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Advancements in technology are radically transforming service, and increasingly providing the underlying basis for service strategy. In this paper, we develop a typology and positioning map for service strategy, in the context of rapid technological change, and outline the process for firms to position or reposition their service strategies. Which strategy to choose is based on the degree to which customer demand is heterogeneous, and the degree to which potential customer lifetime value varies across customers. This results in four strategies: the McService strategy that is standardized and transactional, the Relational Service strategy that is standardized and relational, the Customized Transaction strategy that is personalized and transactional, and the Adaptive Personalization strategy that is personalized and relational. We provide firms a roadmap for identifying a “sweet spot” strategy in relation to a segment’s realized or potential customer lifetime value, combined with the firm’s technological capabilities. Because technological capabilities inevitably advance, firms will tend to move from standardized to personalized and from transactional to relational over time, implying that firms should be alert to technological opportunities to personalize their relationships with customers. Our strategic framework also produces a useful bridge from marketing practice to the conceptual evolution of the service literature, showing how the historical trends toward continuing customer relationships and co-productive personalization should drive strategic thinking in service.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that business models can serve as important strategic tools in innovation and market formation processes. Consequently, business models should have a prominent position in the marketing literature. However, marketing scholars have, so far, paid little attention to the business model concept, perhaps because it lacks an established definition and clear theoretical foundation. This article offers a definition for the business model concept that, using a fractal approach, connects business models to technological and market innovation. Furthermore, the article questions several cornerstone strategic concepts by reconceptualizing business model development from a firm-centric activity that promotes owning key resources and altering sets of decision variables to one that highlights the facilitation of broad institutional change processes. As such, it takes the potentially controversial position of advocating a service-strategy-based understanding of business models for all of marketing strategy.  相似文献   

Although various manufacturing companies have developed into total solution providers, no research addresses their service orientations. Building on the literature on organizational service climate, this study explores the organizational parameters and service business orientations that explain relative product sales and service volume of manufacturing companies. Following an exploratory study involving in-depth interviews, the authors conducted an empirical survey of 137 companies in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark. The study assesses the effects of organizational parameters on the implementation of service business orientations and validates the important distinction between services in support of the client’s actions (SSC) and services in the support of the product (SSP). The findings demonstrate that services in support of the client’s action leverage relative product sales, while services in support of the product generate service volume. In addition to the main effects, the moderating effects of the organizational parameters are discussed.
Martin G. M. WetzelsEmail:

E-commerce not only has tremendous potential for growth but also poses unique challenges for both incumbents and new entrants. By examining drivers of firm performance in e-commerce from a capabilities perspective, the authors conceptualize three firm capabilities that are critical for superior firm performance in e-commerce: information technology capability, strategic flexibility, and trust-building capability. The extent and nature of market orientation is conceptualized as a platform for leveraging e-commerce capabilities. The authors test the effects of e-commerce capabilities on performance (e.g., relative profits, sales, return on investment) using data from 122 e-brokerage service providers. The results indicate that information technology capability and strategic flexibility affect performance given the right market orientation. Amit Saini (asaini2@unl.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He conducts research in the area of marketing strategy, technology-marketing interface, e-commerce strategy, and customer relationship management. He has presented papers at major conferences, and his research appears in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science and American Marketing Association—Marketing Educator’s Conference Proceedings. His industry experience includes sales management and quantitative market research. Jean L. Johnson (Johnsonjl@wsu.edu) is a professor of marketing at Washington State University. Her research includes partnering capabilities development in, and management of, interfirm relationships and management of international strategic alliances. Her research appears in journals such as theJournal of Marketing, the Journal of International Business Studies, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing. She serves on the editorial boards of theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Retailing, theJournal of Business and Industrial Marketing, and reviews for others. She spent several years in the advertising industry and has lived, taught, and conducted research in France and Japan. She has been selected to cochair the 2006 winter American Marketing Association (AMA) conference.  相似文献   

组织的维度与复杂性组织系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,自组织理论或者说现代复杂性科学的兴起,使得人们在“世界简单性”基础之上建立起来的组织及其管理概念正在日趋解构。本文提出,要分析和理解复杂性组织系统,必须提出一种特定研究范式。本文运用科学哲学的方法,并结合组织控制论、耗散结构论、协同论、超循环论、分形论、分维论、混沌理论等新兴学科,构建了复杂性组织系统的分析工具——组织的维度,并分析了复杂性组织系统。  相似文献   

为明确应用区块链进行食品供应链质量溯源前后的成本变动情况,吸引食品供应链各方积极参与区块链质量溯源,本文引入成本变动系数和食品质量构建决策模型,探究食品供应链采用区块链进行质量溯源的条件和应用区块链使各方成本降低且利润提升的成本分摊阈值。研究表明,区块链技术应用能否为供应链各主体带来经济价值,取决于各主体单位成本投入、区块链成本分摊系数及投入成本等多重因素;只有区块链技术成本分摊系数达到一定临界条件时,才能使制造商和供应商的利润都得到提升,进而吸引二者积极参与区块链质量溯源。  相似文献   

