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This article considers the strategic motivation and performance of Chinese cross‐border mergerand‐ acquisition (M&A) activities of 27 deals that took place in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in 2000–2004. The study finds that cross‐border M&As formation by Chinese firms are primarily motivated by market development (that is, increasing market share) to enable faster entry into new markets, promote diversification, and obtain foreign advanced technology and other resources. In terms of wealth creation, the study finds that cross‐border M&As create value for Chinese acquiring firms. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although technology profile has been one of the key determinants of firms’ export performance in the international business literature, most research has focused on only the role of internal technology efforts rather than the role of external technology. This study thus aims to extend our understanding of the determinants of export performance by examining the impact of the inter-organizational dimension of innovation strategy to export performance, which has been ignored in the prevailing “strategy tripod” perspective of exporting research. This study is based on a sample of 141 Chinese indigenous manufacturing firms that engaged in inward technology licensing between 2000 and 2003. The empirical results indicate that external technology acquisitions positively influence Chinese firms’ export performance. Moreover the exporting performance of using external technology varies depending on the their sources (domestic and foreign). The exporting firms that acquired technology from foreign countries outperformed those relied on domestically developed technology.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of foreign and domestic ownership on the exit rates of privatized state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in transitional countries. The exit of privatized SOEs can have a profound impact on employment and on the development of local economies of transitional countries. An oligopoly model that incorporates country-level trade costs and individual SOE's productivity is developed to assess the exit of SOEs under either foreign or domestic ownership. The model shows that market competition between firms can lead to liquidation of the SOE by a domestic firm when trade costs increase. When the productivity of SOE is high, neither foreign nor domestic firm will liquidate. The predictions of the model are tested using firm-level privatization data from Central and Eastern Europe. By controlling for productivity, trade costs, and other attributes of SOEs after privatization, it is found that foreign ownership significantly reduces the probability of SOE's exit as compared to domestic ownership. Furthermore, there is evidence that as trade costs increase, the exit probability of domestically owned SOEs increases and the exit probability of foreign-owned SOEs declines.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance of cross-border acquisitions (CBAs) of fims domiciled in Africa. We examine 503 deals involving firms from 23 developed and 20 emerging countries, acquiring targets in 33 African countries. We find that, on aggregate, Africa bound CBAs significantly underperform, and that emerging economy acquirers outperform their developed economy counterparts. Further, significant variations in deal performance is documented when the target firms are categorised according to the level of development of African financial markets, industries, and to some extent, economic blocs. The results are robust to various firm, industry, deal and country specific characteristics.  相似文献   

Based on the signaling theory, cue utilization theory and halo effect theory, this paper establishes a theoretical model of the impact of return policy leniency on consumer purchase intention in the context of cross-border e-commerce (CBEC). The model is verified by the experimental data. Moreover, the mediating role of perceived quality and perceived risk and the moderating effects of port of shipment and product traceability code are significant. The results show that in the CBEC scenario, when the online retailers adopt a lenient return policy, the consumers have higher perceived quality and lower perceived risk, which in turn leads to a higher intention to purchase; When a consumer purchases the product which ships from domestic bonded warehouse or a product without a product traceability code present, the effect of the leniency of return policy on perceived quality and perceived risk is stronger.  相似文献   

Consistently low usage of export promotion programs and incentives has been observed among small firms. This has led researchers to argue that these firms operate on a limited information basis and deprive themselves of cheap export market knowledge. This study disputes these conclusions and finds that small firms discriminately use alternative sources to acquire foreign market information and assistance. Furthermore, such information acquisition, irrespective of source, is found to have a substantive and significant association with new export market entry. The implications of these findings for government export policy, small firm decision makers, and export literature are explored.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between financial performance and family involvement for 523 listed and non-listed Colombian firms over 1996–2006. Using a detailed database and performing several panel data regression models, we find that family firms exhibit better financial performance on average than non-family firms when the founder is still involved in operations, although this effect decreases with firm size. With heirs in charge, there is no statistical difference in financial performance. Both direct and indirect ownership (control through pyramidal ownership structures within family business groups) affect firms' financial performance positively. However, this positive effect decreases with firm size. The results suggest that some kinds of family involvement appear to make firm growth expensive.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of family firms on the corporate social performance of Korean firms and analyses how their effect varies depending on the presence of family CEOs or chaebols. Based on the agency theory, we find that family firms exhibit lower corporate social performance. In particular, there is no difference in the performance of related stakeholders, such as society, consumers, environment, and employees, compared to non-family firms, but corporate governance registers as low performance. We further find that family firms managed by family CEOs show lower corporate social performance, whereas chaebol firms show higher corporate social performance.  相似文献   

