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民营科技企业的特点、作用和问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对上海徐汇区民营科技企业调查的基础上 ,指出民营科技企业的特点 ,作用及存在的问题。  相似文献   

浙江民营科技企业生存环境评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生存环境对民营科技企业的发展具有不容置疑的影响,如何营造一个有利于民营科技企业发展的环境已成为政府义不容辞的责任。本文通过分析浙江民营科技企业的生存环境现状,思考其不足,发展其优势,为各级政府优化企业生存环境提供参考。  相似文献   

浙江省是民营经济大省 ,民营科技企业在浙江省已取得长足的发展 ,但阻碍其民营科技企业进一步发展的许多问题却依然存在 ,亟待解决。其中民营企业的资金供给 ,尤其是申请金融机构贷款的障碍问题就是比较典型的。其中有需求方因素 (企业自身原因 也有来自供给方的因素 (银行的  相似文献   

出于民营企业集团规模的不断壮大,从人力资本产权角度与加强企业法人治理结构的约束和激励机制角度出发,民营企业集团实施"散财计划"有其必然性;从财务控制角度而言,民营企业集团"散财计划"实际上是由集权模式向分权模式的过渡,应从宏观与微观角度引导民营企业集团"散财计划"  相似文献   

本文分析了台湾现代经济建设 5 0年的历程 ,指出台湾经济建设过程中的成功与失败经验 ,同时分析福建经济建设现状 ,提出借鉴台湾经济建设成功经验 ,吸取台湾经济建设的失败教训的几点建议。  相似文献   

文章分析了浙、皖两省民营科技企业发展现状,构造了政府吸引人才的模型,从宣传创业理念、建设创业硬件基础设施和提供创业软件服务环境三方面进行了比较,发现两省在建设创业硬件基础设施方面差距不大,但在创业理念和软件服务环境方面存在较大的差距。为此,我们在政策制定广度  相似文献   

随着我国企业改革的深化与市场经济的确定 ,在企业中探索一种有效的激励机制已成为当务之急。已被西方发达国家企业广泛采用且行之有效的股票期权制已开始在我国引起广泛关注 ,并在一些大中城市的国有企业和民营高科技企业中进行了试点。本文针对国有企业实施股票期权中 ,在市  相似文献   

温州出口企业遭遇到的贸易壁垒及应对措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
温州民营出口企业近几年来屡次遭遇国外非关税贸易壁垒,蒙受了很大损失,本文拟对这些贸易壁垒进行简单分析,并提出今后的应对措施,以促进温州贸易出口的发展。  相似文献   

上海商业文化的理论与实践探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈健 《华东经济管理》2002,16(4):30-31,34
对建立中小企业产业群 ,比较的看 ,值得安徽借鉴的有意大利、日本和我国的台湾、浙江等。除意大利 ,日本和我国的台湾、浙江都与安徽有一个共同的特点 :人口密度大、人多地少矛盾突出。本文通过比较与借鉴 ,并结合安徽产业特点 ,从建立中小企业产业群的角度来探求中小企业的发  相似文献   

融资问题是制约我国民营高科技企业发展的主要因素 ,随着香港特区二板市场的推出以及内地二板市场的积极筹建 ,越来越多的国内民营高科技企业拟在二板市场上市 ,本文对民营高科技企业如何进入二板市场融资的问题作一探讨。  相似文献   

福建作为海西的主体,与台湾有着地缘相近、血缘相亲等独特优势,应充分发挥对台优势,率先推动和深化两岸影视交流的规模和深度,满足两岸民众日益增长的文化需求;推出反映两岸同根同源的影视精品,增强台湾同胞的认同感和归属感;建立两岸影视交流平台,促进两岸影视人的合作与交流发展文化产业。  相似文献   

本文运用波特的理论 ,分析我国民办高等教育的竞争优势和发展战略。通过和我国现有高等教育模式的比较 ,民办高等教育在运行机制、管理机制、专业设置、在满足市场需求等上有其独到之外 ,形成了民办高等教育在办学成本上、教育市场的开发上以及教育产品目标集聚的战略等上的竞  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,两岸科技合作将成为两岸经济合作的最重要组成部分。台湾当局给两岸科技合作设置了重重政策障碍,限制了两岸科技合作的进一步深化发展。随着知识经济的快速发展,区域经济一体化趋势日益增强。两岸科技合作所依据的客观条件已经发生很大变化,两岸科技合作政策亦应有所调整。  相似文献   

从我国民间资本发展的现状出发,分析了开放我国民营银行的必然性和可行性,并结合台湾地区银行民营化的实践,指出了我国民营银行在开放之初应在市场准入和银行退出机制方面有所借鉴,以促进民营银行稳健成长。  相似文献   

