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This paper examines the ability of value added to assess the differences between target firms and their industries and to explain target firms' abnormal returns during the takeover period. In a sample of 234 completed takeovers over the period 1977 to 1989, takeover targets have lower value added to total assets ratios than other firms in their industries in the year preceding the year in which the takeover is completed. Target firm abnormal returns observed during the takeover period are positively related to the difference between target Firm and average industry value added to total assets. This suggests that while acquired firms are on average underperformers, acquiring firms value the access to, and possibly the ability to redistribute, the resources of target firms.  相似文献   

Takeover activity has attracted a great deal of academic attention over the past three decades. Much of this interest has focused on the study of completed takeovers with a particular interest in seeking to understand the impact of takeover activity on the wealth of both shareholders in acquired and bidding firms. Unlike their completed counterparts, abandoned takeovers have received relatively little academic attention. This is surprising since a significant proportion of takeover bids are unsuccessful. This paper seeks to address the imbalance by providing a comprehensive survey of the takeover failure literature. The paper focuses on two aspects of the literature: First, we discuss and review the factors likely to influence takeover outcome. Second, we examine the consequences of takeover abandonment from the perspective of targets and bidders. We also identify a number of areas where future research may seek to improve further our understanding of the causes and consequences of takeover abandonment.  相似文献   

Since private firms have a unique ownership structure, the method of payment decision when acquiring private firms is influenced by a different set of factors than the method of payment decision when acquiring public firms. We find that bidders are more likely to pay for private targets with stock when the capital gain tax rate is relatively high. This relationship is attributed to greater tax benefits to private owners who receive stock in periods when the capital gains tax is high. Bidders are more likely to use stock in takeovers when the targets are high-tech firms, which we attribute to protection against overpayment by using a contingent pricing method. Bidders are more likely to use cash in takeovers since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which we attribute to the higher level of due diligence by bidder managers and board members, and therefore a reduced need for contingent pricing methods like stock. Overall, the results suggest the likelihood of using stock to acquire private targets is positively related to the information asymmetry between the parties, while the likelihood of using cash is greater when conditions (such as SOX) reduce the information asymmetry.  相似文献   

During the past decade, the shares of publicly traded companies moved increasingly into the hands of institutional investors. As large investors pressed companies to restructure, companies were observed in turn to restructure their shareholder base. Drawing on a 1989 survey of 761 US publicly traded companies, firms facing a hostile takeover environment or with large institutional holdings are found to seek greater employee stockholding. Large firms and those that had adopted takeover defences are more likely when threatened with takeovers or short-term pressures to seek more employee and less institutional stockholding. Though managers are employed by owners, investor efforts to discipline their managers can lead the latter to replace the former.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theory to explain the frequently observed resistance offered by the management of target firms to high-premium takeover bids. Contrary to the popular perception of managerial entrenchment at the expense of the shareholders' interests, such resistance may be strategically designed to increase shareholder wealth by threatening to initiate an informal auction process fur the target involving other potential bidders. Remarkably, this strategy can be effective even when it is common knowledge that the other bidders do not have a higher reservation price for the target. The analysis also offers insights into division of takeover gains and several other takeover-related issues.  相似文献   

By linking industrial organization theory and capital market research, we provide empirical evidence that merger motives of firms are influenced by underlying industry concentration. Analyzing wealth effects on target, acquirer and rival firms in the machinery industry, we observe significant different capital market reactions among merger announcements in dependence of underlying industry concentration. suggesting that different takeover motives prevail in fragmented and concentrated industries. In contrast to previous studies, we find besides efficiency motives evidence for monopolistic collusion motives in fragmented industries. Mergers in concentrated industries are primarily motivated to achieve productive efficiency gains. The absence of collusion motives may be an indication for a successful enforcement of antitrust legislation. Our results suggest that the magnitude of the influence of industry concentration in empirical merger motive research may have been previously under-estimated leading to a potential distortion of results.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects that takeover threats have on firms' preacquisition R&D intensity. Critics of takeovers usually argue that takeover threats may reduce target firms' R&D investments. However, I find that target firms may increase R&D investment in order to signal their compatibility with the acquiring firm. The identity of the acquired firm depends on the market size and target firms' efficiency and compatibility. Through R&D investments, target firms may affect this result, signaling potential outsiders the kind of competition they may face, and forcing them to accept lower takeover offers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of managerial mergers- and acquisitions-related investment strategies on the exit risk of firms. Using a sample of hyperactive bidders, I show that managerial excessive acquisitiveness can precipitate firm exit. Overbidding is associated with weak corporate governance and lower disclosure quality within firms. I find that hyperactive bidders take more risk compared to conservative bidders. Such bidders also misallocate firms’ resources and dent firms’ reputational capital. Eventually, the external corporate control market is more effective compared to mechanisms such as bankruptcy reorganization, forced liquidation, leveraged buy-out, and expulsion from stock exchanges in disciplining hyperactive bidders by turning them into targets of takeover. These results suggest that a hyper acquisition-induced growth strategy is, on average, detrimental to the long-term survivability of firms and that the internal and external corporate-control mechanisms may not be effective enough to forestall falling value of an excessively acquisitive firm.  相似文献   