Building on the organizational capabilities view, this study explores the impact of network and managerial capabilities on the performance of entrepreneurial firms in the architecture and real estate sector. We apply an extended organizational capabilities model by integrating Porter’s value chain model and Grant’s hierarchy of organizational capabilities. Starting from differences in entrepreneurial orientation between architecture and real estate development firms, we argue that under higher environmental uncertainty, network capabilities are more important for the performance of architecture firms whereas managerial capabilities are more important for the performance of real estate development firms. Employing data from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, the research results support the hypotheses. This study integrates Porter’s value chain concept and the organizational capabilities model and delivers a contribution to the organizational capability theory. In addition, it contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by showing that network capabilities are more important for creating competitive advantage in entrepreneurial firms than in other firms.  相似文献   

This study explores the nature of the degree of internationalization and performance (DOI‐P) relationship in the context of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. The study relies on the stages model of internationalization to posit for specific relationships between DOI and performance in the distinct stages of international expansion. The findings are different from those of similar studies on emerging markets that have used a broader set of industries in their sample. Researchers should adopt caution when making any generalization of the DOI‐P relationship across contexts. Industry context in certain instances can be more powerful than country context in shaping the DOI‐P for particular firms. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors affecting Bharti Airtel's cross‐border postacquisition performance in an African market. This study describes the relationships among various factors such as technical capability, affiliated firm's absorptive capacity, and organizational learning capabilities, which determine the successful operations of the Zain acquisition deal in South Africa. This paper adopts a qualitative approach to identify factors that influence the postacquisition performance. Seven factors are identified based on the literature. Consequently, it has become a necessity to encapsulate these factors in suitable proportions. In this study, we have developed a total interpretive structural modeling (TISM) to analyze the postacquisition performance of Bharti Airtel in South Africa. Our research has highlighted six dynamic factors (organizational learning capability, knowledge management, technology capability, technology relatedness, acquirer's absorptive capacity, and national culture difference) that affect the firm's postacquisition performance. The interpretive structural model (ISM) and total interpretive structural model for postacquisition performance are built‐up. The developed TISM will support academics and practitioners to develop their understanding of acquisition performance of parent companies in the context of telecom business in the South African market.  相似文献   

The role of various organizational pressures in influencing performance of firms has been an interesting research topic in a variety of fields and has received the attention of researchers working in the field of environmental strategy. Although there are previous studies that have looked at the influence of various pressures in influencing firms’ environmental strategies, our study provides a more holistic analysis considering a variety of such pressures in a single framework. We discuss a research study to analyze how pressures from internal and external stakeholders of a firm, economic pressures, environmental regulations, and pressures of environmental compliance have affected environmental performance of firms using data collected from manufacturing firms in the United Kingdom. We have found that internal stakeholders provide the greatest impact in shaping environmental performance of firms, closely followed by economic pressures, environmental regulations, and external stakeholders in that order. Fears of penalties due to environmental compliance have the least impact, although this pressure also has a positive and significant impact on environmental performance.  相似文献   

Until the mid-1990s, the study of initial public offerings (IPOs) fell mainly under the purview of the finance literature. Within the last 10 years, however, management and entrepreneurship scholars have delved more into this subject area, as well. This article summarizes research examining IPO firms that has appeared in management and entrepreneurship journals, highlighting in particular the influence of individuals (namely executives and boards of directors) on IPO firm outcomes.  相似文献   

