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Testing for Bubbles in Housing Markets: A Panel Data Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We employ recently developed cross-sectionally robust panel data tests for unit roots and cointegration to find whether house prices reflect house related earnings. We use U.S. data for Metropolitan Statistical Areas, with house price measured by the weighted-repeated-sales index and cash-flows by market tenants’ rents. In our full sample period, an error-correction model is not appropriate, i.e. there is a bubble. We then combine overlapping 10-year periods, price–rent ratios, and the panel data tests to construct a bubble indicator. The indicator is high for the late 1980s, early 1990s and since the late 1990s. Finally, evidence based on panel data Granger causality tests suggests that house price changes are helpful in predicting changes in rents and vice versa. CERGE-EI is a joint workplace of the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education, Charles University, and the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

This paper uses Bayesian methods to analyze unit root and cointegration properties of two different finance data sets. Avoiding the use of subjective prior information, the paper surveys and utilizes several different objective Bayesian methodologies in an investigation of common stochastic trends in international stock markets and in spot and forward exchange rates for several different countries.  相似文献   

The effect of real rates of interest on housing prices   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During the late 1970s, U.S. house prices were appreciating rapidly even though mortgage interest rates were climbing. Recently, interest rates have eased but prices have moderated. This study examines the role of appreciation expectations in overcoming the negative effects of nominal mortgage interest rates on house prices. Expectations of future appreciation are important determinants of house sales prices, remaining influential during periods of declining and moderating real prices, not just when prices are rising. The real rate of interest, as viewed by the homebuyer, is the mechanism for affecting change in housing price levels. Because the nominal interest rate is slow to reflect changes in expectations, these real rates vary over time. This ebb and flow of real interest rates appears to explain market price levels. Nominal rates play a role as well, primarily in the formation of appreciation expectations.  相似文献   

In contrast to existing empirical foreign direct investment (FDI) studies that examine the static effects of strategic or real economic variables, this paper focuses on the impacts of financial variables on FDI outflows for four largest industrial countries using dynamic time series methods. The results show that FDI outflows are non-stationary but have a long-run cointegrating relationship with real exchange rates. In addition, there are causal effects of exchange rates on direct investments in the short run. Multivariate cointegration analysis shows the significance of financial channels such as cost of capital and real wealth through which the real exchange rate effects operate. The effects of financial channels are comparable to those of the real wage rate channel. Overall, the present paper provides significant and methodologically consistent international evidence for dynamic interactions between FDIs and financial variables.  相似文献   

为研究保险业和经济增长的关系,选取2001~2011年我国大陆30个省份(不含西藏)保险密度和人均GDP的面板数据,分别进行全国以及区域(东部、中部、西部地区)的保险业和经济增长之间的长期、短期及因果关系检验,分组计算经济增长对保险业发展的贡献度,得出如下结论:全国层面经济增长是保险业发展的重要因素,保险业发展又反过来促进了经济增长;区域层面经济增长和保险业发展之间的关系不一致,保险业发展与经济发展不协调。  相似文献   

In this paper, we test for asymmetric adjustments in the spread of the U.S. prime lending rate and 3-month certificate of deposit rate. In doing so, we extend the pioneering threshold unit root tests of Enders and Granger (1998) to more flexible models where the deterministic terms and short-run dynamics, in addition to the persistent parameters, can differ in two regimes. While some previous works have tested for asymmetric adjustments in the spread of lending and deposit rates using threshold unit root tests, the deterministic terms and short-run dynamics were assumed to be symmetric, which can lead to bias and less accurate conclusions if these conditions do not hold. Overall, we find that the spread in lending and deposit rates is stationary but adjustment to the equilibrium is asymmetric. In particular, we find more rapid adjustment when the spread is narrowing below a threshold level than when widening above this level. Several theoretical implications are suggested.  相似文献   

Results of research on whether changes in earnings can predict future stock returns are inconclusive. We add to this debate by using long-term data from 1871 to 2004 to examine the predictive power of changes in earnings in periods of intrinsic bubbles and in periods absent intrinsic bubbles. Our results show that accounting for bubbles is important in whether changes in earnings can predict future stock returns. In periods of no bubble, we find that changes in earnings Granger-cause future returns, whereas in periods of bubble, this Granger causality from changes in earnings to future returns cannot be found. We conclude that changes in earnings can predict future stock returns, but only in periods absent bubbles.  相似文献   

This article investigates the multivariate dependence between oil prices, equity markets, and exchange rates in certain oil-importing and oil-exporting countries by applying the vine copulas approach which offers a greater flexibility and permits the modelling of complex dependency patterns for high-dimensional distributions. Our results show that the dependence between oil and exchange rates is significantly negative during different periods of analysis, except for the British Pound and Japanese Yen exchange rates. This result indicates that oil may serve as a weak hedge against exchanges rates.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes mean reversion in the stock markets of 18 OECD countries during the years 1900–2009. In this period it takes stock prices about 18.5 years, on average, to absorb half of a shock. However, using a rolling-window approach we establish large fluctuations in the speed of mean reversion over time. The highest mean reversion speed is found for the period including the Great Depression and the start of World War II. Furthermore, the early years of the Cold War and the period containing the Oil Crisis of 1973, the Energy Crisis of 1979 and Black Monday in 1987 are also characterized by relatively fast mean reversion. We document half-lives ranging between 2.0 and 22.6 years. Our results suggest that the speed at which stocks revert to their fundamental value is higher in periods of high economic uncertainty, caused by major economic and political events.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of financial development as a buffer to diminish the effect of cross-border bank flows shocks on house prices across 38 countries. In less financially developed countries, the observed response is markedly positive. As development increases, the response is tempered and becomes less important. Cross-border bank flows shocks are important in explaining the historical dynamics of house prices in financially less developed countries, while monetary policy shocks are key in the most financially developed markets. Heterogeneity in responses within each level of financial development is associated with levels of maximum loan-to-value ratios and a ratio of cross-border bank inflows over total liabilities abroad.  相似文献   

