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研究目的:检验外生型中介组织和内生型中介组织对农户参与农地流转的行为以及参与程度的影响,为不同类型农地流转中介组织的建设提供经验与建议。研究方法:基于Logit和Tobit模型的实证研究法。研究结果:(1)外生型中介组织对农户是否转入、转出农地决策及其流转程度有显著的正向影响;(2)内生型中介组织对农户是否转入农地决策和转入程度有显著的正向影响;对是否转出农地决策有负向影响,对转出程度的影响不显著;(3)外生型中介组织对流转双方的影响超过内生型中介组织的影响。研究结论:充分发挥外生型中介组织的作用,同时防止村集体强制推动农地流转;加强内生型农地流转中介组织的培育与建立,积极探索多种形式的农地流转中介组织模式。  相似文献   

典型国家(地区)农地流转的案例及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农地流转和适度规模经营已成为新时期我国农村改革的重大政策之一。该文选择了美国、日本、中国台湾和越南作为不同土地制度、资源条件背景下农地流转的典型案例,侧重介绍这些国家(地区)推行农地流转和规模经营的做法和经验,总结得到土地流转机制建设的四点启示:(1)土地产权边界清晰是农村土地流转的前提条件;(2)经营权与所有权的分离加速了农村土地的流转;(3)相关配套机制的完善是农村土地流转的重要保障;(4)专门的中介机构为农村土地充分流转提供了平台。  相似文献   

文章介绍了台湾农地政策的演变、土地使用管制、农地重划、应对世贸组织对策等方面的情况和所获得的五点启示 :(1 )不同时期、不同地区采取不同的耕地保护政策 ;(2 )运用非经济手段对农地实施保护 ;(3)土地使用管制具有全面详尽的法律规定 ;(4 )农民直接参与农地重划 ;(5 )农地释出政策值得商讨  相似文献   

土地用途管制下农地城市流转的公众福利动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:分析土地用途管制政策下农地城市流转的福利损失状况,研究农地保护政策的最优选择。研究方法:理论分析方法,模型分析方法。研究结果:中国土地用途管制政策(动态土地用途管制)优于静态土地用途管制、税收等政策,但仍然存在福利损失,不是最优的政策选择。研究结论:(1)土地用途管制易于产生政策规避行为和违法用地现象,同时政策制定存在困难;(2)农地保护政策的研究应考虑农地城市流转的动态变化因素;(3)地方政府进行农地流转决策需要考虑农地流转过程中非经济福利的损失。为实现农地城市流转福利优化,地方政府应在流转发生的同时,支出等同于当地非经济损失的资金进行弥补。  相似文献   

2011年海峡两岸土地学术研讨会将于2011年8月上旬在哈尔滨市举行,会议主题:土地节约集约利用与环境保护,包括5个子题:(1)土地征收与产权保护;(2)土地开发与农地保护;(3)土地利用与环境影响评价;(4)城市土地二次开发与权益保护;(5)土地管理与房价调控。  相似文献   

近年来,浙江在重点生态功能区补偿、森林生态补偿、跨省流域及省内流域横向生态补偿、耕地生态补偿等方面积极开展有益的探索尝试,形成了可借鉴推广的成果和经验。特别是在市场化、多元化生态补偿方面做了一些创新性的探索。文章采用例证和实证的方法,对浙江生态保护补偿的做法和经验、问题和不足进行了总结分析,最后得出启示:(1)要建立与主体功能区战略相衔接的生态保护补偿制度,促进生态产品公益性价值实现;(2)要建立与自然资源资产有偿使用相衔接的生态保护补偿制度,促进生态产品所有者权益实现;(3)要鼓励开展基于自然资源资产产权交易的市场化多元化生态保护补偿制度,促进生态产品溢出价值实现。  相似文献   

近40年来中国农地细碎化研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:总结近40年中国农地细碎化研究的重点进展,展望未来研究趋势和重点关注方向,以期促进农地资源可持续利用。研究方法:文献计量法,归纳演绎法。研究结果:(1)近40年中国农地细碎化研究受社会经济背景及政策导向影响,可分为3个阶段;(2)研究内容集中在农地细碎化的概念与内涵、测度与评价、成因与效应、治理措施与路径等方面;(3)研究方法由定性探讨向定量评价转变,研究视角及尺度相对独立,亟待耦合性研究。研究结论:(1)农地细碎化内涵包括物理属性(地块)、空间格局(景观)和社会属性(产权)3个层面;(2)受自然、社会、经济、制度、历史背景等多维要素交互共同作用,区域农地细碎化主导成因不尽相同;⑶因研究区背景、研究尺度及视角不同,学术界关于农地细碎化效应方向、强度等存在争议,既存在积极影响,也存在消极影响;(4)未来农地细碎化研究需要在多学科交叉、理论与实践相结合、多维评价指标体系构建、多源数据库建设、农地细碎化治理与乡村振兴联动等方面开展研究。  相似文献   

