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关于新会计准则“或有事项”确认与计量的理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
或有事项确认、计量的准确性、及时性对公司信息的真实性有着重要的影响,所以在具体核算中,要充分重视对其的确认与计量。本文通过将或有事项的确认与计量进行归纳,以期对实务操作者有所启发。  相似文献   

或有事项属于不确定性的经济事项。由于有其自身的特性,所以企业在或有事项的确认、计量、报告和披露等方面认识不够清晰。结合实务中有关或有事项会计处理的错误做法和不规范行为,要增强财务人员综合性的职业素质,加强或有事项的监管力度。  相似文献   

或有负债可能引发的债务风险是导致政府财政危机的重要因素。当前我国的政府会计及报告体系未能有效地规范或有负债的信息披露,尤其在政府或有负债的确认、计量和报告上,存在着诸多管理真空。借鉴国际经验,需要从以下方面规范政府或有负债的会计信息披露:依据或有事项的发生可能性、事项性质、能否可靠计量等因素进行分类报告;在负债确认后加以持续关注;结合财务核算能力,对计量方法和报告方式做出具体规定;逐步完善政府会计基础向权责发生制转变;推进将或有负债纳入全口径预算管理。  相似文献   

本文从或有事项的概念、核算范围、确认、计量和披露五个方面,对中越两国的或有事项准则进行了比较。  相似文献   

中越或有事项准则之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从或有事项的概念、核算范围、确认、计量和披露五个方面,对中越两国的或有事项准则进行了比较。  相似文献   

针对上市公司并购重组实务中或有对价会计处理存在诸多不统一和不规范情形的现状,本文从非同一控制下企业合并的购买方角度,梳理和解读相关准则规定,对或有对价确认与计量的总体原则、或有对价与合并后职工薪酬的区分、计量期间调整与非计量期间调整的判断等多个方面进行分析;同时结合估值理论,研讨不同类型或有对价公允价值估计的方法和思路,以期对或有对价会计审计实务提供参考.  相似文献   

随着我国经济改革的进一步深化,经济生活出现起来越多的不确定事项,为了规范或有事项的会计处理,财政部于2000年5月17日颁布了《企业会计准则一或有事项》。本结合《国际会计准则第37号:准备,或有负债和或有资产》对或有事项的确认,计量,披露进行了深入剖析,以帮助读对《企业会计准则一或有事项》有进一步的了解。《企业会计准则-或有事项》(以下简称或有事项准则)是财政部于2000年5月17日颁布的一项重要准则,该准则将于2000年7月1日起在我国所有企业实施,或有事项准则的颁布,填补了我国会计准则中一项空白,对或有事项的会计核算业务具有示范作用,这也标志着我国会计准则体系进一步完善,本就或有事项的确认,计量及其会计披露献进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

2000年财政部颁布的《企业会计准则——或有事项》,填补了我国会计准则中缺乏有关或有事项的空白,对或有事项尤其是预计负债的会计核算业务起到了规范作用。2006年颁布的新《企业会计准则》对或有事项中预计负债的后续计量的明确规定,进一步完善了我国对或有事项的会计核算,并使得我国会计准则与国际会计准则日益趋同。本文结合新会计准则针对预计负债的确认、计量及其会计处理等方面谈一些认识。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国市场经济的不断发展,企业所处经济环境的复杂性和不确定性越来越高,会计处理对象日益复杂和多样化。面对越来越多的“或有事项”对企业财务状况和经营成果的较大影响,企业管理当局无法对或有事项的结果进行决策,只能按照有关情况对或有事项的各种结果和金额进行合理的估计,由此决定了对这一特殊经济事项进行确认、计量、披露时需要借助于会计人员的职业判断来完成。财政部颁布的《企业会计准则——或有事项》,规范了或有事项的会计核算业务及相关信息的披露,有利于提高会计信息的质量和真实性、可靠性,对会计职业判断具有重要意义。  相似文献   

或有会计事项作为一种特殊的经济事项,随着市场经济的发展和企业经营机制的转变、融资渠道的增多、财务关系的复杂,其内容范围不断扩展,对企业财务会计信息以及经营决策的影响越来越大。由此就决定了对或有事项这一特殊的经济事项进行会计确认、会计记录、会计计量和会计披露时需要大量借助于会计人员的职业判断来完成。  相似文献   

In the 19th century, causes of empirically observed stability of averages in settings relating to human behaviour were a topic of intense discussion in western Europe. This followed an extensive study of empirical stability by the founder of modern statistics (and of the International Statistical Institute) L.A.J. Quetelet, published in 1835, in what he called "Social Physics". The eminent mathematician of strong probabilistic and philosophical inclination and Russian Orthodox religious belief, P.A. Nekrasov, took up and modified Quetelet's Social Physics in 1902, with (social) independence seen as prime cause of statistical regularity. Our paper focuses on the role free will plays in the statistical writings of Quetelet and of Nekrasov. The work of the latter has remained little known in general, mainly for politico-ideological reasons.  相似文献   

A bstract . John A. Hobson made a significant contribution in his economic. social And political analysis of British imperialism. His views on the two leading political imperial issues ofthe 1880s and early 1900s—the schemes for imperial federation and imperial preference —are examined. Hobson discussed such topics with a substantial degree of balance and objectivity, chough he had strong personal feelings on the matters. Since historians of thought have neglected the discussion of imperial copies by Hobson s contemporary economists, Hobson's ideas are considered in relation Co those of ocher economists writing in the period, 1870-1914, including W. J. Ashley. W. Cunningham. H. Fawcett. R. Giffen. W. A. S. Hewins. A. Marshall and J. S. Nicholson. Hobson emerges as the most comprehensive and sophisticated of the group, even chough his ideas appear somewhat muddled.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of R&D on multifactor productivity in the U.S. agricultural sector over the 1910–1990 period. We use the Bennet–Bowley indicator to measure agricultural productivity based on a multiple output-multiple input technology. We demonstrate the relationship between the price dependent Bennet–Bowley indicator and the Luenberger productivity indicator which is constructed from directional distance functions without requiring price information. These performance measures are dual to the profit function which arguably makes them especially useful in the agricultural setting. We employ time-series techniques to investigate the effect of R&D on the pattern of productivity growth. We find that we cannot reject the presence of a cointegrating relationship between the two series and that productivity growth in the U.S. agriculture responds positively to R&D expenditure with a lag of between four and ten periods.
D. MargaritisEmail:

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