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国内一些资源型城市循环经济模式初显,但多数循环经济产业层次低,产业链条短,资源综合利用率不足,应积极加强循环经济发展的广度和深度,探索更加积极有效的循环经济发展模式,从而推进资源节约和生态友好型社会建设。河北省迁安市是典型的钢铁资源城市,本文以该市的循环经济发展为例进行探索研究。  相似文献   

苏杨 《环境经济》2006,(9):21-24
循环经济从宏观而言是一种新的经济增长方式,具体到“资源节约”基本国策,就是一种新的技术路线。中国特色的循环经济,在本质上具有很强的自主创新性质——重点在动脉产业即生产环节,且以“节约资源”为首要目标。  相似文献   

循环经济是实现经济、社会与环境可持续发展的重要途径,与我国构建资源节约型和环境友好型社会理念一脉相承。然而,实施循环经济不仅是政府的事情,而且是全社会的共同事业,必须以人为本,依靠社会各方面力量,吸纳各行各业的人参与,深入开展资源"国情"教育,在全社会树立资源节约意识和观念,倡导节约文化、节约文明,广泛开展内容丰富、形式多样的资源节约活动,让公众真正参与到循环经济决策、管理和监督的全过程。  相似文献   

党的十八大明确提出要大力发展循环经济,把发展循环经济作为调整经济结构和布局、实现经济增长方式转变的重大举措,全国上下掀起了贯彻落实科学发展观,发展循环经济,构建资源节约和环境友好型社会的热潮.  相似文献   

循环经济作为一种生态化的经济形态,本着资源节约和交易成本的节约,随着交易规模的增加,对分工和交易方式提出了更高的要求。企业的生产规模和交易成本决定企业发展循环经济的交易方式,交易方式的选择反映出循环经济的发展水平。因此,循环经济的发展是规模化、产业化和市场化共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

基于循环经济的黄河三角洲区域发展战略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
循环经济是一种可持续发展的生态经济,是实现经济发展、资源节约和环境保护的一体化战略。分析了黄河三角洲可持续发展的制约因素,介绍了发达国家发展循环经济的成功经验,探讨了黄河三角洲发展循环经济的战略选择。  相似文献   

构建绿色管理体系、促进循环经济发展的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济本质上是以资源节约和循环利用为特征的生态经济,是人类对难以为继的传统发展模式反思后的创新。绿色管理运用生态学的理论和方法来研究企业生产,是循环经济理论在产业体系中的应用形态之一。通过"积极借鉴、发扬创新国际先进经验"、"全面总结、大力推广国内实践经验"、"加强政府主导,提升技术支持,多种手段发展"等措施构建绿色管理体系、促进循环经济发展对全面落实科学发展观有着极为重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

文章阐述了资源再生产业的内涵,对资源再生产业在循环经济中的地位进行了经济学分析,同时指出资源再生产业对于促进社会就业、转变经济增长方式、构建节约型社会等均具有重要战略性意义。无论是从当前我国的环境质量、生态平衡状况,还是从自然资源承受能力看,我国都无法再延续传统经济发展模式,必须大力发展资源再生产业,走循环经济道路。  相似文献   

煤炭是我国重要的基础能源和原料,在国民经济中具有重要战略地位,但煤炭资源并非"取之不尽,用之不竭",我国必须坚持资源开发与节约并重,把节约并重工业,把节约放在首位,以尽可能少的资源消耗,创造尽可能大的经济效益,利用循环经济推进经济发展的管理体制,实现煤炭产业的升级和可持续发展,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

农村循环经济就是把可持续发展思想和循环经济理念应用于农业生产体系。实现农业产业链物质能量梯次和闭路循环使用,农村循环经济以经济活动生态化、资源利用节约化、废弃物资源化的资源利用方式,在实现农业可持续发展,遏制农业污染,保护生态环境,提高资源利用效率上发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

循环经济是一种建立在物质不断循环利用基础上的经济生产方式和社会生活方式,其关键组成部分是再生资源利用。再生资源利用不但解决了区域经济发展所需的原料来源,而且促进了区域经济的可持续发展。文章通过对富阳造纸业循环经济发展的分析,总结出废纸回收利用产业发展的富阳模式,其成功经验对我国其他区域循环经济发展有着示范作用。  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the dynamic implications of recycling for resource use, the level of economic activity and the long-run development of the economy. In contrast to former approaches, we take explicit account of the circulation of matter in the economy. We consider virgin resources and recycled wastes as essential inputs to production. These material inputs either end up as waste after consumption or are bound in the capital stock—depending on the utilization of the produced output. As accumulating wastes can be recycled and again be employed in production, the waste stock serves as a source of valuable inputs in our model. We focus on the implications of recycling-related market failures and the integration of material balances on the dynamics of the economy. It is shown that a market for waste and subsidies to resource extractors and recycling firms can restore optimality in the decentralized economy.  相似文献   

