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《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):285-296
In China, the foreign capital share of banks was restricted to 25% until 2006. Does such a relatively low share of foreign capital have any impact on the banking sector? In this paper, we use panel data on 19 major banks during 1996–2004 to shed light on the impact of foreign capital participation on the Chinese banking industry. We find that although the operating performance of foreign-owned banks is basically worse than that of domestic banks, as the market share of foreign-owned banks rises, they improve. For domestic banks, non-interest income decreases, while interest income increases. Therefore, the net effect of the foreign-owned banks' share on the profitability of domestic banks is small.  相似文献   

Foreign-dominated banking sectors, such as those prevalent in Central and Eastern Europe, are susceptible to two major sources of systemic risk: (i) linkages between local banks and (ii) linkages between a foreign parent bank and its local subsidiary. During and after the global financial crisis, the second source of risk has been stressed by local regulators. Using a nonparametric method based on extreme value theory, we analyze interdependencies in downward risk in the banking sectors of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Turkey during 1994–2013. We find that the risk of contagion from a foreign parent bank to its local subsidiary is substantially smaller than the risk between two local banks.  相似文献   

The paper revisits the impact of uncertainty on the decision problem of a bank. The bank extends risky loans to private investors and sells deposits to savers at fixed rates. The uncertainty under which deposit/loan-portfolios are chosen by banks is endogenized through an information system that conveys public signals about the return distribution of bank loans. Transparency in the banking sector is defined in terms of the reliability of these signals. We find that higher transparency always raises expected bank profits, but may lead to a higher or lower expected loan volume. Moreover, higher transparency may reduce economic welfare.  相似文献   

如何看待银行业利润大幅增长问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
今年以来,银行业利润大幅增长问题引起了社会各界高度关注。本文的分析表明,银行业利润的大幅增长主要归因于实体经济平稳较快增长、现行金融保护制度、银行中间业务快速发展、银行业改革红利和市场环境变迁等,是各种内外部、主客观因素共同作用的结果。银行业良好的经营绩效对于银行、金融体系乃至国民经济的健康平稳发展具有重要意义。受制于多方面因素,当前银行业的高盈利不具备可持续性,可采取有关改革措施保持银行业利润合理、平稳增长。  相似文献   

Recent debates about Industrial Policy are dominated by a concern to make firms more innovative. In order to make progress in assessing the magnitude of the effects of innovation on corporate performance, one needs to know how such effects occur. We have contrasted two views of the effect of innovation—the product view and the process view—and have provided some evidence to suggest that both effects are evident in the data. Although it is clear that individual innovations themselves have a positive effect on profitability and growth, it is equally clear that the process of innovation seems to transform firms in some way that gives rise to what look like generic differences between innovators and non-innovators. As a consequence, the process by which profitability and growth are generated differs noticeably between the two types of firms. Perhaps the clearest of these differences is that innovating firms seem to be much less sensitive to cyclical shocks than non-innovating firms are.We are obliged to the ESRC for support. Some of the work discussed here draws upon joint work with John Van Reenan, and we are obliged to him for his assistance and helpful comments. Jonathan Haskel also provided very helpful comments on an early draft of the paper. We are also obliged to seminar audiences at the University of Ulster, the University of Manchester, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, NERA, UMIST, University College London, the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE and the Industrial Organization Conference held at Vienna, June 24–26, 1992, for many stimulating observations. However, the usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

