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The goal of financial regulation is to enable banks to improve liquidity and solvency. Stricter regulation may be good for bank stability, but not for bank efficiency. This research aims to examine whether banks have met the CBRC's standard of financial regulations and explores how the previously implemented financial regulations have affected bank efficiency and risk in the past. In addition, we also explored the trade-off relationship between efficiency and risk. Unlike other studies, this study used bank assets as a classification standard from the financial risk and differential regulatory perspective.The empirical results indicate that the CBRC regulates the provision coverage ratio and cost-to-income ratio, which seems relevant to large banks and the loan-to-deposit ratio, capital adequacy ratio, and leverage ratio, which seems relevant to small banks. The CBRC regulates the current ratio to reduce the risks of banks. Based on our empirical results, the current ratio did not affect the risks and led to different efficiency results between large and small banks. In an environment with asymmetric information, a bank decision-making is unobservable. The characteristics of financial regulation provide market clues if a bank is operating at the most efficiency and risk condition.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in the audit fees of quoted public limited companies in the UK during the period from 1991 to 1995. After controlling for changes in the size, complexity and risk of auditees, it is shown (based on a logarithm audit fee model) that the audit market experienced a 9.7% reduction in inflation-adjusted fees over this five-year period. The results also provide evidence of overall fee reductions by each of the Big Six. On closer examination, a mixture of fee increases, decreases and no changes were observed for auditees of the Big Six and for the groups of medium-sized and small audit firms investigated. These results, which pertain to a period when market concentration increased markedly (Beattie and Fearnley, 1994; Peel, 1997; Pong, 1999), offer some amelioration of the concerns of the purchasers of audit services that, in general, audit fees will rise in response to an increase in dominance by a few large firms.  相似文献   

In the paper I will discuss an extension of the classical problem of the positivity of the growth rate in the Gale–Neumann model. I will show that the exploitation of the labour is a necessary and sufficient condition for the positivity of the growth rate.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been an exponential growth in the number of publications related to theory and applications of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Charnes, Cooper, and Rhodes (1978) introduced DEA as a tool for measuring efficiency and productivity of decision making units. DEA has immediately been recognized as a modern tool for performance measurement. Since then, a large and considerable amount of articles has been appeared, including significant breakthroughs in theory and a great portion of works on DEA applications, both public and private sectors, to assess the efficiency and productivity of their activities. Although there have been several bibliographic collections reported, a comprehensive analysis and listing of DEA-related articles covering its first four decades of history is still missing. This paper, thus, aims to report an extensive listing of DEA-related articles including theory and methodology developments and "real" applications in diversified scenarios from 1978 to end of 2016. Some summary statistics of the publications' growth, the most utilized academic journals, authorship analysis, as well as keywords analysis are also provided.  相似文献   

Monetary unification in Europe is expected to produce a major new international currency, which may compete with the U.S. dollar as the currency of choice in foreign exchange transactions, financial asset markets and central bank reserves. This study considers two important issues regarding the euro: its global role as medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value and its position relative to the U.S. dollar. Among the main considerations are differences in cyclical behavior, inflation differentials, trade patterns and capital flows, and risk-return assessments. External diversification of private portfolios and of central banks’ reserve holdings will play a key role in determining the euro’s exchange rate. Overall, despite its rough start, we argue that the euro may emerge as a challenger to the U.S. dollar.  相似文献   

This paper tackles the issue of cross-section dependence for the monetary exchange rate model in the presence of unobserved common factors using panel data from 1973 until 2007 for 19 OECD countries. Applying a principal component analysis we distinguish between common factors and idiosyncratic components and determine whether non-stationarity stems from international or national stochastic trends. We find evidence that the common factors are I(1) while the idiosyncratic components are I(0). This finding indicates that cross-member cointegration exists and non-stationarity in exchange rates and fundamentals is mainly driven by common international trends. We find evidence that the common factors of the exchange rates and fundamentals are cointegrated. In addition, the estimated long-run coefficients of this common international relationship are in line with the suggestions of the monetary model with respect to income and money.  相似文献   

