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目前,中国债券市场上对公司债券发行的审批监管有发改委、证监会以及银行间市场交易商协会等多个部门,即存在着多头监管的问题,这种多头监管是否意味着低效率呢?本文以中国债券市场上发行的公司债券为研究样本,以债券市场发展中的重大事件为研究对象,试图对这一问题进行探讨.通过研究发现,监管部门的增加非但没有提高监管成本,反而降低了监管成本;同时,某一监管部门通过简化审批程序降低监管成本,也会导致其他监管部门同样采取降低监管成本的措施.研究结果表明,中国债券市场的多头监管并不完全意味着低效率监管,各监管部门之间还存在着一定程度的竞争关系.本文的研究结论能够为完善中国债券市场的监管政策提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

《公司债券发行与交易管理办法》实施以来,公司债券市场呈现出快速发展的势头,有效地缓解了企业融资难、融资贵问题。但在市场快速扩容的同时,风险和问题也随之凸显,反映出法律法规、监管体制、风险防控等滞后于市场规范发展的要求。为此提出相关意见建议,以进一步加强债券市场制度建设,促进市场健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

我国公司债券市场发展模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选择美国债券市场作为我国债券市场的参照,通过对美国债券市场以及国内其他类型债券市场的相关制度和规定的总结、思考,认为我国公司债券市场应该由证监会统一监管,采取核准制发行并逐步向注册制发行过渡,在面向机构投资者的银行间场外交易市场交易;应该充分发挥自律组织对监管的补充作用,鼓励私募发行以发挥其对公开发行的补充作用,完善做市商制度以引导其对场外交易市场的积极作用.  相似文献   

国外公司债券市场发展现状与发展经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨萍 《中国金融》2003,(13):42-43
发达国家公司债券市场发展现状1.美国拥有世界上最大的公司债券市场美国拥有世界上最发达的债券市场,不仅规模第一,而且品种齐全。在美国,几乎所有在公开市场发行的债券都要经过标准普尔公司或穆迪投资者服务公司评定信用等级。传统的债券发行一般是投资级别以上的债券,低于投资级别的债券被归为垃圾债券。在垃圾债券一级市场形成之前,只有被公众认可的公司才能发行债券。债券发行有协议发行和公开发行两种方式。5~12年期限的中期公司债券主要以协议方式发行。协议发行的债券规模不大,可以由发行人自己发行,也可以由投资银行代理发行,发行…  相似文献   

本文对云南与全国公司债券市场进行定性与定量相结合的比较分析,发现云南公司债券市场相对主要存在市场地位落后、区域风险突出、创新能力薄弱等差异性问题以及地方政府努力防范债券违约风险的"良苦用心",提出了融资平台企业分类改革、分类管理,严控政府债务过快增长;增强发行主体资质,发挥比较优势壮大主业,调升信用等级;加强业务培训与同业交流,财政统筹专项资金激励债券业务创新;推进市场化招投标工作,培育第三方增信机构,满足潜在发行群体需求;完善风险预警体系和快速反应机制,保护投资者权益等建议,以期推动云南公司债券市场可持续发展,助力地方经济建设。  相似文献   

我国公司债券市场发展滞后的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国公司债券市场现状目前中国债券市场的品种主要有国债、金融债、短期融资券和企业债四大类。如2007年,中国债券市场国债发行量为21883亿元,金融债的发行总额已达到11904亿元,短期融资券3349亿元,与此形成鲜明对比,中国企业债券市场的发展严重滞后。十余年来,在多数年份中,企业债券的发行规模都不到1000亿元,  相似文献   

胡琼 《金卡工程》2009,13(7):204-204
文章简要回顾了我国公司债券的法制建设历程,针对非金融类公司债券市场发展现状,指出公司债券发行总量近年来增长迅速,但是整体发展依然落后于国债、金融债、股票等其它资本市场建设.在此基础上,提出公司债券发展滞后的技术及制度性障碍并未来我国非金融类公司债市场深化建设的方向建议.  相似文献   

我国资本市场历经近20年发展,成就令人瞩目,但资本市场重股市轻债市发展的跛脚现象也愈加明显。本文认为,应同时注重债市与股市的齐头并进,以增强我资本市场国际竞争力。债市发展首先是要梳理并重视债市的制度建设,其次是要将债市发展作为健全资本市场功能的重要一环来抓,使之真正发挥起为实体经济服务的作用。此外,要同时研究债券市场自身建设的一些核心问题,比如统一标准和协同监管问题,对内对外的进一步改革开放问题,等等。而在这一建设进程中,更要积极推进并认真落实我国债券市场的统一互连问题,惟此才能使形成的利率较真实地反映市场实际供需,进而彻底改变目前银行间市场的卖方市场特色和交易所市场的买方市场特色,最终为形成更贴近市场的可供参考的中国收益率曲线打下基础。  相似文献   

欧元的诞生成为欧洲公司债券市场迅速发展的重要契机,并由此促进了市场一体化发展.欧洲公司债券市场的监管立法具有前瞻性与政策导向性,对市场整合起到了积极作用.如何处理好欧盟层面的统一市场和各成员国内部金融监管脱节之间的矛盾是目前市场监管中面临的最大问题,今后欧洲公司债券市场的监管需要在保持稳定的监管执行力度和统一执行标准、提高欧盟成员国执法水平以及加强监管合作,避免监管执法真空等方面进一步加以完善.  相似文献   