在我国,市场竞争目前虽然还是以价格竞争和质量竞争占主导地位,但是服务竞争已经露出端倪.越来越多的企业将服务作为参与市场竞争的重要手段,通过改善服务寻求竞争优势.新的竞争形势要求企业认真思索服务特有的属性,以服务作为自身的核心能力,围绕服务导向制定发展战略.本文试图从实现"服务增值",实现差别化战略,促进客户关系及培养企业核心能力等四个方面论述服务导向战略的现实意义.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,组织结构的相对稳定性和可知性正被不确定性、复杂性所替代,实施组织变革以获取竞争优势已越来越受到人们的重视。本文分析了组织学习与结构资本化的过程,论述了组织环境的复杂性特征,组织的复杂性与组织结构变革的关系,外部环境复杂性和组织复杂性的耦合效应。在此基础上,对不同类型组织学习和结构化变革的路径选择、战略管理重点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

从介绍组织信任和组织变革的内涵入手,将组织信任置于变革的特定情景中分析其对组织变革积极和消极的作用,阐述了组织变革对组织信任的反向作用原理,提出了变革与信任的交互作用的理论实践意义。  相似文献   

理论上机构投资者具有稳定市场,扩大市场有效需求,改善上市公司治理结构等功能.但实践中上述功能未必能发挥,甚至起相反作用.在我国发展机构投资者应与加强监管、保护中小投资者利益、提升上市公司素质及国有股减持结合起来.  相似文献   

组织学习力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织学习力是衡量企业竞争力的新要素。组织学习力是指组织内部的各成员在组织所处的环境、面临的情况及组织内部的运作、奋斗的方向等,通过对信息诼时认知、全面把握、迅速传递、达成共识、做出正确、快速的调整,以利组织更好的发展能力,是一个组织在知识经济时代拥有比自己竞争对手学习得更快的自创未来的能力。  相似文献   

组织学习的障碍因素分析与组织学习力的提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对学习型组织和组织学习产生的背景进行分析,指出学习型组织和组织学习的内涵,进而从领导者、组织成员、组织结构、组织文化、外部环境五个方面分析阻碍组织学习的障碍因素,针对障碍因素,提出共同学习,不断革新的组织学习模式,该学习模式有助于企业提升其组织学习力.  相似文献   

巴纳德组织理论研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
巴纳德是现代组织理论的创始人。作为一名学者型实务家 ,他有着远甚于一般学院研究者的理论兴趣。巴纳德组织理论中的多样性、复杂性及包容性 ,使他成为了组织理论中的“韦伯”。当今的组织理论家 ,无论他们属于哪个理论阵营 ,都从巴纳德那里获得了灵感和找到了他们所需要的东西。文章主要阐述了巴纳德组织理论的六大重点  相似文献   

信息时代的企业组织结构探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着信息化、网络化时代的到来,高新技术及其产业的发展,传统的企业组织结构已经不能适应时代发展的需要了,必须适应信息时代的要求,与时俱进,促进生产力的发展,必须产生新的组织结构。提出了四种可借鉴的组织结构的形式:企业流程再造;企业虚拟化;团队管理;学习型组织。  相似文献   

组织承诺研究评述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
组织承诺研究存在两条主线:一是围绕组织承诺本身展开,主要研究这个概念是由单维度还是多维度构成,以及如何测量;二是研究和探讨组织承诺的前因和后果变量,尤其是组织承诺的形成机制。在对巳有研究评述的基础上提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

本文认为,知识的分化极大地促进了组织知识的增长,知识的利用类型和转移途径正在发生重大的调整与改变,以众多特殊条件为附带物的专门知识由于其使用价值高,正逐渐成为社会组织利用的主要知识类型。本文提出,传统组织理论是一个基于劳动配置的组织理论,而知识经济时代的组织理论是一个基于知识配置的组织理论。还提出了知识配置的原则,用以解释知识创新和组织结构形式如何交互作用,从而形成组织的学习和知识创新的能力。并强调,基于知识配置的组织理论和设计是后现代组织理论的核心问题。  相似文献   

组织资本理论的发展不过几十年,但是在众多学者的努力下,取得了相当大的成就.学者们从人力资本、知识资本、智力资本及其组织层面等各个不同角度来研究组织资本,不同的研究角度促进了组织资本理论的不断发展与完善.通过回顾组织资本理论的发展过程,提出了当前研究的局限性与不足,并提出了未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了国外关于组织支持感的相关研究及其最新进展,主要内容包括组织支持感理论的概念、理论基础、测量工具、与易混概念(包括领导一成员交换和心理契约)的关系及其前因变量(主要包括组织公平、领导支持、组织奖赏和工作条件)、结果变量(主要包括组织承诺、工作投入和组织公民行为),最后指出了该理论已有研究的不足及未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

从有形式契约与无形契约的角度分析动态联盟的本质,认为动态联盟本质上也是一种契约的组织形式.运用成本模型分析动态联盟优势,可认为在大型项目周期内动态联盟的组织形式在管理成本上优于一般企业的组织形式和其他企业联合体的组织形式,运用信息模型分析项目管理成本,则可认为信息成本降低更能突显动态联盟管理成本优势.合理解释了近年来企业动态联盟组织不断增加的经济现象.  相似文献   

论文以国内企业为研究对象,通过研究组织结构与信息技术(IT)能力之间的关系以及IT能力对组织效益的影响,以明确适合发展IT能力的组织结构类型以及发展IT能力的价值所在。文章在对相关领域已有的研究作了综述的基础上指出,是信息技术(IT)能力而非仅信息技术(IT)本身对企业效益产生影响。文章接着提出相关假设并进行实证分析,研究结论显示,在中国企业中,组织结构有机化程度与IT能力之间呈正相关关系,企业的IT能力与组织效益呈正相关关系。有关研究资料来源于中国大陆的137家企业。  相似文献   

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