We define defensive acquisitions as takeovers made by a firm so as to become so large that it becomes an unattractive target itself. A sample of defensive acquisitions in the banking industry is used to test the takeover premium hypothesis. Under this hypothesis, the defensive acquirers lose because a takeover premium that previously existed in their prices is deflated while the takeover premium increases for smaller competitors because they become more likely targets. We find that the defensive acquirers experience significant negative abnormal returns on the announcement day, and that smaller competitors have positive abnormal returns on the announcements of defensive acquisitions. In contrast, larger competitors do not react to the announcements. The results are consistent with the takeover premium hypothesis.  相似文献   

The increasing globalization of economies has leveraged protectionist attitudes in different countries during the last decades. In the context of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A), national governments have intervened to “protect” big domestic firms and their industries from foreign bidders. Despite the potential for severe implications of these actions on the internationalization of firms and development of markets, the research in this area is relatively scarce, and we still know very little about the real causes and consequences of government intervention. In this paper, we study government opposition to cross-border European M&A during the period 1997–2017, an era of important changes in Europe. Using an event study methodology, we examine abnormal returns for targets and their rivals in the time period prior to actual intervention to gauge if investors perceive intervened deals as harmful events for the industry, which could justify government intervention. We use a hand collected sample of 1,574 EU15 rival firms for 48 mergers, of which 18 experience government intervention. Entropy balanced regression models show that rivals of intervened targets earn significantly lower returns relative to rivals of non-intervened targets on deal announcement. Nevertheless, rivals’ abnormal returns are not negative, suggesting that intervened deals are not perceived ex ante as harmful for industry competitiveness. The results are more consistent with investors’ ability to identify likely blocked deals, which puts downward pressure on abnormal returns to both the target companies and their rivals. These findings indicate that government interventions against foreign bidders seem to have an economic cost in the sector that is anticipated by the investors.  相似文献   

The importance of bidder competition in the corporate takeover process has long been recognized in theoretical models. This paper provides empirical tests of those models. The results indicate that resistance by target management to an initial bid encourages multiple bidders. Competing bidders are less likely to enter in cases where the target is large, but more likely to arise when the initial bidder is highly levered. High initial bids (preemptive bids) are found to discourage entry by additional firms. Surprisingly, targets with high levels of free cash flow tend not to be the recipients of multiple bids.  相似文献   

This paper presents a disciplinary explanation for some seemingly paradoxical stylized facts from the takeover literature. Most notable among these are: (1) hostile takeovers are predicted better by industry-wide than by firm-specific performance failures; and (2) gains from a successful bid for a specific firm extend to other firms in the same industry. Our explanation is based on the idea that managerial incentives based on relative performance evaluation may induce an inefficient industry-wide equilibrium in which all firms underperform with respect to a value-maximizing firm, but no firm underperforms with respect to the industry average. A takeover can serve as a means to destroy such an inefficient industry-wide incentive equilibrium.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide a model of management turnover and executive compensation for a synergistic takeover. I extend a principal-agent model to include a synergy factor. I argue that the choice of management structure—turnover or no-turnover—provides an opportunity for the shareholder to efficiently utilize three elements of the incentive contracts: effort, insurance (risk-reduction) and synergy.I explain high turnover rates after takeovers, especially in conglomerate mergers as compared to horizontal mergers. Also, my model is consistent with empirical evidence that there is a high rate of management turnover in friendly as well as hostile takeovers and thus complements the model of the disciplinary role of takeovers. I also discuss an optimal compensation structure in synergistic takeovers compatible with their corresponding organizational forms.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of takeover threats on the stock price of firms proposing antitakeover amendments. Stock prices of the majority of firms, which are not takeover targets during the four years surrounding the amendments, are unaffected, while prices of firms that become takeover targets within two years increase significantly. We document weak evidence of wealth losses only for a sample of prior targets. Our findings suggest that shareholders of the average firm are not harmed by antitakeover amendments because they provide either a better bargaining position or an information signal to the market.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate the determinants of the payment form in mergers and acquisitions and introduce new variables on the target and acquirer investment characteristics to evaluate whether the concerns of target and acquirer shareholders are taken into account. Our sample encompasses mergers between publicly listed US companies from 1985 to 2004. Similarly we also consider the determinants of announcement returns using the same set of variables. We establish the relevance of a previously unreported variable for the determination of the payment form, the correlation of returns between target and acquirer, besides the more established determinants hostile takeovers, and defence mechanisms; weak evidence is found for the significance of budget constraints and no evidence for asymmetric information or tax considerations being a relevant factor. We do not find that announcement returns are explained by the variables considered.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the question of whether institutional investors enhance or reduce efficiency in the market for corporate control. In particular, given unequivocal evidence that target stockholders gain in successful takeover bids, we investigate the impact of institutional ownership in target firms on the adoption of the type of antitakeover defense as well as the outcome of takeover bids. We find that target firms are more likely to adopt value-reducing antitakeover defenses and successfully thwart takeover bids when a higher percentage of target common stock is owned by ‘pressure-indeterminate’ investors (investment counsel firms in particular). On the other hand, the probability of a successful takeover rises with the ownership of both ‘pressure-sensitive’ and ‘pressure-resistant’ investors. The above findings support the view that institutional investors do not play a homogeneous role in the market for corporate control.  相似文献   