While much significant research has been done to study the effects of terror attacks on stock markets, less is known about the response of exchange rates to terror attacks. We suggest a non-parametric causality-in-quantiles test to study whether (relative) terror attacks affect exchange-rate returns and volatility. Using data on the dollar-pound exchange rate to illustrate the test, we show that terror attacks mainly affect the lower and upper quantiles of the conditional distribution of exchange-rate returns, while misspecified (due to nonlinearity and structural breaks) linear Granger causality test show no evidence of predictability. Terror attacks also affect almost all quantiles of the conditional distribution of exchange-rate volatility (except the extreme upper-end), with the significance of the effect being particularly strong for the lower quantiles. The importance of terror attacks is shown to hold also under an alternative measure of volatility and for an important emerging-market exchange rate as well.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2021,45(3):100902
This article investigates the spatial effect of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) on urban–rural wage inequality, both in the short and long run, by employing the Spatial Durbin Model. In particular, we carefully consider the heterogeneity of inward FDI with respect to its entry mode (ownership type) and sectoral distribution. Based on a panel dataset covering 30 provinces and cities in China from 2000 to 2016, our results show that inward FDI does not increase urban–rural wage inequality. In particular, we do not find a significant relationship between inward FDI in the secondary and tertiary sectors, while inward FDI in the primary sector has a slightly negative effect on inequality. When we consider inward FDI by entry mode, we find that wholly foreign-owned enterprises (WFE) have a negative spatial effect on urban–rural wage inequality in the short and long run, while equity joint ventures (EJV) reduce urban–rural inequality in the long run only.  相似文献   

The optimal investment policy for a standard multi-period mean–variance model is not time-consistent because the variance operator is not separable in the sense of the dynamic programming principle. With a nested conditional expectation mapping, we develop an investment model with time consistency in Markovian markets. Furthermore, we examine the differences of the investment policies with a riskless asset from those without a riskless asset. Analytical solutions for time-consistent optimal investment policies and the resulting mean–variance efficient frontier are obtained. Finally, using numerical examples, we show that the optimal investment policy derived from our model is more efficient than that of the standard mean–variance model in which the trade-off is determined between the mean and variance of the terminal wealth.  相似文献   

In a partial-equilibrium model, removing a binding constraint creates value. However, in general equilibrium, the stakes of other parties in maintaining the constraint must be examined. In financial deregulation, the fear is that expanding the scope and geographic reach of very large institutions might unblock opportunities to build market power from informational advantages and size-related safety-net subsidies.This paper reviews and extends event-study evidence about the distribution of the benefits and costs of relaxing long-standing geographic and product-line restrictions on U.S. financial institutions. The evidence indicates that the new financial freedoms may have redistributed rather than created value. Event returns are positive for some sectors of the financial industry and negative for others. Perhaps surprisingly, where customer event returns have been investigated, they prove negative.  相似文献   

Management accounting is an applied subject. As YU Xu-ying said, it not only embodies the concept of technology, also reflects the fixed concept of social culture. Viewing from the cultural point, this paper analyses the applying status quo of management accounting in China. Its main viewpoints are as follows: management accounting is originated from the West, and its appearance is built on the basis of the West thought of management, so, to a certain degree, it is influenced by the West culture. In fact, its application in China is in a new cultural circumstance so that it is certainly influenced by the Chinese culture, especially the Chinese traditional culture; thus one of the important reasons for the undesirable application of management accounting in China is the difference between the East culture and the West culture. Therefore, the special cultural factor of China should be considered in order to promote what is beneficial and to abolish what is harmful if management accounting is widely applied in China.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to estimate an error-correction model of the U.S. demand for equity mutual funds. Using annual data for the period 1973–1994, this study finds that changes in the demand for equity mutual funds have been significantly influenced by the changes in the rate of return on equity mutual funds and savings deposits, as well as by the growth in income over the long run. The authors would like to thank an anonymous referee of this journal for many useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

The article seeks to explore the evidence related to the sectoral patterns of structuring of the university–industry relations in Brazil, departing from the information extracted from the database of the Brazil Survey Research, with the analytical contribution of graph theory and its centrality measures. The empirical results allow us to identify some important constraints of the university–industry interactions in Brazil. In particular, we highlight the importance of locational aspects in conditioning the actions of universities as producers of science and technology for the productive sector and a tendency to relatively more intense interaction with less knowledge-intensive sectors, compared to so-called science based sectors.  相似文献   

This paper considers how Russian managerial values are developing in the context of the sweeping economic, political and social changes associated with the transition of Russia to a market economy.

