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We measure the impact of the Self-Sufficiency Project (a randomized welfare-to-work experiment in Canada; henceforth, SSP) on relative wage progression. SSP provided a generous 3-year earnings supplement to treatment group members who found a full-time job within a year of the start of the experiment (take-up group). We estimate the treatment on the treated for two sub-groups of the take-up group: the incentivized and non-incentivized groups. Using an econometric model of wage determination, we find evidence of large and significant relative wage progression of approximately 9 percentage points during the 3-year supplement period for the incentivized group. The impact for the non-incentivized group is much smaller (at most 3 percentage points). There is also some limited information that the non-incentivized group in New Brunswick and the incentivized groups in both New Brunswick and British Columbia continued to work more after the 3-year supplement period ended.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The longitudinal nature of the Master File of the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) for the period 1993–9, enables comparing transitions from employment to non‐employment for individuals affected by minimum wage changes with appropriate comparison groups not affected by minimum wages. This is based on the large number (24) of minimum wage changes that have occurred across the different provincial jurisdictions in Canada over the 1990s. The results indicate that the minimum wage increases have increased the transition from employment to non‐employment of employed low‐wage youths, who are at‐risk of being affected by a minimum wage increase, by around 6 percentage points (ranging from 4 to 8 percentage points). These disemployment effects in turn imply 'minimum wage' elasticities of about −0.4 (ranging from −0.3 to −0.5).  相似文献   

There is no consensus on the impact of population aging on education investment. To explore this question, we first build an overlapping generations (OLG) model to theoretically analyze the effect of population aging on human capital investment in China, and then test our theory by conducting an empirical study based on micro household data. We find the following. (1) Theoretically, the OLG model shows that population aging has a crowding-out effect on education investment. (2) Empirically, the results show that the share of education and training expenditures decreases by 5.27 percentage points as the ratio of old people in the household increases by 100 percentage points, which confirms the crowding-out effect of population aging on human capital investment. (3) The crowding-out effect is far more intense on urban households than on rural households since health care expenditures will be greater in urban areas as population aging increases. (4) A quantile regression indicates that the negative effect of population aging on the share of educational expenditure is concentrated in households with higher shares of education expenditures. We confirm the robustness of our results using regional fixed effect and instrumental variable (IV) regressions.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effects of the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) on the labor force participation rates of married women by estimating a dynamic model of labor force participation. Results show that the PDA increased the labor force participation rate of pregnant women by 8.2 percentage points, of women with a child less than one year old by 3.4 percentage points, and of women with older children by 1.5 percentage points. Counterfactual policy simulations show that the provision of unpaid leave will increase the labor force participation rate of women with older children by an additional 3.7 percentage points.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the interaction between the welfare stateand immigration policy. We establish a negative relationshipbetween the number of dependents and the extent of the welfarestate due to the leakage of benefits. We also explain the determinationof immigration policy as the outcome of a lobbying game betweendomestic interest groups and the government. Our results indicatethat there is evidence for welfare leakage and for lobbyingas a determinant of immigration policy. In our baseline specification,a 10 percentage points increase in the share of dependents leadsto a 7–10 percentage point decrease in the labor tax rate.Furthermore, an increase by 10 percentage points in union densityleads to a decrease of one percentage point in the share ofimmigrants in the population. In the context of EU enlargementand the ensuing migration flows, our model predicts a reductionin the size of the welfare state in the old member countries.(JEL H5, J1, J61)  相似文献   

We model an organization as a two-agent hierarchy: an informed Decision Maker in charge of selecting projects and a (possibly) uninformed Implementer in charge of their execution. Both have intrinsic preferences over projects. This paper models the costs and benefits of divergence between their preferences, that is, dissent within the organization. Dissent is useful to (1) foster the use of objective (and sometimes private) information in decision making and (2) give credibility to the Decision Maker's choices. However, dissent comes at the cost of hurting the Implementer's intrinsic motivation, thereby impairing organizational efficiency. We show that dissent can be optimal, in particular, when information is useful and uncertainty is high. Moreover, dissent remains an optimal organizational form even when Implementers can choose their employer or when Decision Makers have real authority over hiring decisions.

