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由于体制内制度和信贷配给的存在,大量中小企业面临融资困难,在我国出口增长疲软的情形下,如何缓解企业的融资问题将关系到出口发展的可持续性。本文使用2004年世界银行"商业环境和企业绩效调查"的企业数据,从政企关系角度考察政治关系、融资约束与企业出口行为的关系。与现有的研究结论和经验直觉不同,本文发现,企业与政府的关系不影响融资约束对其出口行为的作用,在面临较紧的流动性约束下,一旦企业获得外部贷款,可能会以高融资成本为代价来获得外部资金以覆盖出口成本和出口投资需求来促进出口,结果融资成本高的企业,反而更有可能出口,出口额也更大。所有权对这三者的关系有重要影响,民营企业与政府的良好关系会减轻融资约束对企业出口行为的影响,而对国有企业和外资企业而言却不存在这样的影响。  相似文献   

融资约束限制中国企业出口参与吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
中国贸易增长模式的转变有赖于企业出口的扩展边际,而企业的出口参与行为取决于异质性。本文基于新新贸易理论,运用世界银行投资环境调查数据,使用probit模型重点考察了企业融资约束异质性对中国企业出口可能性的影响。研究结果表明,外源融资约束是限制企业出口参与的重要因素。进一步,本文发现企业出口参与对外源融资约束的依赖程度因所有制不同存在差异。国有企业和外资企业外源融资约束对出口参与的影响不显著;而民营企业外源融资约束对其出口参与起到显著的作用。另外,区分出口企业类型的检验结果显示,外源融资约束限制了企业的初始出口,而对于保持出口商地位的作用并不明显。  相似文献   

基于中国企业税收调查数据和海关企业出口数据,本文考察了出口退税效率对出口的影响,发现出口退税效率提升显著促进了企业出口。出口退税延迟率每降低10个百分点,企业出口平均增长15.3%。本文进一步识别出退税延迟中存在的错配:融资约束严重的企业受到退税延迟的影响更大,然而,平均而言这些企业的退税延迟率反而越高。因此,在存在财政约束的情况之下,地方政府也可以通过优化退税分配的方式来促进出口。  相似文献   

出口退税作为实行增值税的国家普遍使用的贸易政策手段,其目的在于促进一国商品的出口和平衡国际贸易。本文构建了一个新宏观开放经济动态模型,基于2014年出口退税政策变动这一“准自然实验”,采用倍差法探究差异性出口退税能否提高中国制造业的出口竞争力。结果表明:中国差异性出口退税政策存在产业结构优化效应。不同行业中,出口退税对于制造业出口竞争力影响的中介效应不同。部分高附加值产业无法通过利润传导途径来影响出口竞争力,农业产品则存在明显时滞效应。本文的研究结论不仅为出口退税政策的制定和实施提供决策依据,也为完善税收征管体制建设、提高对外贸易国际竞争力提供决策参考。  相似文献   

出口退税作为一项贸易调控政策,在一国政府应对国际贸易的大幅波动中发挥着重要作用.文章以企业出口关系持续性作为研究切入点,结合高度细化的出口退税率数据,运用生存分析模型对出口退税政策的实施效果进行系统评估.研究表明:(1)总体而言,出口退税率的变动在短期和长期均对企业出口关系的稳定性产生了显著影响.(2)在短期内,出口退税政策的调整对企业出口持续性的影响不因其所在区域和行业特征的差异而存在显著不同,但在所有制属性层面,民营企业受到的影响程度最大.(3)在长期内,来自东部地区、民营以及低技术行业的企业不仅受政策变动的作用时效更长,而且受政策调整的影响效果也更明显;而来自西部地区、三资以及高技术行业的企业则对出口退税政策调整的反应敏感程度最低.因此,出口退税政策的实施需要结合出口信贷等政策加以综合运用,以保证经济的平稳运行.  相似文献   

"融资难、融资贵"是制约中国经济发展的主要因素之一。本文基于异质性企业贸易理论,使用世界银行发布的《投资环境调查(2005)》的中国企业数据,实证分析融资约束对中国企业出口参与的影响。研究结论认为,由于中国金融发展的独特性,导致融资约束对不同所有制类型企业出口参与的影响机制存在着显著差异。融资约束并未构成制约中国国有企业出口参与的主要因素;而中国民营企业出口参与可能性的增加则依赖于融资成本的降低;融资约束对外资企业的出口参与不具有影响作用。  相似文献   