美国农地保护过程、方法和启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了美国农地保护的缘起、过程和方法,认为美国农地保护是美国历史发展的必然。分析了美国重要农地的内涵,并划分其农地保护过程为三个阶段,介绍了各阶段基本农地划定方法。从技术、经济和法律角度,概括美国农地保护方式。指出美国农地保护工作对中国的几点启示。  相似文献   

探究资本下乡背景下赣南传统村落农地流转风险与传导路径,以期为推进下乡资本与农地流转的有效融合提供参考。结合访谈调研和问卷调查识别传统资本下乡过程中的农地流转风险的形成机理、传导路径和防范体系进行研究。结果表明:(1)资本下乡推动农地流转同时存在经营风险、财产风险和社会风险;(2)资本下乡过程中农地流转风险传导路径受到经营市场的不确定与监管机制的不到位、社会保障不到位、准入机制不完善、流转期限不合理和管理体制缺失的公共影响;(3)规范完善农地流转程序、建立健全农地流转市场和提高主体性行为风险防范意识是为降低资本介入农地流转风险的重要方式。研究结论显示基于资本下乡视角探究了赣南传统村落农地流转异化风险形成机理与传导路径,为促进农地有序流转和保护农民合法权益提供了新视角。  相似文献   

中国农地非农化市场化水平地区差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:测度2003—2008年中国农地非农化市场化水平,并运用变异系数和泰尔指数分析农地非农化市场化水平差异化的原因,揭示提升中国农地非农化市场化水平的政策含义。研究方法:比例分析法、变异系数分析法、泰尔指数分析法。研究结果:(1)2003—2008年农地非农化市场化水平6年平均值为18.50%,2003年农地非农化市场化水平为20.69%,2008年农地非农化市场化水平为11.45%;(2)农地非农化市场化水平平均值最高的地区与最低的地区相差35.18%,2003—2008年间农地非农化市场化水平的变异系数和泰尔指数均有所上升。研究结论:(1)中国农地非农化市场化水平不高且呈现下降趋势;(2)东、中、西部三大区域农地非农化市场化水平的差异受区域内差异和区域间差异的影响,区域间差异对总体差异的贡献率小于区域内差异对总体差异的贡献率;(3)要提高中国农地非农化市场化水平,就必须加大农地非农化市场化改革力度,降低区域内市场化水平的差异。  相似文献   

美国农地保护方法及其借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:探讨美国农地保护方法及其对中国的借鉴。研究方法:逻辑分析,对比分析。研究结果:中国现行农地保护政策存在不足。美国农地保护的启示:(1)农地保护目标应包括保证粮食安全、农业产业发展、环境、城乡土地的合理利用,实现数量、质量、生态的综合保护;(2)发挥中央政府、地方政府、农地保护组织和农民的主体作用,促进农地的保护和保持;(3)完善法规调控体系,改革政府参与方式,减少土地套利,完善市场配套设施、引入市场激励机制,根据地区资源和经济发展情况实行差异化方法。研究结论:美国农地保护目标、管理体系及具体方法等对中国有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

One-third of the forestland in the U.S. is owned by 10.4 million family forest owners. Their collective decisions have a great impact on the sustainability of forest landscape across the country. Public policies and programs for encouraging landowners to properly manage their land include cost-share, forest certification, and conservation easements. However, to date, less than 6% of the family forest owners have participated in a cost-share program, less than 1% have certified their land, and less than 2% have an easement. By analyzing data from USDA Forest Service's National Woodland Owner Survey, we examined the characteristics of family forest owners who had participated in these programs and identified strategies to capitalize on these landowner characteristics to improve current programs and attract a wider range of participants. We found that family forest owners with larger land holdings were more likely to participate in all three types of programs. Obtaining forest management information or advice was important for program participation; however, the effects differed depending on the types of programs and the sources of information. Income was not significant in predicting participation in cost-share programs, implying family forest owners from lower-income strata were not more likely to use cost-share program. The results also suggest the importance of targeting the right audience when promoting forest certification programs, namely those who are participants of cost-share programs, own forestland for reasons other than farming or ranching, and plan to harvest sawlogs or pulpwood in the future. Age was not significant in any of the empirical models. This result is particularly intriguing in the context of conservation easement, considering recent discussions about the high cost of dying unprepared and the potential for promoting conservation easement as part of estate planning among older family forest owners. Finally, few variables were significant in the model predicting landowner decision about donating or selling an easement, suggesting the easement decision is very different from cost-share and forest certification decisions and further efforts are needed to understand the dynamics of this increasingly popular conservation policy tool. In summary, this study provides a better understanding of the relationship between program participation and the demographics, attitudes and behaviors of family forest owners. This understanding contributes to the development of outreach strategies for improving landowner interest in forest conservation programs.  相似文献   

