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The interaction of consumers and marketers within the Web environment, particularly for retailing/purchasing is a growing area of importance. This paper focuses on examining Internet users adoption of the Web for retail usage. It uses the Technology Acceptance Model Davis (Int. J. Man-Mach. Studies 38 (1993) 475) as a theoretical foundation to explore adoption of this technology for retail usage. The study also adds what are argued to be key consumer characteristics such as Opinion Leadership, Impulsiveness, Web Shopping Compatibility, Internet Self-Efficacy, Perceived Web Security, Satisfaction with web sites, and Shopping Orientation to understand the adoption of Web retailing by Internet users’. A Web based survey was developed and administered, yielding 392 responses. The findings indicate that TAM is a valid theoretical framework to understand users adoption of the Web for retail purposes. Also Internet users’ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were effected differentially by Opinion Leadership, Web Shopping Compatibility, Internet Self-Efficacy, Perceived Web Security, Impulsiveness, Satisfaction with web sites, and Shopping Orientation.  相似文献   

With growing popularity of mobile devices, digital marketing strategies are increasingly important for modern airports. This paper studied context-aware mobile marketing strategies in the airport retail environment. An on-site mobile marketing experiment was conducted at a partner airport to explore how preference and/or location-based mobile coupons could affect passengers’ retail behaviour. Results show that retail shopping became more efficient (less browsing time) with mobile marketing influence, but not necessarily more effective (not higher spending amount). Randomly pushed mobile marketing information is effective in keeping passengers in shops for longer but context-aware mobile marketing is more effective in increasing spending amount.  相似文献   

The theory of reasoned action and components of a theory of innovation adoption were integrated into a model of consumer adoption of the Internet for apparel shopping. The hypothesized model included psychological factors (beliefs and attitude), social factors (social support and social acceptance), and prior experience to explain intention to purchase apparel via the Internet. A questionnaire was mailed to a random national sample of households. All hypothesized variables were significant. Prior experience with the Internet had the strongest influence on intention to purchase apparel through the Internet. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Prior research has typically grouped color effects into a single class of effects and has ignored situational aspects of consumer responses to color. In the present study, color effects are shown to exhibit different patterns depending on the type of response examined. Further, these effects are described as a function of color wavelength. Evaluative effects are most positive at the short wavelength (blue) end of the visible spectrum, while the activation response engendered by color exhibits a U-shaped pattern across wavelengths. Results of the study support the existence of these two distinct dimensions, and potential applications of the findings are discussed.The author wishes to thank Mark Alpert, Joe Cote, Pam Henderson, Wayne Hoyer and Eric Spangenberg for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Online grocery shopping has enjoyed strong growth and it is predicted this channel will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years. While online shopping has attracted an abundance of research interest, examinations of online grocery shopping behaviour are only now emerging. Shopping online for groceries differs considerably from general online shopping due to the perishability and variability of the product, and frequency of the shopping activity. Two salient gaps underpin this research into online grocery shopping. This study responds to calls to investigate the online shoppers’ experience in the context of online purchasing frequency. Second, this study examines the mediating effect of perceived risk between trust and online repurchase intention of groceries. An online survey was employed to collect data from shoppers who were recruited from a multi-channel grocery e-retailer’s database. The online survey, comprising 16 reflective validated scale items, was sent to 555 frequent and infrequent online grocery shoppers. Results find that while customer satisfaction predicts trust for both infrequent and frequent online grocery shoppers, perceived risk fully mediates the effect of trust on repurchase intentions for infrequent online grocery shoppers. Furthermore, path analysis reveals that the developed behavioural model is variant across both groups of shoppers. Theoretically, we provide a deeper understanding of the online customer experience, while gaining insight into two shopper segments identified as being important to grocery e-retailers. For managers, this study tests an online customer behavioural model with actual purchasing behaviour and identifies the continued presence of perceived risk in grocery e-retailing, regardless of purchase frequency or experience.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of Type I and Type II cultural differences on mobile phone adoption patterns. We use Hofstede's cultural dimensions to examine cultural differences of two countries (Type I: the U.S.; Type II: S. Korea) and employ the Bass diffusion model to delineate innovation and imitation effects on mobile phone adoption. The results show that in Type I culture innovation factor has a significantly higher level of effect on adoption than it does in Type II culture; and in Type II culture imitation factor has a higher degree of effect on adoption than it does in Type I culture. These findings imply that in individualistic cultures, people tend to seek information on their own from direct and formal sources, whereas in collectivistic cultures, people rely more on subjective evaluation of an innovation, conveyed from other-like-minded individuals who already have adopted the innovation.  相似文献   

