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We examine social- and self-motives as drivers of Word of Mouth (WOM). The main proposition is that the transmitter expects to gain personal and social benefits from sharing his opinion about a brand. The gains are in the form of expected satisfaction of self- and social-needs. In the research model, self-needs (i.e., self-enhancement and self-affirmation) are considered the initial driver of WOM. The desire for their satisfaction through WOM results in an intended social interaction, which in turn triggers social-motives: social-needs (i.e., social comparison and social bonding) and social-intentions (i.e., helping others and providing social information). WOM is the outcome of the intention to engage in a social interaction that is initiated by the intention to satisfy self-needs. Through an empirical analysis, we examine how the underlying mechanism varies for positive and negative WOM. Positive WOM is motivated primarily by the need for self-enhancement, and negative WOM is motivated by the need for self-affirmation. The need for social comparison affects both valences of WOM, the need for social bonding affects only positive WOM, and intention to help others and share social information affect only negative WOM. The findings suggest that discussing brands can be a mechanism for acquiring personal and social benefits, and consequently, promotional campaigns should highlight the gains customers accrue through WOM.  相似文献   

Empirical studies investigating the antecedents of positive word of mouth (WOM) typically focus on the direct effects of consumers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with previous purchasing experiences. The authors develop and test a more comprehensive model of the antecedents of positive. WOM (both intentions and behaviors), including consumer identification and commitment. Specifically, they hypothesize and test commitment as a mediator and moderator of satisfaction on positive WOM and commitment as a mediator of identification on WOM. Using data obtained from customers of a retailer offering both products and services, they find support for all hypothesized relationships with WOM intentions and/or WOM behaviors as the dependent variable. The authors conclude with a discussion of their findings and implications for both marketing theory and practice. Tom J. Brown (tomb@okstate.edu) is Ardmore Professor of Business Administration and an associate professor of marketing at Oklahoma State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His articles have appeared in leading marketing journals including theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Consumer Research, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. His current research interests include causes and effects of corporate reputation and the customer orientation of service workers. He is cofounder of the Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group. Teaching interests include marketing research, services marketing, and corporate communications. He is coauthor (with Gilbert A. Churchill Jr.) ofBasic Marketing Research (5th ed.). Thomas E. Barry (tbarry@mail.smu.edu) is a professor of marketing and vice president for executive affairs at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Texas. His primary teaching and research interests are in the areas of integrated marketing communications, marketing management, brand equity, loyalty, and advertising effectiveness. His research has appeared in numerous journals including theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Consumer Psychology, and theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. He is the author or coauthor of two books in marketing and advertising management. He has consulted for a variety of firms and is a director on four boards. In 1995, he received the Outstanding Contributions in Advertising Research Award from the American Academy of Advertising. Peter A. Dacin (pdacin@business.queens.ca) is a professor of marketing at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. His primary teaching and research interests lie in consumer/managerial judgment formation, brand equity/dilution, corporate reputation, and research methods and design. He has also published in the area of sales force management. His research has appeared in several leading journals including theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, and theJournal of Consumer Research. In addition, he has published in numerous conference proceedings. He is currently the chair of the American Marketing Association’s ConsumerBehavior Special Interest Group, serves on the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association, and is cofounder of the Corporate Identity/Associations Research Group. Richard F. Gunst (rgunst@mail.smu.edu) is a professor and chair of the Department of Statistical Science at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. He received his Ph.D. from SMU. His primary teaching and research interests are in the areas of linear and nonlinear modeling and regression analysis, with an emphasis on spatial statistical modeling. He has co-authored three books on regression analysis and the statistical design and analysis of experiments, in addition to publishing scholarly articles in theJournal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika, Biometrics, andTechnometrics. He has received the W. J. Youden (1974, 1985) and Frank Wilcoxon (1994) Publication Awards fromTechnometrics, and the American Statistical Association’s Award for Outstanding Statistical Application Award (1994). He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and received its Founders Award in 1999.  相似文献   

