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酷鹏网定位于中国领先的以电子优惠券(e—Coupon)为核心的营销和技术供应商,提供从电子优惠券制作、发布、分发、使用和效果评估的一系列产品和解决方案。与传统行业不同,作为一个属于新兴的消费行业的服务业——酷鹏网,要想有一定的核心竞争力,其在销售渠道上必须具备一定的创新性,而在这一点上酷鹏网做的所谓是恰如其分。本文主要是对酷鹏网的营销渠道进行了详细分析。 相似文献
家住锦绣小区的王凯(化名)近来又怒火心中烧,起因是楼下邻居新宠物店马上要开业了。楼下原来的户主把自己的房子出租了,新来的邻居开始搭理“猫狗”,却又不管了“人”事。 相似文献
选择一条经济、便捷的国际化路径,是民营经济国际化的首要问题。义乌的经验表明,民营经济与义乌市场互动,是广大民营企业走向世界的一条最经济、最富实效的“绿色通道”。 相似文献
"忧患意识"是近年来常被提及的一个词汇.2005年两会上,温家宝总理四次提到这个词,而在前不久党的十六届五中全会上,它被写进了"十一五"规划建议中.一个国家要前进,一个社会要和谐,全体民众要安康幸福,忧患意识不可缺. 相似文献
本文结合CLM图和信用危机特征 ,分析指出 :当今信用危机已显现 ,我们必须从文化、资源、社会等成因出发 ,提高道德水平和加强法制建设 ,才能防范其恶化。 相似文献
《Japan and the World Economy》2007,19(3):347-373
This paper analyzes the investment behavior of the Korean corporate sector before and after the 1997 financial crisis. Using firm-level data, we find that after controlling for investment profitability and cash flows, Korean conglomerates (‘chaebol’)-affiliated firms, particularly ones with low-managerial ownership, made significantly higher investments than non-chaebol firms before the crisis. In contrast, this difference in investment volume between chaebol and non-chaebol firms is no longer existent in the period following the crisis. We find the sharp reduction in investment by chaebols in the post-crisis period can be attributed mainly to the need to moderate their debt burden. It is not clear, however, whether these changes indicate an improvement in investment efficiency. 相似文献
迪拜危机连累了欧洲,进而引发了希腊危机。希腊危机背后不仅是欧元危机,更是美国债务危机。全面危机的爆发,将引起欧洲主权信用危机 相似文献
年已过半,回望2012年上半年济南二手房市场,成交量升高幅度并不亚于气温升幅。从1月份成交402套到7月份成交2682套,半年时间二手房成交量增幅近6倍。 相似文献
The success of the integration process of the new EU Member States is reflected by the convergence performance. Sustainable convergence assumes that potential growth rates of the less developed countries continuously exceed the dynamics of the potential output of the developed countries. However, the financial and economic crisis of 2008 has resulted in a fundamentally new situation as regards these issues. This paper considers real convergence, catch-up processes and in terms of these the main economic growth trends. The study focuses mainly on the potential growth trends. The recession has, however, affected the individual countries to different degrees. The study classified the Member States into four groups based on the initial circumstances and the vulnerability originating from them; these are ‘Developed’ countries and ‘Convergence’ countries, three groups of the latter are ‘Mediterranean’ countries, ‘Catch-up’ countries and ‘Vulnerable’ countries. Potential growth and the contribution of the individual growth factors might follow significantly different paths in these country groups. The convergence countries might face especially great challenges. Potential growth rate of the ‘Convergence’ countries—according to simulations—is expected to recover less in the mid-term, than that of the ‘Developed’ countries, i.e. convergence slows down, it might come to a halt or even divergence might occur in certain countries. It might result in a ‘Convergence Crisis’ particularly in certain ‘Mediterranean’ and ‘Vulnerable’ new Member States. Also, longer term simulations indicate that the European convergence processes might slow down and stop in certain countries. These trends may have significant effects on economic policies facilitating potential growth. We apply extensive quantitative analysis, production function and growth accounting approaches in the study. 相似文献
美国次贷危机爆发两年来,国内外经济学界以及政界都对此进行了深入研究,观点主要集中在市场主体和监管主体的"有限理性"、内外部经济结构失衡和货币政策环境的影响、全球金融货币体系制度设计的缺陷、以及资本主义制度基本矛盾等几个方面,试图勾画组合出一幅危机的完整图象。但因缺少一条逻辑主线将这些正确的归因与少数为了转移矛头故意歪曲事实真相的借口有机串连,致使图象主题不够立体、清晰。为了更好地认清危机的实质,本文运用中华文明辨证逻辑思维这条主线,深度透视危机的本源,还原危机背后的真相,揭露真正的幕后元凶及其支配主体行为的片面思维逻辑,以便呈现出一幅更为清晰、立体的美国次贷危机全景图。 相似文献
This paper studies the volatility of the Korean stock market during the Asian currency crisis of 1997–1998 and the global credit crisis of 2008–2009. We use a fad model with Markov switching heteroskedasticity, which was first proposed by Kim and Kim (1996). Using the monthly data from January 1980 to October 2009, we find that the volatility of the transitory component of the stock return, or fads, increased during the currency crisis, but did not rise much during the credit crisis. It implies that the stock price fluctuations were not driven by irrational sentiments during the recent global crisis as much as during the former crisis. However, when we consider the dollar value of the Korean stock index in order to estimate the volatility that foreign investors confront, we find that the volatility of the transitory component was raised during the credit crisis as well as during the currency crisis. That is, foreign investors experienced greater volatility than domestic investors in the recent financial market turmoil. This asymmetric volatility that domestic and foreign investors face is one of the characteristics of the credit crisis.For more detailed analysis, the same model was applied to the weekly data from January 2005 to October 2009 and provided the result that the data measured by won–dollar exchange rates were more increased than the raw data. It holds that foreign investors confronted much greater volatility than domestic investors while the stock volatility was relatively lower in the credit crisis state than in the currency crisis state. 相似文献