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We examine the impact of the events leading up to and including the passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act (FSMA) of 1999 on the stock returns of banks, brokerage firms, and insurance companies. We find that the impact is positive for all institutions. Bank gains are positively related to size and capitalization. Brokerage firms gain regardless of size, but the gains are inversely related to capitalization and insurance companies gain regardless of size or capital position. The strong positive reaction suggests that the market expects the institutions to benefit from the new opportunities created by the FSMA's passage.  相似文献   

This analysis investigates several aspects of the relationship between daily REIT stock risk premiums and various interest rates. Consistent with prior research, the general findings indicate that interest rates do impact REIT returns. This study specifically finds that stock returns are more sensitive to maturity rate spread between short- and long-term treasuries than the credit rate spread between commercial bonds and treasuries. In addition, the analyses document a structural model shift during the nineties that has made REITs more sensitive to credit risk. In additional to change in investor clientele, an analysis of declining REIT credit-worthiness points to a root cause for this shift.  相似文献   

This paper posits that the failure of past studies to document a positive relationship between REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) returns and inflation is an artifact of the empirical framework that has predominated in these studies. Applying a pooled estimation methodology to an expansive data set containing 195 publicly traded equity REITs for the period 1981–2002, the study documents a strong asymmetry in the response of equity REIT returns to inflation. Specifically, when expected and unexpected inflation are separated into positive and negative changes, results indicate that equity REIT returns rise in response to both increases and decreases in inflation. The evidence, which is partly contingent on the prevailing monetary policy environment, carries important policy implications for portfolio management and provides insights into the observed anomalous relationship between REITs and inflation.  相似文献   

This paper uses a conditional performance measure to test whether real estate investment trust (REIT) managers announcing stock repurchases have private information about their firms' prospects. We use stock price to condition for public information and measure the managers' implied private information by the covariance between repurchase size and subsequent stock payoffs (or operating performance). Results show that managers have private information but mostly with respect to long-term as opposed to near-term payoffs. We also find that repurchase size is positively related to a stock's idiosyncratic return volatility, perhaps because noisy stocks deviate farther from fundamental value, offering informed managers larger profit potential. JEL Classification G12 G14 G35  相似文献   

Using a unique, detailed panel dataset of lodging properties, this paper tests whether properties owned by real estate investment trusts (REITs) perform differently than other properties and whether the concentration of real estate ownership brought about by REITs has increased market power. Our results demonstrate that REIT-owned properties, which are primarily mid-scale and high-end hotels, did not perform significantly better, on average, than other mid-scale or high-end hotels in the same geographic area. However, because of the superior overall performance of mid-scale and high-end hotels, REIT properties as a whole did perform better, on average, than non-REIT properties. From these results we conclude that the superior performance of REIT properties was due to the fact that REITs tended to acquire properties in market segments that performed well; REIT ownership in itself does not appear to have increased performance. Our results also suggest that the superior performance of the market segments in which REITs have a significant presence is not attributable to the market power of the REITs.  相似文献   

We study long-horizon shareholder returns in a comprehensive sample of Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) mergers, to test whether or not the anomaly of post-merger underperformance observed in conventional firms applies to the case of REITs. Constructing synthetic benchmark portfolios controlling for firm size and for book-to-market value ratio, we find that 60-month buy-and-hold abnormal returns for REIT acquirers are significantly negative at approximately −10%, supporting the position that REIT merger acquirers underperform non-merging REITs in the long run. We find no evidence to challenge previous studies reporting positive announcement period returns for acquirers when the target is privately held, but we do find evidence that these positive returns do not persist. The long term performance of acquiring REITs is approximately the same whether the target is public or private.
C. F. SirmansEmail:

An analysis of real estate investment trust (REIT) stock splits is presented. Evaluation of the initial reaction to split REITs supports efficient market pricing where REITs generate statistically significant positive announcement date returns, no statistically significant record date returns, and muted ex-date returns. In the long-term, split REITs do not consistently out perform benchmark portfolios over one-year, two-year, and three-year periods. REITs split subsequent to a substantial run up in stock price and to improve the position of their post split stock price relative to the stock price of the typical REIT.  相似文献   

