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Conclusion In this note, we have reported a simple attempt to examine the stability over time of willingness-to-pay measures. By running a simple regression equation, we are able to explain why the average willingness to pay fell between two consecutively hunting seasons. The most important explanation is that hunting in the second hunting season was affected by the nuclear radiation accident at Chernobyl. Almost 10 percent of the hunters stated that their willingness to pay was affected due to the fact that their moose meat was contaminated. Since there are 24,000 moose hunters in the county of Västerbotten, we arrive at a yearly loss of about SEK 2 million for the county. Assuming that our figures apply also at the national level, Swedish moose hunters suffered a loss of almost SEK 30 million in the 1986 hunting season. If the same impact on hunters was felt for, say, 3 to 4 years, the present value of the loss caused by the Chernobyl accident could amount to over SEK 100 million (assuming a discount rate of 5 percent). This is a considerable amount, given that Swedish moose hunters constitute only a small fraction of all those who were affected by the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of the Chernobyl nuclear accident on domestic and international tourism in Sweden. From ARIMA time series forecasts, outlier search, and intervention analysis based on regional monthly accommodation data from 1978–1989, no effect on domestic tourism is found. However, there is an enduring deterrence effect on incoming tourism. The loss of gross revenue from incoming tourism because of the Chernobyl accident, is estimated to 2.5 billion SEK.  相似文献   

环境危害行为在对人身和财产带来损失的同时,往往也对自然资源本身带来损害.传统的环境侵权法主要对因环境危害行为导致的财产损失、人身伤害和精神损害提供赔偿救济.文章从赔偿主体、赔偿范围、赔偿对象、赔偿程序四个方面分析了美国、加拿大和欧盟的自然资源损害赔偿制度,提出了建立我国自然资源损害赔偿制度的构想.  相似文献   

可持续发展视角下自然资源价格构成的进一步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然资源是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础和经济基础。在资源枯竭和环境污染日益严重的今天,必须重新认识自然资源的价格。文章从可持续发展的视角研究了自然资源的价格构成成分及其相互之间的关系,提出自然资源的价格由内部价值和外部性成本构成,内部价值包括天然价值和人工价值,外部性成本包括环境成本、生态成本和代际补偿成本。只有清楚认识自然资源的价格构成及其关系,才能为自然资源的定价提供客观科学的依据。  相似文献   

森林资源生态利益损害是客观存在的环境损害。在森林资源生态利益损害救济中,现行行政处罚措施缺乏补偿性和预防性、环境侵权法调整生态利益缺失、环境诉讼起诉资格受到限制。在现行法律体系内,应发挥环境法的补偿功能和预防功能的优势,确立森林资源生态损害民事赔偿制度和生态损害救济基金制度,拓宽诉讼主体资格,建立环境公益诉讼制度等方面重构救济机制,以充分发挥环境法对森林资源生态利益损害的救济。  相似文献   

When natural resource damages are caused by releases of hazardous materials into the environment, government trustees must conduct Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDAs) to support claims to recover the value of lost or damaged resources. This article sets forth theoretical arguments that support efforts to develop unbiased simplified NRDA methods for use by government trustees and proposes a set of criteria that can be used to evaluate the quality of any such simplified method. The authors then describe the simplified methods being used by five states across the country, affording academic economists a rare view of the kinds of methods state agencies use in-house. The article evaluates those methods against the criteria set forth and discusses the potential of other nonstate-specific simplified NRDA methods (benefit transfer and Type A models) to do the job better. The new framework established can guide future research to design simplified methods that are less biased than the simplified methods currently in use by some states without compromising ease of implementation. (JEL Q5 , K32 )  相似文献   

自然资源会计   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
可持续发展是21世纪的主题。我国要实现可持续发展,就必须从中国自然资源利用和管理的现状隅发,认真分析中国押情,改变现在的资源利用和方式,从根本上解决我国资源可持续利用问题。  相似文献   

干旱是影响我国工农业发展的重要制约因素.文章通过对我国60年来的干旱资料统计,分析我国干旱灾害的时空分布特征及产生原因.结果表明:近60年来,我国干旱灾害的受灾面积、成灾面积、经济损失有逐步增加的趋势,灾害发生的频率也在不断加快,总体上都有不断加重的趋势.通过对我国干旱灾害的成因分析,建立防灾抗旱的社会保障措施和强化旱作农业新技术的研究与应用等减灾对策与措施.  相似文献   

第三人精神损害是指第三人因耳闻或目睹直接侵权行为所造成的严重伤害而引起的心神不定、精神萎靡、绝望等种种精神损伤的总称。我国第三人精神损害赔偿确立的时间较短,现行法中存在许多不足:立法简单、零散,缺乏系统性、可操作性;第三人范围过于狭窄;赔偿范围过于狭窄;精神损害赔偿金额缺乏明确定位。因此,第三人精神损害赔偿须在如下方面进一步加以完善:完善立法体例;扩大赔偿的范围;明确第三人的范围;规定赔偿金额的幅度。  相似文献   

