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Book Review in this Article
H ochschild , A.R. The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling
C ooper , C ary L. and D avidson , M arilyn J. (Eds.). Women In Management.
S mith , M ike , W ood , E ddie , L angrish , S andra , S mith , K ay , D avidson , L ynne , M ogridge , C hristine . A Development Programme for Women in Management.
M arshall , J udi . Women Managers: Travellers in a Male World
F ineman , S tephen . Social Work Stress and Intervention.
B atstone , E. Working Order: Workplace Industrial Relations Over Two Devades.  相似文献   

O dagiri , H. Growth Through Competition, Competition Through Growth .
C ollinson , D. Managing the Shopfloor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture .
S herr , A. B. et al. (Eds.). International Joint Ventures: Soviet and Western Perspectives .
J affe , J. A. The Struggle For Market Power: Industrial Relations In the British Coal Industry, 1800–1840 .
K unda , G. Engineering Culture - Control and Commitment In A High-Tech Corporation .
M iller , G. J. Managerial Dilemmas: the Political Economy of Hierarchy .
L ittleton , S. M. The Wapping Dispute .  相似文献   

G hoshal , S. and W estney , D. E. (Eds.) Organization Theory and the Multinational Corporation.
H artley , R. F. Business Ethics: Violations of the Public Trust.
M iner , J. B. Role Motivation Theories.
H ill -I ingersoll , V. and A dams , G. B. The Tacit Organization.
V onortas , N. S. Cooperative Research In R&D-Intensive Industries.
L ee , G. L. and S mith , C. (Eds.) Engineers and Management: International Comparisons.
K elley , L. and S henkar , O. (Eds.) International Business In China.
W olstenholme , E., H enderson , S. and G avine , A. The Evaluation of Management Information Systems: A Dynamic and Holistic Approach.
W illman , P., M orris , T. and A ston , B. Union Business: Trade Union Organization and Financial Reform In the Thatcher Years.
K ay , J. Foundations of Corporate Success: How Business Strategies Add Value.
F arnham , D. and H orton , S. (Eds.) Managing the New Public Services.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Industry and Society in Europe: Stability and Change in Britain, Germany and France Christel Lane Labour Relations and Political Change in Eastern Europe John Thirkell, Richard Scase, Sarah Vickerstaff (Eds.) Politics and Ideology in the Italian Workers’ Movement Gino Bedani The Puzzle of Strikes: Class and State Strategies in Postwar Italy Roberto Franzosi The Politics of Quality in the Public Sector Ian Kirkpatrick & Miguel Martinez Lucio (Eds.) Making Quality Critical: New Perspectives on Organizational Change Adrian Wilkinson & Hugh Willmott (Eds.) Cold War in the Working Class: The Rise and Decline of the United Electrical Workers Ronald Filippelli and Mark McColloch The New Industrial Relations In Australia Ian Hunt and Chris Provis (Eds) Mediation of Industrial Disputes Macken, J. J. and Gregory, G. Negotiation as a Social Process Kramer, R. M. and Messick, D. M. (Eds.)  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books review in this article: Industrial Relations In the New Europe Anthony Ferner and Richard Hyman (Eds.) The Changing Us Auto Industry: A Geographical Analysis James M. Rubenstein The Impact of Demographic Change On Training: A Cross European Comparison Nina West The Career Management Challenge: Balancing Individual and Organizational Needs Peter Herriot Understanding Industrial Organisations: the Oretical Perspectives In Industrial Sociology Richard K. Brown Gendering Organizational Analysis Albert J. Mills and Peta Tancred (Eds.) Shattering the Glass Ceiling: the Woman Manager Marilyn J. Davidson and Cary L. Cooper Project Teams: the Human Factor O.P. Kharbanda and E.A. Stallworthy  相似文献   

