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会展业作为现代服务业九大板块之一,高职院校开设会展业专业培养高技能适用性人才的热情高涨。然受制于传统教育模式中“老师好好备课,学生认真听讲”刻板观念的影响,高职类会展专业培养的毕业生难以广泛得到用人单位的认可。如何以市场需求为导向,培养适用于当前会展业市场化发展的需要的会展业人才,结合当前会展业逐步实现由“政府主导”走向“市场主导”的转变,为会展业在中山市的繁荣发展提供人才支撑,是本文研究的重点。为解决上述问题,本文提出了以下对策:一是加大专业课程“企校融合”力度,提高学生证书获取率和含金量;二是以市场化为导向调整相关专业课程,着力强化学生职业能力;三是开展以“项目强化技能”的实践活动,提升学生对专业技能的全盘把控。  相似文献   

文章从现代市场经济体制下公共服务市场化的视野,审视我国高校后勤社会化改革的现状和困境.提出改变目前高校后勤改革过程中的“路径依赖”,通过明确高校后勤改革的市场化原则,遵循市场机制推进改革;逐步剥离后勤服务职能,遵循市场规律推进改革;建立健全高校后勤服务市场监管体系,确保接市场方向推进改革;加强政府的主导作用,发挥行业管理作用,确保循序渐进地推进改革。  相似文献   

本文认为,由于企业年金作为我国养老保障体系的“第二支柱”还远没有发挥其应有的作用,因而需要实行企业年金的市场化运做;企业年金与资本市场的对接不仅会促进资本市场的发展,同时还会对企业年金产生积极影响。当然,面临的一些问题须先行解决。  相似文献   

能否顺利获得银行贷款对民营企业发展有着重要的意义。本文针对银行授信中存在的“所有制歧视”现象,以2002—2012年上市公司为研究对象,对该现象做出实证检验,并且纳入市场化因素,探讨市场化对企业获得银行借款的影响。实证结果显示“所有制歧视”主要体现在长期借款上,民营企业通过获取更多的短期借款弥补借款不足。同时,随着市场化进程,歧视现象有所减弱。此外,市场化进程对国有企业获取银行贷款的影响大于民营企业。  相似文献   

王亚东 《中外企业家》2014,(11):166-166
“持续创新煤矿内部市场化的安全管理”就是以不断提升煤矿安全发展能力为目标,以推动内部市场化、增强安全管理协同性为手段,对煤矿安全管理流程进行重新思考与再设计,通过再造安全管理流程,建立起管理职能顺畅、劳动组织合理、内部市场完善、协同化程度良好的安全管理新模式,充分运用“市场”的利益机制和“企业”的协同管控机制。  相似文献   

《物权法》的实施,为物业管理市场化铺平了道路;大规模的房地产开发,为物业管理提供了前所未有的发展机遇。如何把握好机遇,完善物业管理体制,推动物业管理市场化进程,是业内面临的共同课题。笔者现结合工作实际,阐述自己对这一问题的一些认识,供业内交流探讨。  相似文献   

一、我国利率市场化进程回顾 我国利率市场化改革自1996年正式启动以来,按照“先外币后本币,先大额后小额”的原则,循序渐进,稳步推进,目前已经取得了阶段性进展;利率市场化改革实现了银行间市场利率、国债和政策性金融债发行利率的市场化;人民银行改革了贴现利率生成机制,再贴现利率成为中国银行一项独立的货币政策工具。  相似文献   

国企与市场经济融合成为当今国企发展的必然趋势。在市场经济深化改革的背景下,国有企业作为我国社会主义市场经济的第一主体,其改革的主导作用重要性不言而喻。党的“十八届三中全会”以来,党中央对国有企业改革提出了“以增强企业获利、提高效率为中心,建立产权清晰、管理科学、政企分开、权责明确的现代企业制度,促进国企核心竞争力的提高”等要求。因此,坚持市场化导向推进国企改革具有重要现实意义。本文分析了国有企业市场化改革现状,梳理了国有企业市场化改革的主要举措,针对军工企业提出了推进市场化改革的建议。  相似文献   

“一进一出”是股市健康的两个关键环节。把住入口关,通过市场化操作,让真正优质的企业能够无障碍地合规上市;把住退市关,建立配套的OTC场外市场,让垃圾股“死缓”退市,提高退市效率。  相似文献   

王科 《西部财会》2011,(3):14-17
在传统计划经济体制下,政府是一个无所不包、职能十分丰富的全能政府。在现代社会,要求政府管理体制改革的呼声越来越高,通过公共服务市场亿明确政府、市场之间的地位就显得十分重要。由于行政垄断等原因导致的政府失灵及政府“越位”、“缺位”等问题,只有通过公共服务市场化改革才能得到解决。公共服务市场化改革是提升公共治理水平、满足公众差异化需求、形成公民社会的重要路径。  相似文献   

新闻媒体对证券投资的影响日趋重要,它会通过影响投资者的心理和行为而影响资产价格。首次公开发行的股票(IPOs)由于倍受媒体关注,从而会在上市以后的价格表现上产生一定的影响。本文选取2006年6月至2008年6月上市的246只首次公开发行的股票作为样本,以百度新闻搜索到包含股票名称的新闻数量作为媒体关注度的衡量指标,实证检验了媒体关注度对新股表现的影响。本文得出结论:媒体关注度通过影响投资者情绪,对新股短期累积超额收益产生正的影响,而对长期累积超额收益产生负的影响。同时发现,媒体关注度高的新股,其发行价格也相对较高。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(4):644-653
Inflation expectations are important elements in monetary policy analysis. This paper examines how inflation expectations of Chinese consumers and professional forecasters are affected by media sentiments based on the epidemiological foundations of the sticky information model. Rather than assuming professional forecasts are identical to newspaper forecasts, we assume news media are a common source for the transmission of typical people's inflation expectations. We collect media data from 30 leading newspapers and magazines in China and code news reports into three types of inflation: rising, falling, and unchanged. More importantly, we categorize the media pool into comprehensive, economic, and politically oriented media sources. We find a fundamental connection between news media and inflation expectations. However, there are significantly different impacts of news reports in different media sources on expectations. The difference is mainly concentrated in politically oriented media sources, and may be a reflection of China's unique media administration system.  相似文献   