Online retailers are likely to try to influence consumers’ shopping behavior through atmospherics and service, just as physical stores do. The impact of online atmospherics can be measured by the degree of stimulation and pleasure that is provided by a website. It is suggested that the characteristics of products and websites that are encountered early in online browsing can significantly influence the level of arousal and pleasure that consumers experience, and thereby can influence their later shopping behavior. Two experiments show that if the initial experiences encountered in a simulated Internet shopping trip are higher in pleasure, then there is a positive impact on approach behaviors and subjects engage in more arousing activities (e.g., more exploration, more tendencies to examine novel products and stores, higher response to promotional incentives). Further, if higher stimulation or information load is provided by the initial Internet experience, then consumers subsequently tend to engage in less arousing activities.  相似文献   

The Internet is a global communication medium that is increasingly being used worldwide as an innovative tool for marketing goods and services. At the end of 2010, Internet users in China reached 420 million. However, online shopping in China is not widely practiced and organisations investing in B2C online shopping need to understand the factors that affect Chinese consumers′ online buying behaviour. This research develops a theoretical research model as a framework to identify the key decision factors influencing Chinese consumers′ to shop, or not to shop online. A self-administered questionnaire was used to gather information from 435 respondents in Beijing, China. The empirical analysis identifies and ranks seven important decision factors: perceived risk, consumer resources, service quality, subjective norms, product variety, convenience, and website factors. All of these decision factors impact on Chinese consumers′ adoption of online shopping. Moreover, managerial implications and recommendations are also presented.  相似文献   

This article deals with a possible future of e-commerce, not with how consumers or marketers currently shop on the Internet. In the future, artificial shopping agents may change e-commerce markets by significantly extending the search and evaluation capabilities of consumers. These agents have the potential to change current market relationships because they work on behalf of individual consumers, rather than offer advice to consumers on behalf of retailers. Additionally two types of shopping agents are possible, one of which may result in different patterns of choice than at present. The prospect of consumers relying on artificial agents for shopping decisions has raised concerns about negative impacts on both consumer welfare and the stability of markets. The article evaluates these concerns and concludes that major dislocations in consumer choice patterns are unlikely in the short run, but increasingly possible in the long run.  相似文献   


The addition of kiosks (e.g. pushcarts, stalls, etc.) to malls has changed the mall environment. However, no research to our knowledge has been conducted to determine if that change has been received positively or negatively by shoppers. Our study investigates how kiosks and kiosk salespeople affect consumers' emotional responses and shopping behaviours towards the mall. Using a between-subjects design, we found that the very presence of kiosks negatively affects shoppers' perceptions of the mall environment. Whether a kiosk salesperson was aggressive or passive had virtually the same effect upon shoppers. Similarly, passive kiosk salespeople and the absence of kiosks resulted in relatively the same level of arousal on shoppers, while aggressive salespeople caused a higher level of arousal than either of the other two conditions. This contributes to the extant literature on retail atmospherics and perceptions of retail salesperson behaviours.  相似文献   

Technology has transformed the way retail business is done with leading players shifting to mobile specific platforms. The purpose of this study is to examine the mobile shopping adoption using a novel approach of behavioral reasoning theory, which aims to test the relative influence of reasons for, and importance of reasons against adoption of mobile shopping among Indian consumers. The hypotheses were tested using the representative sample of 237 Indian consumers and analyzing the data using PLS-SEM technique. The findings support that ‘reasons for’ and ‘reasons against’ are prime determinant of attitude and intentions. Among the reasons for, price saving orientation is the major determinant for mobile shopping adoption and among the reasons against, self efficacy is the major determinant against mobile shopping adoption. The findings also confirm that value of “openness to change” significantly influences reasons for adoption and has no impact on reasons against and attitude towards mobile shopping. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of examining both the pro-adoption and anti-adoption factors while developing marketing strategy.  相似文献   

Despite a number of studies investigating consumer food purchase behaviour, few studies actually address the nature of the rural consumer. This may have implications for the generalization of much research on food purchase behaviour, as official estimates of the UK rural population vary between 8.5% and 24%. This paper compares and contrasts the food shopping behaviour of customers in rural and urban areas in Scotland. Particular focus is given on respondent characteristics, attitudes towards rural and urban locations, distance travelled for food shopping purposes and store patronage. Results from the research emphasize the notion that rural and urban retailing should be conceptualized as a continuum rather than being regarded as dichotomous, and a conceptual framework is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of regulatory focus orientation on several aspects of consumer retail shopping behaviour such as shopping values, impulsiveness, shopping duration, repurchase intention and word-of-mouth communication. Theoretical propositions were developed banked on relevant literature. A structured questionnaire is used to collect data across several retail formats (n = 300). Statistical techniques such as MANOVA and t-test were used to analyse the data. Results reveal that promotion-focused shoppers report higher levels of hedonic shopping values, and impulsiveness, whereas prevention-focused shoppers report higher levels of utilitarian shopping values, shopping duration, repurchase intention and word-of-mouth communication. Discussion of the results and their theoretical and managerial implications, limitations of this study and its future research scopes are further discussed.  相似文献   