Using a hand-collected dataset, we examine the acquisitions of 307 family owned targets for the period 1984–2000 to study the conflicting roles of entrenchment and alignment of interests in these firms. We find that bidders experience the strongest announcement market reaction at the medium levels of family ownership. However, bidder returns are negatively impacted when acquiring a public target family firm, even controlling for the percent owned by the family. We also find that overall firms that acquire family owned targets experience significant large negative returns in the long run. However, the long run results are also sensitive to the ownership structure of the family firm target with medium levels resulting in insignificant returns in the long run.  相似文献   

This research examines how inward foreign direct investment (FDI) impacts manufacturing productivity in select industries across US regions. Although some evidence has documented the phenomenon of knowledge spillovers to national economies, little is known about how the regional penetration of foreign investment affects the productivity performance of local firms. The analysis proceeds in a novel fashion by adjusting aggregate data on industry operating statistics to "net out" the contaminating influence of foreign firms producing in each of the host regional economies. A cross section of state-by-industry observations is used to estimate labor productivity, controlling for FDI penetration both by region and by industry. In general, the results demonstrate that domestic firms do not reap productivity gains as a result of a larger presence of foreign affiliates. Related research efforts, although not specifically concerned with the regional transmission of FDI spillovers, offer corroborative support for these findings.  相似文献   

Employee Stock Ownership Programs (ESOPs) have long been promoted as a motivational tool: employees become profit‐minded owners. Latterly, however, more ESOPs are being used as part of a takeover defense: here the ESOPs main purpose is to put more company stock in friendly hands—the employees—who, like existing management, could suffer layoffs, etc. in a hostile takeover. We find that, as a group, only the takeover‐related ESOPs are associated with increased leverage (itself a takeover defense). Non‐target firms show no long‐term increase in debt‐to‐assets. We find little evidence to support the motivation hypothesis: while actual labor costs are lower for ESOP firms, after industry‐adjusting they tend to be unaffected or higher. We find that a few measures of firm financial performance [return‐on‐equity (ROE), return‐on‐assets (ROA), net profit margin (NPM)] do improve significantly, but this appears to be largely a short‐term effect. Industry‐adjusted holding period returns appear to be unaffected by the ESOP; however, ESOP firms that leverage show evidence of long‐term market underperformance. We conclude that ESOPs provide, at best, only a short‐term boost to corporate performance. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the minimally explored topic of abnormal returns earned by stockholders of foreign bidders seeking to acquire a target firm in the USA. Four sources of influence on abnormal returns are identified: changes in net wealth of the bidder associated with changes in exchange rates; possible value-destroying managerial discretionary behavior by bidders with excess cash flows, as suggested by Jensen; comparative advantages for foreign bidders domiciled in relatively favorable tax jurisdictions; ownership status of the target, i.e. whether the target is an entire firm and whether it involves divested assets. The study includes 77 firms from 10 countries. The results show that stockholders of foreign bidders earn significant, negative abnormal returns surrounding the announcement of an acquisition in the USA. These abnormal returns become increasingly negative over the 15 days after the announcement of the acquisition, indicating that more information about the acquisition is revealed to investors subsequent to the initial announcement. Cross-sectional regressions indicate that relative exchange rates and cash positions explain variation in abnormal returns. A decline in the value of the dollar increases abnormal returns for the foreign bidder, thus supporting the net wealth hypothesis. The results also show that cash-rich foreign firms tend to enjoy higher abnormal returns when making acquisitions in the USA. The result provides support for the Froot and Stein cash-constrained hypothesis rather than for Jensen's free-cash-flow theory.  相似文献   

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