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This study explores the potential effects of China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ (OBOR) policy on trade flows in ASEAN countries and China. We use the augmented gravity model of international trade and data on ASEAN countries and China from 2000 to 2016. The empirical results show that the coefficient of the OBOR dummy is positive and statistically significant, which implies that this policy benefits both ASEAN countries and China in terms of increased trade flows among these countries. In addition, the coefficients of other control variables, such as a common language, a common border, and distance, have the expected signs, and all are statistically significant. Thus, the OBOR policy initiative could be a promising mechanism for trade facilitation in these countries in the years to come.  相似文献   

如何认识.怎样建设符合国际化大都市水准的北京现代商业文化?这是一个引人关注的题目。新燕莎集团作为北京市国有商业企业,进行了多年艰苦探索。这里,我们向读者推荐这一组文章,希望大家从中感受到他们的努力与成就。  相似文献   

秦代推行文字标准化为中华文明的传承与发展奠定了基础,数百年间,记录文字的载体由殷商时代的甲骨、钟鼎及于碑石、简帛.汉代蔡伦发明造纸术、东晋末年桓楚政权诏令以黄纸代替竹简,开启了中华民族以纸为媒的出版传播方式.与此相随,延至佛教兴盛与科举制推行的隋唐,图文复制方法也结出了硕果——人们藉由雕版印刷逐渐摆脱了搦书、拓石与抄写的劳顿……  相似文献   

李晓忠 《经营者》2005,(8):18-18
进入任何一个领域都面临着挑战,技术的挑战。我想今天夏新的产品能够表现出我们的技术力。自主开发的肯定夏新是第一的,这是业界公认的。  相似文献   

高尔夫球场上的挥洒淋漓,休闲会所里的悠然淡定,办公桌前的幽默谈吐--朱森林这位年轻的开发商,习惯于谦虚式地将自己排除在年轻人队伍之外.……  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2008,32(1):92-102
On 1 January 2007, Slovenia was the first new EU member state to enter the euro area. Since June 2004, the Slovenian tolar participated in the exchange rate mechanism ERM-II with a central parity of 239.64 against the euro. This parity was also the conversion rate upon euro area accession. Applying a macroeconometric model of Slovenia, this paper analyses the macroeconomic effects of different conversion rates. These simulations are compared to a scenario with flexible exchange rates. The best results are obtained with the actual conversion rate. In addition, it is shown that the labour market performance can be significantly improved by cutting non-wage labour costs.  相似文献   

文中在总结常用的公路软基处理方法,如置换法、预压法、轻质路堤、排水固结、复合地基法等基础上,提出了软土地基综合处理方法,包括预加外力荷载、添掺外加剂、改变外荷载应用分布、土体加筋、反压护坡道等方法,并针对典型的错台问题,给出了综合处理方法应用案例,供相关工程技术人员参考。  相似文献   

A road to assimilation: immigrants and financial markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper compares the financial market participation of immigrants and native-born Americans. Financial asset ownership is examined after controlling for the immigrants’ country of origin using a nationally representative National Longitudinal Survey (NLSY79) data set. The determinants of preference for financial asset ownership and the amount of financial equity held by households are estimated using a two-stage procedure. The results indicate that immigrants are less likely to own financial assets and more likely to have lower financial equity than native-born residents. Income uncertainty and risk tolerance of immigrants are associated with their preference for financial investments. Immigrants’ years of residence in the United States also increase their financial asset ownership. A discussion of the implications of these findings for policy makers, immigration researchers, and scholars of household savings behavior is also included.  相似文献   

高勇 《城市问题》2008,(2):60-64
结合北京市的一个实际案例,指出老旧社区的问题不只是一个居住条件和城市物质外貌问题,其出现有着深刻的经济和社会原因.在解决老旧社区重建的过程中,必须把改善居住条件与解决低收入群体的经济问题和提高社区自治精神的社会问题结合起来考虑.老旧社区的治理必须是经济、社会、文化等多层次的.  相似文献   

