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一、室内花卉的选择   (一 )适宜室内摆放的花卉种类主要有: 1、垂吊植物:主要有绿萝、吊兰、地锦、垂盆草等; 2、观叶植物:主要有酒瓶兰、虎皮兰、一叶兰、花叶竽、合果竽、龟背竹、变叶巴西木、鸭脚木、发财树、绿巨人、美丽珍葵、橡皮树、苏铁、棕竹、春羽、玉门冬、榕树和鹅掌木等; 3、观花植物:主要有君子兰、长寿花、大岩桐、蒲苞花、仙客来、报春、海棠、山茶、三色瑾等; 4、芳香植物:主要有含笑、茉莉、米兰、桂花、风信子等。 (二 )室内忌放的花卉种类:主要有月季花、郁金香、百合花、黄花杜鹃、夹竹桃、夜来香、洋绣球…  相似文献   

中华金叶榆是我国自主培育的优良园林黄色叶彩化树种,应用中发现其树冠部分叶片常出现复绿现象,影响了中华金叶榆的观赏价值。本研究进行了中华金叶榆叶色对光照的生理生态响应测试与分析,结果表明:中华金叶榆叶片的复绿是由于叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素总量、类胡萝卜素、可溶性糖等含量的增加,类胡萝卜素b含量/叶绿素总含量和可溶性蛋白质含量的降低而造成的;光照强度是影响色素合成和光合作用的显著因素之一。  相似文献   

钟农 《农家之友》2011,(8):21-21
光照对种母野鸭产蛋量的提高非常重要。光照特别是太阳光,可提高种野鸭的新陈代谢,增进食欲,便红细胞与血红素的含量增加,促进钙磷代谢,  相似文献   

消费税作为我国四大税种之一,在税制中具有不可或缺的地位。消费税配合我国各个时期的经济发展方向,税目不断完善,一直稳定在15种商品类别,调节着我国税收效率与公平。随着我国经济社会不断发展和人民生活水平日益提高,需要与时俱进地对消费税征收范围进行调整完善。本研究通过对比个别发达国家和发展中国家消费税征收的不同范围,结合我国经济社会实际状况,对我国消费税征税范围进行探索,提出了相关改进建议。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍财务报表合并的基本理论,以及我国会计准则关于合并财务报表合并范围的有关规定,指出在我国合并财务报表编制中合并范围存在的问题,并提出相应改进建议。  相似文献   

我国林区区域性林产工业的区域范围研究及政策建议田明华,翟中齐林产工业是现代化林业的有机组成部分,是发展林区经济的重要支柱。国内外经验表明,没有发达的林产工业就没有林业的持续发展。目前我国林产工业普遍存在着企业规模过小、效率效益低下、各地区布局重复、结...  相似文献   

生产经济学的性质与范围E.O.Heady著郑大豪译安希校在被认为属于应用科学的农业经济学中,农业生产经济学是一个历史最长、流行最广的分支学科。农业经济科学本身就是起源于对农场生产经济的研究。这个学科不断发展,至今,从事这个领域的人员比其它分支学科都多...  相似文献   

周忠 《中国土地》2021,(3):36-37
目前,我国已初步搭建起概括+列举的征地范围界定框架,但把握土地征收的公共利益范围仍存在一些具体问题。本文通过分析当前土地征收公共利益范围界定的总体状况和需要关注的问题,提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

地质公园范围界定中应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定地质公园范围是地质公园开发和保护的基础,包括新建地质公园范围的确定和原有地质公园范围的重新界定.通过简述当前我国对地质公园范围界定中存在的问题,提出了地质公园范围界定中应注意的几个问题,并举例说明了地质公园范围界定中常采用的"单一式"、"组团式"两种模式.  相似文献   

2006年6月15日,国务院发布的《关于保险业改革发展的若干意见》中明确指出要大力发展环境责任保险。承保范围作为环境责任保险重要的保险条款值得深入探讨。环境污染责任保险如果能够包含所有的污染损害风险,这无疑是最理想的情况,然而这也是十分不现实的。实际上,即使像美国这样经济实力雄厚、环境责任保险发展比较成熟的国家,它的环境责任保险单的责任范围也是严格限定的。  相似文献   

假色槭人工驯化生长特性浅析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过野生优良绿化树种假色槭的引种驯化和人工繁殖栽培,对其驯化情况、适应程度、生长特点等进行了详细的观测记录和分析研究,提出了相关应用措施和目前存在的问题。  相似文献   

通过野生树种紫花槭的引种和人工繁殖栽培,对紫花槭的抗寒适应性等进行了观测记录和分析研究,掌握了紫花槭具体的寒害胁迫情况和耐寒力的变化趋势,对紫花槭的抗寒适应性作出了综合评价。  相似文献   