郑鸣  蔡鎤铭   《华东经济管理》2010,24(11):78-82
该研究以台湾地区金融控股公司辖下银行及非金控银行为研究对象,以连续三年的财务数据,通过DEA模型分析结果两相比较。探讨金控辖下银行的效率表现,供金控公司经营层制订经营策略之参考。本研究资料来源取自于台湾经济新报资料库,将其中可取得数据之23家银行为对象,选取适合测算规模经济的投入及产出变数,先以DEA的CCR及BCC模型测算样本银行之总效率、技术效率及规模效率等效率值,并提出在投入产出项应调整的百分比。另以多阶段超效率DEA模型探讨2005-2007年各银行的效率值并分别予以调整排序。实证结果表明,无论是否为金控之银行,经合并后多能发挥预期综效,提高经营效率。但以2007年为例,则不乏非金控之中小型银行挤身前面的名次,足见经营效率之良窳,与规模之大小、行员数及店铺数之多寡无显着相关。在差额变数分析中可知,银行若因规模过大无法发挥预期效率,反易导致更多的效率损失。  相似文献   

电子媒体时代,面对全新的两岸关系局势,各大电视新闻媒体争夺话语权,纷纷开辟电视新闻评论栏目或者新闻评论板块。然而,台湾电视新闻评论栏目相对成熟的模式,是否同样适用于大陆的同类型电视新闻栏目呢?本文试从两岸电视新闻评论员的构成不同、两岸电视新闻评论员的目的不同、两岸电视新闻评论员的言论公信力不同等方面来论证。  相似文献   


The hybrid DEA model can solve the difference between radial inputs and non-radial inputs and evaluate efficiency. This is a pioneering study that uses the hybrid DEA model, evaluating the proportionate inputs with a radial measure and the non-proportionate inputs with a non-radial measure, in order to examine the impact of non-performing loans (NPLs) on the efficiency of Taiwan's banking sector from 2006 to 2010. In summary, this research demonstrates the following: (1) Only nine banks remained in the top efficiency list during these years: China Development Industrial Bank, Mega International Commercial Bank, Chinatrust Commercial Bank, Cathay United Bank, Bank of Kaohsiung, Industrial Bank of Taiwan, Taiwan Cooperative Bank, Land Bank, and Bank of Taiwan. (2) Risk is an important factor that should be taken into consideration when evaluating banking efficiency. (3) From the hybrid DEA model, we find that most of the inefficient banks have an inefficiency factor caused primarily by too many NPLs (risk). (4) The efficiency of Taiwan's large-scale banks is significantly better than the small-scale bank. By looking at the inefficiency index, the large-scale bank's inefficiency is caused by NPLs. For the small-scale bank, both radial variables and non-radial variables have equal importance in improving its efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether banks exercise forbearance lending to troubled firms by presenting a stylized model and then testing the hypotheses implied by this model, using firm-level data of Taiwan. During 1991–1996 when the economy started to show signs of weakening, banks are found to have exercised forbearance lending across all types of firms, hoping that the economy would soon recover to salvage those ailing firms. During 1997–2001 when the recession went even deeper, banks were found no longer to forbear loans. This period saw a more rapid decline in property prices, which coincided with a wave of asset liquidation during this period.  相似文献   

This study uses a stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) model to evaluate the relative cost efficiency of commercial banks in Taiwan in the wake of liberalization. The model is estimated using data made available through Taiwan's Banking Bureau and Financial Supervisory Commission. With data from before and after the 2008 financial crisis, our central result is that banks affiliated with bank holding companies (BHC) have become increasingly more efficient. While unaffiliated banks have generally increased their efficiency, they have not kept pace with respect to efficiency gains. Secondary findings are that, independent of ownership structure, both balance sheet and income statement composition affect efficiency. In particular, bank efficiency increases with growth in loans and capital prices. We also find evidence that labor productivity is a key explanatory factor behind efficiency differences across banks. As a result, a policy recommendation is made that banks invest in maximizing worker productivity. Finally, in addition to the insights gained from this study we contribute to the general literature on both bank efficiency and the use of the SFA model by applying it to new data in a new setting.  相似文献   

Over the past five decades, Taiwan has achieved rapid economic development. Correspondingly, Taiwan’s financial system has been gradually transformed from a controlled system into a liberalized one, from a state banking system into a private banking one, and from an inward investment system into an outward investment one. In the financial market, the interest rate and foreign exchange rate have always been completely determined by market forces. As for capital movements, there are no controls on trade-related capital transactions. Only inward investment in stock markets is still subject to a ceiling imposed by the Central Bank. Financial institutions are gradually being liberalized, although the process is rather slow. Many private banks have been established since 1991, creating a competitive situation in the banking sector. Since the financial crisis broke out in East Asia, Taiwan has suffered less from its impact because its economic fundamentals are comparatively sound. However, it will still take a considerable amount of time before Taiwan’s financial system is fully liberalized.  相似文献   

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