Workers do, and managers figure out what to do.
                                            F. Knight (1921)

基于三轮(2011年、2013年和2015年)的全国微观追踪调查数据(CHARLS),本文通过分析新农保的实施对农户土地流转行为和意愿租金的影响,来考察社会保障是否存在着对土地保障的替代效应,并进一步基于农户对土地的依赖程度来分析替代效应的异质型特征。结果表明,村庄实施新农保促使村庄内土地依赖程度超过平均水平的农户转出土地的意愿租金下降180%;促使村庄内处于土地依赖程度前30%的农户转出土地的意愿租金下降149%;促使村庄内处于土地依赖程度后30%的农户转出土地的意愿租金上升173%。总的来说,社会保障对于土地保障的替代效应主要作用于高土地依赖型的农户。  相似文献   

We study the effects of the recent economic crisis on firms׳ bidding behavior and markups in sealed bid auctions. Using data from Austrian construction procurements, we estimate bidders׳ construction costs within a private value auction model. We find that markups of all bids submitted decrease by 1.5 percentage points in the recent economic crisis, markups of winning bids decrease by 3.3 percentage points. We also find that without the government stimulus package this decrease would have been larger. These two pieces of evidence point to pro-cyclical markups.  相似文献   

涂正革  肖耿 《经济研究》2005,40(3):4-15
本文运用中国大中型工业企业 1 995— 2 0 0 2年期间的年度企业数据 ,系统地研究 3. 7个两位数工业行业的全要素生产率 (TFP)增长趋势 ,并用随机前沿生产模型 ,将生产率增长分解为前沿技术进步 (FTP)、相对前沿技术效率 (TE)的变化、配置效率 (AE)以及规模经济性 (SE)四大因素。主要结论 :(一 )TFP的行业加权年均增长率为 6. 8% ,并呈逐年上升的趋势 ;(二 )前沿技术进步已经成为TFP增长的最重要动力 ,企业因前沿技术进步平均每年提高全要素生产率高达 1 4个百分点 ;(三 )企业相对前沿的技术效率差距拉大 ,已经严重阻碍了TFP增长 ,导致TFP平均每年下降 7个百分点 ,这既是挑战 ,也是反映今后企业通过追赶先进技术提高生产力的潜力。 (四 )企业投入要素的配置效率对TFP增长几乎没有贡献 ,年均贡献仅为 0 . 0 2个百分点 ,而企业的规模经济性对TFP的贡献也仅为负 0 . 3 3个百分点 ,这与前沿技术进步和技术效率变化对TFP的影响相比都微不足道。分析表明 ,前沿技术进步一方面推动着生产力的快速增长 ,另一方面却加剧了企业间的技术效率差距 ,导致更激烈的市场竞争压力。世纪之交的中国最重要的工业企业正经历着一场以前沿技术进步及追赶先进企业为核心的生产力革命。  相似文献   

The U.S. Social Security Administration, in cooperation with similar agencies in other countries, recently developed estimates of social security benefits for twelve major industrial countries. The present paper uses these data to estimate the effects of social security benefits on saving and retirement in an extended life cycle model. The parameter estimates indicate that, with retirement behavior given, social security significantly reduces private saving; an increase of the benefit-to-earnings ratio by 10 percentage points reduces the saving rate by approximately 3 percentage points.  相似文献   

Abstract ** :  The primary objective of this article is to find whether bonds issued by commercial and cooperative banks are rated similarly or not. We then compare the performance of two quantitative methods, namely seemingly unrelated regressions (SURE) and recursive partitioning algorithm (RPA), at explaining bond ratings based on the same set of quantitative indicators. Using the regression model, cooperative banks' credit risk is more sensitive to the quality and size of assets. For commercial banks, elements relative to debt more clearly stand out. In the RPA model, a subtree for the financial cooperatives is created which provides evidence of some differentiation in the rating process. Also, the RPA model outperforms the parametric method whether performance is measured by the percentage of correct classification or the size of the average rating prediction error.  相似文献   