As the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak evolves, statistical network analysis is playing an essential role in informing policy decisions. Therefore, researchers who are new to such studies need to understand the techniques available to them. As a field, statistical network analysis aims to develop methods that account for the complex dependencies found in network data. Over the last few decades, the area has rapidly accumulated methods, including techniques for network modelling and simulating the spread of infectious disease. This article reviews these network modelling techniques and their applications to the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.  相似文献   

拥挤收费作为缓解城市交通拥挤的有效措施,其应用正逐步得到重视.文章介绍了新加坡、伦敦拥挤收费的实践,分析了这些实践活动对我国实施拥挤收费管理的启示.  相似文献   

The amount of information that should be processed to reach a rational solution is so vast that it overwhelms our limited memory and analytic capacity. To grapple at all with real problems, we must shrink them to mind size. As Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon has suggested, we must learn to "satisfice." Using examples and a case history of managerial succession, Agnew and Brown demonstrate the importance of nonrational factors in decision making. "Skyhooks," their first major concept, are composed of an individual's strong beliefs and biases that appear almost as acts of faith without any obvious foundation. They help the exceptional executive operate on a limited set of alternatives. But while skyhooks give direction, they do not provide the means to reach a destination. Simpler conceptual models, or "walking sticks," are necessary to cover the rocky trails. Agnew and Brown offer four walking sticks that can be applied to managerial succession problems. The first walking stick considers executive decision making in three parts--nonrational, semirational, and rational--and covers the conditions in which each component comes into play. The second helps examine human resources as fixed or fluid and as assets or liabilities to develop a schema for manpower accounting in executive succession. Playing vs. talking a good executive game is the topic for walking stick three. The concern here is to distinguish the real players--who can manage systems--from the mere talkers, who can manage only fragments of systems. The fourth walking stick draws on the law of resource gravitation and crystallization, a law with implications for trainers: You can't fashion management training to fit all comers; instead, you must tailor it to what the trainees already are and know.  相似文献   

涂沙 《企业技术开发》2009,28(8):130-130,132
党的十六大报告中指出:"全面建设小康社会,必须大力发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明。"作为公路行业,就是要打造社会主义先进公路文化。文章试通过对先进公路文化的内涵、特征和作用的分析探讨,进而提出打造先进公路文化,推进公路事业跨越式发展的建议。  相似文献   

国际新创企业作为一种新型的创业形式和国际企业组织类型,对传统的国际化理论提出了挑战。本文基于国际创业的视角,从创业机会的角度来探讨国际新创企业创立与成长问题,揭示了国际新创企业创业机会的来源以及企业家机会识别与开发过程及其影响因素。  相似文献   

国际大都市服务业结构与功能特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在信息技术革命及全球经济服务化的背景下,国际大都市服务业快速发展,服务业内部结构变化及特征出现了新的特点.在分析国际大都市1990-2000年间服务业就业结构变化的基础上,总结出不同层次国际大都市服务业的结构特征;结合国内外相关研究,概括了国际大都市的主要功能特征及未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Governments around the world are tackling the COVID-19 pandemic with a mix of public health, fiscal, macroprudential, monetary, and/or market-based policies. We assess the impact of the pandemic in Europe on sovereign CDS spreads using an event study methodology. We find that a higher number of cases and deaths and public health containment responses significantly increase the uncertainty among investors in European government bonds. Other governmental policies magnify the effect in the short run as supply chains are disrupted. Moreover, an increased debt-to-GDP ratio significantly boosts the cumulative abnormal change of CDS spreads, which indicates that investors are concerned about countries that are too indebted and thus have a limited capacity to intervene and provide fiscal stimuli and emergency fiscal packages to businesses and households.  相似文献   

道路交通对城市空间形态的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王立  邓梦 《城市问题》2003,(1):25-28
城市交通方式和道路系统的布局对城市的规模和空间结构分布具有重大影响 ,同样它作为重要的基础设施和对外交流通道对城市的发展方向也起着重大的引导作用。本文通过对道路交通的研究 ,揭示了城市的演变规律和发展趋势。  相似文献   

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