The mining industry is an important sector of the national economy, which provides essential support for energy and other resources for economic development. Industrial linkage and economic distance are two different concepts in measuring the correlationship of different industries, in this article, we apply the model that combines both of them to analyse the industries significantly influence the mining industry. We find that electricity and heating industry, and the mining industry itself from forward linkages have greatly influenced the mining industry, and the industries from backward linkages affect mining industry are changing with industrial economic transformation. We also find resources can flow across several regions only after 2007, which means the role of geographical factors limiting long-range transportation of resources is weakening after 2007. And we explain how resources flow among various regions during 1997 ~ 2007. Based on the findings above, policy implications from the empirical results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

我们从资源利用效果、废弃排放减量、循环再用特征、经济运行效果、生态环境效益等影响区域工业体系循环经济效果的重要方面入手,建立了一套在区域工业体系中推进循环经济效果的评价体系并从投入端、运行过程、输出端来衡量工业体系中的资源节约和环境友好特征。运用AHP法测算了各指标权重,对1999~2006年上海市工业推进循环经济的效果进行了度量并提出建议。  相似文献   

电子废弃物是对人类有着极大危害,但又具有很高潜在经济价值的物质资源。加强电子废弃物的法律规制,有利于保护环境,合理利用资源,应对贸易壁垒以及建立循环经济产业。我们应当以可持续发展和循环经济理念为指导,通过建立污染防治标准、当事人责任分担、回收处理企业市场准入及公众参与制度等对电子废弃物进行法律规制。  相似文献   

资源环境对长三角地区社会经济发展的约束   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析了长江三角洲资源短缺、环境变差引发的诸多矛盾和对社会经济发展的约束,提出科学发展观与循环经济是长三角地区率先实现全面小康、率先实现现代化的必然选择。为此,必须解放思想,树立循环经济的观念,走出有区域特色的循环经济发展道路。  相似文献   

中国的金融发展与经济增长:基于微观数据的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对1993—2001年中国金融发展与经济增长关系的实证研究可以发现,即使对于上市公司,银行贷款仍然构成其最重要的外部融资渠道,并且支撑着企业活跃的投资活动。然而,企业获得贷款的结构不合理,对贷款的利用效率日益下降,除了贷款以外,金融体系所提供的其他金融工具的种类和数量都明显不足。这说明银行业从提供融资支持上推动了整体经济的发展,但在优化资本流向、提高资源配置效率方面的功能尚不完善。  相似文献   

《资本论》论证了人类社会生产是人和自然之间双向度的相互影响、相互依存的物质变换关系;论证了内含的扩大再生产和集约型的经济增长方式都是以资源的高效利用、循环利用为核心,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为特征的增长模式;展望了人类社会生产的终极目标是追求节约、高效、生态、环保的经济形态;直接、系统地概括了循环经济的内含、特征、实现途径等。《资本论》是循环经济理论的滥觞。  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2001,36(1):165-179
This paper is a contribution to the discussion on the relation between thermodynamics and economic theory. With respect to thermodynamic constraints on the economy, there are two diametrically opposite positions in this discussion. One claims that the constraints are insignificant (‘of no immediate practical importance for modelling’) and in the intermediate run, do not limit economic activity and, therefore, need not be incorporated in the economic theory. The other holds that thermodynamics tells us that there are practical limits to materials recycling, which already puts bounds on the economy and, therefore, must be included in the economic models. Using the thermodynamic concept of entropy, we show here that there are fundamental problems with both positions. Even in the long run, entropy production associated with material dissipation need not be a limiting factor for economic development. Abundant energy resources from solar radiation may be used to recover dissipated elements. With simple, quantitative analysis we show that the rate of entropy production caused by human economic activities is very small compared to the continuous natural entropy production in the atmosphere and on the Earth's surface. Further, the societal entropy production is well within the range of natural variation. It is possible to replace part of the natural entropy production with societal entropy production by making use of solar energy. Society consumes resources otherwise available for coming generations. However, future generations need not have less resources available to them than the present generation. Human industrial activities could be transformed into a sustainable system where the more abundant elements are industrially used and recycled, using solar energy as the driving resource. An economic theory, fit to guide industrial society in that development, must not disregard thermodynamics nor must it overstate the consequences of the laws of thermodynamics.  相似文献   

Blue economic zone is a typical regional economic mode,which is specially characterized by marine economy and has multiple economic types coexisting and interacting through integrating marine and land resources.With the continuous progress of science and technology,marine economy as a strategy to promote economic development is approved in many countries.The Blue Shandong Peninsula Economic Zone(BSPEZ) reflects the local demands of economic development,and its upgrading and enhancing competitiveness of the industrial structure is also of obvious significance for enhancement of the development of eastern China and the national marine economy.This paper thinks that the BSPEZ has many advantages,such as unique marine economy,growing high-tech industries,more and more mature industrial system,advancing technological innovation,and outstanding big enterprises,large projects and regional bright brands,but it is also facing problems of low industry cluster,similar industrial structure with each other,still weak technological innovation.So we put forwards the basic approaches to upgrade and enhance the industrial structure:transforming and upgrading the traditional marine industries with advantages,accelerating the development of new marine industries and high-tech industries,integrating marine and land industry,and promoting the rational system arrangements.  相似文献   

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