Recent studies on comparative advertising have focused on the relative effectiveness of comparative ads versus noncomparative or Brand X ads. This laboratory experiment used 408 student subjects to assess the believability and interestingness of various comparative advertising formats when the competing brand is illustrated versus when it is not illustrated. The findings revealed no significant differences in subjects' ratings of the believability or interestingness of the advertisements illustrating the competing brand compared to similar advertisements that did not illustrate the competing brand. Creative Sales Careers, Inc.  相似文献   

随着新自由主义思潮在全球兴起,苏联解体及东欧剧变,社会主义阵营力量削弱。在当前的社会舆论中,确实存在一些否定公有制、主张私有化的观点。只有从理论上澄清这些模糊认识和错误观点,才能正确把握我国社会主义初级阶段基本国情,提高坚持基本经济制度、绝不搞私有化的自觉性和坚定性。  相似文献   

张福明,1982年考入南京国防理工大学,毕业后到内蒙古省军区工作,在部队一待就是15年.1997年进入中国银行,挑了一个稳当的干部职位,张福明本来可以按照预定的人生轨迹过着安稳舒逸的生活,如果他像我们中的大部分那样,人生的档案写得稳当而无味,那么,今天嘉兴就少了一位神采奕奕的企业家,世界上又多了一个避危趋安的中年人.  相似文献   

One important aspect in the service-dominant logic in marketing is the role of customers as co-creators of value. This role typically involves producing products for own consumption, i.e. what Toffler referred to as “prosumption.” This study explores the motivational mechanisms underlying people’s prosumption propensity. A theoretical framework that incorporates ideas from value research and attitude theory, specifically the “theory of trying” (Bagozzi and Warshaw in Journal of Consumer Research 17:127–140, 1990), is developed and tested in the empirical context of food prosumption. The results based on a survey of 380 households show that global values influence domain-specific values in food prosumption, and domain-specific values then affect attitudes, self-efficacy, and on-going behavior before ultimately shaping intentions to engage in prosumption in the future.  相似文献   

Research on risk is built on a complex array of diverse and sometimes inconsistent definitions, constructs, models, and outcomes. This study examines various literatures to formulate an integrated framework for the conceptualization of perceived-risk processing. The framework specifies three phases (framing, assessment, and evaluation) and their accompanying outcomes of risk attention, perceived risk, and risk-taking propensity. Explicit linkages are specified between situational and individual characteristics. Perceived-risk evaluation is identified as concepturally distinct from assessment of perceived risk, and the construct of risk-taking propensity is separated from those of risk affinity and perceived risk. The framework further presents points of intersection between the literatures on perceived risk and the literatures on consumer decision-making, information search, and satisfaction. Finally, it serves as an anchor for framing future research to promote conceptual and methodological consistency, and to guide progress in directions that are consistent with some leading edge paradigms outside of marketing. Margy P. Conchar (concharm@mail.ecu.edu; Ph.D., University of Georgia) is an assistant professor at East Carolina University. Her research focuses on consumer behavior and advertising. Her work in consumer behavior concentrates on risk, motives, and optimal consumption experience. Her research in advertising focuses on the interface between advertising and finance, accounting, or economics. She has previously published in the proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Association for Consumer Research, the American Marketing Association of Educators, and the Society for Marketing Advances. George M. Zinkhan (gzinkhan@terry.uga.edu; Ph.D., University of Michigan) is the Coca-Cola Company Chair of Marketing at the University of Georgia. His major research interests include advertising, promotion, e-commerce, and knowledge development. Two of his recent coauthored books includeConsumers (2004, McGraw-Hill) andElectronic Commerce: A Strategic Perspective (2000, Dryden). Cara Peters (petersc@winthrop.edu; Ph.D., University of Nebraska) is an assistant professor at Winthrop University. Her research lies in the general areas of consumer behavior and e-commerce. Primarily using mixed methods, she examines risky consumer behaviors as they relate to sociology and psychology. She has published in theJournal of Consumer Psychology andConsumption, Markets, and Culture, among other journals. Sergio Olavarrieta (solavar@negocios.uchile.cl; Ph.D., University of Georgia) is an assistant professor at Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. He is assistant dean of undergraduate programs at the School of Business and Economics at the University of Chile. His research focuses on branding and marketing strategy. He has previously published in theJournal of Strategic Marketing and theInternational Journal of Product Distribution and Logistics Management.  相似文献   

