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Though the concept of ‘stylized fact’ plays an important role in the economic literature, there is little analysis of the definition and evaluative use of the term. A permissive account of stylized facts is developed which focuses on their mediating role between models and empirical evidence. The mediation relationship restricts stylized facts by requiring concrete empirical targets. On the other hand, there is much legitimate diversity within the permissive account; key dimensions of diversity are argued to be the part of the model targeted (explanans vs. explanandum) and degree of partiality of correspondence. The use of stylized fact in model evaluation points to the downside of stylization: decreased ability to support strong claims about particular targets. In the final analysis, the role of stylized facts in model-based explanation depends on the view taken of the relative importance of generality and empirical adequacy.  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent literature on cryptocurrency volatility dynamics, this paper adopts the ARJI, GARCH, EGARCH, and CGARCH models to explore their capabilities to make out-of-sample volatility forecasts for Bitcoin returns over a daily horizon from 2013 to 2018. The empirical results indicate that the ARJI jump model can cope with the extreme price movements of Bitcoin, showing comparatively superior in-sample goodness-of-fit, as well as out-of-sample predictive performance. However, due to the excessive volatility swings on the cryptocurrency market, the realized volatility of Bitcoin prices is only marginally explained by the GARCH genre of employed models.  相似文献   

This paper applies the threshold quantile autoregressive model to study stock return autocorrelations and predictability in the Chinese stock market from 2005 to 2014. The results show that the Shanghai A-share stock index has significant negative autocorrelations in the lower regime and has significant positive autocorrelations in the higher regime. It attributes that Chinese investors overreact and underreact in two different states. These results are similar when we employ individual stocks. Besides, we investigate stock return autocorrelations by different stock characteristics, including liquidity, volatility, market to book ratio and investor sentiment. The results show autocorrelations are significantly large in the middle and higher regimes of market to book ratio and volatility. Psychological biases can result into return autocorrelations by using investor sentiment proxy since autocorrelations are significantly larger in the middle and higher regime of investor sentiment. The empirical results show that predictability exists in the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

Xian Zheng 《Applied economics》2013,45(37):4020-4035
Measuring housing price volatility is fundamental to understanding the dynamics of housing price risk. This article aims to explore whether a liquidity factor plays a role in explaining the second moment (i.e. the volatility) of housing prices. Housing price volatility is measured as the conditional variance of a Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model under the Adaptive Expectations framework. The empirical evidence reveals that volatility transmits from smaller housing units to larger housing units, which indirectly supports the trade-up effect discussed in the literature. In addition, less liquid housing classes are more sensitive to unexpected liquidity shocks, and the starter housing class is extraordinarily sensitive to negative liquidity shocks. Consistent with friction search theory, pricing errors are alleviated as the trading volume increases, because the valuation price tends to be more accurate as more information is available.  相似文献   

By utilizing the significance and stochastic dominance tests, this paper formally tests the relationship between stock market volatility and the business cycle. Results show that, for most matured markets, stock market volatility is countercyclical, while for emerging markets, the volatility can be procyclical.  相似文献   

We examine and compare a large number of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) and stochastic volatility (SV) models using series of Bitcoin and Litecoin price returns to assess the model fit for dynamics of these cryptocurrency price returns series. The various models examined include the standard GARCH(1,1) and SV with an AR(1) log-volatility process, as well as more flexible models with jumps, volatility in mean, leverage effects, t-distributed and moving average innovations. We report that the best model for Bitcoin is SV-t while it is GARCH-t for Litecoin. Overall, the t-class of models performs better than other classes for both cryptocurrencies. For Bitcoin, the SV models consistently outperform the GARCH models and the same holds true for Litecoin in most cases. Finally, the comparison of GARCH models with GARCH-GJR models reveals that the leverage effect is not significant for cryptocurrencies, suggesting that these do not behave like stock prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic and switching effects of volatility spillovers arising from US stock market returns and GDP growth on those of Australia, Canada and the UK. For this purpose, we use quarterly data (1961q1–2013q1) and a constant probability Markov regime switching model. We found that the US stock market volatility significantly affects the stock market volatility of all three countries at least in one of the two specified regimes over time. However, the stock market volatilities in none of the three countries are contemporaneously influenced by the US output volatility even after allowing for two distinct regimes. On the other hand, the US stock market volatility exerts significant influences on the output volatilities of both Australia and the UK. Compared with Australia and the UK, Canada and the US show substantial output volatility co-movements, thereby confirming the close association between the two neighbouring economies through the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). We conclude that shocks emanating from the US stock market have unequivocal flow-on effects on the output and return volatilities of the other economies.  相似文献   