By replicating earlier research (Holt et al., ; Ralston et al., ), it was possible to overcome the weaknesses of previous cross-sectional studies by tracking changes in Russian managers' values over time.

The paper concludes that some convergence between the values of Russian and US managers can be observed, but that the form of this convergence is not uniform. In addition, the way in which Russian managers act upon these values in the context of their own national context means that considerable divergence in managerial behaviour is still evident. Implications for international human resource management are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Subsequent to a review of the effects of familial or intra-class correlation (=ϱ) on the univariateF, or analysis of variance tests, and of methods for obtaining confidence limits for ϱ, results are presented on the effects of familial correlations in tests in multivariate ‘analysis of dispersion’. Methods for obtaining confidence limits are given in the case where a common variance-covariance matrix may be assumed for the successive multivariate samples.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the time-varying correlations between output and prices, while controlling for the impact of the monetary policy stance and output and inflation uncertainties over the period 1800–2014. The results of the empirical analysis reveal that the dynamic correlations of output and prices were typically negative, suggesting a countercyclical behaviour of prices, apart from the early 1840s and from the beginning until the middle of the 20th century, when the correlation was positive, indicating a procyclicality of prices. A historical decomposition analysis based on a sign-restricted structural vector autoregressive model is able to relate the procyclical and countercyclical behaviour to the predominance of aggregate supply and aggregate demand and/or monetary policy shocks, respectively. Moreover, inflation uncertainty (monetary policy stance) was found to have a positive (negative) effect on inflation over the last 215 years.  相似文献   

Public–private partnerships (PPPs) have become popular worldwide as a way of improving health care service delivery. In order to enhance our knowledge of PPPs in the health care sector, we conduct a systematic review of forty-six articles published in peer-reviewed journals for the period of 1990–2011. Six lines of research in the PPP domain are identified: effectiveness, benefits, public interest, country overview, efficiency and partners. The main findings suggest that although PPPs are used to address internationally emerging public health issues, questions as to their actual effectiveness, efficiency and convenience, still remain unanswered. We propose viable recommendations and ideas for future research.  相似文献   

This study adds to the growing body of international evidence concerning the millennial generation (i.e. those born after 1980), by documenting the work values of millennial-aged undergraduate students (N = 649) in Greece, using an adapted version of the Lyons Work Value Survey. Our results show that millennial-aged Greeks place most importance on intrinsic and social aspects of work, and less importance on extrinsic and prestige values. We statistically compare our results to those of published studies of millennial-aged respondents from other countries and find that Greek respondents hold a unique work value profile, although they demonstrate some similarities to counterparts in other countries. Our findings do not clearly support the notion of a ‘global youth generation’, as young people in various countries hold different work value priorities. This suggests that employers seeking to recruit, engage and retain young workers internationally must tailor their offerings to the specific cultural context.  相似文献   

Sections 20 and 32 of the 1933 Glass–Steagall Act address a potential conflict of interest by banning commercial banks from the market for corporate securities underwriting. This restriction was officially rescinded in 1999 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Financial Modernization Act. In turn, this development has piqued the interest of scholars and renewed the debate on the role that commercial banks play, as well as the consequences of this role in equity offerings, which may either result in conflict of interest or certification. In this study, we comprehensively examine whether conflict of interest or certification more accurately characterizes the underwriting of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) by lending-relationship banks. Overall, the results suggest that the presence of lending-relationship banks lowers the gross spreads and underpricing of SEOs. Furthermore, our evidence shows that SEOs led by lending-relationship banks exhibit better long-run performance than other SEOs, which supports the certification hypothesis.  相似文献   

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