With this article we present the first microeconometric analysis of the impact of a foreign acquisition on the target firm’s access to finance. By using a large database of German firms, we furthermore investigate for the first time the link between foreign ownership and access to finance in Germany, one of the world's leading target countries for FDI. We use newly available comprehensive panel data that we constructed from information collected by the German statistical offices and from credit rating scores supplied by the leading German credit rating agency. We find foreign-owned firms in German manufacturing on average to show slightly more financing restrictions than domestically owned enterprises, but this very small difference diminishes once unobserved heterogeneity is taken into account. We further demonstrate that one reason for this finding is the preference of foreign investors for targets with relatively low credit-worthiness. Although the likelihood of a foreign acquisition appears to be correlated with credit rating, there is no impact of foreign takeovers on the credit constraints of the target firms ex post and therefore no support for the hypothesis that foreign takeovers ease financial frictions.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the structure-performance relationship in the Portuguese banking industry during the nineties. The hypothesis of pure collusion, efficient structure, modified efficient structure and hybrid collusion/efficiency are tested using a direct measure of efficiency. Our results endorse the hybrid collusion/efficiency hypothesis in the first half of the nineties. However, after 1994 results lend some support to the modified efficient structure hypothesis. Competition at the local level remains important throughout the decade, suggesting that banks in less competitive local markets exert some level of market power and exhibit superior performances.Received: November 1999, Accepted: February 2003, JEL Classification: C21, L11Correspondence to: Victor MendesThe authors wish to thank Pedro Pita Barros and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. The usual disclaimer applies. Financial support from JNICT - Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica (grant PCSH/ECO/938/95) is acknowledged.  相似文献   

随着中国国民经济持续健康快速发展,文化产业迅速壮大,但是,与国外发达国家相比还存在着明显的差距。本文首先从封文化产业概念的界定上,阐述了中外关于文化产业内涵的差异。其次,从文化产业发展过程来看,分别比较了中外文化产业各自的发展特点。最后,依据发展过程中的差异,发现中国的文化产业发展中的许多问题和不足,并提出了中国发展文化产业的一些对策建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of bank performance based on proxy variables that assess the quality of assets, profitability, liquidity and overall performance. Using a sample of 111 Chinese commercial banks over the period of 2000–2012, we find that foreign banks appear to have better asset quality and overall performance although lower profitability compared to domestic banks. In contrast, the state-owned banks tend to be more profitable and have better liquidity position compared with other domestic banks and foreign banks. At bank level, equity/liability ratio exerts significant influence on overall bank performance, while at the macroeconomic level, per capital GDP, GDP growth, inflation and unemployment rates appear to have a bearing on bank performance.  相似文献   

This article empirically investigates the impact of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) on regional economic growth in the Chinese electronic industry (CEI). Utilizing a provincial-level panel data spanning the period 1989 to 2009, we specify and estimate an endogenous economic growth model for the CEI. Empirical results indicate that, for the coastal region, FDI inflows have been growth enhancing, while in the central and western regions the impact of FDI on economic growth is mixed, depending on the channel of capital flow. Results also indicate that exports, human capital, science and technology investment and fixed asset investment are growth enhancing, while unemployment and foreign R&D investment are growth impeding in the CEI.  相似文献   

In this paper, the profitability of German car manufacturing firms is related to different indicators for the knowledge incorporated in the firms since the birth of the industry in 1886. The analysis is performed with an ordered probit model, where information about the mode of exit of the firms is exploited to construct a latent variable for profitability. Knowledge is represented by the number of patents, learning-by-doing and entrepreneurial experience before entry. The results show that knowledge is significantly positively related to firm profitability and that each of the three knowledge forms exerts an independent effect.  相似文献   

Compared to men, women, even financial professionals, exhibit higher risk aversion. We exploit random assignment of clients to banking advisors (‘private bankers’) in a large Czech bank to study the effects of advisor gender on the probability of mortgage issuance and on the probability that a newly issued mortgage is insured, which we interpret as corresponding to risk averse mortgage behaviour. Male advisors do not substantially affect the chances that their clients will take a new mortgage. However, the mortgages that they issue are dramatically less likely to be insured, particularly so for female clients who never had an insured loan with the bank.  相似文献   

Proponents of free banking argue that systems adopting theirpolicies will be stable. In this paper, we present evidencesuggesting that, in general, early joint-stock banking systemsdid not adopt free banking, and those that did proved to beunstable. In particular, we demonstrate that those systems imposingregulations were generally stable. We rationalise the successof regulation as a pragmatic solution to the time-inconsistencyproblem arising from the peculiar nature of the banking firm.Notably, we find that the ‘golden age’ of free bankingstability can be attributed to restrictions on the organisationalform of the early banking firm.  相似文献   

