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<正>在中国股市进入机构博弈的时代之后,证券投资基金已经成为证券市场的主力军。除直接投资有价证券以外,投资者还通过投资基金而间接参与证券市场。在基金投资行为中,基金持有者与基金公司、基金投资经理之间构成了双重委托代理关系,投资者关心投资收益,基金公司关心公司收益,基金投资经理更关心个人报酬,如何解决其中的委托代理问题成为保护投资者利益的关键。其中,私募基金因其管理体制有别于公募基金,委托代理问题有所减缓但仍旧存在。本文指出投资者、基金公司与基金管理人之间由于委托代理关系可能存在的问题,分析这些问题的背后原因,并将公募基金和私募基金情况进行比较,  相似文献   

本文检验了中国基金市场投资者的地域偏好。通过回归结果表明:基金投资者存在一定程度的地域偏好,并且更倾向于投资相同经济地区的股票;基金投资者的地域偏好在2007年以后表现得更为显著,且不同地区的基金投资者地域偏好程度差异较大。这种地域偏好的存在是因为基金投资者持有的本地股票比非本地股票能获得更高的收益,这种差异显示了基金投资者能发掘本地公司信息,并通过信息优势获利。本文还发现小规模基金、管理费率低的基金和封闭式基金更倾向于投资本地资产,且小规模基金、管理费率高的基金和开放式基金在投资中有更优表现。此外,地域偏好使基金投资者在本地投资中获得了更好的绩效,因此,监管部门需注意改善公司信息披露质量,以减轻信息不对称。  相似文献   

自去年国内首只浮动费率基金发行破冰之后,公募基金行业管理费“旱涝保收”的潜规则不再是“铁扳一块”,这种将管理费率与投资回报挂钩的收费模式深得人心。据基金业协会去年公布的(《基金投资者情况调膂分析报告》显示,有57%的被调查者偏好浮动费率,只有24%的投资者表示偏好固定费率。为进一步顺应投资者需求,正在发行的诺安永鑫收益一年定期开放债券基金在管理费收取模式上同样采取了浮动费率管理机制。据悉,该基金是诺安基金旗下第2只采用浮动费率机制的基金。  相似文献   

风险是指预期收益的不确定性,是指在将来一段时间内遭受损失的可能性.进行资本市场投资,必然存在风险.资本市场投资风险就是投资预期结果(预期收益损失)的不确定性,有投资风险,就会有投资者对其进行的预期.本文建立了存在风险条件下的资本市场投资预期收益模型,并由此得出了不同投资者的预期收益--风险偏好的不同投资选择.  相似文献   

作为现金管理工具,短期理财基金和货币基金均具有安全性高、收益稳定、流动性好等特点,但在运作模式、投资范围、预期收益、费率结构等方面又有些许差异。本文通过对比两类产品的特点,以帮助投资者选择适合的货币基金和短期理财基金进行投资。  相似文献   

本文研究了私募股权投资基金中委托-代理关系的三个方面,一是私募股权投资基金委托-代理关系的主体及其成因,二是有限合伙制基金解决委托代理问题、降低代理成本的定性分析,三是有限合伙制私募股权基金解决委托代理问题、降低代理成本的博弈分析。研究结果表明:我国私募股权投资基金的发展方向应为有限合伙制,其操作的关键在于加强信息披露和信息沟通,增强基金管理人的信用,注重成熟代理人市场的培育。  相似文献   

安扬 《时代金融》2012,(36):263-264
由于保险经营的特殊性和经营环境的不确定性,很多国家建立了保险保障基金制度。但是,保险市场中存在的信息不对称容易导致道德风险、委托代理、市场效率与社会福利降低等问题。本文通过分析保险保障制度造成的负面效应和国际经验,提出了一系列的政策建议,包括确定合理的风险费率及补偿额度,以完善我国的保险保障基金制度。  相似文献   

针对2010年的震荡行情,分级基金为投资者提供了类固定收益和杠杆投资两种完全不同的选择,根据对市场的预期,有望实现进可攻,退可守.申万巴黎深证成指分级基金代表了中国基金市场未来发展主流趋势的场内可交易基金之一,就其跟踪标的深证成指的收益率和基金管理人的投研能力,本刊采访了其拟任基金经理张少华先生.  相似文献   

