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浙江省分行成立以来,一直重视企业文化在全分行改革发展和经营转型中的重要作用,注意从经营管理中挖掘、提炼和培育企业文化,又将企业文化渗透到经营管理的方方面面,初步形成了具有特色的企业文化内核,成为分行重要的软实力。发展是建设现代商业银行的第一要务,也是浙江分行企业文化建设的主旋律。  相似文献   

对现代商业银行的发展而言,除战略、管理、人才、技术,文化已经发挥出越来越大、不可替代的作用。企业文化与经营管理相互促进,正是银行文化建设的核心要义。本文分析了近年来福建农行企业文化建设的有效实践与存在的问题,并从时间规划、建设目标和建设路径等三方面,阐述在转型发展中构建良好文化生态的具体设想。  相似文献   

2010年以来,工行河北省邢台分行从加快转型发展、打造特色精品强行的内在需要出发,积极探索富有自身特色的企业文化建设之路,通过培育家园文化、创新文化经营、塑造品牌形象,将企业文化渗透和服务于业务经营的全过程,助推邢台分行跨越发展。  相似文献   

管理不只是工具、技术和方法,也是一种文化的表现载体.“仁义礼智信”是中国传统文化的核心思想,西方宣扬的博爱也是万法归一.在全面深化改革的新形势下,对中国传统文化核心价值的认同,充分诠释并运用“仁义礼智信”,将其镶嵌在自身企业文化的基因中,对保险企业打造百年老店、实现转型升级、推进战略发展目标至关重要.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展和公司运营管理的迫切需求,电信企业已进入一个新的发展阶段,技术及基础设施相对成熟,市场竞争越发激烈,这就需要电信企业尽快转型升级,提高企业的整理管理水平和领导层的决策能力.中国电信全面贯彻转型3.0战略,全面预算管理以其在独到功能和作用,在转型过程中越来越受到重视.本文就是通过分析全面预算管理体系建设在省级电信公司中落实执行,来探讨当前预算管理在电信企业中的引领作用.  相似文献   

一、我省农村合作金融系统企业文化建设现状(一)企业文化处于转型升级的起步阶段.在农村合作金融深化改革和取得长足发展的背景下,必然促使企业文化转型升级.一方面,旧金融体制下形成的企业文化仍然在我省农村合作金融系统员工思想中沿袭;另一方面,新的经营管理理念正呼唤一种新型的企业文化诞生.经过新旧文化冲突和破旧立新,一种新型的企业文化正在我省农村合作金融系统萌生.并且呈现合作银行走在前列、发达地区的行社走在前列的特点.如杭州地区富阳合作银行有较完整的服务文化和制度文化,有较规范的行歌、行报和企业文化手册.总体上,我省农村合作金融系统在新型企业文化的探索和创新上有了一定的积累,但还处于一个文化成长的初级阶段.  相似文献   

近年来,山西省分行党委以科学发展观为指针,从可持续发展战略高度出发,将企业文化建设作为加快经营转型、提升创新能力、促进科学发展的重要动力源泉,以改革创新精神大力开展新时期企业文化建设,为全行业务发展提供了强大的精神动力和文化支撑,有力地促进了全行的经营管理工作,推动了各项业务蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

杨建春 《中国外资》2013,(7):81-82,85
企业文化建设的兴起比较晚,但是已经成为企业管理、企业战略目标实现的重要内容。很多优秀企业都具有自己独特的企业文化,并随着社会环境的变化、经济的发展而不断丰富。优秀的企业文化具有很强的凝聚力、导向作用、约束性、激励作用、提高效益等功能。随着我国电力事业的不断发展和电力制度改革的不断深入,文化建设已经逐渐成为电力市场竞争和企业建设的发展和灵魂。企业文化的建设将对企业战略目标的实现起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

企业文化是企业生存、竞争、发展的灵魂.一个国家的企业文化必定受到该国传统文化的深刻影响.泰国是一个典型的佛教国家,佛教文化对泰国企业文化的形成有着深远的影响.文章通过分析佛教对泰国企业文化的积极和消极影响,力求对我国企业文化建设和发展有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

企业文化是企业经营中最基本、最核心的部分,企业文化影响着企业运作的各个方面.随着时间的不断推进,企业文化的发展越来越迅速,在不断强化其原有的一些特征外,也呈现出一些新的气息.本文就企业文化建设,在进入新世纪后,将如何深化发展?建设的重点是什么?其新一轮建设高潮将会形成怎样的特点展开探讨.  相似文献   

