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In examining the impacts of the built environment on travel behavior, studies focused on residential self-selection mostly assume that people self-select residential built environment based on their travel preferences. However, the residential self-selection hypothesis is challenged for a number of reasons including the arguments that that at least in some societies a large percentage of people do not have the privilege to self-select their residence and the built environment may have a significant influence on a person's travel attitude. To shed some light on this debate, this paper makes use of data from a household activity-diary survey conducted in Beijing, China, in 2011–2012 to examine both the hypothesis of residential self-selection and that of residential environment determination. We adopt the natural experimental approach and divide the sample into two groups based on whether or not the respondents had much freedom in regard to choosing where to live: one with the possibility of self-selection and the other one without this possibility. We found reciprocal influences between residential built environment and travel attitude/preference for the first group and influence of residential built environment on travel preferences for the second group. We argue that the complex relationships between the built environment, travel attitude, and travel behavior are featured by both residential self-selection and residential determination. Failing to acknowledge the effects of the built environment on travel attitude may lead to the overestimation of the influence of residential self-selection on the link between the built environment and travel behavior and underestimation of the influence of the built environment on travel behavior.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2001,8(2):107-114
The growth of transportation poses difficult dilemmas for social and environmental policy. There is broad agreement that a variety of ‘carrot’ and ‘stick’ measures are needed. This article asks whether tax-free travel vouchers for employees could be important as incentives or ‘carrots’ to encourage the use of public transport. The basic idea of it is like Luncheon Vouchers for public transport. Employers issue the vouchers and claim the tax back from the Government. Potentially, travel vouchers could generate a ‘win–win’ situation in which transport operators’ rising revenues justified new services and these, in turn, encouraged more passengers. The research described here uses survey data and the National Travel Survey to examine acceptability and potential fiscal impact of a rural tax-free travel voucher scheme throughout the UK. These results show that there is sufficient acceptance of the idea of travel vouchers in rural areas to justify the further development of this policy.  相似文献   

Within the context of the return from long-term travel, this paper uncovers the transitional and at times traumatic nature of return for 24 OE (overseas experience) travellers. Important considerations are raised in respect of easing repatriation distress among those returning from long-term travel. Contributing an understanding of the experience of return from travel, this paper proffers that return to the place one left to travel from does not necessarily mark the end of the journey. Conversely, it can mark a new beginning. As such, we argue that a broader framework for examining the travel experience is called for; notably, one that extends the examination of the travel experience to the return phase and beyond.  相似文献   

Residential self-selection has been widely considered as an important issue in quantifying the impacts of the residential built environment on travel behavior and much empirical evidence regarding the nature and magnitude of the self-selection effect has been reported. Nevertheless, people may be based on travel attitudes/needs to self-select not only residential location, but also work place, car ownership, etc. In other words, the impacts of long-term decisions other than residential location choices (e.g., decisions on work place, car ownership, etc.) on travel behavior may also be biased by the self-selection effect. However, self-selection concerning these long-term decisions has not been explored much in the travel behavior literature. The role of residential self-selection would not be properly evaluated if self-selections concerning other long-term decisions were not considered because they are often related. This paper addresses this research gap in the travel behavior literature by exploring the multiplicity of travel-based self-selection. We jointly examine the possible self-selections concerning residential location, workplace, commuting distance and car ownership in an integrated framework, taking into consideration the interrelationships among these decisions. Data are derived from an activity-travel diary survey conducted in 2016 in Beijing, China. We classify the respondents into two groups based on the choice order of their current residential and work locations and conduct a comparative analysis using structural equation models. It is found that self-selection exists in all long-term choices examined in the study. The choices of residential location and work place are found to be mutually dependent. Consequently, both choices have indirect impacts on travel behavior through the other choice.  相似文献   