Having a voice in media is important to gain power and legitimacy in policy processes. However, media are biased in transmitting information. Using a quantitative content analysis of ten years’ news reporting around water management policies in the Netherlands, we study how much media attention different groups of actors receive and how media biases relate to this attention. Executive politicians get on the news because of their authoritative position; less authoritative actors getting on the news is more related to information biases. Information biases can thus function as a form of checks and balances in news reporting on policy processes.  相似文献   

美国相继发生的安然、世通、施乐等财务舞弊案件,让媒体能否发挥公司治理功能这一主题受到社会各界的高度关注。从现有的经验证据来看,媒体通过声誉机制和信息媒介机制,提升了西方资本市场上上市公司的治理水平。我国对该问题的研究基本处在兴起阶段。本文综述和评析了国外关于媒体与公司治理关系的最新进展,通过建立媒体参与公司治理的一般理论分析框架,为我国学者从事该领域的深入研究提供思路与启示。  相似文献   

We assess how commodity prices respond to macroeconomic news and show that commodities have been relatively insensitive to such news over daily frequencies between 1997 and 2009 compared to other financial assets and major exchange rates. Where commodity prices are influenced by news, there is a pro-cyclical bias and these sensitivities have risen as commodities have become increasingly financialized. However, models based on news still do a relatively poor job of forecasting commodity prices at daily frequencies. We also find some asymmetries in how commodity prices respond to news, most notably for gold, which alone among commodities acts as a safe-haven when “bad” economic news emerges.  相似文献   

This study examines how news is distributed across stocks. A model is developed that categorizes a stock's latent news into normal and nonnormal news, and allows both types of news to be filtered through to other stocks. This is achieved by formulating a model that jointly incorporates a multivariate lognormal‐Poisson jump process (for nonnormal news) and a multivariate GARCH process (for normal news), in addition to a news (or shock) transmission mechanism that allows the shocks from both processes to impact intertemporally on all stocks in the system. The relationship between news and the expected volatility surface is explored and a unique news impact surface is derived that depends on time, news magnitude, and news type. We find that the effect of nonnormal news on volatility expectations typically builds up before dissipating, with the news transmission mechanism effectively crowding‐out normal news and crowding‐in nonnormal news. Moreover, in contrast to the standard approach for measuring leverage effects using asymmetric generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models, we find that leverage effects stem predominantly from nonnormal news. Finally, we find that the capacity to identify positively or negatively correlated stock returns is ambiguous in the short term, and depends heavily on the behavior of the nonnormal news component.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that nearly 75% of news coverage in print publications stem from public relations information subsidies, such as news releases, fact sheets, and position papers. Often, organizations send photographs along with these materials in hopes that the media will publish these pictures; thereby, increasing readership of the news story and maximizing the organization's exposure to key audiences. This study examines 339 randomly sampled photographs distributed by American nonprofit foundations through online news wire services from 2006 to 2009. The results indicate that the majority of photographs are staged rather than more intriguing live‐action photographs. The implications of these results are further discussed with formal suggestions for improving this element of media relations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Press freedom varies substantially across countries. In a free environment, any news immediately becomes public knowledge through mediums including various electronic media and published materials. However, in an unfree environment, (economic) agents would have more discretionary powers to disclose good news immediately, while hiding bad news or releasing bad news slowly. We argue that this discretion affects stock prices and that stock markets in countries with a free press should be better processors of economic information. Using an equilibrium asset-pricing model in an economy under jump diffusion, we decompose the moments of the returns of international stock markets into a diffusive risk and a jump risk part. Using stock market data for a balanced panel of 50 countries, our results suggest that in countries with a free press, the better processing of bad news leads to more frequent negative jumps in stock prices. As a result, stock markets in those countries are characterized by higher volatility, driven by higher jump risk and more negative return asymmetry. The results are robust to the inclusion of various controls for governance and other country- or market-specific characteristics. We interpret these as good stock market characteristics because a free press improves welfare and increases economic growth.  相似文献   

A sender who has disclosable information with probability less than one may partially conceal bad news by choosing to withhold information and pooling with uninformed types. The success of this strategy depends on receivers' beliefs about the probability that the sender has disclosable news. In a dynamic context, informed senders try to cultivate a reputation for reticence either by concealing good news along with the bad, or by concealing some good news and disclosing some bad news. A reputation for reticence is valuable because it makes receivers less skeptical of past or future nondisclosures. The model provides insight into the choice by firms such as Google not to disclose quarterly earnings guidance to analysts, as well as Tony Blair's reticence over his son's vaccine record during the measles–mumps–rubella scare in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

李妍 《活力》2007,(8):157-157
随着电视媒体不断发展,新闻交际领域中大量存在的口述形成的节目话语,经过反复使用、发展、稳定,已经逐渐形成独具特色的文体特征。它们既有自身的相对固化性和独立性,又由于语言要素的不能增加而显现出丰富性。  相似文献   

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