I investigate the export performance of firms from emerging economies based on resource based view (RBV) of a firm. Based on review of extant literature, I identify firm size, research and development expenditure, advertising expenditure and business group affiliation to be important antecedents of level of exporting activities of a firm. I utilize a two-stage least square estimation (G2SLS) on a sample of 47,140 firm-year observations over a period of sixteen years from 1990–2005. The findings suggest that export sales and domestic sales are interdependent and affect each other. R&D expenditure and business group affiliation positively affect export sales, however advertising expenditure negatively affects export sales.  相似文献   

This paper examines the announcement returns of bidders acquiring private firms owned by families versus the returns of bidders acquiring non-family controlled private firms. The sample consists of 391 acquisitions of private targets in seven continental European countries for the period 1997–2008. We find evidence that bidder's cumulative announcement returns (CARs) are lower when they acquire family controlled targets compared to non-family controlled targets. We show that this result holds regardless of whether the deal is paid with shares or cash and whether or not the bidding firm is also privately owned. Moreover, the result is independent of the size of the acquisition relative to the size of the acquiring firm. Our findings are consistent with the notion that the bidder has to pay a higher price in order to convince the family owners to sell in return for giving up private benefits.  相似文献   

This paper examines how foreign direct investments influence the performance and entrepreneurship of domestic firms, a crucial question for economies driven by incursion of exogenous factors and especially transition economies. The intent is to investigate the way foreign direct investments shape the capabilities of domestic firms; hence, for this purpose, we take Macedonia, a Southeast European economy, as a case study. We find that (i) foreign ownership has helped restructure and enhance the productivity of domestic firms, (ii) FDI has positive influence in reinforcing the creation of new firms, and (iii) in line with the established literature, a foreign investment is likely to influence the job seeker to get employed rather to start their own business. Overall, the results confirm the influence of foreign firms in assisting entrepreneurial activity. The impact of foreign investment is, in general, positive and tends to influence the restructuring process of domestic enterprises.  相似文献   

The effect of clusters on the survival and performance of new firms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper contributes to the literatures on entrepreneurship and economic geography by investigating the effects of clusters on the survival and performance of new entrepreneurial firms where clusters are defined as regional agglomerations of related industries. We analyze firm-level data for all 4,397 Swedish firms started in the telecom and consumer electronics, financial services, information technology, medical equipment, and pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical sectors from 1993 to 2002. We find that that firms located in strong clusters create more jobs, higher tax payments, and higher wages to employees. These effects are consistent for absolute agglomeration measures (firm or employee counts), but weaker for relative agglomeration measures (location quotients). The strengths of the effects are found to vary depending on which geographical aggregation level is chosen for the agglomeration measure.  相似文献   

The present study seeks to assess the acquiring company announcement gains, and determinants thereof, in domestic and cross border acquisitions in India. For this purpose, 268 acquisitions comprising of 202 cross border acquisitions and 66 domestic acquisitions constitute the sample set. Standard event study methodology has been employed for computing the announcement returns. Further, regression analysis has been conducted to assess the sources of wealth gains in domestic and cross border acquisition. The results of event study indicate that cross border acquisitions have created significantly higher wealth gains than the domestic ones. Further, the results of regression analysis highlight that cross border acquisitions, pursued by the acquiring companies in technology intensive sector, for the target companies also in technology intensive sector, create superior wealth gains. The reason being, such cross border acquisitions provide an opportunity to the acquiring company to combine and judiciously utilize intangible resources of both the companies on a broader scale across new geographies. Thus, the study contributes to the existing literature on internalization theory by extending it to an emerging market like India.  相似文献   

This article examines why some entrepreneurial firms succeed while others do not. The focal explanation is top management teams, including several studies that address when and how top management teams are likely to influence entrepreneurial firm performance. There are several insights. First, large and diverse teams with a history of working together are more likely to succeed. This effect is particularly large when they launch in growth markets. Second, teams are effective in making strategic decisions when they are fast, highly conflictual, and still get along. Third, they are also effective when they rely on “simple rules” heuristics to perform significant activities like new product development and internationalization that nonetheless happens often. A further insight is that these “simple rules” can become the strategy of their firms. Fourth, more effective teams continuously organize the structures of their firms at the “edge of chaos”. Overall, top management teams emerge as central to the success (or lack thereof) of entrepreneurial firms.  相似文献   

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