The economic performance of a city or region is considered to be intertwined with its air travel capability. It is thus important for planners and stakeholders to understand the changes in the global aviation network. This study investigates the global aviation network, taking 10 years worth's OAG data from the years 2006–2015 and examines whether a spatial dispersal trend dominates the development of the aviation industry. It considers the aviation network at the airport level, and the airport–city level, which may consist of one or more airports. After clarification of the various definitions of concentration, we find that there appears a trend toward a dispersal pattern in the global aviation network at the airport level. On the other hand, there appears a slight concentration at the airport–city level. Besides, there have been some major capacity expansions at airports in the Middle East and East Asia, while the capacities of some traditional hubs in Europe and North America have become increasingly constrained since the 2008 global financial crisis. Furthermore, our study provides further observations consistent with the phenomenon of bypassing of traditional hubs, especially mega-hubs. Competition for passengers among hubs and secondary airports, especially in multi-airport cities, is discussed.  相似文献   

Corporate travel departments manage travel costs prescribing best buy decisions. With reference to flights, the crucial choice concerns the fare. As the difference in price can be great, it might seem convenient to always purchase the cheapest ticket, neglecting that the more expensive a fare, the lower the cost of change or cancellation. We define “best buy” minimizing the expected global cost of flights, whence estimating the probability distribution of travellers’ behaviour is necessary. Variables useful to this aim are detected. This statistical approach can improve the efficiency of corporate policies, leading to diversified purchasing strategies.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of heterogeneous Granger analysis in transport geography research by applying this method to a specific case of the often complex and potentially reciprocal linkages between the deployment of transport infrastructures and spatial economic development: the linkages between rising intra-regional volumes of trade and air passenger traffic in Asia-Pacific. Although conceptual and empirical linkages between both indicators can be assumed based on previous research, relatively little is known about the actual causality. Using heterogeneous Time Series Cross Section Granger causality analysis for the period 1980–2010, we explore the presence of four ‘causality scenarios’ amongst different country-pairs: (1) there is no co-evolution, implying that both patterns develop independently (e.g. Japan–Australia); (2) there is ‘real’ co-evolution in that both patterns influence each other through feedback loops (e.g. South Korea–Philippines); (3) air passenger traffic is facilitated by trade (e.g., South Korea–Philippines); or (4) trade is facilitated by air passenger traffic (e.g. Australia–Malaysia). Some tentative interpretations of this heterogeneity are offered.  相似文献   

The tourism-air transport linkage may be complicated by the presence of substantial non-tourist leisure travel flows. This paper analyses the value of direct long-haul air service to Los Angeles for two small South Pacific nations, Tonga and the Cook Islands, which were faced with demands that they subsidise the current service to ensure its continuation. Both countries are tourist destinations, but both also have sizeable diaspora of economic emigrants living abroad, which generate considerable visiting friends and relatives traffic. It turns out that the economics of this travel are quite different from those relating to foreign tourism, such that it is possible that Tonga could actually lose by having the long-haul service. The bottom line is that the Cook Islands do gain, and that Tonga probably does, though in both cases by less than the amount of subsidies that they agreed to pay the airline.  相似文献   

This analysis of young adult backpacker experiences around Lake Atitlán, Guatemala examines the potential of travel for individual and social transformation. Although engaged in a highly patterned style of travel, backpackers’ exploration permits a discursive and experiential process of agentive self-definition that not only reproduces, but may also challenge dominant paradigms of spirituality and complementary and alternative medicine. Travel exposes people to novel ways of experiencing, making sense of, and practicing spirituality and wellness. These, in turn, contribute to processes of identity-making that shape future choices. Factors that make travel a particularly likely place for transformation include the fact of traveling as middle-class youth from the global North and the presence of a crisis of health care combined with openness to spiritual exploration in countries of origin. Analysis of formal and informal interview narratives provides the basis for this investigation. These findings are significant because they suggest that travel is not epiphenomenal, but rather is central to social and cultural processes. More specifically, this analysis synthesizes scholarly insights into how travel and spirituality impact individual and social transformation, considering the processes through which changes occur.  相似文献   

Many would consider that the current reliance on air transport is environmentally unsustainable, especially given its impacts on climate change and its use of non-renewable resources. In addition, financial sustainability is often seen as inconsistent with environmental sustainability. The conclusions here are otherwise. Air transport does contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, but the climate change problem is a general one, and while addressing it has a cost, this cost is minimised when air transport is required to bear the environmental costs that it imposes. The reliance on non-renewable resources does give rise to a sustainability problem. There is not likely to be a problem of lack of financial sustainability of the industry, though addressing environmental objective will lead to a reduction in performance in the short run. Both environmental and financial sustainability of air transport can be achieved, as long as efficient policies are adopted.  相似文献   