Massimo Negrotti 《Futures》2010,42(7):759-768
The human ambition to reproduce natural objects and processes has a long history, and ranges from pure dreams to actual design: from Icarus's wings to modern-day robotics and bioengineering. The concept of naturoid has been introduced in the last decade or so, for referring to man's attempts to reproduce natural phenomena. The development of naturoids may be viewed as a special class of technological activity, distinct from the general class of technology. The concept of naturoid should be useful for methodological research aimed at finding possible common rules, potentialities and constraints characterizing the human effort to reproduce natural objects.Tacitly, many designers think that the continuing improvement of a naturoid consists in its ever-growing overlap with the natural instance, and that the holy grail, as it were, is the complete reconstruction of a natural object of process, from its external appearance to its inner workings. This paper tries to show that a naturoid is always the result of a reduction of the complexity of natural objects, due to an unavoidable multiple selection strategy. Nevertheless, the reproduction process implies that naturoids take on their own new complexity, resulting in a transfiguration of the natural exemplars and their performances, leading to a true innovation explosion. As a matter of fact, the core performances of contemporary naturoids improve, but, paradoxically, the more a naturoid develops, the further away it moves from its natural counterpart. Therefore, naturoids will more and more affect our relationships with advanced technologies and with nature, but in ways quite beyond our predictive capabilities.  相似文献   

本文系统介绍了专利权评估的基本程序和具体方法,包括:收集信息;审阅专利权材料;调查专利权属范围;审核专利权的有效性;专利权技术的择优策略;企业外购专利权的价值评估;决定专利产品的利润最大化;各种评估方法的应用等,对专利权评估有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(5):482-483
Jean-Phillipe Bouchaud and Marc Potters, citing option markets and risk awareness, challenge the view that the Black-Scholes model needs little improvement - in fact, it should be seen as a special case of a more general theory.  相似文献   

Coming up with fabulously successful products takes more than creative people with groundbreaking ideas. Top executives need to roll up their sleeves and get involved. Since they control resources and have the power to cut through red tape, they can clear a path for the creative team to develop hit products.  相似文献   

孙兆东 《银行家》2003,(10):64-65
8月23日北京市商业银行与北京房地产开发商今典集团联手推出"开发商贴息委托贷款"业务.该业务于9月10日开始提供给苹果社区购房者,首期开发商提供2亿元作为委托贷款的预定资金,开发商许诺还将有大约10亿元左右的资金注入.  相似文献   

这笔税款为什么还要退还给扣缴义务人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税晓 《涉外税务》2002,(9):71-71
基本案情: 2001年6月,圣井白酒厂与古源酒厂签订了受托加工粮食白酒的合同,由古源酒厂向圣井白酒厂提供1500吨价值185万元的红粮,委托圣井白酒厂为其生产400吨特制高度粮食白酒,古源酒厂每吨白酒支付圣井白酒厂2500元的委托加工费。2001年9月,圣井白酒厂将收取……  相似文献   

Coming up with creative ideas is easy; selling them to strangers is hard. Entrepreneurs, sales executives, and marketing managers often go to great lengths to demonstrate how their new concepts are practical and profitable--only to be rejected by corporate decision makers who don't seem to understand the value of the ideas. Why does this happen? Having studied Hollywood executives who assess screenplay pitches, the author says the person on the receiving end--the "catcher"--tends to gauge the pitcher's creativity as well as the proposal itself. An impression of the pitcher's ability to come up with workable ideas can quickly and permanently overshadow the catcher's feelings about an idea's worth. To determine whether these observations apply to business settings beyond Hollywood, the author attended product design, marketing, and venture-capital pitch sessions and conducted interviews with executives responsible for judging new ideas. The results in those environments were similar to her observations in Hollywood, she says. Catchers subconsciously categorize successful pitchers as showrunners (smooth and professional), artists (quirky and unpolished), or neophytes (inexperienced and naive). The research also reveals that catchers tend to respond well when they believe they are participating in an idea's development. As Oscar-winning writer, director, and producer Oliver Stone puts it, screen-writers pitching an idea should "pull back and project what he needs onto your idea in order to make the story whole for him." To become a successful pitcher, portray yourself as one of the three creative types and engage your catchers in the creative process. By finding ways to give your catchers a chance to shine, you sell yourself as a likable collaborator.  相似文献   

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