This article uses research interviews, field research, and critical stakeholder analysis to identify the relevant actors and institutions involved in the Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) Network, a proposed multibillion dollar energy project in Southeast Asia. Based on more than 100 interviews at government institutions, multilateral development banks, universities, consulting firms, energy companies, and nongovernmental organizations, along with field research in Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, the article traces the interests, resources, and agendas involved with TAGP stakeholders. The article finds points of conflict between stakeholders as well as motivations for convergence and cooperation. The article provides insight into whether private interests will trump the public good potential of the TAGP, and also critically questions the efficacy of multilateral coordination on energy issues within Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, the Netherlands and Flanders introduced a risk-based approach to flood risk management (FRM), labelled as multi-layer (water) safety. In contrast to a flood defence approach, risk-based management stresses the need to manage both the consequences and probability of a flood. The concept has developed differently in the two countries, as we conclude from a discursive-institutionalist research perspective. The Netherlands is characterised by a high institutionalization of the traditional flood defence discourse and a more closed policy arrangement, whereas in Flanders, the flood defence discourse is less institutionalized and the arrangement is more open. In both countries we see an opening of the arrangement preceding the establishment of multi-layer (water) safety, but at the same time, actors stress different aspects of the concept in order to increase its compatibility with the existing policy arrangement. In the Netherlands, the focus is on probability management, in Flanders on consequence management. In the Netherlands, multi-layer (water) safety as a concept could be established because it stabilises the system in the short-term by reinforcing the importance of flood defence, whereas in Flanders, policymakers were receptive to the concept because it supports a shift of responsibility towards actors outside traditional water management.  相似文献   

This article comprehensively examines the impact of integrated pest management‐farmer field school (IPM‐FFS) on yield, insecticide expenditures, labor expenditures, herbicide expenditures, fertilizer expenditures, and profit, based on data from onion producers in the Philippines. Propensity score matching (PSM) and regression‐based approaches that account for potential bias due to selection problems from observable variables are used to achieve the objective of the study. Sensitivity of our IPM‐FFS impact results to potential bias due to “selection on unobservables” was also assessed. We find that farmers who participate in the IPM‐FFS training program have statistically lower insecticide expenditures than the non‐IPM‐FFS farmers. But we do not find any evidence that the IPM‐FFS training program significantly affects yield and the other inputs. There is some evidence indicating that IPM‐FFS farmers may have statistically higher profit levels than non‐IPM‐FFS producers, but these results are sensitive to and may still be invalidated by bias due to unobservable variables. Since IPM‐FFS seem to only significantly reduce insecticide use, policymakers and extension educators may need to adjust the IPM‐FFS curriculum to further emphasize (or include) other agronomic practices that also optimize the use of other inputs like labor, fertilizer, and herbicides. The more efficient use of all inputs would likely reduce total expenditures and eventually translate to higher incomes.  相似文献   

采用信息熵、均衡度、优势度及相关数学方法对1994~2003年呼兰区(县)土地利用现状及动态变化过程进行分析。研究结果表明,近10年来呼兰区(县)土地利用方式由农业用地逐渐向非农业用地方向转变,土地利用渐趋合理,今后还应更为深入地研究和探讨行政区划的变动对该区土地利用的影响。  相似文献   

王璟秋 《现代食品》2021,27(3):167-171
本文按照《食品安全国家标准食品中苯并(a)芘的测定》(GB 5009.27—2016)检测熏烧烤肉制品中苯并(a)芘的含量,并参照《测量不确定度评定与表示》(JJF 1059.1—2012),建立测量模型,对实验结果的不确定度来源进行分析和评定.结果显示,熏烧烤肉制品中苯并(a)芘含量为2.708μg·kg-1时,其扩...  相似文献   

A forward-looking urban land use plan is crucial to a city’s sustainability, which requires a deep understanding of human-environment interactions between different domains, and modelling them soundly. One of the key challenges of modelling these interactions is to understand and model how human individuals make and develop their location decisions by learning that then shape urban land-use patterns. To investigate this issue, we have constructed an extended experience-weighted attraction learning model to represent the human agents’ learning when they make location decisions. Consequently, we propose and have developed an agent-based learning-embedded model (ABM-learning) for residential land growth simulation that incorporates a learning model, a decision-making model, a land use conversion model and the constraint of urban land use master plan. The proposed model was used for a simulation of the residential land growth in Shenzhen city, China. By validating the model against empirical data, the results showed that the site-specific accuracy of the model has been improved when embedding learning model. The analysis on the simulation accuracies has proved the argument that modelling individual-level learning matters in the agent’s decision model and the agent-based models. We also applied the model to predict residential land growth in Shenzhen from 2015 to 2035, and the result can be a reference for land-use allocation in detailed planning of Shenzhen. The ABM-learning is applicable to studying the past urban growth trajectory, aiding in the formulation of detailed residential land and public service facility planning and assessing the land use planning effectiveness.  相似文献   

谢红 《林业经济问题》2007,27(6):516-520
运用影子价格法、市场价值法、机会成本法、替代花费法等方法,从涵养水源、保持土壤、固碳释氧、净化空气、林产品价值、保护生物多样性等6个方面对福建永安林业(集团)股份有限公司(简称"永安林业")永安经营区森林生态系统服务功能的经济价值进行评价。结果表明:"永安林业"永安经营区森林生态系统每年服务的总价值为20.953143亿元。其中涵养水源价值4.232074亿元,保持土壤价值5422.63万元,固碳释氧价值6.696 615亿元,净化空气价值4.707 154亿元,林产品价值4.654 192亿元,保护生物多样性价值1208.45万元。  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of the current use of the European system of protected designations of origin according to Council Regulation (EC) 510/06, using the example of Germany to demonstrate its implementation as well as evaluating the potential and future development of this system of protection. The considerations show that in a few years the number of protected products in Europe will reach a figure of over 1,000 without the dynamic of new registrations weakening in the midterm. In Germany, the system of Council Regulation (EC) 510/06 has not been used very extensively. Despite this, an increase in the number of protected products can also be expected in Germany due to the promotion orientation of the Central Marketing Association and the European Commission.  相似文献   

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