“双碳”背景下,通过金融手段抑制高污染、高耗能和资源类产品出口,提高我国出口企业绿色声誉,是出口贸易高质量发展的重点。以2007年《关于落实环保政策法规防范信贷风险》的政策文件为外生冲击,利用双重差分(DID)模型分析了绿色信贷政策对我国污染企业出口的影响。研究结论如下:绿色信贷政策抑制了重污染企业出口规模扩张;绿色信贷政策通过“遵循成本”机制,降低企业要素的边际产出,抑制了企业出口规模的扩张;纳入融资约束的三重差分模型结果表明绿色信贷政策对高融资约束企业出口规模的抑制作用更大;异质性分析结果发现绿色信贷政策对金融市场化程度低地区的企业、劳动密集型企业、东部地区企业和非国有企业出口规模的抑制作用更显著。研究为绿色金融政策促进我国经济高质量发展提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

本文采用世界银行2012年对中国境内2 700家企业的普查数据,分析企业外部融资约束对企业的出口倾向、出口强度的影响,本文的实证分析发现:企业面临外部融资约束时,不仅会显著降低企业参与出口的可能性,还会显著降低企业产品出口销售比例。不同的企业外部融资约束对企业出口行为有不同的影响。具体而言,贷款申请程序复杂、利率太高带来的外部融资约束会显著降低企业产品出口销售比例;贷款规模和期限不足带来的外部融资约束会显著降低企业参与出口的可能性;抵押要求太高带来的外部融资约束既会显著降低企业参与出口的可能性,也会显著降低企业产品出口销售比例。  相似文献   

本文以我国2008 - 2010年上市公司为样本,实证研究了政府补助与企业出口行为的关系,并进一步分析了股权性质与制度环境对此关系的影响.结果发现,政府补助由于缓解了企业融资约束,从而能有效促进企业的出口行为;与国有上市公司相比,民营上市公司的政府补助更能促进企业出口行为;在制度环境好的地区,政府补助对企业出口行为的促进效应更强.  相似文献   

出口退税是国家一项重要的税收政策.自1985年我国开始实施出口退税政策以来,出口骗税一直是困扰国家税务机关的重大问题.由于出口企业和税务机关之间存在信息不对称,双方存在博弈的空间.基于近年来我国出口骗税现象日益泛滥的背景,本文立足于非对称信息理论,利用博弈论的原理分析出口退税管理中出口企业和税务机关的博弈行为,根据博弈模型的结论提出有效防止出口骗税的政策建议.  相似文献   

This study uses a manufacturing firm-level panel data set of South Korea for 2006–2013 to investigate the effect of financial constraints on the export performance of firms, with particular emphasis on the corporate ownership structure. The empirical results show that foreign multinational corporation (MNC) subsidiaries are not affected by financial constraint during both crisis and noncrisis periods, implying advantages of foreign ownership. However, domestic firms suffer more from financial constraints on exports during crisis years. In particular, domestic firms without parent firms are financially constrained during both crisis and noncrisis periods. However, those with parent firms do not experience financial constraints during noncrisis periods, although they too suffer from them during crisis periods. Thus, parent–subsidiary linkage among domestic firms plays an important role in alleviating financial constraints on export activity in noncrisis years but not as much during crisis years. Therefore, domestic parent firms exhibit less resilience to the global financial crisis, in comparison to foreign MNC parent firms.  相似文献   

Financial development shapes export sector performance because exporters need external finance and face credit constraints. Previous empirical research has relied largely on single-country studies. The Exporter Dynamics Database (EDD), which features firm-level exports from over 60 countries, reveals differences in the microstructure of the export sector across countries. In this paper, we first provide new evidence that these differences are related to cross-country variation in financial development and structure. Second, we combine the EDD and multidimensional data on financial development with a global database on export diversification. This study is the first to examine how macrolevel export diversification is determined by the microcharacteristics of the export sector. This approach is novel in the empirical literature on export diversification. According to our cross-country analysis, access to domestic financial services positively contributes to export diversification by increasing the number of small exporters, as financial services ease the credit constraints these exporters face.  相似文献   

孟夏  陈磊 《经济评论》2012,(1):108-115
本文以新近发展的新新贸易理论为基础,将中国80余万条制造业出口数据归类到我国国民经济分类制造业,分别使用Probit模型和Heckman选择模型检验了金融发展和FDI对中国制造业出口二元边际的影响。研究表明,在控制其他影响因素的前提下,融资约束是影响企业出口决策的重要因素,而金融发展有助于企业缓解融资约束,使其能够在最优状态下生产,不仅有利其进入出口市场,还扩大了其出口份额,从而对贸易的扩展边际和集约边际都有积极的影响。此外,FDI缓解了我国出口企业面临的信贷约束,促进融资依赖性行业出口的二元边际,一定程度上发挥了与金融发展同样的作用,进一步的估计表明,FDI是通过替代银行信贷而发挥作用的。  相似文献   