M-commerce in Spain is in its early stages and firms will be interested in knowing the factors that affect recommendation (word of mouth – WOM) of an m-purchase. In this research, we will study perceived entertainment and group influence (subjective norms) in purchase as determinants of satisfaction with m-shopping and WOM. There is some research studying WOM in an m-commerce context, but no study has considered the role of the age in the Spanish case. To that aim, we will make a distinction here between young adults (individuals under 25 years old) and adults (individuals over 25 years old) that already have an m-shopping experience, presenting factors that most influence WOM about m-shopping. With information obtained from 447 Spanish m-buyers, we have found that the perceived entertainment has higher importance for young adults and the subjective norms are crucial for adults. Satisfaction is a relevant determinant of WOM in both m-buyers groups. Results indicate interesting implications for the companies and the literature, as well.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to contribute to an understanding of the trends and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer buying behaviour. The results document changes in consumer behaviour patterns that came to dominate at the start of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the Czech Republic. The questionnaire survey using an online panel in a selected country was conducted to identify how consumers from the Baby Boomers, X and Y generations changed their shopping behaviour and which needs they gave preference to during the pandemic crisis in relation to their fears. Using a multiple regression analysis, we demonstrated that fear appeal (fears for health and economic fears) are associated with the changes in customer behaviour and influence traditional and online shopping related to COVID-19. The findings demonstrate significant differences as well as similarities in consumer behaviour between generations. Through empirical investigation, this research supports and expands generation cohort theory in relation to changes in consumer behaviour during the Covid-19 pandemic from a Central European perspective, and provides useful information for researchers and practitioners, particularly for retailers and marketers, to implement appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

Managers renovate malls to keep up with newer shopping centres and retail formats that erode traffic. This paper investigates shoppers׳ psychological processes that trigger changes in spending behaviour in the renovated mall. Renovation has a direct impact on the perception of the mall atmosphere and an indirect one on shoppers׳ hedonic and utilitarian values, satisfaction, and spending. Renovation affects shoppers׳ spending through the perception of utilitarian shopping benefits.This study is the first of its kind to explore the effects of mall renovation on shoppers׳ spending. It focuses on the effect of renovations on shoppers׳ holistic perception of the mall atmosphere. The hedonic benefit contributes more to shoppers׳ satisfaction than does the utilitarian value. However, the utilitarian value affects shoppers׳ spending while the hedonic value does not.  相似文献   

E-shopping is growing globally, and the COVID-19 pandemic further accentuated this tendency. In this paper, online shopping adoption is analysed in Lisbon immediately before the pandemic outbreak. By focusing on an urban area, the impact of variables such as internet access or access to delivery services is controlled, thus enhancing the remaining components of the online purchase. The results show that online shopping is spatially dependent in an intraurban environment as a reflex of residential location preferences of different socioeconomic groups. Moreover, as internet access and delivery services become widespread, residential location preferences may come to explain e-shopping adoption both in urban and non-urban environments. The e-shopping geography of Lisbon suggests that age and affluence are determinants in explaining e-shopping adoption, with a marked distinction between central areas and more peripheral ones, some of which include extensive social housing projects. Hence, if retailers move online, shopping opportunities may become scarce for some consumers due to their socioeconomic status and consequent residential preferences. Nevertheless, strategic partnerships between retailers and the public sector may be devised to improve shopping opportunities. Physical stores can be encouraged to locate in areas where consumers are less prone to shop online. E-shopping adoption may also be encouraged by the public sector by promoting digital literacy, especially considering that the share of the older population is growing in Portugal as in most European countries.  相似文献   

This study highlights the role of social presence with other consumers in influencing consumers' satisfaction evaluations by exploring a question: can non-interactive social presence of other people affect satisfaction with shopping mall experience? Based on Latané's (1981) social impact theory and Byrne's (1971) similarity-attraction paradigm, this study posits that a mere presence of other shoppers can be influential when there is perceived similarity between a customer and others. Further, the similarity perception is hypothesized to influence customer's mall satisfaction through affective and cognitive processes. The findings from a large-scale online survey with consumer panel subjects in the U.S. support all study hypotheses.  相似文献   

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