This study decomposes real estate investment trust (REIT) returns into two components: (1) real returns, and (2) public returns. The real returns are based on the changes in the private, appraisal-based net asset values of REITs, whereas the public returns are measured by the variations in REITs’ premiums/discounts. This study then investigates the price discovery of REIT prices. The results indicate that lagged public returns are useful in predicting real returns. In addition, the study documents concurrent factor exposures for public returns and lagged factor exposures for private returns under a variety of asset pricing models. Overall, the results are consistent with the notion that public markets are more efficient in processing information.
Kevin C. H. ChiangEmail:

Abstract:  This paper examines the wealth effects of the events surrounding the passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and changes in systematic risk from the pre-Act period to the post-Act period for commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance firms. The results suggest that investment banks and insurance firms are better positioned to exploit the benefits of product-line diversification opportunities allowed by the legislation compared to commercial banks that experience no significant market reaction. Further evidence indicates a significant risk shift and overall reduction in riskiness for the financial sectors under consideration around the event period.  相似文献   

Market-return data and a multivariate regression model are used to investigate the impact of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA) on the wealth of shareholders of firms sponsoring overfunded and underfunded pension plans during the period surrounding the passage of OBRA. Assuming semistrong market efficiency, a reduction in the pension insurance effect associated with the passage of OBRA was hypothesized to have a negative impact on the security prices of all plan sponsors. In general, the market reacted unfavorably to sponsors of both overfunded and underfunded defined-benefit pension plans when OBRA was introduced. However, the market reaction varied as a function of the funding-level change during the period preceding passage of the Act. Firm-specific financial variables were also used in a stepwise regression analysis to investigate whether selected financial variables could explain negative abnormal returns observed during the legislative period. We found that earnings per share and the short-term debt-coverage ratio explained up to 19.4% of the negative abnormal returns for the underfunded sample. However, no significant explanatory variables were identified for the overfunded sample.  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between stock returns and a set of operating decisions: layoffs, operation closings, and pay cuts. We find evidence that cost-cutting measures occur after significant stock price declines. Announcements of layoffs and temporary operation closings are associated with negative returns, while permanent operation closings do not have significant announcement effects.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The Gramm‐Leach‐Bliley Act (GLBA) of 1999 marks the end of Depression era regulations like the Glass‐Steagall Act of 1933 and Bank Holding Company Act of 1956. These acts have restricted banks from securities and insurance underwriting business. This paper examines the impact of the GLBA on the banking industry. We find that the banking industry has a welfare gain from this law. We investigate two different categorizations of the banking industry. We find that Money Center banks followed by the Super Regional banks benefited most from this deregulation. On the other hand, banks that had Section 20 investment subsidiaries gained more than other banks in the second category. The results also show that the exposure to systematic risk for different categories of banks decreased after the passage of this law, which implies that the GLBA is fairly successful in containing the risk that accompanied the act and also created diversification opportunities. For Money Center banks, Super Regional Banks, banks with a section 20 subsidiary and banks with a new financial subsidiary, a shift in the exposure to systematic risk can explain the overall cross sectional variation in return from the deregulation. In both categorizations we find that larger banks gained more, while the overall explanatory power of profitability is not conclusive.  相似文献   

定向增发对相关利益体财富的影响分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文运用合理假设,对上市公司定向增发行为进行了分析,从理论上论述了定向增发对该上市公司、非流通股股东和流通股股东等相关利益体财富的影响。本文认为,定向增发将在一定程度上“牺牲”非流通股股东利益,流通股股东利益损害的情况有所减弱。文中以成功实施定向增发的武钢股份为例,检验了分析结论,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The changes in the board structure for REITs for the period 1999?C2005 are presented. Post-SOX REIT boards have changed primarily in the form of greater independence, as fewer REIT boards are led by their CEOs due to SOX. In the relation between Post-SOX board structure and performance, the results show no improvement in performance for REITs whose boards have a majority of preferred features. That is, REITs with small boards, majority of outside directors, and not led by their CEOs do not perform better than their counterparts. These results provide additional fuel for the debate on the benefits and costs of SOX.  相似文献   

