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徐金菊  李颖 《特区经济》2006,213(10):195-196
社会公平不仅仅是社会的政治利益、经济利益和其他利益在全体社会成员之间合理而平等的分配,代价的分配是否公平也决定了社会公平程度。土地资源因其巨大的增值效应,征地中代价分配的公平性更应该引起人们的关注。  相似文献   

土地收益平等是农村土地公平的根基   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴建春 《改革与战略》2012,28(2):85-88,109
我国农村土地集体所有,由农民分散承包经营,在一定程度上体现了土地的占有平等,实现了世代农民的梦想。但是,缘于城乡、地区之间主客观因素等的差异性,存在着事实上的土地收益起点、机会、标准的不平等,导致收益结果的不公平。要体现农村土地公平,就应当使土地均等占有,向土地收益平等转化,使耕种者能够获得平均利润。为此,应当提高农民的素质、利用土地所有权平衡贫富差距、善待城镇普通职工(农村务工者)等。  相似文献   

城乡差距的非公正性及其矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济效率、社会平等与政治稳定是政治家通常追寻的施政目标。在一定条件下,这些目标可概括为社会公正目标。城乡二元体制既会引起效率的损失,又会产生社会不平等,更可能造成社会不稳定。必须通过城乡一体化改革与发展,建立更合理的城乡关系,实行积极的城镇化战略,推进以土地改革为核心的要素市场改革,实现城乡社会治理的一体化。  相似文献   

随着党和政府对"农民工"就业的进一步关注,农民工平等就业权益保障有了一定改善。但是,现实生活中农民工就业呈现的诸多"不平等"现象依然存在。本文着重对造成诸多"不平等"现象的根源进行了重点分析,提出了改革健全法规制度、创新就业模式等对策,以期对农民工就业有促进作用。  相似文献   

This article quantifies the growth in the number of professional accountants in British management, charts their influence over the past century, and analyses the causes. It is most likely that Britain initially spawned large numbers of accountants because of the particular nature of its capital market which led to demands for the independent auditing of company accounts. British companies then recruited their accountants from this ever growing pool of professionally qualified auditors and the reason why these accountants rose to the top in British management was probably that the profession provided virtually the only formal management training available in Britain.  相似文献   

转变农民身份:解决困难群体之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何伟 《开放导报》2006,3(1):46-50
中国困难群体的存在,既不是效率优先造成的,也不能用公平分配来解决。解决困难群体的问题,必须从体制、制度和政策着手。土地只能解决农民温饱问题,不能解决农民致富的问题,只有转变农民身份才是解决困难群体之路。  相似文献   

严学钧   《华东经济管理》2009,23(3):144-148
一个有活力的社会必须扩大客观开放的程度、为人们的努力提供一定的舞台,因而应当启动机会平等为社会的良序发展提供观念的导航。机会平等主张,只有存在平等的机会和公平竞争,先富后富以及社会地位的不平等才是公平的。至于平等的机会与不平等的结果之间如何调节,当代普遍认为,由机会平等达到的结果状态不仅是有差别的、还应具有一定共享性,至少这种差别应趋向于收敛而不是扩大。  相似文献   

仇斌 《改革与战略》2010,26(12):142-144
民营企业在进入成长期以后,由于规模的不断扩大,人数的不断增加,企业管理越来越复杂,往往会出现职责不清、指挥不灵、管理混乱等现象。因此,企业应树立以人为本的观念,加强人力资源管理,制定科学合理的人力资源规划,建立客观公正的绩效评估体系,建立和完善企业的激励机制,塑造优秀的企业文化,建立合理的培训机制,努力提高企业的管理水平,以推进企业的健康发展。  相似文献   

孙彬 《改革与战略》2014,(2):124-128
保障好人的生存和发展是经济发展的根本目的,解决好大学生就业问题是保证他们更好地生存和发展的前提与基础。大学生就业难、就业质量不高、就业公平缺失、就业方向与人的发展方向不一致等问题产生的根源在于人在经济发展中的非科学定位以及与之相关保障制度的缺失。文章认为,构建大学生就业保障体系应以保障人的生存和发展为中心,重点是要建立经济发展和扩大就业的联动机制,扩大大学生就业机会和空间;完善就业机会平等的保障制度,提高大学生就业机会的均等性和个人发展的能力;健全有利于提高大学生能力的机制体制,提升其就业的能力和就业的质量。  相似文献   

Equality, including gender equality, is a fundamental principle of the South African constitution. This article is intended as a briefing document for researchers and policy‐makers on some of the more qualitative gender considerations involved in policy‐making and analysis. The article is not based on original research or data analysis, but is informed by a range of papers and studies which throw up gender questions about conventional ways of seeing. The article starts by dealing briefly with the distinction between ‘equity’ and ‘efficiency’ arguments for gender equality. After summarising past and current developments in establishing gender machinery within government, it goes on to suggest how traditional economic theory obscures or distorts gender issues. Finally it discusses the use and abuse of concepts commonly encountered in both poverty studies and discussions of gender.  相似文献   

效率公平并重兼顾促进和谐社会构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济活动的和谐是整个社会和谐的基础,经济活动和谐的基本点在于正确处理效率与公平的关系.实现效率与公平的统一,是我国构建社会主义和谐社会的应有之义.党的十六届五中全会也特别指出要"合理调节收入分配"、"注重社会公平".在当前因不公正而造成的社会贫富差距悬殊等问题影响社会和谐的新情况下,对效率和公平的关系上,应与时俱进地作出相应的调整,实行"效率公平,并重兼顾",可采取:继续紧抓改革和发展;进一步规范收入分配秩序;加快中西部中心城市建设;努力增加农民收入;发挥政府在再分配上的有效功能;加快建立健全完善的社会保障制度等,以促进和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