本文简述了美欧资本市场投资者适当性与私募基金合格投资者管理,分析了我国私募基金发展和监管中的合格投资者管理现状及存在的问题,如制度设计借鉴西方成熟市场而脱离我国实际、法规适用冲突、大量私募基金游离于监管之外、人为"制造"大量非法私募及监管滞后等。针对以上问题,文章提出了将私募基金合格投资者纳入统一管理、大幅降低投资门槛、突出专业投资、严格私募基金管理人监管、借鉴美国均衡监管原则、确立底线监管思维、重点加强行为监管及大力推进私募基金创新发展等完善我国私募基金合格投资者管理的对策措施。  相似文献   

在认购期和申购期购买基金,费率会有所不同.对于股票型基金和配置型基金而言,认购费为1%~1.5%,申购费在1.5%左右.从费率角度来简单比较,认购基金要比申购基金更加有吸引力一些.但在投资的实际过程中,一些认购基金的投资者在相当长的一段时间内并没有获得预期收益,而很多申购基金的投资者反而总体收益较好.究竟是认购正在募集的新基金好,还是申购已有一段运作历史的老基金好?投资者在下"鱼钩"之前,必须从较深的层次分析新老基金存在的差异,然后再作决策.  相似文献   

Despite the importance and peculiarity of the infrastructure fund, determinants of infrastructure fund flow and the relation between fees and fund performance were poorly understood. This paper documents two new findings using a unique dataset for global infrastructure funds from January 2005 to June 2019. First, investor flow-chasing exists at the level of infrastructure fund companies, which is intensified by the opacity of information and uncertainty of returns. Second, infrastructure funds charge higher fees even when their before-fee performance is worse, which is explained by fund characteristics and year effects. Based on these findings, we put forward countermeasures from the perspectives of investors, regulators, investor protection managers, and fund managers, with incentive mechanism reforms to alleviate the price-performance puzzle, thereby improving the efficiency of infrastructure fund portfolios.  相似文献   

李凤  吴卫星  李东平  路晓蒙 《金融研究》2023,511(1):150-168
投资者教育是保障资本市场平稳运行、良性发展的重要举措,也是我国资本市场重要的基础性制度建设。本文利用20000多份全国公募基金个人投资者调查数据,分析了投资者教育对基金投资收益的影响,并基于行为金融学框架探究了其背后的作用机制。以往文献研究表明,金融知识水平对投资收益会产生显著影响,本文研究发现,获取金融知识的渠道也会影响投资收益。相对于自己学习金融知识、相关工作经验累积金融知识、向亲戚朋友学习金融知识,投资者教育(如参加金融机构的投资教育活动、接受金融经济类课程或培训)更有助于投资者缓解趋势追逐、频繁交易、处置效应等交易行为偏差,从而获得更高的投资收益。进一步分析表明,投资者教育通过提高“理性程度”来提升基金投资盈利概率、投资总收益率和年均收益率的中介效应分别为19.41%、17.09%和12.75%。此外,不同群体参与投资者教育的积极性和受教育效果存在显著差异,投资者教育要更多采取“分类教育”的形式。本文研究对进一步加强投资者教育、更好地推动资本市场发展具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

We examine the timing ability of mutual fund investors using cash flow data at the individual fund level. Over 1991–2004 equity fund investor timing decisions reduce fund investor average returns by 1.56% annually. Underperformance due to poor timing is greater in load funds and funds with relatively large risk-adjusted returns. In particular, the magnitude of investor underperformance due to poor timing largely offsets the risk-adjusted alpha gains offered by good-performing funds. Investors in both actively managed funds and index funds exhibit poor investment timing. We demonstrate that our empirical results are consistent with investor return-chasing behavior.  相似文献   

Why Are Buyouts Levered? The Financial Structure of Private Equity Funds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Private equity funds are important to the economy, yet there is little analysis explaining their financial structure. In our model the financial structure minimizes agency conflicts between fund managers and investors. Relative to financing each deal separately, raising a fund where the manager receives a fraction of aggregate excess returns reduces incentives to make bad investments. Efficiency is further improved by requiring funds to also use deal-by-deal debt financing, which becomes unavailable in states where internal discipline fails. Private equity investment becomes highly sensitive to aggregate credit conditions and investments in bad states outperform investments in good states.  相似文献   

