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One-factor Markov models are widely used by practitioners for pricing financial options. Their simplicity facilitates their calibration to the intial conditions and permits fast computer Implementations. Nevertheless, the danger remains that such models behave unrealistically, if the calibration of the volatility is not properly done. Here, we study a lognormal process and investigate how to specify the volatility constraints in such a way that the term structure of volatility at future times, as implied by the short rate process, has a realistic and stable shape. However, the drifting down of the volatility term structure is unavoidable. As a result, there is a tendency to underestimate option prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the robustness of a range of short–term interest rate models. We examine the robustness of these models over different data sets, time periods, sampling frequencies, and estimation techniques. We examine a range of popular one–factor models that allow the conditional mean (drift) and conditional variance (diffusion) to be functions of the current short rate. We find that parameter estimates are highly sensitive to all of these factors in the eight countries that we examine. Since parameter estimates are not robust, these models should be used with caution in practice.  相似文献   

本文对利率市场化后我国的利率结构及其形成机制进行了分析 ,并提出了进一步完善利率结构的一些建议。利率市场化后我国的利率结构主要是中央银行的再贴现率、金融市场利率及金融机构存贷款利率。这三层次的利率结构中金融市场利率是利率市场化的核心 ,中央银行的再贴现率是整个利率的基准 ,而金融机构的存贷款利率是利率市场化影响的主体。  相似文献   

Once a pricing kernel is established, bond prices and all other interest rate claims can be computed. Alternatively, the pricing kernel can be deduced from observed prices of bonds and selected interest rate claims. Examples of the former approach include the celebrated Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985b) model and the more recent model of Constantinides (1992). Examples of the latter include the Black, Derman, and Toy (1990) model and the Heath, Jarrow, and Morton paradigm (1992) (hereafter HJM). In general, these latter models are not Markov. Fortunately, when suitable restrictions are imposed on the class of volatility structures of forward rates, then finite-state variable HJM models do emerge. This article provides a linkage between the finite-state variable HJM models, which use observables to induce a pricing kernel, and the alternative approach, which proceeds directly to price after a complete specification of a pricing kernel. Given such linkages, we are able to explicitly reveal the relationship between state-variable models, such as Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross, and the finite-state variable HJM models. In particular, our analysis identifies the unique map between the set of investor forecasts about future levels of the drift of the pricing kernel and the manner by which these forecasts are revised, to the shape of the term structure and its volatility. For an economy with square root innovations, the exact mapping is made transparent.  相似文献   

We extract two systematic economic factors from a wide array of noisy and sparsely observed macroeconomic releases, and link the dynamics and market prices of the two factors to the interest rate term structure. The two factors predict 77.9–82.1% of the daily variation in LIBOR and swap rates from one month to 10 years. Shocks on inflation-related releases have large, positive impacts on interest rates of all maturities, leading to parallel shifts of the yield curve, but shocks on output-related releases have larger impacts on the short rate than on the long rate, thus generating a slope effect.  相似文献   

Sufficient conditions for the application of the Feynman-Kac formula for option pricing for wide classes of affine term structure models in the jump-diffusion case are derived by generalizing earlier results for bond pricing in the pure-diffusion case The author is grateful to Mikhail Chernov and Darrel Duffie for useful discussions and suggestions.  相似文献   

Arbitrage-tree pricing of American options on bonds in one-factor dynamic term structure models is investigated. We re-derive a general decomposition result which states that the American bond option premium can be split into the value of an otherwise equivalent European option and anearly exercise premium. This extends earlier work on American equity options by e.g. Kim (1990), Jamshidian (1992) and Carr, Jarrow, and Myneni (1992) and parallels recent work by Jamshidian (1991, 1992, 1993) and Chesney, Elliott, and Gibson (1993). We examine a Gaussian class of special cases in some detail and provide a variety of numerical valuation results.An earlier version of the paper was entitled American Bond Option Pricing in One-Factor Spot Interest Rate Models.I am grateful for many helpful comments from two anonymous referees, the participants of the Second Nordic Symposium on Contingent Claims Analysis in Finance held in Bergen, Norway in May of 1994 and from the participants of the EIASM Doctoral Tutorial held in connection with the 1994 EFA annual meeting in Bruxelles. I am particularly indebted to Krishna Ramaswamy for his help and advice during my stay as visiting doctoral fellow at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Financial support from the Aarhus University Research Foundation (Grants # E-1994-SAM-1-1-72 & E-1995-SAM-1-59), the Danish Social Science Research Council, and the Danish Research Academy is gratefully acknowledged. All errors and omissions are my own.  相似文献   