We describe LossCalc™ version 2.0: the Moody's KMV model to predict loss given default (LGD), the equivalent of (1  −  recovery rate). LossCalc is a statistical model that applies multiple predictive factors at different information levels: collateral, instrument, firm, industry, country and the macroeconomy to predict LGD. We find that distance‐to‐default measures (from the Moody's KMV structural model of default likelihood) compiled at both the industry and firm levels are predictive of LGD. We find that recovery rates worldwide are predictable within a common statistical framework, which suggests that the estimation of economic firm value (which is then available to allocate to claimants according to each country's bankruptcy laws) is a dominant step in LGD determination. LossCalc is built on a global dataset of 3,026 recovery observations for loans, bonds and preferred stock from 1981 to 2004. This dataset includes 1,424 defaults of both public and private firms – both rated and unrated instruments – in all industries. We demonstrate out‐of‐sample and out‐of‐time LGD model validation. The model significantly improves on the use of historical recovery averages to predict LGD .  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper studies the direct impact of labour force ageing on productivity growth in 10 Canadian provinces over the period 1981–2001, with an outlook to 2046. It shows that older workers are, on average, less productive than younger workers and that labour force ageing has a modest negative direct impact on productivity growth in Canada. The impact has increased since the middle of the 1990s, will peak in 2001–11, and tail off afterwards. During the peak period, productivity growth in Canada will be reduced by 0.13 to 0.23 percentage points per year, with Newfoundland being hit the hardest. JEL classification: J21, O47  相似文献   

Abstract.  While transport costs have fallen, the empirical evidence also points at rising total trade costs. In a model of industry location with endogenous transaction costs that seeks to replicate features from the machinery industry, we show how and under which conditions a decline in transport costs can lead to an increase in the total cost of trade. The subtle relationship between (endogenous) transport costs and the sensitivity of trade to distance is also explored.  相似文献   

Unemployment, growth and taxation in industrial countries   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
To the layman, the upward trend in European unemployment is related to the slowdown of economic growth. We argue that the layman's view is correct. The increase in European unemployment and the slowdown in economic growth are related, because they stem from a common cause: an excessively rapid growth in the cost of labour. In Europe, labour costs have gone up for many reasons, but one is particularly easy to identify: higher taxes on labour. If wages are set by strong and decentralized trade unions, an increase in labour taxes is shifted onto higher real wages. This has two effects. First, it reduces labour demand, and thus creates unemployment. Secondly, as firms substitute capital for labour, the marginal product of capital falls; over long periods of time, this in turn diminishes the incentive to invest and to grow. The data strongly support this view. According to our estimates, the observed rise of 14 percentage points in labour tax rates between 1965 and 1995 in the EU could account for a rise in EU unemployment of roughly 4 percentage points, a reduction of the investment share of output of about 3 percentage points, and a growth slowdown of about 0.4 percentage points a year.  相似文献   

Do exports increase the firm's productivity causally? Focusing on the matched information of highly disaggregated transaction and firm‐level data from 2000 to 2006 in China, we construct a new measure of firm‐specific demand shock as an instrument for firm exports, based on the GDP growth rate of destination countries. We find that a one percentage point expansion in exports raises firm total factor productivity (estimated by the Olley–Pakes method) by approximately 0.224 percentage points on average. Moreover, we find that exports to high‐income countries, more processing exports and scope expansion about variety contribute to the learning effect.  相似文献   

The U.S. saving rate declined by 8% between 1980 and 2009. We document that the decline can be explained by rising health expenditures. Using exogenous variation in medical expenses generated by Food and Drug Administration drug approvals, we document that a 1 percentage point increase in health expenditure generated a decline in saving rate of 0.9 percentage points. We then estimate a model of household decisions to evaluate the mechanisms behind the decline. We find that the rise in health expenses and drop in saving rate are driven by progress in health technology, reduction in copayment rates, and improvements in income processes.  相似文献   

Investing exhaustible resource rents and the path of consumption   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract.  We set out dollar‐valued net national product for an economy with a wasting essential stock (oil deposit). We take up 'maintaining capital intact' and locally unchanging consumption. The percentage change in 'net investment' or 'genuine savings,' relative to the market rate of interest, denotes whether current consumption is rising, constant, or declining. JEL classification: O13, Q28, F0  相似文献   

Does immigration affect the Phillips curve? Some evidence for Spain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Phillips curve has flattened in Spain over 1995-2006: Unemployment has fallen by 15 percentage points, with roughly constant inflation. This change has been much more pronounced than elsewhere. We argue that this stems from the immigration boom in Spain over this period. We show that the New Keynesian Phillips curve is shifted by immigration if natives’ and immigrants’ labor supply elasticities and bargaining power differ. Estimation of this curve for Spain indicates that the fall in unemployment since 1995 would have led to an annual increase in inflation of 2.5 percentage points if it had not been largely offset by immigration.  相似文献   

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