国外农用地保护对北京市耕地保护的启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究目的:借鉴国外农用地保护先进经验,总结国内农地保护发展特点和趋势,为北京市耕地保护政策的制定和实施提供参考.研究方法:文献综述法和综合分析法.研究结论:当前农地保护已趋于"多目标",因此,应重新审视耕地价值,构建北京市以"保持粮食生产能力为基础的、发挥耕地生态价值"的耕地保护目标;充分考虑耕地质量、区位、环境功能差异,严格保护不能转用的特殊耕地资源;注重耕地保护与利用、利益协调问题,提高社会参与度,建立系统的耕地保护体系,综合运用多种手段保护耕地.  相似文献   

Absentee landowners, or those who do not live on their forestland, own approximately 117 million acres of private forestland in the U.S. Thus, their land management decisions and activities influence the flow of forest-based goods and services. We explore the question of whether absentee family forest owners are less active land managers than resident landowners and whether membership in conservation organizations is associated with higher levels of land management activity by absentee owners. To examine these questions, we administered a mail survey to randomly-selected family forest landowners in Indiana. While we found some support for the contention that absentee owners are less active forestland managers than resident owners, we also found they are not necessarily inactive landowners. We found absentee owners were less likely to have: inspected their forestland for invasive plants, pulled or cut invasive plants, used herbicides to kill invasive plants, reduced fire hazard, or grazed livestock than resident owners. Absentee owners were more likely to be enrolled in the Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands Program, a preferential forest property tax program. Absentee owners who are members of a conservation organization were more likely than absentee non-member owners to have undertaken a variety of land management activities, including: undertaking wildlife habitat improvement projects, inspecting their forestland for invasive plants, pulling or cutting invasive plants, enrolling in the Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands program, and obtaining a management plan.  相似文献   

基于农户行为的彭州市耕地 保护现状及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
耕地保护是一个公众目标已得到世界各国普遍认可。目前,我国耕地保护存在制度不完善、征地缺乏合理补偿等问题。该文采用抽样调查与封闭式定量访谈相结合的方法对四川省彭州市部分农户进行走访调查,运用Logistic模型对影响农户参与耕地保护意愿的因素进行回归分析。研究结果表明:彭州市农户参与耕地保护意愿不高,影响其行为的主要因素有文化程度、农业收入比等;在此基础上,探讨出优化与完善耕地保护的针对性对策建议。  相似文献   

Land consolidation has been an important instrument of rural development for over a century throughout Europe. Nowadays, land consolidation can be an integral part of both rural and urban development projects, but the focus of our study is on land consolidation in rural areas. In addition to the efforts aimed at making agriculture and forestry more competitive through a comprehensive reallocation process, improvement of road and drainage networks, landscaping, environmental management, conservation projects, and other functions may be implemented in land consolidation. There are differences in the objectives and procedures of land consolidation among the countries. Beside the formal institutional framework of land consolidation, informal institutions can have a substantial influence on the implementation of land consolidation. In the article, the past experiences in the field of land consolidation in Slovenia are presented, which are still reflected in the limited acceptability of this instrument among land owners. Furthermore, the current institutional (legal) framework is analyzed in detail. The main objective of the research was to investigate the opinion of land consolidation participants about land consolidation. Based on the field survey conducted on a sample of private land owners involved in selected land consolidation projects we tried to define the advantages and disadvantages of the current practice. The main finding is that the active participation of land owners contributes to their comprehension of the aims and to their satisfaction with the results of the land consolidation. It has been shown that the active participation of land owners in the land consolidation is the basis for developing good practices; moreover, it affects the land owners’ perception of land consolidation. The transfer of knowledge and representation of good practices among actors are still needed, in particular because of bad experiences in the past (i.e. enforced and environmentally unfriendly projects) and the traditional emotional attachment to land among land owners. In parallel, there is a great need to provide an optimization of the land consolidation process in Slovenia.  相似文献   