In specifying a finite factor model for the term structure of interest rates, one usually begins by modeling the dynamics of the underlying factors. In most cases, this is sufficient to completely determine the term structure model. However, a point that is often overlooked is that seemingly different specifications of the factor dynamics may generate indistinguishable term structure models, in the sense that they produce pathwise identical bond prices. Consequently, it is important to be able to determine, at the level of factor dynamics, the conditions under which the models they generate are indistinguishable. In the case of time-homogeneous affine term structure models (ATSMs), such conditions were first described in Dai and Singleton (J Finance 55:1943–1978, 2000). In this paper, we formalize and extend their results to a class of time-inhomogeneous ATSMs, and obtain a simple method for determining the indistinguishability of these models in terms of the underlying factor dynamics.   相似文献   

An extensive collection of continuous-time models of the short-term interest rate is evaluated over data sets that have appeared previously in the literature. The analysis, which uses the simulated maximum likelihood procedure proposed by Durham and Gallant (2002), provides new insights regarding several previously unresolved questions. For single factor models, I find that the volatility, not the drift, is the critical component in model specification. Allowing for additional flexibility beyond a constant term in the drift provides negligible benefit. While constant drift would appear to imply that the short rate is nonstationary, in fact, stationarity is volatility-induced. The simple constant elasticity of volatility model fits weekly observations of the three-month Treasury bill rate remarkably well but is easily rejected when compared with more flexible volatility specifications over daily data. The methodology of Durham and Gallant can also be used to estimate stochastic volatility models. While adding the latent volatility component provides a large improvement in the likelihood for the physical process, it does little to improve bond-pricing performance.  相似文献   

We will show that the objective function of a constrained least square problem for estimating the term structure of the interest rates discussed in [4] is in fact convex in the feasible region defined by a set of linear constraints. This means that the algorithm developed in [4], which uses a linear or quadratic approximation to the objective function, generates a globally optimal solution of a constrained least square problem.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the term structure of interest rates in a small emerging market economy – the Dominican Republic. The modelling finds a significant dynamic link amongst the day-to-day interbank interest rate and a representative banking system interest rate. But the interbank rate's forecasting power breaks down in the aftermath of the 2003 banking crisis. This episode illustrates how the monetary authorities' credibility with the public and market expectations affect the term structure's reliability.  相似文献   

This article shows that the equilibrium models of bond pricing do not preclude arbitrage opportunities caused by convexity. Consequently, stochastic durations derived from these models are limited in their ability to act as interest rate risk measures. The research of the present article makes use of an intertemporal utility maximization framework to determine the conditions under which duration is an adequate interest rate risk measure. Additionally, we show that zero coupon bonds satisfy those equilibrium conditions, whereas coupon bonds or bond portfolios do not as a result of the convexity effect. The results are supported by empirical evidence, which confirms the influence of convexity on the deviation of coupon bond returns from equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient model for the term structure of interest rates when the interest rate takes very small values. We make the following choices: (i) we model the short-term interest rate, (ii) we assume that once the interest rate reaches zero, it stays there and we have to wait for a random time until the rate is reinitialized to a (possibly random) strictly positive value. This setting ensures that all term rates are strictly positive.

Our objective is to provide a simple method to price zero-coupon bonds. A basic statistical study of the data at hand indeed suggests a switch to a different mode of behaviour when we get to a low level of interest rates. We introduce a variable for the time already spent at 0 (during the last stay) and derive the pricing equation for the bond. We then solve this partial integro-differential equation (PIDE) on its entire domain using a finite difference method (Cranck–Nicholson scheme), a method of characteristics and a fixed point algorithm. Resulting yield curves can exhibit many different shapes, including the S shape observed on the recent Japanese market.  相似文献   

本文以隔夜SHIBOR为基准,借鉴美国隔夜指数互换期货,首次提出了人民币隔夜利率指数以及指数隐含利率。通过研究指数与期限利率的信息传递关系,构建指数和指数隐含利率动态数据,分析了指数的信息价值。研究结果认为,人民币隔夜利率指数衍生品能有效对冲隔夜利率风险,促进金融市场信息效率,强化各期限利率关系。指数的信息价值包括:预测市场利率变化趋势,预测货币政策,定量刻画银行体系风险溢价水平。  相似文献   

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