The volatility of a stock returns can be decomposed into market and firm-specific volatility, with the former commonly known as systematic risk and the later as idiosyncratic risk. This study examines the relevance of idiosyncratic risk in explaining the monthly cross-sectional returns of REIT stocks. Contrary to the CAPM theory, a significant positive relationship is found between idiosyncratic volatility and the cross-sectional returns. This suggests that firm-specific risk matters in REIT pricing. The regression results further show that once idiosyncratic risk is controlled for in the asset-pricing model, the size and book-to-market equity ratio factors ceased to be significant. The explanatory power of the momentum effect remains robust in the presence of idiosyncratic risk.
James R. WebbEmail:

Since 2000, Business Ethics magazine has published a list of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens. Our event study finds significant positive abnormal returns for new companies added to the annual listing on the press release date of the survey, both initially and in subsequent survey releases. Over longer holding periods, the top 100 companies consistently outperform the S&P 500, yet are not significantly different from a matched set of companies, with the exception of the initial survey year (2000). However, a rebalancing strategy based on new additions outperforms both the S&P 500 and a matched portfolio.  相似文献   

Uncertainty concerning the ultimate outcome of tender offers may affect the measurement of changes in shareholder wealth. The uncertainty regarding the outcome of tender offers is measured by estimating the probability of acceptance of tender offers during the period when the tender offers are outstanding. The estimated probability of acceptance of tender offers implies that the amount of uncertainty prior to knowledge of the ultimate outcome is substantial and affects the measurement of expected equity gains. The uncertainty-adjusted measure of the change in shareholder wealth indicates that previous studies may have underestimated the gains expected to result from tender offers.  相似文献   

The Financial Modernization Act of 1999 dramatically increased insurers' and investment banks' authority to provide an array of financial services and allowed commercial banks to offer investment banking and insurance services. In this paper we examine the market response to this legislation. We find a strong positive response among insurance companies and investment banks, and no significant response among commercial banks. Larger institutions in all three financial sectors earn higher abnormal returns. Additionally, better performing banks earn higher abnormal returns. Our results suggest that allowing financial convergence can add value through synergies and that large players are needed to exploit the scope economies.  相似文献   

Although the cost of banking regulation has been a controversial issue for many years, little empirical evidence is available. This study provides new evidence on the effect of the amount of required changes on start-up compliance costs, using data from a survey of the costs of implementing the Truth in Savings Act. The finding, that start-up compliance costs were insensitive to the extent of changes required to implement the regulation, has important implications for regulatory policy. It suggests that a general requirement to alter an infrequent practice may impose nonnegligible costs on all banks, not only those banks that must make substantive changes in their practices. This finding argues against a policy of making frequent minor revisions in regulations. Instead, a policy of delaying revisions until some number have been accumulated and then making infrequent major revisions of regulations may reduce implementation costs by allowing banks to exploit economies of changing practices.  相似文献   

We examine the predictable components of returns on stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). We employ a multiple-beta asset pricing model and find that there are varying degrees of predictability among stocks, bonds, and REITs. Furthermore, we find that most of the predictability of returns is associated with the economic variables employed in the asset pricing model. The stock market risk premium is highly important in capturing the predictable variation in stock portfolios, and the bond market risk premiums (term and risk structure of interest rates) are important in capturing the predictable variation in bond portfolios. For REITs, however, both the stock and bond market risk premiums capture the predictable variation in returns. REITs have comparable return predictability to stock portfolios. We conclude that there is an important economic risk premium for REITs that are not captured by traditional multiple-beta asset pricing models.  相似文献   

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