陶总的公司刚创立没多久。为了生存.他的想法是在这个行业里的什么业务都要做.只要能赚钱:他的理想是.把这个行业里不同类型的业务尽可能都做好.从而实现业务上的多元化,求得在最短时间内的发展。为此.在对外开拓市场时,业务员总是会对客户说:你有什么我们就做什么,我们什么都能做。请问陶总这样的业务定位对吗?  相似文献   

本文通过对品牌利润链模型的分析,阐述了创建饭店企业品牌应当关注的主要因素及其相关关系,并提出了构建我国饭店企业品牌利润链的三个突破口。  相似文献   

剧情回放   乔家复字号名下通顺店卖的胡麻油掺假,乔致庸怒极,当即命令通顺店掌柜伙计去柜上算账辞号.为挽回商誉,复又命顾天顺和通顺店李掌柜连夜写出告示,贴遍包头城,说明通顺号掺假事宜,并将掺假的胡麻油以每斤一文的价钱卖作灯油.同时,凡是近期到通顺店买过胡麻油的顾客,都可以去店里全额退银子,并可以低价购买不掺假的胡麻油,以示赔罪之意.   ……  相似文献   

根据WTO规则确立的非歧视原则、市场开放原则和公平竞争原则,我国应该通过完善法律体系,创立并维护一个中外主体公平竞争的市场环境。  相似文献   

This research shows that the perceived difficulty of manufacturing a product influences consumers’ perceptions of the firm’s other products. In three experiments (with 152 participants in Study 1, 86 in Study 2, and 91 in Study 3), participants received information about the quality of a firm’s product and then inferred the quality of another product from the firm. When participants believed that the initial product was relatively more difficult to manufacture than the second product, they inferred that the second product would be high in quality. However, when participants believed that the initial product was relatively easy to manufacture, they inferred that the second product would be low in quality. These effects occurred when perceived difficulty of manufacture was manipulated (Study 2) and occurred regardless of whether both products had dissimilar product benefits (Study 1) or whether brand names were present (Study 3). Allison R. Johnson and Valerie S. Folkes contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

煤炭法制建设中应解决的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着近年来煤炭资源、能源战略地位的不断提高和煤炭监管中弊端的凸现,煤炭法制建设步伐不得不日益加快。但是煤炭行业存在的一些突出问题仍然没有在煤炭立法中引起注意,如煤炭行政主体的设定、煤炭行政监管的基本内容、煤炭资源规划的法律效力、煤炭行政许可的合理性合法性、煤炭生产企业组织的特殊性等。  相似文献   

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - Consumers’ interactions with smart objects have a relational nature, and extensive research has supported the “relationship metaphor”...  相似文献   

This article explores the applicability of a model of migration from the human geography literature as a unifying, theoretical framework for understanding consumers’ service provider switching behaviors. Survey data from approximately 700 consumers are used to examine the usefulness of the push, pull, and moorings (PPM) migration model. The PPM migration model performs better than an alternative model; all three categories of antecedents to switching (migration)—push, pull, and mooring variables—have significant direct, and some moderating, effects on switching intentions. Harvir S. Bansal (Ph.D., Queen’s University, hbansal@wlu.ca) is an associate professor of marketing at Wilfrid Laurier University. His research interests are focused in the area of services marketing with emphasis on customer switching behavior, word-of-mouth processes in services, structural equation modeling, and tourism. His research has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Services Marketing, the Journal of Service Research, Tourism Management, theJournal of Quality Management, andPsychology and Marketing. He has also presented at and published articles in the proceedings of various national and international conferences. Shirley F. Taylor (Ph.D., University of British Columbia, staylor@business.queensu.ca) is an associate professor in the School of Business at Queen’s University, where she teaches and conducts research in the area of services marketing. Her research interests include service provider loyalty and switching, customer commitment, and perceptions management of service delays. Her work has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, theJournal of Service Research, theInternational Journal of Research in Marketing, and theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing. She currently serves on the editorial boards of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research and the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. Yannik St. James (ystjames@business.queensu.ca) is a doctoral candidate in the School of Business at Queen’s University, where she conducts research at the intersection of consumer behavior and marketing strategy. Her research interests include the role of affect in consumer behavior, brand management, and services marketing. She has presented her work at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, the Academy of Marketing Science Conference, and the Frontiers in Services Conference.  相似文献   