The redevelopment of railways stations and their surrounding neighbourhoods offers many opportunities in terms of regeneration, yet there are also concerns over the potential gentrification of areas and displacement of the existing population and local businesses. The most prominent voice on these issues is typically from the project promoter, reflecting their position of power in the decision-making process, but there are other voices to be understood, including varied views from the local community.This paper uses Q methodology to develop discourses associated with the proposed High Speed Two project and redevelopment of Euston station and the surrounding neighbourhoods. 28 in-depth surveys are used with local residents, local employees, politicians, local government officers and academics, covering attitudes to the proposed Euston redevelopment. The Q method analysis highlights three major discourses: the ‘Community Activist’, the ‘Rail Promoter’, and the ‘Optimistic Practitioner’. Understanding these different discourses, and their components, is important for decision-makers in ensuring that investment strategies can better reflect the different viewpoints evident in the public domain. Ultimately, this can help to improve the social consequences of transport investment.  相似文献   

The impacts of international migration have been heavily studied. Much of this analysis has been carried out within the framework of the economic and social effects of migrants, to both host and home countries. This paper looks at the impact of Lebanese emigrants’ homeland relations on air travel demand in a security volatile market. The emphasis is on two particular features: first, the principal impact of liberal air transport policies in facilitating emigrants’ home visits; and second, the sensitivity of passenger-GDP relation. The paper pulls together data and other cases on the Lebanese emigration evolution and explains its impacts on the economy as well as on the air transport market in Lebanon. The study findings suggest that in Lebanon and due to the presence of interrelated factors, the variation and the strength of the relationship between traffic levels and GDP are neither consistent nor static. The considerably huge expatriate communities, which are three times greater than the Lebanese residents, are said to defy the negative impact of security instability on the air passenger growth through frequently visiting expats. Moreover, the emigrants’ economic support to Lebanon through remittance inflows is observed to dampen the sensitivity of the relationship between passenger and GDP in times of war and peace. The results should be looked at as indicative of trends to encourage policy makers to consider how best to make use of these human and financial flows.  相似文献   

ICT solutions have been proposed as a means for changing environmentally unfavourable traffic behaviour by providing better, real-time and more accessible travel information. However, prevailing models of travel choice and travel behaviour tend to overemphasise the impact and importance of information and the individualistic perspective. The issue of choice and travel planning in everyday life situations, and how information is used and acted on in these processes, was examined in a qualitative study in Stockholm, Sweden. Practice Theory was used as the theoretical framework for the study. Interviews were supplemented with an explorative diary and photo assignment to bring unreflected choices and actions of planning travel to the conscious level.The results showed that travel planning involves the immediate situation where planning and decisions are made, but also aspirations, cognitive/time/material limitations, social norms and social relations that extend widely in time and space. Definitions of travel planning and travel information based on the situated practices of planning are suggested. In the muddle of everyday life, travel planning takes place in the brief moments where circumstances at different levels – time, place, the social realm - interact and are considered or directly acted upon. In the development of new ICT-based travel information services, the role of technology in changing normal practices should be considered.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》1999,6(3):135-145
Motorization is a self-reinforcing process, which involves positive feedback. Using a simple model of bi-modal transportation system, it is shown that a transportation system may eventually be dominated by the automobile, or may equilibrate at a grossly inefficient point due to social dilemmas associated with automobile use. Furthermore, in areas with well-developed public transit, road capacity addition can be detrimental not only to the public transit but also to the automotive transportation. Travel demand management (TDM) measures are conceived in this study as mechanisms to prevent the divergence of the motorization process away from a social optimum due to its positive feedback and social dilemmas. A simple model of bi-modal transportation system and a cellular automata model of individuals’ TDM compliance behavior are combined in the study to see how TDM measures that rely on individuals’ voluntary cooperation may be effective. Results of simulation analyses based on the model are presented.  相似文献   