方国斌 《技术经济》2007,26(10):84-88
从分析中国股市收益率序列的特征入手,寻找描述中国股市波动性特征的合适的统计模型。重点对中国股市收益率序列的波动性聚类现象进行研究。运用描述统计学方法,广义自回归条件异方差模型,以及非参数统计方法等多种方法进行广泛探讨。结合具体的数据分析,从多个角度刻画出中国股市收益率序列的波动性聚类现象的参数与随机性特征。  相似文献   

Prior literature finds that the tendency of price-endings to cluster on rounder fractions increases with price volatility. We estimate the separate influences and relative importance of the determinants of price volatility, security design and market risks. Our data is from a market setting that is ideal for isolating and studying the relations of interest. Results for both quote and trade prices indicate that the tendency to use round price-endings increases with both a security’s inherent risk, attributable to security design, and variation over time in market risks. Security design influences clustering more than market risks, but market risks are influential in determining clustering once security design is fixed. The estimated effects are strongest in the on-the-run market segment where liquidity facilitates the aggregation of information into price.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the equity market uncertainty (EMU) index contains incremental information for forecasting the realized volatility of crude oil futures. We use 5-min high-frequency transaction data for WTI crude oil futures and develop six heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) models based on classical HAR-type models. The empirical results suggest that EMU contains more incremental information than the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) for forecasting the realized volatility of crude oil futures. More importantly, we argue that EMU is a non negligible additional predictive variable that can significantly improve the 1-day ahead predictive accuracy of all six HAR-type models, and improve the 1-week ahead forecasting performance of the HAR-RV, HAR-RV-J, HAR-RSV, HAR-RV-SJ models. These findings highlight a strong short-term and a weak mid-term predictive ability of EMU in the crude oil futures market.  相似文献   

This article analyses the extreme movements of exchange rates of the seven main currencies traded in the Foreign Exchange market against the US dollar: Euro, British pound, Canadian dollar, Japanese Yen, Swiss franc, Australian dollar and New Zealand dollar by using tail index indicators. Payaslio?lu (2009) considers the case of the Turkish exchange rate using the traditional Hill (1975) estimator as a tool. In this article, we employ also an alternative estimator proposed in Iglesias and Linton (2009) that is shown to have, in some cases, improved finite sample properties and it provides substantially different results versus the Hill estimator. We find that for the Euro, Japanese Yen, Swiss franc, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand dollars, the Hill estimator provides a better measure to analyse the extreme behaviour; while for the British pound, the Iglesias and Linton alternative estimator is superior by using Hausman-type tests of misspecification. Measures of value at risk are also provided for the seven markets. We also find that the largest estimated value at risk by far is for the Japanese Yen, followed by the Swiss franc, the Canadian dollar, the Euro, the New Zealand dollar and the Australian dollar. The UK pound has the smallest value at risk when extreme movements occur.  相似文献   

Jiao Zhang 《Applied economics》2017,49(17):1655-1667
In this article, a method based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and BEKK–Multivariate GARCH (MVGARCH) is developed to analyse the volatility of the tanker freight market. First, the initial time series of tanker freight rates is decomposed into several independent intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Next, the IMFs are composed as three components by an improved EMD: the long-term trend time series that represents the benchmark freight rates of the tanker freight market, the high-frequency time series that reflects the short-term supply–demand relation and the low-frequency time series caused by extreme events. Based on the results of EMD, the volatility spillover effects between the freight rates of Aframax, Suezmax and Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) markets are tested by the BEKK–MVGARCH model. The results indicate that there are volatility spillover effects between the reconstructed components, although the volatility spillover effects between the original freight series are not significant. The improved EMD method contributes to the retention of the economic characteristics of the original time series, thereby providing a vital approach for tanker freight market analysis. Furthermore, the potential volatility spillover among different sub-markets can be investigated through the integration of EMD and the BEKK–MVGARCH.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the joint dynamics of the CDS, volatility and stock markets using both VAR and Markov regime-switching VAR models with market index data. It shows that the joint behaviour of the three markets is better characterized by the Markov model with two regimes corresponding to low- and high-volatile market conditions. The relationship between changes in the market indexes under a regime is consistent with theory and persistent; the information transmission process of shocks to the markets is similar for the two regimes with a more important role for CDS shock; and the volatility in the money market is an important determinant of regime-switching. The findings have practical implications, particularly for hedging strategies with market indexes under different market conditions.  相似文献   