Although crop insurance programs have been an important part of U.S. agricultural policy since the 1930s, the "safety net" matra has taken on new relevance and importance in recent policy deliberations and rhetoric. This paper contains a non technical review of issues underlying the safety net concept in U.S. agricultural policy. We outline recent changes in U.S. crop insurance programs and review provisions of the 2000 Agricultural Risk Protection Act (ARPA), which had a significant impact on U.S. risk management programs by expanding crop and revenue insurance subsidies and stimulating new product development. A simple empirical analysis of how these changes may have affected program participation is considered. We then outline points relevant to 2002 Farm Bill deliberations. As is pointed out, the safety net concept seems pervasive to all policy discussions. Countercylical payments, even when provided on an ad hoc basis, may distort production and trade conditions.  相似文献   

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wetland easement offers to North Dakota landowners from 1989 to 1998 had a 56% acceptance rate. Logit regression indicates that payment values, farm program certainty, participation history, and the quantity of deep wetlands all positively influenced acceptance. Payments were not sensitive to the use of published county land value data in lieu of appraisals. To increase acceptances, more transparency regarding easement offers and the updating of chart values accounting for the impact of easements on land values are suggested. These case study lessons have implications for other conservation easement programs that rely on private landowner participation.  相似文献   

I argue that food regimes need to take into account the production relations of paid and unpaid work. As an angle of vision, I use the historical geography of late colonial Philippines (1901–1941) to show how paid and unpaid work in food production was not discrete and separated processes but rather conjoined moments of capital accumulation. The colonial regime—in this context, American colonial government, U.S. agribusinesses, and Filipino landed elites—utilized state power, customary land relations, and commodity‐specific characteristics to appropriate vast amounts of unpaid work from agrarian classes of Philippine labour and draft animals towards the exploitation of commodified labour power. These processes not only produced considerable quantities of coconut and sugar products that were exported to the American consumer market, sold at cheaper prices, and contributed to the profitability of U.S. agribusiness elites but also allowed the colonial regime to efficiently expand commodity production across the islands. The more the American capitalists and Philippine elites invested in Philippine agriculture, the more they appropriated unpaid work from the agrarian classes of labour.  相似文献   

A quarterly econometric simulation model of the Canada-U.S. tomato market was constructed to evaluate the effects of tariff policies on producers, consumers, and international trade. The model consisted of seven behavioral equations and four identities. Mexican participation in the Canada-U.S. market is explicitly included through an equation defining the supply of Mexican tomatoes available for export. The model was used to compare simulated market outcomes over time with all variables held at actual levels to outcomes resulting from simulations where U.S. and Canadian tariffs were changed from their historical levels. The effect of the U.S. tariff on the U.S. winter market was examined by first doubling U. S. tariff values and then by eliminating U. S. tariffs. The effect on the Canadian summer market was tested by similar changes in the Canadian tariff. Results indicate that due to the ad valorem nature of the Canadian tariff structure, Canadian producers have received considerably more protection in recent years than have U.S. producers. The tariff mechanism does provide an effective means to administratively manipulate international competition in the North American fresh tomato market. On a bati un modéle simulé d'économetrie trimestrielle du marché de tomates canadien-américain pour évaluer les effels de la politique douaniére sur les producteurs, les consommateurs et le commerce international. Le modéle consistait en sept équations behavioristes et quatre identités. On a tenu compte explicitement de la participation du Mexique au sein du marché canadien-américain gráce á une équation qui déftnit l'offre en tomates mexicaines destinées á l'exportation. On a utilisé le modéle pour comparer d'une part les résultats á long terme des marchés simulés dont toutes les variables étaient fixées aux niveaux réels et d'autre part, les résultats provenant de simulations oú les tarifs douaniers americains et canadiens furent modifiés par rapport à leurs niveaux historiques. On a examiné l'effet du tarif douanier américain sur le marchè d'hiver américain, d'abord en doublant les valeurs des tarifs douaniers américains, ensuite en éliminant ces mémes tarifs. Gráce á des changements similaires portant sur les tarifs douaniers canadiens, on a testé l'effet sur le marché d'été canadien. Les résultants indiquent que, á cause de la nature proportionnelle de la structure des tarifs douaniers canadiens les producteurs canadiens ont reçu beaucoup plus de protection ces derníeres années que leurs homologues américains. Le mécanisme douanier fournit bien un moyen efficace de manipuler administrativement la concurrence internationale dans la marché américain de la tomate fraìche.  相似文献   

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