We examine the efficiency of centralized versus decentralized management of spatially-connected renewable resources when users have heterogeneous preferences for conservation versus extraction. Resource mobility induces a spatial externality, while spatial preference heterogeneity drives a wedge between users’ privately optimal extraction rates. We first address these market failures analytically and show that the first is most efficiently handled with centralized planning while the second is best tackled with decentralized management. Except in special cases, neither approach will be first best, but which arises as second best depends on the relative strength of preference heterogeneity versus spatial mobility of the resource. We illustrate the theory, and test its robustness, with a numerical example.  相似文献   

资源环境对长三角地区社会经济发展的约束   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过分析了长江三角洲资源短缺、环境变差引发的诸多矛盾和对社会经济发展的约束,提出科学发展观与循环经济是长三角地区率先实现全面小康、率先实现现代化的必然选择。为此,必须解放思想,树立循环经济的观念,走出有区域特色的循环经济发展道路。  相似文献   

略论自然资源产权界定的多维视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒲志仲 《经济问题》2008,(11):12-16
经济学理论表明,产权制度对资源配置效率与公平至关重要。由产权理论和资源经济学理论可知,有效率的资源产权应该权能完整,按是否具有可排他性、可竞用性和公益需要,分别将资源产权界定为个人、社区集体和国家所有,并与社会传统、道德和伦理观念相一致。资源产权是公民生存与发展的保证,应保障每个人拥有相对平等的资源产权或资源开发受益权。对非国有资源产权权能加以限制,及征收生态环境税和资源收益税,能够有效实现资源开发利用社会目标;非公有资源产权可通过股份合作形成资源的社会所有制。  相似文献   

阿克苏地区有着丰富的资源优势,如何把优势资源转化为优势产品,本从特色、规模、市场三个方面提出认识。  相似文献   

本文在经济-环境大系统下分析了可持续发展的资源使用原则,提出了可持续发展的资源利用模式--经济装载线.可持续发展的经济装载线不同于资源的微观配置要求,它要求可持续发展不仅要获得资源微观的最优配置,而且要达到宏观的代内和代际间的资源使用最优.  相似文献   

自然资源价值探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前国内外尚未建立成熟的自然资源价值理论,这对于定量化研究自然资源价值和价格造成了严重的阻碍。本文在深入分析马克思劳动价值论和西方边际效用价值论的基础上,借鉴价值哲学中关于价值本质的定义,从价值哲学的角度对边际效用价值论进行修正,认为马克思的劳动价值论和修正后的边际效用价值论都是自然资源价值的理论基础,并在此基础上进一步界定了自然资源的价值构成。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop atheoretically consistent framework to incorporate theenvironmental effects of agricultural production andthe depletion of natural capital caused byagricultural production into the existing incomeaccounts. We apply the framework and adjust theincome attributed to the agricultural sector andeconomy-wide net national product (NNP) for the UnitedStates. Estimated adjustments to the incomeattributed to agriculture are in the range of $4billion and have declined as a percentage of net farmincome since 1982.  相似文献   

Contrary to previous results by others, this paper provides the empirical evidence that M2, but not M1, monetary aggregate in Korea is meaningfully cointegrated with income, interest rate, and exchange rate, thus showing the existence of long-run demand function for a broad definition of money. Although such a finding supports the current practice of the Korean monetary authority in controling M2, a question still remains as to how broadly the monetary components should be aggregated for the purpose of monetary control. [E41]  相似文献   

It is well known that competitive markets may fail to generate an optimal rate of extraction of a natural resource-stock. The barrier to optimality may be uncertainty about tenure, commonality of property rights in the resource, or uncertainty about the extent of the resource. In all these cases, suboptimality takes the form of over-extraction. We draw attention to an additional source of suboptimality. In an economy with overlapping generations, the resource-stock plays the double role of repository of savings and source of productive inputs. The decline in the supply of the resource-stock may eventually force its price so high that it ceases to perform its second function. Extraction comes to an end even though the resource has a positive marginal productivity in producing consumption goods. This is inefficient, hence suboptimal. This time, however, suboptimality takes the form of under-extraction.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) among Japanese municipalities from 1990 to 2003. Using panel unit root tests including one that considers cross-sectional dependence in the data (e.g., [Moon, H. R. and Perron, B. (2004). Testing for a unit root in panels with dynamic factors. Journal of Econometrics, 112, 81–126.]), we find evidence in favor of PPP, confirming the stationarity of relative prices in Japan and thus the long-run co-movement of municipal prices. Furthermore, the half-life of a shock is found to be about 2 years, which is faster than that of the international PPP. As in the European and US studies, short-term deviations from PPP can be explained by income differentials and distance between cities.  相似文献   

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