This article investigates the influence of French and American national culture on consumer perceptions of productrelated value. Employing means-end theory, hypotheses are developed to predict how French versus American national culture influences the content and structure of consumer value hierachies. Hypotheses are tested using data from in-depth laddering interviews with a matched sample of French and American consumers. The findings support the contention that differences exist in the meaning and relative importance of consumer value hierarchy dimensions across the two national cultures. Furthermore, the analysis suggests that consumption consequences are especially culturally sensitive. Jeffrey W. Overby (joverby@cob.fsu.edu) is an assistant professor of marketing and international business in the Department of Marketing at Florida State University. He holds a doctorate from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His research interests focus on customer value determination, service quality, and cross-cultural marketing issues. His work has appeared inInternational Marketing Review and numerous domestic and international conferences, includingProceeding of the 2001 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference andProceeding of the Tenth Biennial World Marketing Conference. Sarah Fisher Gardial (sgardial@utk.edu) is an associate professor and associate dean for academic programs in the College of Business Administration at the University of Tennessee. She holds a doctorate from the University of Houston. Her research interests focus on customer value and satisfaction, consumer decision making and information processing, and buyer/seller dyadic relations. Her work has appeared in numerous journals, including theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Advertising, Industrial Marketing Management, and theJournal of Macromarketing. Robert B.Woodruff (rwoodruff@utk.edu) is the Proffitt’s, Inc. Professor of Marketing and head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics at the University of Tennessee. His primary interests are in customer value theory, customer satisfaction theory, and market opportunity analyses, all with applications to customer-value-based marketing strategies. His work has appeared in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Consumer Research, and theJournal of Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction & Complaining Behavior. He has received two outstanding reviewer awards from theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science.  相似文献   

为建设“大大连”高校图书馆应面向社会开放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合"大大连"建设论述了高校图书馆面向社会开放的必要性,分析了高校图书馆的优势,提出了高校图书馆面向社会服务的具体措施并阐述了其现实意义.  相似文献   

千教万教,教人求真,千学万学,学做真人。教育的目标是培养人。要面向未来,不断培养出具有正确世界观、人生观、价值观,具有创造精神和实践能力的全面发展的人才。  相似文献   

公共产品理论教学亟待解决的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共产品理论是财政学基础理论之一。本文探讨了公共产品理论教学亟待解决的问题,包括:公共产品概念、特征及判断依据,公共产品供给模式,公共产品与外部性的关系,公共产品理论的发展;指出以政府与市场建立合作伙伴关系为核心的PPP理论,已经丰富和发展了公共产品理论。  相似文献   


Conventional wisdom suggests that brands should respond in an accommodative way to consumer complaints. However, this research shows that observers of the communication between complainants and brands on social media may prefer a defensive response under specific conditions. Thus, this study helps managers to find optimal responses to social media complaints, thereby minimizing negative consequences. We introduce a previously unexamined key moderator that takes account of the observer perspective: the benefits sought in the context of a complainant–brand interaction (e.g., brand presences in social media). Hence, we differentiate hedonic from utilitarian contexts and we note the distinct observer benefits and corresponding preferences. A field study and a series of experiments show that a defensive response can be superior in hedonic contexts but inferior in utilitarian ones. We also show how response strategy indirectly affects observers’ behavioral consequences and identify complaint reasoning and brand communication style as relevant boundary conditions.


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