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In this article I study the statistical properties of a bias-correctedrealized variance measure when high-frequency asset prices arecontaminated with market microstructure noise. The analysisis based on a pure jump process for asset prices and explicitlydistinguishes among different sampling schemes, including calendartime, business time, and transaction time sampling. Two mainfindings emerge from the theoretical and empirical analysis.First, based on the mean-squared error (MSE) criterion, a biascorrection to realized variance (RV) allows for the more efficientuse of higher frequency data than the conventional RV estimator.Second, sampling in business time or transaction time is generallysuperior to the common practice of calendar time sampling inthat it leads to a further reduction in MSE. Using IBM transactiondata, I estimate a 2.5-minute optimal sampling frequency forRV in calendar time, which drops to about 12 seconds when afirst-order bias correction is applied. This results in a morethan 65% reduction in MSE. If, in addition, prices are sampledin transaction time, a further reduction of about 20% can beachieved.  相似文献   

Volatility measuring and estimation based on intra-day high-frequency data has grown in popularity during the last few years. A significant part of the research uses volatility and variance measures based on the sum of squared high-frequency returns. These volatility measures, introduced and mathematically justified in a series of papers by Andersen et al. [1999. (Understanding, optimizing, using and forecasting) realized volatility and correlation. Leonard N. Stern School Finance Department Working Paper Series, 99-061, New York University; 2000a. The distribution of realized exchange rate volatility. Journal of the American Statistical Association 96, no. 453: 42–55; 2000b. Exchange rate returns standardized by realized volatility are (nearly) Gaussian. Multinational Finance Journal 4, no. 3/4: 159–179; 2003. Modeling and forecasting realized volatility. NBER Working Paper Series 8160.] and Andersen et al. 2001a. Modeling and forecasting realized volatility. NBER Working Paper Series 8160., are referred to as ‘realized variance’. From the theory of quadratic variations of diffusions, it is possible to show that realized variance measures, based on sufficiently frequently sampled returns, are error-free volatility estimates. Our objective here is to examine realized variance measures, where well-documented market microstructure effects, such as return autocorrelation and volatility clustering, are included in the return generating process. Our findings are that the use of squared returns as a measure for realized variance will lead to estimation errors on sampling frequencies adopted in the literature. In the case of return autocorrelation, there will be systematic biases. Further, we establish increased standard deviation in the error between measured and real variance as sampling frequency decreases and when volatility is non-constant.  相似文献   

A new approach for using Lévy processes to compute value-at-risk (VaR) using high-frequency data is presented in this paper. The approach is a parametric model using an ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) model where the tail events are modelled using fractional Lévy stable noise and Lévy stable distribution. Using high-frequency data for the German DAX Index, the VaR estimates from this approach are compared to those of a standard nonparametric estimation method that captures the empirical distribution function, and with models where tail events are modelled using Gaussian distribution and fractional Gaussian noise. The results suggest that the proposed parametric approach yields superior predictive performance.  相似文献   

利用2016年11和12月中国A股市场的5秒高频数据,考量订单簿斜率指标与资产价格之间的关系。结果显示:订单簿斜率指标对存在于高频环境中的市场异象有着较好的解释力。由于订单簿斜率指标在不同市值条件下呈倒挂现象,且买卖订单簿斜率指标与资产价格呈现不同的相关关系。因此,订单簿斜率能在一定程度上捕捉市场操纵行为的信号。该研究有助于更好地理解中国股票市场中的操纵行为,也可为预警机制的建设提供有效的指标选择。  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of nonsynchronicity and market microstructurenoise on realized covariance type estimators. Hayashi and Yoshida(2005) propose a simple estimator that resolves the problemof nonsynchronicity and is unbiased and consistent for the integratedcovariance in the absence of noise. When noise is present, however,we find that this estimator is biased, and show how the biascan be corrected for. Ultimately, we propose a subsampling versionof the bias-corrected estimator which improves its efficiency.Empirically, we find that the usual assumption of a martingaleprice process plus an independently and identically distributed(i.i.d.) noise does not describe the dynamics of the observedprice process across stocks, which confirms the practical relevanceof our general noise specification and the estimation techniqueswe propose. Finally, a simulation experiment is carried outto complement the theoretical results.  相似文献   