Call and default can potentially alter the timing and amounts of promised cashflows for callable, corporate bonds. While prior research has indicated the theoretical importance of adjusting Macaulay duration for the impacts of default and call, the question of their relative impact remains a matter of debate [The High Yield Debt Market, Dow Jones Irwin, New York, 1990, p. 18; J. Finan. 53 (1998) 2225]. We develop a theoretical analysis incorporating both default and call effects on duration and test its implications employing a previously unexplored data base of Canadian, investment grade, corporate bond indices containing an unusual provision making it possible to identify callable and noncallable indices.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(4):437-445
We develop a sequential pricing framework in a continuous time cash flow model allowing for repeated valuation of different cash flow claims. One claim is valued until a prespecified boundary is hit, which is subsequently used as the new valuation starting point for the next claim. This highly flexible pricing framework is applied to the pricing of rating-trigger step-up/-down corporate bonds, the coupon payments of which depend on the issuing company’s credit rating. We present a simple closed-form pricing solution for this type of bonds including both a step-up and step-down threshold, as well as a lower default boundary.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether product market competition reduces agency problems between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders in Japan. In particular, we examine firms’ dividend policies in competitive versus concentrated industries. In a large sample of Japanese firms, we find that firms in more competitive industries pay more dividends, are more likely to increase dividends and are less likely to omit dividends. Furthermore, the impact of firm‐level agency problems on dividend payouts is weaker in highly competitive industries. The results suggest that product market competition can be an effective industry‐level governance mechanism that can force managers to disgorge cash to outside investors.  相似文献   

We construct a news sentiment index at the firm level by using textual analysis of news articles and find that dispersion in news sentiment is a significant predictor of corporate bond returns. Bonds of firms with high dispersion in news sentiment have a highly significant average return of 7.38 percent. A portfolio that longs bonds with high dispersion in news sentiments and shorts bonds with low dispersion earns an average biweekly return of 8.53 percent. This finding is in line with an argument that dispersion in news sentiment is a proxy for future cash flow uncertainty.  相似文献   

Using the implementation of “Catalogue for the Guidance of Industries for Foreign Investment” in China in 2015 as an exogenous shock, we adopt the difference-in-differences (DIDs) method to explore the relationship between product market competition and corporate advertising expenditure. The result shows that product market competition significantly promotes corporate advertising expenditure, and the result is robust after conducting a series of robustness tests. In addition, we further examine the effects of product market competition on corporate advertising expenditure in firms with different characteristics. The results show that the effect is more pronounced for non-state-owned enterprises, small-scale firms, and high-tech firms. Overall, this paper supports that product market competition plays a vital role in promoting corporate advertising expenditure.  相似文献   

This paper examines a recent financial innovation in corporate bond contracts, referred to as the clawback provision. A clawback provision in debt contracts gives the issuer an option to redeem a specified fraction of the bond issue within a specified period at a predetermined price and with funds that must come from a subsequent equity offering. We argue that issuers use clawback provisions to mitigate the wealth losses that would otherwise occur when new equity is offered. Consistent with the hypotheses, the evidence shows that bond offerings are more likely to include a clawback provision if their issuers are private, have more intangible assets, have fewer liquid assets, and are unregulated. We also estimate the price of clawback provisions and find that yield spreads on bonds with clawback provisions are a median of 86 basis points higher relative to what they otherwise would be.  相似文献   

The paper explores the adoption of the corporate balanced scorecard (CBSC) and its impact on corporate control of business units. Following interviews with senior corporate managers in 15 of Sweden's largest multinational companies, 8 were found to adopt CBSC. However, CBSC had little impact on control at the corporate level. Corporate control was financially focused in all the companies: mainly financial measures were important, standards were only set for financial measures and rewards were largely based on financial performance measures. Top management's need for simplicity and comparability internally, and capital market pressures motivated the financial focus.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically examine whether superior performance in corporate social responsibility (CSR) results in lower credit risk, measured by credit ratings and zero-volatility spreads (z-spreads). We are especially interested in how the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) related performance of the corresponding countries moderates this relationship. We find only weak evidence that superior corporate social performance (CSP) results in systematically reduced credit risk. However, we do find strong support for our hypothesis that a country’s ESG performance moderates the CSP–credit risk relationship. Superior CSP is regarded as risk-reducing and rewarded with better ratings and lower z-spreads only if it is recognized by the environment. In addition, we find a reduction of corporate bonds’ z-spreads by approx. 9.64 basis points if the CSP of a company mirrors the ESG performance of the country it is located in.  相似文献   

With the liberalization of legal barriers to the opening of bank branches in 1990, both market structure and competitive conditions in Italy changed profoundly as banks expanded their branching networks. This paper provides novel empirical evidence on how changes of the branch network structure at the province level affect the performance and lending activity of banks across the period 1993–2011. In particular, we adopt two modes of analysis. The first focuses on the impact of diversification strategies on performance, lending and funding strategies at the province level. The second one examines how the increase of big banks' local presence affects single-market bank performance and lending strategies. Our results show that geographical diversification strategies can reduce performance, the adjusted Lerner Index of banks and lending activities, but increase the Lerner Index in deposit markets. Furthermore, we find that the expansion of branches by large-medium sized banks in concentrated markets can reduce the Lerner Index for the deposit market and the amount of loans offered by single-market banks.  相似文献   

Capital, corporate income taxes, and catastrophe insurance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We provide estimates of the equity capital needed and the resulting tax costs incurred when supplying catastrophe insurance/reinsurance using a partial equilibrium model that incorporates a specific loss distribution for US catastrophe losses. After consideration of insurer investment in tax-exempt securities, tax loss carry-back/forward provisions, and personal taxes, our results imply that the tax costs of equity finance alone have a substantial effect on the cost of supplying catastrophe reinsurance. These results help explain a variety of industry developments that reduce tax costs. Also, when coupled with non-tax costs of capital, these results help explain the limited scope of catastrophe insurance/reinsurance.  相似文献   

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