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论构建公共财政的基本框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共财政论是适应市场经济的财政理论。公共财政的基本框架是:公共财政的基石,公共支出是公共财政的关键,公共收入是公共财政的支柱,公共决策是公共财政的保障  相似文献   

邓振春 《新金融》2007,(3):43-47
当前形势下,我国商业银行对公房地产金融业务应以科学发展观为统领,以贯彻调控政策与顺应市场形势相协调发展为主线,加大结构调整,加快产品创新,促进业务稳健发展。作者全面阐述了商业银行在这方面的发展策略。  相似文献   

We explore the importance of new public firms and public equity finance for R&D and creative destruction in the US high-tech sector. Over 1900 new public firms enter high-tech manufacturing between 1970 and 2004; they are increasingly R&D intensive and rely extensively on public equity finance in the 1980s and 1990s. We estimate dynamic R&D models and find a strong link between public equity finance and R&D for new entrants, but not established entrants or incumbents. Further, recent cohorts of public entrants have a substantial economic impact: by 2000, recent public entrants account for almost half of high-tech sales and more than half of R&D. Variation in the availability of public equity finance has a marked impact on entrant R&D and the rate at which entrants take market share from incumbents. Our findings identify a key channel through which public equity markets facilitate the process of creative destruction.  相似文献   

Do families keep control of their firms because they, operating in an environment with weak protection of minority shareholders, fear being exploited by management after the IPO? Or is ownership concentration due to the value families attach to control? We find a positive relation between use of security designs that separate votes from capital and frequency of family-controlled firms in Sweden and other countries. It is not caused by differences in legal regimes or in minority protection. Since control blocks are never sold piecemeal to preserve control value, ownership remains highly concentrated. Family-controlled firms trade at a discount because of the misallocation of control rights to heirs who make inefficient decisions, not because of extraction of pecuniary benefits.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on corruption in public procurement. It describes the contemporary face of corruption by investigating the role of public accountability in the fight against corruption. The paper describes a specific episode of corruption relative to the awarding of government contracts for big events, such as the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italian unification. Relying on the philosophical insights of Rousseau, Popper, Kant and others, the study suggests the need for enabling a democratic control and constructing a public ethics for the common good.  相似文献   

The number of empirical research studies in finance exhibits a strong upward trajectory, which often produces large differences in empirical results and impedes the drawing of consistent conclusions in relation to the phenomenon under examination. This creates demand for methods like meta-analysis that objectively consolidate and evaluate the empricial literature in a research field. Meta-analysis is a group of statistical methods to aggregate prior empirical studies, to discover and explain consistencies as well as inconsistencies within reported results, and to detect and filter out distorting effects from publication selection or model misspecification. While meta-analysis is a standard tool for research synthesis and evidence-based decisions in many related research disciplines, such as management, marketing, or economics, it has been rarely applied in finance. The goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview and discussion of the opportunities of meta-analytical research in finance, to present recent applications of meta-analysis in finance, as well as to discuss related challenges and limitations. Thereby, we aim at increasing the awareness and acceptance of meta-analysis and stimulating its future application in the finance field.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal tax policy in a monetary economy in which money serves as an intermediate good that helps facilitate the conversion of scarce resources into final consumption goods by enabling consumers to economize on the costs of transacting. It is shown that in such an environment, even though distorting taxes must be levied for revenue purposes, the optimal tax structure calls for abstaining from inflationary finance and adopting the optimum quantity of money rule.  相似文献   

随着财政支付改革的深入,为了防止预算单位截留资金,中央及地方财政均采用集中支付的方法:根据预算单位申请支付的金额,把款项直接由国库通过财政或预算单位的零余额账户划拨给收款人。日前,中国工商银行已在全国投产银财通系统,负责中央财政的集中支付、地方财政集中支付由于存在几种不同模式,银行端软件由各省市分行自行开发。当前,全国各省的财政集中支付改革正全面展开,希望本能对各省的系统开发提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