Block rate pricing of piped water in Indonesian cities has a progressive structure: the marginal price paid increases with the volume of demand. This paper estimates household water demand in Salatiga city using the Burtless and Hausman model, and finds that its distribution is not unimodal—that data cluster around kinks. The main estimation results are a price elasticity of approximately–1.2 and an income elasticity of 0.05. These elasticities are mutually dependent. The estimated model is used to investigate the social welfare consequences of a shift to uniform pricing. The principal beneficiaries would be large households, which are not necessarily wealthy. While replacing the complex rate structure by a uniform marginal price would have positive effects on average welfare, the equity consequences would be small. To improve equity, water companies could reduce installation fees, giving low-income households access to water connections, or reinvest profits in network expansion to unserviced areas.  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移培训中政府介入的现状分析及政策启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许昆鹏 《乡镇经济》2007,(7):66-68,76
当前,农村劳动力转移培训中存在着诸如培训信息不足、规模小、落实制度不到位等问题,根本原因在于政府对于自身的职能定位不明确,在行政推动的运作过程中出现了错位与越位现象。因此,需要对政府在其中的职能进行明确定位,以进一步改善绩效。本文结合农村劳动力数量大、素质低、技能低、收入水平低的现状,对农村劳动力转移培训中政府的职能做如下定位:整合社会资源,增加培训供给,提供培训机会,优化供给结构,强化信息服务,促进社会公平。  相似文献   

运用市场原则,解决收入分配不公   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
要明确收入分配的概念。在市场经济中,初次收入分配被称为要素收入分配。要搞清楚收入分配中的效率与公平的关系。经济学意义上的效率是从生产过程中产生的,收入分配过程并不产生效率。在这个含义中,生产过程应该注重效率,而收入分配应该注重公平。效率与公平是相互促进的。只有企业所有者、经营者、劳动者以及其他与企业利益相关的参与者之间的和谐,才能够保证生产和交易的顺利进行。在这个意义上,公平是能够促进效率的。中国的经济体制改革把国家计划指令下的资源配置方式改为由市场主导,财产占有制度也随着发生变化。收入分配不是孤立的,而要取决于财产分配。如果让一些人不劳而获就获得财产权,收入分配的结果肯定是不公平的。在中国,财产分配不公平的主要原因是国企产权交易、土地使用权转让和资本市场的运作违反市场公平交易原则,造成暴富者不劳而获。我们不但反对鼓吹贫富差距合理论的观点,也反对以贫富差距拉大为借口否定中国的经济体制改革。贫富差距拉大是没有落实市场交易原则造成的;运用市场机制的公平交易原则,不但能够纠正收入分配不平等,也能够纠正财产分配不平等。要把经济体制改革进行到底,必须真正落实市场交易原则。  相似文献   

初次分配也要贯彻公平原则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国国民收入初次分配中,实行了劳动力低成本政策,劳动分配率偏低.这既牺牲了劳动者的合法权益,直接造成了"收入差距悬殊"的现实;又导致低水平竞争和落后生产方式盛行.文章主张将"效率优先,兼顾公平"的原则贯彻到国民收入初次分配中去,既要解决初次分配中劳动者利益受损的问题,又要从初次分配环节先行减少过大的收入差距,为再分配最后解决公平问题创造条件.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed empirical examination of the South African equity premium, and a quantitative theoretic exercise to test the canonical inter-temporal consumption-based asset-pricing model under power utility. Over the long run, the South African stock market produced average returns six to eight percentage points above bonds and cash, and at the 20-year horizon, an investor would not have experienced a single negative realised equity premium over the entire 105-year period we examine. Yet the maximum equity premium rationalised by the consumption-based model is 0.4%. The canonical macro-financial model closely matches the average risk-free rate, using realistic parameters for the coefficient of risk aversion and a positive rate of time preference.  相似文献   

吴爽 《特区经济》2009,(4):232-233
和谐社会倡导以人为本。平等权是公民的一项最重要的宪法权利。平等权具有相对性,平等允许合理差别。平等权的实现通常分为两个方面,适用法律的平等和立法上的平等。在我国,我们应通过建立和完善违宪审查和宪法诉讼制度,对公民平等权提供更有效的救济。  相似文献   

The paper examines how efficiency of sharecropping under uncertainty can be tested empirically. It demonstrates even under uncertainty, equality of factor ratios between sharecropped land and owner-cultivated land supports the hypothesis that the terms of share contracts are effectively enforced by landlords, so as to achieve socially optimum resource allocation and risk sharing, unless the direct elasticities of substitution are identically equal to one. It also provides evidence, that the comparative yield tests conducted in different parts of South and Southeast Asia support the efficiency view of sharecropping.  相似文献   

We develop a bargaining model to assess how workers and employers might allocate wages inter-temporally in order to cope with risk. We then apply this model to 106 long-term contracts for major league baseball players’ services. Most of these agreements not only smooth employee compensation over time but suggest greater relative risk aversion for teams than players. Compared to the wages they might pay to retain these players on a succession of one-year contracts, teams often pay a premium on longer-term agreements to protect against market volatility and potential inability to replace a key player on the open market.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper is to show that much of the literature on health economics and on the international experience with different forms of health system organization can be interpreted as supporting the idea that reliance on an unregulated market mechanism for organizing the production and financing of health services is likely to result in major problems both with respect to efficiency and equity. However, reliance on a centralized “command-and-control” model managed by government has also been shown to entail problems in practice. For this reason I argue that the best option at China's current state of development may be a compromise model in which competing private providers are given an important role, both for the production of health services and in the provision of health insurance, but in which the government intervenes (through regulation and direct provision) in such a way as to attain both a high degree of equity of access to health care, and to avoid the most significant forms of “market failure” that would arise in an unregulated private system.  相似文献   

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