The liberalization of energy markets worldwide during recent decades has introduced severe implications for the price formation in these markets. Especially within the European day-ahead electricity markets, increased physical connections between different market areas and a joint effort on optimizing the aggregate social welfare have led to highly connected markets. Consequently, observing the exact same hourly day-ahead prices for two or more interconnected electricity markets in Europe happens frequently. This affects the modelling of such prices and in turn the valuation of derivatives written on prices from these market areas. In this paper, we propose a joint model for day-ahead electricity prices in interconnected markets composed of a combination of transformed Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes. We discuss the properties of the model and propose an estimation procedure based on filtering techniques. Furthermore, the properties of the model reveal that analytical prices are attainable for, e.g., forwards and spread options.  相似文献   

We analyse the optimal response of monetary policy to house prices in a New Keynesian framework. A positive wealth effect from housing is derived from liquidity constrained consumers. Housing equity withdrawal allows them to convert an increase in housing value into consumption and we show that monetary policy should react to house prices due to their effect on consumption by constrained agents. Moreover, we allow the share of liquidity constrained consumers to vary with house prices. Consequently, the optimal weights on expected inflation, the output gap and house prices in the optimal interest rate rule vary over time too.  相似文献   

This paper examines the correlation and the dependence patterns of the Qatar stock market with other markets using copula statistical theory and exploiting new datasets covering the period August 1998 to June 2018. To examine the crisis –specific change in the average degree of dependence we decomposed the data into the time periods before and after oil price shocks and the 2017 political crisis among the Gulf Cooperation Council members (i.e. the Qatari blockade). Our findings from the static copula modelling show that the correlations between the Qatari and the other stock markets significantly change after the oil price and the blockade crisis as well. The degree of change in the correlation is time varying and differs from county-group to another. Moreover, our findings reveals that the 2008 global financial crisis has a stronger impact than the price shocks and political crisis. The findings of the paper are of interest and allow for formulating a reliable and dynamic portfolio design framework for investors and risk managers.  相似文献   

房地产市场在货币政策传导机制中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2006年1月至2008年12月的相关数据,运用协整分析、格兰杰因果检验等计量方法,先研究货币政策到房地产市场传导的有效性,再分析房地产市场到最终目标(实体经济)传导的有效性。结果表明:房地产市场在货币政策传导机制中发挥了重要作用,M2、M1是房价指数变化的格兰杰原因,房价指数是工业增加值、居民消费物价指数、社会消费品零售总额变化的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the transmission mechanisms between oil prices and fuel prices in France over the period 2005−2020. The econometric procedure focuses on three singular years marked by significant negative oil prices shocks: 2008 (the global financial crisis), 2014 (the sharp drop in prices due to the boom of US shale oil), 2020 (Covid-19 economic downturn). To analyze the linkages between oil and fuel prices, we use the ARDL bounds testing approach of cointegration with weekly data between January 7, 2005 and October 30, 2020. We find that over the entire period, fuel distributors report increases in oil prices more than decreases. We find that this asymmetry is highest in 2008. Our paper provides some policy recommendations based on our findings.  相似文献   

中国宏观经济变量平稳性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用目前国际上普遍应用的DF和ADF检验方法,对我国主要宏观经济变量的平稳性及单整阶数进行了单位根检验,研究结果显示中国宏观经济变量在5%显著性水平上都是非平稳的。  相似文献   

We analyse the role of house prices in the monetary policy transmission mechanism in Norway, Sweden and the UK, using structural VARs. A solution is proposed to the endogeneity problem of identifying shocks to interest rates and house prices by using a combination of short-run and long-run (neutrality) restrictions. By allowing the interest rate and house prices to react simultaneously to news, we find the role of house prices in the monetary transmission mechanism to increase considerably. In particular, house prices react immediately and strongly to a monetary policy shock. Furthermore, the fall in house prices enhances the negative response in output and consumer price inflation that has traditionally been found in the conventional literature. Moreover, we find that the interest rate responds systematically to a change in house prices. However, the strength and timing of response varies between the countries, suggesting that housing may play a different role in the monetary policy setting.  相似文献   

Portfolio insurance strategies can destabilize markets to such an extent that they may be counterproductive. Destabilization results when hedgers take share prices as given and follow exogenously specified price-based trading rules. We recognize that such trading rules may not be utility maximizing and that hedging affects share prices. Accordingly, we develop a portfolio insurance strategy where hedgers consider the impact of their trading on prices and endogenize their trading rule which is obtained by maximizing expected utility. Moreover, our strategy does not require the dissemination of information about the extent of portfolio-insurance based hedging activity in the economy.  相似文献   

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