In policy-making, assessment of where a country stands relative to other countries is important to achieve desired goals, to understand how much the current policy implementation diverts from the target, and to understand main obstacles on reaching at the ends in the light of the comparators and the benchmark. This study evaluates relative standing of countries with respect to their financial system's friendliness for risk-sharing finance, the concept which forms the core foundation of Islamic finance. A composite risk-sharing finance friendliness index is developed to compare and rank the countries with regard to their level of their support and adoption of risk-sharing finance. Although, there have been attempts to develop such index, this study is novel in the Islamic finance literature in the sense that it brings the factor analysis and non-linear weights into the picture to come up with an objective and convincing composite index with objective weights. The composite index also allows us to look into the relative contribution of components, namely, Institutional Scaffolding, Governance and Legal Environment, Financial Sector Development and Inclusion. The results and ranking of the countries reveal important information about the potential of developing risk-sharing finance and financial products in different countries. The results also reveal that the OIC countries are far away from meeting the basic requirements of setting-up risk-sharing finance and thus a framework for comprehensive development of Islamic finance.  相似文献   

In the first step, this paper briefly discusses the macroeconomic background of the 2008 financial crisis. Next, we take a wider approach and we look at systemic changes that global economics, and financial markets in particular, had undergone. We wonder if these transformations, and their effects so dramatically demonstrated in 2008, give grounds to modify the theoretical background of finance. The neoclassical paradigm might be seen as an idealized normative benchmark. On the other hand, behavioral approach helps explain deviations from this benchmark, however itself it lacks the normative character. We conclude that in contemporary circumstances an interdisciplinary approach is needed in the search for an adequate theory, as the financial world is getting more and more complex and dynamic.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to make an argument for the feasibility and usefulness of a computable general equilibrium approach to studying fiscal federalism and local public finance. It begins by presenting a general model of fiscal federalism that has at its base a local public goods model with (1) multiple types of mobile agents who are endowed with preferences, private good endowments, and land endowments, (2) local governments that produce local public goods funded by a property tax, and (3) a land market that capitalizes local policies to equilibrate supply and demand. To this, a state (or national) government producing a state public good is added, and all levels of government abide by majority rule voting. A computable general equilibrium framework is derived from this theoretical model and calibrated to New Jersey micro tax data. It has been applied elsewhere to study the dominance of property in local tax bases as well as the general equilibrium effects of state or national intergovernmental programs such as redistributive grants in aid, district power equalization, and the deductibility of local taxes. Results in these areas are summarized and potential future applications discussed.  相似文献   

注册会计师事业是市场经济的基石.注册会计师的鉴证服务作用,不仅是财政监督职能的延伸和拓展,而且是财政职能的重要组成部分.  相似文献   


As the COVID-19 pandemic has shaped public policies and government finances, it has also influenced the topics that public finance economists are researching. Because the 2020 International Institute of Public Finance Congress featured papers that were submitted prior to the start of the pandemic, the Congress allows us to reflect on the state of research prior to the pandemic’s shock to both fiscal policies and our worldview. In this article, the Editors of International Tax and Public Finance reflect on interesting papers that were presented at this internationally representative conference in public economics. The exercise provides insight on where the field of public economics was heading prior to the pandemic and will provide a yardstick to see how the field evolves in the coming years afterward.


This paper is a complementary comment to the article recently published in IRFA by Thomas Lagoarde-Segot on the necessity of diversification of modelling in finance. In his claim, the author explained that financial concepts used by the mainstream are not neutral because they refer to a particular ethical judgement mainly focused on the shareholders' interest. In this comment, I explain that this ethical judgement historically results from the role playing by the Gaussian distribution in finance: while this statistical framework gave the first scientific foundations to finance in the 1960s, its symmetrical configuration implies that negative changes occur with the same probability than positive ones. In this context, all potential intervention (regulation) could only interfere (disturb) this “ethically fair situation” within the only perturbing element is the shareholder whose behaviours are likely to influence the market. After having explained that this reasoning is based on an a priori statement about observational facts (in opposition with positivism), I present this situation as an opportunity for current researchers in finance to clarify their implicit assumptions; which would open the door to a diversification of modelling in finance as Lagoarde-Segot promoted it in his IRFA article.  相似文献   

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