财政货币政策和股市关联性模型表明,宏观经济政策和股市可能存在强相关性。基于我国时序数据的脉冲响应函数检验结果显示,财政货币政策对股市作用存在阶段性并有着非中性和非对称性特征,即无论个体对政策冲击是否存在有效预期,政策变化对股市都将存在冲击效应。但二者对股市冲击持续时间有较大差异,财政政策冲击往往只存在短期效应,而货币政策冲击对股市长期波动却有显著影响。其中方差检验得出,财政政策对我国股市影响力相对更小。  相似文献   

We study the arbitrage free optionpricing problem for the constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model. To treatthestochastic aspect of the CEV model, we direct attention to the relationship between the CEV modeland squared Bessel processes. Then we show the existence of a unique equivalentmartingale measure and derive the Cox's arbitrage free option pricing formulathrough the properties of squared Bessel processes. Finally we show that the CEVmodel admits arbitrage opportunities when it is conditioned to be strictlypositive.  相似文献   

The availability of the transactions data of the Stock Exchange of Singapore allows us to examine intraday patterns and the relation among absolute price change, trade size and number of transactions. The presence of a trading halt in the mid-day results in two crude U-shaped return patterns but, contrary to Brock and Kleidon's (1992) model, it does not cause volume to be unusually high right before or after the halt. We find a positive relationship between absolute price changes and the number of transactions for both the active and inactive stocks. This supports the findings of Jones, Kaul and Lipson (1994) that these relationships also hold at the intraday level and in a market with different market architecture.  相似文献   

依据中国30个省(市)自治区1998~2013年面板数据,考量长期资金市场对能源强度的影响。结果表明,长期资金市场发展对东部地区能源强度下降影响较大,产业结构升级、人均 GDP 提高均有利于各地区能源强度下降,技术进步、对外贸易度对各地区能源强度的影响呈现出分化态势。鉴此,应充分发挥长期资金市场优势、促进产业结构升级、重视研发投入产出技术成果转化等,多渠道降低能源强度。  相似文献   

针对以往参数方法存在权重确定困难的问题,本文提出了一种基于面板数据的银行效率评价的非参数方法(BEE),同时构造了相应的数学模型(M-BEE)。然后,应用(M-BEE)模型对中国四家国有银行、八家股份制商业银行2001-2008年的经济效率状况进行了实证分析,结果表明,八年间中国12家商业银行的综合效率呈现逐年递增趋势,纯技术效率呈现先下降后上升的U型特征,规模效率缓慢上升,变化不显著;2006-2007年我国12家商业银行的综合效率和纯技术效率整体上都有大幅提升;八家股份制银行的综合效率和纯技术效率均明显高于四大国有银行。  相似文献   

从战略管理和财务理论融合的角度,利用762家上市公司的面板数据对公司多元化战略与资本结构之间的关系进行实证分析,研究发现:公司的债务水平与多元化程度存在显著的正相关关系,并且单一业务型公司的负债水平最低,主导业务型和相关业务型公司的居中,非相关业务型公司的债务水平最高.因此,公司战略的制定与实施应考虑其财务影响;同样,资本结构决策也应该考虑如何与公司战略相配合,以从资本结构决策中获得竞争优势.  相似文献   

在讨论"已实现"波动率、"已实现"协方差基础上,针对金融市场的高频数据,引入"已实现"波动变结构,分阶段计算"已实现"波动率的相关系数,检验"已实现"波动率相关系数,判断在变结构点前后是否发生显著变化,从而分析金融市场之间的波动溢出效应,并进行实证分析。  相似文献   

采用两只股票的日数据和5种高频数据,借鉴组合预测思想,综合利用协整模型和新卡尔曼滤波模型,与统计套利策略具体目标相结合,设计出新统计套利组合策略,实证分析数据频率、策略选择对统计套利效果的影响。结果表明:运用高频数据及引入卡尔曼滤波模型均有效,但卡尔曼滤波模型与协整模型不存在明显优劣之分,选择组合策略是必要的;组合策略收益性显著优于采取单一模型的套利策略;组合策略下的套利组合随数据频率提高,收益率波动性更小、更稳定;组合策略接近市场中性,能很好地免疫市场风险。  相似文献   