The slowdown in the process of capital formation in continental Europe in the 1990s is analysed. Sector-level data from the OECD's International Sectoral Data Base (ISDB) are used. Econometric estimates of an investment function indicate structural instability in the early 1990s and, specifically, a break in the coefficient linking the growth of capital stock to demand. This result neither seems to be related to non-linearities in the relationship between capital formation and expected demand, nor to the sectoral composition of European economies. Evidence is found that the drop in the accelerator is at least partly attributable to greater demand uncertainty in the 1990s as compared with the earlier period.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of pre-entry experience on firms’ performance in terms of survival. In particular we focus on entrants from a related upstream industry – semiconductors – into a downstream industry – telecommunications. We examine a sample of 336 de-novo start-ups in the US telecommunication industry and we estimate a discrete time hazard model of firm exit. Our findings show that, after controlling for both firms and founders’ characteristics, firms whose founders had prior experience in a related upstream industry such as semiconductors enjoy a relatively lower hazard of exit with respect to intra-industry spinoffs and other types of start-ups. Additionally, background heterogeneity of the founding team is an important determinant of survival for the firms in our sample. Our results point to the role of interdependences and technological complementarities between two vertically related industries in affecting the performance of new entrants.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of trade openness on Internet finance development in China. Using a unique panel data set for 29 Chinese provinces, we find that trade openness has a positive impact on Internet finance development and is a leading indicator of Internet finance development. Further analyses show that higher trade openness is associated with faster Internet finance development in wealthier provinces. Moreover, we investigate the effect of Internet finance development on the banking sector development. The empirical results suggest that Internet finance development has a positive effect on the banking sector size and efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the role of the universal banking system in contributing to the stock market bust in the wake of the financial crisis 2008–2009 when bankers might have incentive to hide information from shareholders. We set up a stylized model of consumption smoothing involving universal banks that undertake both investment and commercial banking activities. Banks have private information about the outcome of a project that it funds. In the wake of bad news about the project, the banker has an incentive to sell lemon shares in a secondary market with the pretence of a liquidity crunch. Our model shows that such an incentive results in (i) a sharp discounting of stock prices, (ii) greater loan demand (iii) higher fraction of bank ownership of the borrowing firms, and (iv) heightened consumption risk resulting in precautionary savings by households. The magnitude of these effects depends on the market's perception about the preponderance of lemons in the stock market. A credible punishment scheme implemented by the government in the form of fines may moderate the stock market decline and consumption volatility due to information friction. However, it imposes a deadweight loss on private citizens because of a fall in all banks' expected profit. On the other hand, a “ring-fenced” banking arrangement along the way suggested by the Vickers Commission may entail a first order welfare loss due to the lack of diversification opportunities.  相似文献   

陈凯  赵晓菊 《财经研究》2012,(7):111-120
文章从经济增长模式对金融服务的需求和不同类型银行提供金融服务的比较优势出发,分析了中国六类银行的盈利优势。文章将财务分析思想贯穿于实证模型的设计、检验和分析中,在保证模型结果可靠性的同时丰富了实证分析的内涵。研究发现,大型商业银行盈利优势受益于投资拉动型经济增长模式和规模优势,但成本和风险控制能力不足;股份制商业银行受经济增长模式影响不显著;城市商业银行受益于居民消费水平的提高;农村建设推动了农村金融发展,利差升水补偿了农村金融机构经营的高成本、高风险;外资银行风险管理能力突出。  相似文献   

This investigation pursues a new direction in the analysis of financial distress in banking firms. The research was inspired by recent research on corporate governance and the need to understand the internal processes behind the financial decisions that result in bank failures. The analysis examined the relationship between the ownership and structure of the board of directors and the internal control mechanism that influences the survival of the firm. The following aspects of ownership and governance are investigated: ownership by directors and officers, ownership by the CEO, number of directors, percentage of inside directors, and CEO duality. The influence of board structure and ownership on the probability of financial distress was explored with a sample of approximately 300 banking firms. The empirical tests indicated a lower probability of financial distress when one person is both the CEO and chairman of the board, but the other factors did not have a significant effect.  相似文献   

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