Along with the development of cultural dimensions and cultural distance, the influence of cultural variables on the stock market is attracting more and more attention. In this study, we propose an improved gravity model to examine the relationship between culture and the volatility of the international stock market. Firstly, based on Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, a model of the impact of cultural dimensions on the volatility of the national stock market is presented. Secondly, cultural distance is incorporated into the extended gravity model. Then, models of the impact of cultural distance on fluctuations in the international stock market and on foreign securities investment are proposed. Finally, the results of case studies using samples of national stock market indices indicate that different cultural dimensions have different influences on the volatility of national stock markets. The smaller the cultural distance between countries, the more similar the level of volatility in those countries' stock markets. Greater cultural similarity promotes increased securities investment between countries.  相似文献   

Yuri Biondi 《Applied economics》2015,47(34-35):3651-3672
This article develops a heterogeneous agents-based model to examine the emergent dynamic properties of share market price formation over time, with a view on financial market stability under alternative accounting regimes. In the model, individual heterogeneous investors interact with each other and with institutional devices which are an accounting system (related to the business firm) and a price system (related to the Share Exchange). These interactions provide mechanisms for transmission through which firm-specific (accounting signal) and market-driven (aggregate price) factors can act. A baseline simulation analysis assesses the financial market stability under three alternative accounting designs, namely two kinds of historical cost accounting regime and one kind of fair-value (mark-to-market) accounting regime. The former prove to better stabilize the financial system in terms of market volatility and exuberance in perfectly balanced conditions between speculative and fundamentalist beliefs and intentions. An evolutionary analysis is then developed by varying the relative degree of speculative attitudes between the two sides of the market. Historical cost accounting regimes further prove to make the financial system more resilient to speculative waves occurring at inter-individual level. Baseline findings are further corroborated through experimental analysis in twelve artificial financial systems. This mathematical institutional economic analysis has general implications for both designing accounting systems aimed at enhancing financial market stability and preventing procyclicality, and the study of accounting information process in the formation of share market prices over time.  相似文献   

专业市场与产业集聚互动研究:来自浙江的案例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在规模报酬递增的行业,如果专业市场对该行业产品存在强需求,往往会导致同类企业在市场周边的集聚,同时集聚经济的形成使得企业能够为专业市场提供低价格的商品。与此同时,产品技术含量增加导致甄别商品质量的难度增加,由此造成的专业市场交易效率下降将降低对采购商和集聚区企业的吸引力,同时集聚区产业组织的变化促使领导型的企业绕开专业市场组织企业间的分工,并建立自身的产品营销体系。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impacts of the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) indexes of China and the G7 countries on Chinese stock market volatility and further constructs a new diffusion index based on these indexes using principal component analysis (PCA) to achieve enhanced predictive ability. The in-sample results indicate that the EPU indexes of China and some of the G7 countries show a significantly negative impact on future volatility. Moreover, our constructed diffusion index also has a significantly negative impact. Furthermore, the out-of-sample results show that this diffusion index exhibits a significantly higher forecast accuracy than the EPU itself and combination forecasts. Finally, various robustness checks are consistent with our main conclusions. Overall, we construct a new and useful indicator that can substantially increase forecast accuracy with respect to the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   


This paper is the first study to present firm-level evidence that the time-series momentum (TSMOM) strategies with look-back-period k of 10 to 200 days outperform the buy-and-hold strategy (BH) on individual stocks in the Chinese stock market. We document that the optimal k* generating the best performance is different across assets and varies over time. We hence propose a model to predict the asset-specific and time-dependent k*, and examine the performance of the TSMOM strategies with the predicted k*. Our analysis shows that using the time-varying predicted k* substantially improves the predictability of the TSMOM strategies. Our new model and findings shed the light on trading strategy for both academia and applied investment practitioners.  相似文献   

We study a segmented financial markets model where only the agents who trade stocks encounter financial income risk. In such an economy, the welfare-maximizing monetary policy attains the novel role of redistributing the traders' financial market risk among all agents in the economy. In order to do that, optimal monetary policy reacts to financial market movements; it is expansionary in bad times for the financial markets and contractionary in good ones. In our quantitative exercise, a dividend shock generates different policy responses and consumption paths among the optimal and the 2% inflation targeting policy. The latter implies large distributional welfare losses and risk sharing losses of similar magnitude with those generated by business cycle fluctuations. In addition, the optimal monetary policy does not minimize stock price volatility and implies lower inflation volatility than other commonly used policies.  相似文献   

网上无形市场和传统专业市场的互替与互补取决于交易主体的理性选择。买卖双方会通过对网上交易的内生交易成本与两种市场交易方式的外生交易成本进行博弈比较来选择最优的流通方式,从而使不同交易制度间呈现出互替与互补状态。网上交易的内生交易成本量则由当该内生交易成本和降低其发生所造成的外生交易成本这两者的总和达到最低时的资源配置量所决定。  相似文献   

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