We employ a bivariate common factor model to establish a permanent-transitory decomposition of two major stock indices (the Deutsche Aktienindex (DAX) for Germany and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) for the United States). Using high-frequency data, we (1) identify a common trend shared by both indices, (2) find that the DJIA contributes up to 95% to the total innovation of the common factor, (3) show that both markets adjust within minutes to a system-wide shock, and (4) verify by hypothesis testing that the DJIA is the driving force in the transatlantic system of stock indices.  相似文献   

依据2011年中小板市场股票的日收益率考量对该市场短期动量效应与反转效应。结果显示:当形成期为一周时,持有期为一周、四周、八周的情况下市场均存在收益反转现象;当形成期为两周时,持有期为四周、八周的情况下市场均存在收益反转现象;当形成期为四周、八周时,各种持有期情况下均存在反转效应。重叠抽样结果显示:除了形成期为两周且持有期为两周的情况下,市场效应不明显之外,其他均显著表现为收益反转效应。同时采用静态与动态的投资策略验证2012年上半年的数据,发现时间段的选取对于研究结论有显著的影响;动态投资策略能够实现更为可观的收益,但收益波动也更为剧烈。  相似文献   

结合中国的产业特性,使用1999~2010年35个产业的面板数据,在采用两种度量指标衡量外商直接投资(FDI)的不同溢出途径的基础上,考量外商直接投资对内资企业的横向溢出效应与后向链接效应,并且检验了产业间的异质性。结论表明,我国的外商直接投资存在着显著为正的后向溢出效应,也存在一定程度的横向溢出效应,外资企业的人员流出能显著促进同一产业内内资企业的生产效率提高;劳动密集型产业与资本技术密集型产业的横向溢出效应与后向链接效应存在一定差异。  相似文献   

在分别构建餐饮业顾客体验和品牌引力评价指标体系的基础上,运用耦合协调度评价模型,以长沙市餐饮业为例,利用餐饮大数据进行实证分析。研究表明:长沙市餐饮业顾客体验与品牌引力整体上处于拮抗耦合、勉强耦合协调阶段;其九个行政区域的耦合协调度有所差异。鉴此,企业应改进关键因素,持续增强品牌引力;确保品牌质量,提升顾客消费体验;不同区域发展方向应各有侧重;减少虚假评论,抵制竞价排名,从而推动长沙市乃至全国餐饮业更高质量和更高水平发展。  相似文献   

A model of the dynamics of intradaily exchange rates is presented. The current Over‐The‐Counter (OTC) exchange rate is the quote of the quoting bank.Two polar cases are considered: (i) If each bank is able to observe the noises relative to the orders of its own clients, then the OTC exchange rate is shown to obey a random walk with a constant conditional variance. (ii) If each bank is not able to observe the noises relative to the orders of its own clients, the OTC exchange rate is no more a random walk and conditional heteroskedasticity appears.

为了以消费增长推动经济的发展,我国于2010年先后在北京、上海、天津、四川四个地区设立了消费金融公司。论文以我国15个地区2003年到2012年的面板数据为样本,研究了消费金融公司的设立对我国居民的消费支出产生的影响。建立模型时,首先对15个省市总体情况进行研究,然后重点对四个消费金融公司行政总部所在民消地的居民消费支出情况进行研究。结果发现,不管是全国范围内还是以上四个地区。都不能得出居民的消费支出受消费金融公司的影响而增加的结论。因此,为更好地发挥其作用,我国消费金融公司还需进一步扩大经营规模与影响力。  相似文献   

信用评级过程中商业银行单靠数据清洗无法根本剔除蓄意欺诈性数据。这就要求商业银行设计专门的系统和模型,以便有效地识别和防范数据欺诈行为。分析财务数据欺诈的类型.选取判定数据欺诈的指标,设计数据反欺诈模型系统,整合相应的业务流程,为商业银行实施评级系统提供重要的数据保障。  相似文献   

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