Book Review in this Article
M inkes , A. L. AND N uttall , C. S. Business Behaviour and Management Structure.
B atstone , E ric , F erner , A nthony and T erry , M ichael Unions On the Board
G oodman , P. S. and A tkin , R. S. (Eds.). Absenteeism: New Approaches to Understanding, Measuring and Managing Employee Absence.
H odgkinson , C hristopher . The Philosophy of Leadership.
G reenwood , J ohn R. and W ilson , D avid J. Public Administration In Britain.
D erbyshire , J. D enis An Introduction to Public Administration: People, Politics and Power  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Industrial Relations in the New Europe A. Ferner and R. Hyman (Eds.) Bulletin of Comparative Industrial Relations. No. 23. 1992 Special Issue. Workers' Participation: Influence on Management Decision-Making by Labour in the Private Sector R. Blanpain (Ed.) Technology and Work in German Industry N. Altmann, C. Koehler and P. Meil (Eds.) Training and Enterprise Councils: The Story So Far, Policy Studies Special Issue Economic Decline in Modern Britain: The Shipbuilding Industry, 1890–1970 Edward H. Lorenz The Evolution of Public Management: Concepts and Techniques for the 1990s Colin Duncan (Ed.) The Wapping Dispute Suellen M. Littleton Unfair Dismissal Malcolm Mead Longman Justice in Dismissal Hugh Collins Clarendon Press Life and work history analyses: Qualitative and quantitative developments S. Dex (Ed.) Women and Japanese Management: Discrimination and Reform Alice Lam Routledge  相似文献   

S jöstrand , S ven -E rik (Ed.). Institutional Change: Theory and Empirical Findings .
M itchell , G. The Practice of Operational Research .
H andy , C. The Empty Raincoat .
T homas , A. B. Controversies In Management .
S chmitz , C. J. The Growth of Big Business In the United States and Western Europe, 1850–1939 .
S torper M. and S cott , A. J. (Eds). Pathways to Industrialization and Regional Development .
M orris , N. Management, Leadership and Command .
L incoln , J. R. and K alleberg , A. Culture, Control and Commitment: a study of work organisation and work attitudes in the United States and Japan .  相似文献   

P ettigrew , A., S erlie , E. and M ckee , L. Shaping Strategic Change.
W hitley , R ichard . Business Systems In East Asia: Firms, Markets and Societies .
W ilson , D avid C. A Strategy of Change: Concepts and Controversies In the Management of Change.
N iland , J ohn and C larke O liver (Eds.). Agenda For Change: an International Analysis of Industrial Relations In Transition.
M artin , R oderick . Bargaining Power.
M iceli , M. P. and N ear , J. P. Blowing the Whistle.  相似文献   

H eller , F. (Ed.). Decision-Making and Leadership.
R eed , M. The Sociology of Organizations: Themes, Perspectives and Prospects.
H osking , D. M. and M orley , I. E. A Social Psychology of Organizing: People, Processes and Contexts.
W hitehill A rthur M. Japanese Management: Tradition and Transition.
H odgkinson , C hristopher Educational Leadership, the Moral Art.
G ospel , H oward . Markets, Firms and the Management of Labour In Modern Britain.
M ills A lbert J. and M urgatroyd , S tephen J., Organizational Rules: A Framework For Understanding Organizational Action.
C ooper , C. L. and R oberton , I. T. (Eds.), International Review of Industrial & Organizational Psychology 1992, Volume 7.
B radley , K. (Ed.), Human Resource Management: People and Performance.
G erwin , D. and K olodny , H. Management of Advanced Manufacturing Technology: Strategy, Organization & Innovation.
G omez -M ejia , L uis R. and B alkin , D avid B. Compensation, Organizational Strategy, and Firm Performance.
H enry , J ane and W alker , D avid (Eds.). Managing Innovation.
C urran J ames , and B lackburn , R obert A. (Eds.). Paths of Enterprise: the Future of Small Business.
D astmalchian , A li , B lyton , P aul and A damson , R aymond . The Climate of Workplace Relations.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Foundation of Management, P D Anthony Managing New Technology, David Boddy and David Buchanan New Technology and the Office Environment, Hazel Armour Managing the Labour Process, David Knights and Hugh Wilmott (eds) Managing Organisational Closure, Cynthia Hardy Redundancy, Layoffs and Plant Closures: Their Character, Causes and Consequences, Raymond M. Lee (ed) Plant Closings: Power, Politics, and Workers, Lawrence E. Rothstein Jack Jones: Union Man The Evolution of Labor Relations in Japan: Heavy Industry, 1853–1955, Andrew Gordon Social Partnership: The Austrian System of Industrial Relations and Social Insurance, Theodor Tomandi and Karl Fuerboeck The End of Economic Man?, D. Marsden Pay Differentials, J. Donaldson and P. Philby (eds) Monetarism and the Labour Market, Derek Robinson  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Cases and Materials in Company Law . By L. S. S ealy
Measurement and Control of Indirect Work . By D. A. W hitmore
A Design for Business Infelligence . By C. W. S ymonds
Modern Marketing Management . Edited by R. J. L awrence and M. J. T homas
Consumer Behaviour . Edited by A. S. C. E hrenberg and F. G. P yait
Multinational Business Management . By H ow M artyn
The Multinationals . By C hristopher T ugendhat
Capital, Inpation and the Multinationals . By C harles L evinson
The Multi-national Enterprise . Ed. J ohn H. D unning
Transnational Indurtrial Relations . Ed. H ans G unter
Management and the Social Sciences . By T om L upton
The Social Scientist in American Industry: Self Perception of Role, Motiuation and Career . By M atthew R adom
Work, Creatiuio and Social Justit . By E lliott J aques
The Management of Supervisors . By A nthony F. D onovan
The Successful Supervisor in Guvemnient and Business . By W illiam R. van D ersal  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
L awrence , P eter Management in Action
C allan , H. and A rdener , S. (Eds.). The Incorporated Wife
G offee , R obert and S case , R ichard . Women in Charge - the Experiences of Female Entrepreneurs
C hell , E lizabeth . Participation and Organization
K ets de V ries , M anfred F. R. and M iller , D anny . the neurotic organization: diagnosing and changing counterproductive styles of management
K elvin P, and J arrett , J oanna E. Unemployment: its Social Psychological Effects .
B uchanan , D avid and, H uczynski , A ndrzej . Organizational Behavior : An Introductory text  相似文献   

