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2006年的企业和广告公司,再次遇到一个出现已久,但在现今的时代看来仍然极具挑战性的课题:如何使品牌在现有的混杂媒体环境中脱颖而出?如何使用创新手段整合创新媒体从而达到推广效果最大化。  相似文献   

自2008年金融危机爆发以来,全球经济尚处于缓慢的复苏过程中,在国际市场竞争日趋激烈和贸易摩擦大幅加剧的大环境下,我国外贸企业的发展面临着严峻的挑战,海外应收账款问题频发,对外贸复苏造成障碍.据估算,中国企业被拖欠的海外欠款已累计超过1000亿美元,并且以每年150亿美元的速度增长.  相似文献   

日产(中国)投资有限公司精心筹备的2006年NISSAN X-TRAIL(奇骏)“年度大戏”——“不羁的野性,因睿智而更融于都市”——NISSAN X-TRAIL(奇骏)时尚都市行于4月8日在深圳的中信城市广场拉开帷幕。  相似文献   

金融危机的爆发及其后续影响,使贸易保护主义在全球范围内重新盛行,给我国对外经济带来了不利影响和重大挑战。目前,国际投资环境优良,中国经济持续稳定增长,政府为我国企业对外投资提供了很多优惠政策和条件,我国已经发展了一批在国际市场上具有竞争力的企业,为我国实施以投资替代贸易的战略提供了坚实后盾,以投资替代贸易对我国一些有竞争力的企业来说,具有较强的可行性。为更好地实施对外直接投资战略,需要综合考虑投资的产业选择、区位选择和主体选择。政府应更好地引导企业制定相关投资战略,为企业走出去提供制度支持、资金支持及人才支持;各企业应根据所投资地区的地理及文化特点,考虑所在产业的优势及劣势,利用自身竞争力实施对外直接投资。  相似文献   

9月15日,一年一度的国际跨国采购大会在上海如期举行.大会设置了"联合国采购"、"全球知名制造业"等7个采购专区,除战略材料采购外,国际采购商还加大了服务与非生产性物料的采购,这场逆向采购盛会采取"采购商设摊,供应商参展"的创新模式,为五大洲的买家搭建了一个洽谈贸易的平台.  相似文献   

东盟经济一体化已向纵深发展,中国与东盟的合作也已进入蜜 月期。  相似文献   

<正>20世纪80年代初,美日贸易呈现一边倒的局面,两国经济摩擦逐步升级。对此美国政府提出要求日本自动限制对美国市场的汽车出口,这直接威胁着丰田汽车在美国市场的地位。因此,丰田公司考虑,要实现赢得全球汽车产量  相似文献   

Randall L Tobias is the former president, chairman and CEO of the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly. Under his leadership in the 1990s Eli Lilly experienced a dramatic turnaround and enjoyed one of the most successful periods in its history. Tobias' brand of highly ethical leadership won him plaudits during his career. He has now captured the lessons he learned in a book. Put the Moose On the Table , which argues that tough issues in business and in life need to be openly and honestly faced at all times. Interview by Stuart Crainer  相似文献   

心意成生意 日本东京新宿区有一家名为Doutor咖啡店,总是大排长龙,到这里来站着喝咖啡是该店经营与众不同的一大特色.  相似文献   

孟飞 《国际市场》2003,(4):44-45
出口退税,就是指对出口商品已征收的国内税部分或全部退还给出口商的一种措施,以确保出口货物以不含税价格进入国际市场,增强其竞争力,出口退税并非出口鼓励措施,而是被世贸组织(WTO)认可的符合国际惯例的中性制度。它是一种国际通行做法。  相似文献   

柴晔 《国际市场》2006,(6):77-78
破产 船东破产是近20年来经常发生的事情。有些小船东经济上并不稳定。首先是半途(如在加油港)倒闭,船舶被扣,然后被法院下令拍卖。扣船很可能是贷款银行的行为,也可能是其他债权人的行为。但船东无力清偿可能使其他贷款银行插手进来。这样,航次就无法完成了。新船东没有法律或合约责任去完成以前尚未完成的航次。买方不在合理时间内从船上取回货物,新船东会在法律允许下把船上的货物处理掉,如:在扣船港卸下,再在无人认领下拍卖掉。  相似文献   

As a budding baseball fan in the 1950s, I hated the Yankees. I hated them because they always won. They always got the big hit, the double play, the “career year” from a critical player, that enabled them to put to rout those who presumed to challenge them. It seemed if their dynasty would roll on forever. I could no more imagine their downfall than I could later have foreseen the breakup of the USSR or the hard times of U.S. Steel, General Motors, and IBM.This past summer, reading my personally obligatory annual baseball book, I discovered in Halberstam 's October 1964 that the Yankees themselves—at least their front office—apparently could not imagine themselves as other than successful. They were securely atop the major league, ergo, they were doing everything right—or so they thought. Halberstam's account makes clear that the Yankees allowed their success to mask some things they were not doing well at all. They were not bringing talented African-American ball players into their farm system and developing them. Their scouting reports woefully understated the quality of their potential opponents in the World Series. They had wedded themselves to the long ball and soon would not be ready to compete against speed on the base paths. One year later, they would be in the second division of the American League, and would not be a credible power in the majors for another decade.The Yankees should have argued with success.  相似文献   

This paper explores the menu of options for renormalizing public debt levels relative to nominal activity in the long run, should governments eventually decide to do so. Although debt ratios may need to rise further in some cases, a vision of longer-term options is key to weighing alternative medium-term stabilization strategies. Orthodox ones, the standard fare of officialdom, include enhancing growth, running primary budget surpluses, and privatizing government assets. Heterodox polices include restructuring debt contracts, generating unexpected inflation, taxing wealth, and repressing private finance. Advanced countries have relied far more on heterodox approaches than many observers choose to remember.  相似文献   

胡诚初 《广告大观》2006,(12S):74-75
非常高兴能有机会跟大家一起分享我们利郎的经历。利郎为什么会在这几年高速地发展,是因为有一群整天白日做梦的人,因为世界上最主要的事情不是我们现在处在什么地位,而是我们想达到什么样的地位,我想要什么,我想成为什么样的人。世界上最有激发力的东西就是梦想,人类就是在白日做梦当中前进的。什么是梦想?梦想就是自己内心最真切的愿望,它是创造的原动力。  相似文献   

林曦 《广告大观》2006,(10):14-19
时至今日,还有哪些地方没被人类踏足?无论是花草树木的随风传播,还是游牧民族的逐水草而居,有生命的都在游走,无生命的也在变化之中。事物的从无到有,从有到好,从好到精,当然,也许,或必定,还有一天从有到无,都是一个发展的过程。只不过在这个过程中,最震撼你心灵的东西有所不同。  相似文献   

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