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Quality social care requires a quality workforce but the normal route for workforce development, through strong HR policies and good quality employment relationships, has not been promoted by current social care policy. Through a study of one local authority and five of its domiciliary care providers, including public, for‐profit and not‐for‐profit concerns, this article demonstrates that even standard basic employment guarantees may not be available to domiciliary care staff. Much of the responsibility for these conditions is found to lie with the contracting conditions under which the independent providers operate. Employers still provide some basic coordination and protection functions for staff in this highly fragmented sector but future plans for user‐driven care may further weaken the employers' role. Instead policymakers should seek to underpin quality improvement programmes by the creation of conditions in which strong employment relationships are able to be forged. 相似文献
对硅的干法刻蚀技术是现代半导体工业中非常重要的一项工艺。本文介绍了如何将硅片干法刻蚀技术引入到设计性、研究性的普通物理实验教学中.以及在相关实验教学的设计、实验内容的编排和教学方式等方面的一些特点。 相似文献
Contemporary discussions of ‘democratic innovation experiences’ have evolved into a heated debate about how effective these ‘new spaces’ are in including ordinary citizens, particularly those traditionally marginalized and excluded. This article focuses on the Brazilian experience with Health Councils and begins by discussing the conditions that have been pointed out by previous studies as favouring the inclusion of these groups in these ‘new spaces’. On the basis of these studies, one question that remains is about the democratic legitimacy of these experiences, as it seems that there is a bias towards the inclusion of those that already have political ties with the traditional political system. The local Health Councils in 31 subprefeituras(new administrative subdivisions) of the city of São Paulo were researched and a continuum was observed: ranging from a small number of one or two sectors that have historical ties with political parties included in the council to a far more diversified composition, including up to seven sectors with autonomous representatives and various types of association. Using these results as their starting‐point, the analyses conclude with a discussion of the relative significance of the factors previously identified as central in establishing the democratic legitimacy of these ‘new democratic spaces’. 相似文献
英语教学过程中充分发挥学生主体性作用的探析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以哲学角度阐述主体性及学生主体性的内涵,从学生主体性的特征入手探析了英语教学工作中如何发挥学生的主体性。学生主体性的发挥某种程度上为教师主体性的发挥提出了挑战,客观上促进了教师主体性的发挥,而教师主体性的充分发挥对激发引导学生发挥其自身的主体性起到了至关重要的作用,达到了教学相长的良性循环。 相似文献
本文首先分析了将创业教育引入思想政治教育的意义和理念,在此基础上,探讨了创业教育引入思想政治教育的内容和保障机制,力求为创业教育和大学生思想政治教育相结合提供参考。 相似文献
我国工业企业标准化管理创新探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
李庆满 《世界标准化与质量管理》2003,(12):22-24
标准化管理是工业企业管理的重要基础工作。“入世”以来,迫于国内外市场竞争的压力,我国工业企业对标准化管理更加重视。但是,工业企业如何开展标准化活动才能适应经济全球化的趋势,才能有效参与国际竞争,很多企业对此并不十分清楚。作为我国国民经济重要支柱的工业企业要想提高核心竞争能力,实现可持续发展,必须对标准化管理进行重新定位和思考,建立适合中国国情的标准化管理模式。 相似文献
Bringing Political Skill into Social Networks: Findings from a Field Study of Entrepreneurs 下载免费PDF全文
The authors integrate the entrepreneurship literature's sociological and behavioural perspectives and examine the processes through which entrepreneurs first build social networks and then use the network resources for enhancing venture performance. Field interviews of entrepreneurs during a six‐month period reveal that political skill is an important individual‐level factor that influences the construction and use of social networks. Theoretical and practical implications of the major findings are discussed. 相似文献
Lawrence L. Steinmetz 《人力资源管理》1972,11(3):31-36
The value systems of different generations is bound to be at variance, so if a job is to be redesigned to attract young men, it must be redesigned on the basis of what the young man needs, not on the basis of what today's mature manager needed at that age. 相似文献
深水海域环境复杂,对深水钻井防喷器控制系统的要求非常高。针对目前深水防喷器控制系统在我国处于探索阶段,文章提出了一种三重冗余——GMR系统。GMR系统,是基于Genius总线模块冗余系统,具有容错、失效安全、表决机制的系统,为深水钻井防喷器控制系统提供了完善的解决方案。文章设计并实现了深水钻井防喷器控制系统,详述了PLC子系统,输入输出子系统,信号传输子系统。 相似文献
本文在深入调查的基础上,对高校基建形成的固定资产未及时纳入价值管理的主客观原因进行分析研究,本着建设项目成本真实可靠、面对现实解决问题的原则,就实践中遇到的项目决算依据、设备归属、改扩建引起的价值变更、借款利息摊销以及土地成本处置等有关问题,提出对策与建议。 相似文献
基于资源构建视角,以铁骑力士集团在四川凉山州实施生猪代养模式中构建多方合作关系的过程为案例研究对象,探讨BOP战略实施中跨部门伙伴关系的构建过程。研究发现:跨部门伙伴关系的构建过程在本质上是一个资源构建的过程,包括资源筛选、资源激活、资源获取和资源整合四个阶段,每个阶段均涵盖伙伴关系建立的伙伴识别、关系发起和关系调整三个环节,且伙伴关系构建的后一个环节能够帮助完善前面环节的结果。此外,跨部门伙伴关系的构建过程是一个动态调整的过程:一方面,针对不同部门,在关系搭建的不同阶段,所搭建的关系属性有所不同;另一方面,企业在构建跨部门伙伴关系的过程中,针对同一部门所搭建的关系需要依据其关系状态动态调整,并遵循两条关系调整路径——非正式社会关系→正式社会关系→正式业务关系,以及非正式社会关系→非正式业务关系→正式业务关系。 相似文献
James E. Payne 《Journal of Economics and Finance》1993,17(1):127-133
In this paper the author re-examines the money growth variability debate set forth by Milton Friedman. Six time periods are
analyzed in the study. The pre-1979 period is found to be the only period which exhibits any evidence that money growth variability
Granger-causes velocity. 相似文献
Bringing corporate culture to the bottom line 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Denison DR 《Organizational Dynamics》1984,13(2):4-22
Up to now managers could find little evidence to support the idea that the organization's culture has an impact on its bottom-line performance. To remedy this, Denison draws on survey and performance data from 34 large corporations to show that those that have participative cultures experience better performance than those that do not. This difference in performance appears to have widened over the five years that these firms were studied. The results also hold up when the performance measures for each firm (return on investment and return on sales) are compared with those of their competitors. Denison suggests that this comparative approach to the study of organizational culture provides a way to capture the impact that culture has on organizational performance. This strategy, he argues, also provides a way of diagnosing organizations and measuring the ways in which human resources management, organizational culture, and management practices do, in fact, contribute to the success of business organizations. 相似文献
巴塞罗那之城见证了王雪红直闯欧洲的艰辛,现正准备慷慨以报,只为真正的庆功宴晚十点,有伊比利亚半岛明珠之称的巴塞罗那似乎刚刚苏醒,在璀璨的各色霓虹灯光里焕发出迷人的活力。不消说,这个西班牙第二大都市气候宜人,风光旖旎。古迹遍布街巷,充满文化 相似文献
Quality & Quantity - Most archaeology today is conducted by private cultural resources management (CRM) firms in compliance with preservation legislation. Industry archaeologists make decisions... 相似文献