Sekyung Oh 《Applied economics》2016,48(56):5437-5447
Private firms in China have led the explosive growth of the country’s economy, but with restricted or no access to formal financing. It is puzzling that these firms use relatively less trade credit than their counterparts in developed countries. We argue that firms with more growth opportunities should rely mainly on internal financing owing to high asymmetric information, especially in a financial market environment biased towards state-owned enterprises (SOEs) such as China. To explore growth opportunities, these firms may reduce their level of trade credit in the trade-off they face in deciding where to invest. Using panel data of Chinese non-financial listed firms for the period 2003–2013, we find that the relationship between growth opportunities and trade credit (both accounts receivable and payable) is significantly negative and is more pronounced in private firms than in SOEs. Furthermore, we also find that subsequent to the new receivable pledge policy being introduced, Chinese firms with more growth opportunities have higher accounts receivable, but similar levels of accounts payable.  相似文献   

采用2000—2007年的3万多家工业企业数据,本文构造了包括内源融资、商业信贷以及企业信用特征等变量的企业融资约束综合指标。基于Heckman选择模型的经验研究表明,企业融资状况的改善不仅能提高企业出口的概率,而且对其出口规模也有重要影响。研究还发现融资状况改善对外资企业出口影响最显著;与国有企业相比,民营企业虽受到更严重的融资约束,但其出口表现并未更差。此外,融资状况改善对那些高外源融资依赖度行业的企业出口具有更明显的促进作用。  相似文献   


The economic situation in Germany 16 years after reunification is marked by the fading out of the adjustment process between East and West. This paper refers to this context analyzing the export behavior comparing firms in West and East Germany. Our estimates confirm a strong relationship between innovations and export performance as well as structural differences between East and West German firms. East German firms are less likely to export than firms in the West. Besides, West German medium technology firms are comparable in their export behavior to high tech firms while East German firms are more similar to the low technology sector. Labor productivity turns out to be more important in East Germany. We interpret these findings as a specialization of West German firms towards technologically-driven high-quality markets, whereas East German companies are faced with higher sunk costs and seem to operate more often in less dynamic, price-sensitive markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates how mispricing and financing constraints affect ?rms’ future capital investments. We find that when the financing constraints are high, overpriced (underpriced) firms invest more (less) subsequently under previous non-optimal investments. The overpriced (underpriced) firms with precautionary motives invest significantly less subsequently when they are financially constrained. The overall evidence suggests that share mispricing, financial constraints and precautionary motives play a critical role that enables investors to less effectively monitor managers’ real decisions, thus limiting firms’ capital investments.  相似文献   

One puzzling observation in international economics is the lack of response of exports to exchange rate fluctuations. Employing the most comprehensive export data from China for the 2000–2007 period, we provide sector- and firm-level evidence that the response of exports to exchange rate movements depends crucially on the level of financial constraints. For sectors with large financial constraints, the response is small, whereas, for less financially constrained sectors, the response can be much larger, with the estimated elasticity decreasing with the sector's degree of financial constraints. At the firm-level, financial constraints affect the firm's response to exchange rate shocks at both the intensive and the extensive margins. At the intensive margin, financial constraints dampen the effect of exchange rate on exports by restricting the firm's export value to the existing destination market; at the extensive margin, financial constraints restrict the number of firms participating in exporting, the number of firm-product pairs being exported, and the probability of entering a new destination market.  相似文献   

不完全信息、反倾销威胁与最优出口贸易政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭立志  王领 《经济研究》2006,41(6):70-78
通过扩展Brander和Spencer(1985)的基本模型,本文首先证明了,在反倾销威胁下,基于完全信息假设的最优出口贸易政策要求出口国政府给予低成本企业更高的出口补贴或更低的出口征税,在无效激励机制下必然导致出口企业隐匿自己的真实成本类型,基于完全信息假设的最优出口贸易政策失效。在此基础上,本文进一步论证了不完全信息和反倾销威胁下激励相容的最优出口贸易政策,该政策要求出口国政府依据进口国国内要求保护压力的大小,采用不同的出口征税和一次性转移支付政策组合,激励出口企业如实报告成本类型,并使国家整体福利最大化。  相似文献   

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