This article attempts to assess the three leading categories of mobility: terrestrial, virtual and aerial, in order to see whether they constitute categories of a single entity of mobility, or alternatively, they constitute three distinct entities of mobility. This exercise is of significance because of the tendency to refer to ‘mobility’ in a rather general sense. Coping with this question, we will, first, put it within a review of relevant concepts and structures. Then, we will elaborate on the distinct features of each of the three mobility categories through their comparison, highlighting mainly differences among them. This will be followed by a presentation of a somehow opposite perspective through the examination of convergences among the three categories of mobility. These two discussions will lead us to view mobility as one single entity consisting of three categories, since all the three categories are IT-based and IT-dependent, and given that they all share a similar model of mobility cycles for both moving people and mobility systems. Using this approach we will compare terrestrial public and personal mobilities, as well as aerial and virtual mobilities, followed by a discussion on implications of a single general mobility model.  相似文献   

We compare the travel behavior of urban versus suburban baby boomers in the Boston metropolitan area. Using propensity score matching to attempt to control for self-selection and data from two surveys implemented in 2008 and 2010, we find that the urban boomers tend to be less automobile-dependent than suburban baby boomers. Urban baby boomers also make more recreational non-motorized transport (NMT), social, utilitarian, and transit commute trips. Most of these differences seem to be primarily a result of the urban setting, not the particular preferences of boomers living in urban settings. We find very small self-selection effects on automobile commuting, recreational NMT, and utilitarian trips: 1–7% of observed influence. We also find some evidence that baby boomers’ preference for social activities tends to be mismatched to their environments – suburban boomers want more social opportunities than their settings enable. For public transport, we find a relatively large self-selection effect, 43% of observed influence, suggesting a transit-oriented boomer market segment exists.  相似文献   

In today’s world, more people have the means and opportunities to travel freely compared to the past. Yet, the freedom of movement and the right to travel are far from being globally recognized as human rights. For some, the freedom of movement is overshadowed by one’s race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, and so on. When travelling across or even within borders, members of some groups may encounter discriminatory actions in the form of xenophobia, racism, and more recently, islamophobia. Increasing regulations and heightened security inevitably affect international tourism and travel. Drawing on our own travel experiences as tourists and tourism scholars of different racial backgrounds, we use this paper to explore the intersections of racism and tourism. Implementing innovative and improvisational methodologies, we unpack and interrogate the discourses that underpin racialized travel experiences. Our collective debriefings have been re-storied to further illuminate the importance of race in shaping tourism experiences, contributing to the lived frustration and discrimination at the borders and beyond. The insights gleaned from our experiences will contribute to the existing literature of tourism politics, and the discourse of racialized identities in travel and tourism.  相似文献   

Approximately 1 million Californian households do not own a motor vehicle (hereafter a “car”). These households, who are often forgotten in transportation policy discussions, can be organized into two groups based on whether they are voluntarily carless or not. Understanding why some households decide to voluntarily forgo cars could inform policies aiming at reducing our dependency on cars. Understanding the plight of households who are not able to own a car is no less important as these households are at greater risk of social exclusion. Unfortunately, our knowledge of carless households is still sketchy so the purpose of this paper is to start filling this gap. We analyze data from the 2012 California Household Travel Survey using univariate tests and Generalized Structural Equation Models (GSEM) that account for residential self-selection to assess the impacts of various socio-economic and built environment variables on the likelihood to be carless, voluntarily or not. Our results (GSEM Model 1) indicate that carless households are more likely to have less education, a lower income, and a smaller number of members than motorized families. They also tend to live in denser, more land-use diverse, and more walkable areas with better transit coverage. Contrasting voluntarily and involuntarily carless households (GSEM Model 3), we find that involuntarily carless households are less affluent on average and they tend to live in areas that are less land-use diverse, less walkable, and with worse transit coverage. Finally, although residential self-selection is present, its impacts are minor.  相似文献   

Many original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) allow third-party remanufacturers (3PRs) to perform remanufacturing operations of branded or patented products – through either outsourcing or authorization. This study compares these two modes by modeling the game between the OEM and the 3PR on equilibrium quantities, prices, and profits. The results suggest that when consumers perceive the remanufactured products with a low value, the 3PR prefers the authorization approach; otherwise the 3PR prefers the outsourcing approach. However, in both scenarios, the OEM obtains higher profit through outsourcing than through authorization. Our further analysis compares two modes’ impacts on consumer surplus, social welfare, and environment.  相似文献   

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