Book review in this article:
Y oung , D avid W. The Managerial Process in Human Service Agencies
P oole , M ichael and M ansfield , R oger (Eds) Managerial Roles in Industrial Relations
C hang , Y. N. and C ampo -F lores , F ilemon Business Policy and Strategy
G odiwalla , Y ezdi M inoo , M einhart , W ayne A. and W arde , W illiam D. Corporate Strategy and Functional Management
H art , P. E. and C larke , R. Concentration in British Industry 1935–75
W ild , R ay Management and Production
S izer , J ohn (Ed.) Readings in Management Accounting
P en J an Modern Economics
P inder , C raig C. and M oore , L arry F. (Eds) Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations
K elly , J oe Organizational Behavior: Its Data, First Principles, and Applications
W oodward , J oan Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (2nd edition)
C ummings , T homas G. Systems Theory for Organization Development
McF arland , D alton Innovation in the Metropolitan Hospital
S case , R ichard and G offee , R obert The Real World of the Small Business Owner
G arrett , J ohn Managing the Civil Service
C ooper , C ary L. (Ed) Developing Managers for the 1980s
R ivett , P atrick Model Building for Decision Analysis
J amieson , I an Capitalism and Culture: A Comparative Analysis of British and American Manufacturing Organizations
K ennedy , T homas European Labor Relations
I.D.E. (Industrial Democracy in Europe) Industrial Democracy in Europe
A.C.A.S Industrial Relations Handbook
C layre , A lasdair (Ed) The Political Economy of Cooperation and Participation-A Third Sector  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Flexible Rigidities: Industrial Policy and Structural Adjustment in the Japanese Economy 1970–1980 Ronald Dore Managing the Factory P. K. Edwards International and Comparative Industrial Relations Greg J. Bamber and Russell D. Lansbury, (Eds). Allen and Unwin Democracy and Control in the Workplace Ed. Davis and Russell Lansbury (Eds) Longman Cheshire Compulsory Arbitration in New Zealand: The First Forty Years James Holt Power and Powerlessness in Industry: An Analysis of the Social Relations of Production Rosemary Harris  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Real World Economics Christopher Huhne Privatisation and Deregulation in Global Perspective Dennis Gayle and Jonathan Goodrich (eds.) The Market and Beyond: Cooperation and Competition in Information Technology in the Japanese System Martin Fransma Managing on the Edge: How Successful Companies use Conflict to Stay Ahead . Richard Pascale The Strategic Management of Technological Innovation R. Loveridge and M. Pitt, (Eds) The Economics of Human Resource Management D. J. B. Mitchell and M. A. Zaidi (eds.) Training Matters Helen Rainbird Mismatch and Labour Mobility Fiorella Padoa-Schioppa (ed.) Current Issues in Labour Economics D. Sapsford and Z. Tzannatos (Eds.) Labour Economics (second edition) J. E. King Scheming for Youth? A Study of YTS in the Enterprise Culture D. Lee, D. Marsden, P. Rickman and J. Duncombe Women & Men in Britain 1990 Equal Opportunities Commission  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Inside Japan–Wealth Work and Power in the New Japanese Empire Peter Tasker Managing Owners: The National Freight Consortium in Perspective K. Bradley and A. Nejad Sharing the Success: the Story of NFC Sir Peter Thompson The Political Economy of Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice in a Cold Climate Richard Hyman Beyond the Workplace: Managing Industrial Relations in the Multi-Establishment Enterprise . Paul Marginson, P. K. Edwards, Roderick