Polynomial goal programming (PGP) is a flexible method that allows investor preferences for different moments of the return distribution of financial assets to be included in the portfolio optimization. The method is intuitive and particularly suitable for incorporating investor preferences in higher moments of the return distribution. However, until now, PGP has not been able to meet its full potential because it requires quantification of “real” preference parameters towards those moments. To date, the chosen preference parameters have been selected somewhat “arbitrarily”. Our goal is to calculate implied sets of preference parameters using investors’ choices of and the importance they attribute to risk and performance measures. We use three groups of institutional investors—pension funds, insurance companies, and endowments—and derive implied sets of preference parameters in the context of a hedge fund portfolio optimization. To determine “real” preferences for the higher moments of the portfolio return distribution, we first fit implied preference parameters so that the PGP optimal portfolio is identical to the desired hedge fund portfolio. With the obtained economically justified sets of preference parameters, the well-established PGP framework can be employed more efficiently to derive allocations that satisfy institutional investor expectations for hedge fund investments. Furthermore, the implied preference parameters enable fund of hedge fund managers and other investment managers to derive optimal portfolio allocations based on specific investor expectations. Moreover, the importance of individual moments, as well as their marginal rates of substitution, can be assessed.  相似文献   

境内外私募股权基金比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在亚洲等新型市场国家,私募股权基金投资并帮助那些优质的公司进一步拓展发展空间,并提供就业机会,引入先进的财务管理经验,且为其投资者提供高额回报,进而促进经济的发展,这使得亚洲尤其是中国地区的私募股权投资得到大幅度发展。本文的研究正是基于全球私募股权市场热火朝天的发展和我国私募股权交易数额呈级数增长的背景下进行。  相似文献   

寇宗来  毕睿罡  陈晓波 《金融研究》2020,483(9):172-189
本文通过一个两期模型,刻画了基金业绩如何通过影响市场信念,进而影响基金风格漂移和基金公司的解雇行为。若上期基金业绩很好,基金经理就会在乐观的自我能力预期下,完全按照自己的判断选择基金投资风格;若上期业绩一般,基金经理会因为调整成本而不太愿意切换投资风格;而若上期业绩很差导致自我能力预期悲观,基金经理就宁愿模仿上期绩优基金的投资风格。综合起来,基金风格漂移将随上期基金业绩呈现出显著的U型关系。进一步,因为业绩很差的基金经理会采取模仿策略,因此在市场风格发生切换时更有可能发生基金经理解雇事件。此外,本文基于中国开放式基金的季度数据,检验了风格漂移与滞后一期基金业绩之间的关系,经验证据稳健地支持了理论分析的各种结论。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会提出建立更加公平可持续的社会保障制度,开展市场化、专业化、多元化的养老基金投资运营是其中一项必不可少的重要内容。我国养老基金投资需求与社会基础设施建设的融资需求有极高的匹配度。一方面,随着近年来我国人口出生率的下降和预期寿命延长,人口老龄化程度不断加剧,养老基金给付压力不断加大,基金财务可持续性受到严峻挑战,保值增值压力突出;另一方面,随着我国城镇化进程推进,当前以政府融资建设为主的项目融资方式已不能满足需要。近年来,党中央、国务院多次研究部署加大重点领域有效投资,特别是注重推广政府和社会资本合作模式(PPP模式),汇聚全社会力量扩大公共产品及服务供给。拓展以养老基金为代表的长期资金投资基础设施的渠道,既能够满足我国庞大基础设施建设的资金需求,又可以同时满足养老基金长期稳定收益及保值增值的需求。  相似文献   

In this performance persistence study, two questions are addressed. First, what is the relationship between past fund returns and future performance? Secondly, does a ’hot hand‘ fund selection system deliver economically significant returns to investors? Using a sample of Australian equity superannuation funds over the 1990s, the answers from this study are as follows: on a raw and risk-adjusted return basis the authors find evidence of mean reversion, with prior annual performance having little influence on future fund return. Selecting funds based on a persistence strategy resulted in underperformance of industry and passive returns for the retail superannuation investor over the sample period. The findings of the study have serious implications for financial planning advisers who market superannuation funds based on past performance. The results suggest that previous annual performance has little influence on future returns.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of investor service costs on mutual fund performance. Benchmarking passive funds against ETFs managed by the same fund company with the same investment objectives, we show that passive funds on average underperform ETFs by 42 bps in annualized net returns, of which about 90% can be attributed to investor service costs. Further benchmarking active funds against passive funds, we show that active funds on average outperform passive funds by 31 bps in annualized gross returns. However, the higher expense ratios charged by active funds lead to about 28 bps of underperformance in annualized net fund returns.  相似文献   

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