOs with a board seat tend to have higher excess compensation and lower likelihood of termination following poor performance, signaling greater entrenchment. While our results provide information to companies considering appointing the CFO to the board, both costs and benefits are demonstrated, and thus we conclude that each board should consider this decision based on its own circumstances and composition.  相似文献   

沈宏亮 《改革与战略》2009,25(4):129-132
网络产业改革实践表明,解决网络产业严重的信息不对称问题是设置规制机构的主要目标。在设计规制机构过程中,正确处理集权与分权规制、专业化与跨产业规制、职能与综合规制之间的关系是达到规制目标的保证。结合影响我国规制机构改革和设计的主要因素,文章认为,我国宜实行垂直跨产业综合规制为主的机构模式。  相似文献   

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