Martin, John Purcell and Keith Sisson New Perspectives on Human Resource Management John Storey (ed.) Precarious Jobs in Labour Market Regulation G. and J. Rodgers (Eds.) A Secretary and a Cook, Challenging Women's Wages in the Courts of the United States and Great Britain Steven I. Willborn Change in Industrial Relations P. B. Beaumont Changing Patterns of Employee Relations Mick Marchington and Philip Parker Industrial Relations Strategies M. W. Nuttall  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Business Transfers and Employee Rights John McMullen Butterworths Harmonization and Hazard: Regulating Workplace Health and Safety in the European Community Robert Baldwin and Terence Daintith (Eds.) EC Social Policy and 1992: Laws, Cases and Materials Union of Parts: Labor Politics in Postwar Germany Kathleen A. Thelen The Power to Manage? Employers and Industrial Relations in Comparative Historical Context S. Tolliday and J. Zeitlin (Eds.) Trouble on Board: The Plight of International Seafarers Paul K. Chapman (Introduction by Clifford B. Donn) Markets, Firms and the Management of Labour in Modern Britain . Howard Gospel Hard Cheese: A Study of Hotel and Catering Employment in Scotland Ian R. Macaulay and Roy C. Wood Working Miracles: Experiences of Jobs and Childcare Usha Brown and Louise Tait Scottish  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Bargaining Power Roderick Martin Labour Markets Under Trade Unionism: Employment, Wages and Hours Seniority Wage System in the Far East Byung Whan Kim Avebury/Gower 1992 Through Jaundiced Eyes-How the Media View Organized Labor William J. Puette; Participation in Public Policy-Making: the Role of Trade Unions and Employers' Associations Tiziano Treu (Ed.) Fordism and Flexibility: Divisions and Change . N. Gilbert, R. Burrows and A. Pollert (Eds.) Economic Democracy and Financial Participation: A comparative study Daryl D'Art, Routledge The Changing US Auto Industry: A Geographical Analysis James M. Rubenstein Routledge Feminising the Market: Women's Pay and Employment in the European Community Jane Pillinger Macmillan Dual-Earner Families: International Perspectives Suzan Lewis, Dafna N. Izraeli and Helen Hootsmans (eds.) Development in the Management of Human Resources John Storey Blackwell  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: European Industrial Relations: the Challenge of Flexibility Guido Baglioni and Colin Crouch (Eds.) Labor Relations in Europe: a History of Issues and Developments Hans Slomp Greenwood Non-Standard Forms of Employment in Europe. Part-time Work, Fixed Term Contracts and Temporary Work Contracts Partial Unemployment: The Regulation of Short-Time Working in Britain Erika M. Szyszczak A Portrait of Pay, 1970–1982: An Analysis of the New Earnings Survey M. B. Gregory and A. W. J. Thomson, (Eds.) Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Policy in the Nordic Countries L. Calmfors (Ed.) Macroeconomics and the Wage Bargain: A Modern Approach to Employment, Inflation and the Exchange Rate W. Carlin and D. Unemployment and Wage Determination in Europe B. Holmlund and K. G. Lofgren (Eds.) Labor Economics: A Comparative Text Robert F. Elliot Trade Unions and Their Members P. Fosh and E. Heery (Eds.) The Sexuality of Organization J. Hearn, L. Sheppard, P. Tancred-Sheriff and G. Burrell (Eds.) Reshaping Work: The Cadbury Experience C. Smith, J. Child and M. Rowlinson Information Technology in European Services: Towards a Microelectronic Future John Child and Ray Loveridge  相似文献   

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