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郝鑫  孔英 《开放导报》2021,(5):28-36
电力行业作为碳排放量大户,其低碳转型是我国实现碳中和目标的关键,但其目前面临煤电"碳锁定"效应、技术设备、可再生能源发展、资金投入等多方面挑战.通过电力行业低碳转型的情景分析,要实现碳中和的目标,必须严格按照1.5℃温升控制目标的路径制定相关政策,采取强力措施保障电力行业在2050年实现零排放或负排放.未来要严控"一煤独大",合理有序做好煤电的退出工作;促进可再生能源技术发展,保障高比例可再生能源发电的实现;优化电网传输规划,加强设施建设;建立具有灵活性的现代化电力市场体系;加强碳捕集、利用和封存技术的研发部署;创新绿色金融工具,保障电力投资规模.  相似文献   

日前,科技部有关负责人表示,今后,中国科技部将进一步加强与亚洲、非洲国家在可再生能源与新能源领域的国际交流合作,与国外联合建立先进技术应用示范项目,并以企业为主体,强化产学研合作,加快可再生能源与新能源科研成果的转化,建立可再生能源与新能源国际科技合作基地,推进其快速发展。  相似文献   

<正>"十一五"期间,我国可再生能源呈跳跃式发展,到2010年底,计入沼气、太阳能热利用等非商品可再生能源,我国可再生能源年利用量总计3亿  相似文献   

正利用可再生能源替代传统的化石能源是电力行业发展的长期趋势。以风能和太阳能为代表的可再生能源具有间歇性高,难以预测和控制的特点;因此大规模的可再生能源并网会威胁电力系统的经济性和安全性。而将前沿信息技术与电力系统相互融合,实现电网智能化,是支撑可再生能源大规模接入,提高电力系统经济性和安全性的重要途径。在这一领域,一位青年学者正在进行大胆的探索与实践,他就是国家"青年千人计划"入选专家、香港中文大学(深圳)赵俊华副教授。  相似文献   

3D打印技术与传统制造业结合、物联网技术与可再生能源结合的第三次工业革命观,已成为全球关注的焦点。以此为线索对相关理论研究进行梳理,大致可分为五大理论学派:能源派强调“太阳氢能等可再生能源的应用及其影响”;技术派关注“3D打印技术及其与制造业的深度融合”;能源与技术结合派则突出了“物联网技术与可再生能源的结合”;观念派是基于工业危机的可持续发展理念;经济周期派认为需新工业革命使经济走出长周期波谷。  相似文献   

能源的发展带动了经济增长与社会进步.随着世界经济形势的不断发展,人类现有的生活方式发生了很大的变化.可再生能源作为一种具有可再生性、环境友好性的资源,其开发和利用是人类解决能源危机以及环境危机的重要途径.目前对可再生能源潜力的评价缺少完整有效的方法,为此,基于模糊综合评价法,建立全面完善的综合评价指标体系,对浙江省可再生能源潜力进行实证分析.  相似文献   

随着城市化推进,镇域经济体的能源结构发生变化,因社会可持续发展需要,提高可再生能源渗透率备受关注.以能量四环节理论作为能源研究方法,构建涵盖"源-网-荷-储"技术环节的终端一体化供能系统.利用能量四环节理论规划设计了江苏省盐城市黄海湿地特色小镇.案例研究表明:可再生能源能够实现镇级区域能源基本自治;可打通"发-输-配-用-售"环节,实现镇级能源互联网;环境与社会效益较好,经济性较差.特色小镇全可再生能源多能互补耦合供能可作为城市化过程中新的供能模式之一.  相似文献   

“作为发展中国家,我们讲的低碳经济和技术有自己的定义和实质内容——我们主要是提高优化能源的利用方式、发展可再生利用能源及提高环境质量等,目的是为我国的经济转型和结构调整打好基础。因此,我们提出的低碳经济与发达国家讲的并不一样。”第九届中国经济论坛上,国务院参事、科技部原副部长刘燕华对中国低碳经济发展模式进行了解读。  相似文献   

文章基于面板向量自回归(PVAR)模型研究欧盟可再生能源消费与经济增长之间的动态关系,实证检验不同情景下可再生能源消费增长对GDP增长的动态冲击效应。研究表明:欧盟可再生能源消费增长有利于减少CO2排放,但牺牲了经济增长;2008年前后可再生能源消费增长的经济代价存在差异,2008年前可再生能源消费增长对经济增长的负向影响更大;不同经济发展水平成员国的可再生能源消费增长对经济增长的影响呈现相反方向,人均GDP较高成员国的可再生能源消费增长对经济增长为正向影响;不同行业可再生能源消费增长对经济增长的影响存在差异,服务业的可再生能源消费增长对经济增长为正向影响;不同类型可再生能源消费增长对经济增长的影响不同,风能消费增长对经济增长为正向影响。研究结果可以更好地厘清在不同条件下可再生能源消费增长对经济增长的影响,为中国实现2030年可再生能源消费占比达到20%的政策目标提供理论指导和政策依据。  相似文献   

资讯 信息     
胡锦涛:加强可再生能源开发利用实现人类社会可持续发展国家主席胡锦涛日前在北京国际可再生能源大会上强调,加强可再生能源开发利用,是应对日益严重的能源和环境问题的必由之路,也是人类社会实现可持续发展的必由之路。国际社会应该在研究开发、技术转让、资金援助等方面加强合作,使可再生能源在人类经济社会发展中发挥更大作用,造福各国人民。胡锦涛指出,加强全球合作,妥善应对能源和环境挑战,实现可持续发展,是世界各国的共同愿望,也是世界各国的共同责任。可再生能源丰富、清洁,可永续利用。中国高度重视开发利用可再生资源,把可再生能…  相似文献   

The problem of global climate change is one of the biggest present-day global problems. This problem, which has become a current issue because of the energy crisis that happened in 1970s, as well as growing awareness of environment, have not only changed the notion of development but also led to a transformation of non-renewable energy resources. Due to rapid population growth, the depletion of the non-renewable energy resources and the raising consciousness about global climate change our comprehension of traditional development has yielded to sustainable development, while energy structure and preferences have also changed from non-renewable energy resources to renewable energy resources. As this changed pattern and problem are global, they have removed the borders among governments, required international cooperation and thus, new international actors have stepped in. In this study, the countries are divided into two parts as developed countries and developing countries. As developed countries; USA and EU countries are selected while China and India are selected as developing countries. Also as a developing country, Turkey's energy and climate policies, attitude towards the Kyoto Protocol signed within the scope of United Nations and the positive and the negative effects of the Protocol on the country are investigated. In this sense, it has been observed that the question of whether or not the Protocol contributes to the economy of developing countries correlates with whether or not these countries are on the side of the Protocol and it has also been observed that being on the side of the Protocol is not a threat to Turkey's development. If applied correctly, the policies that Turkey will pursue within the scope of the Protocol will help the country to reduce foreign energy dependency and cooperate with other countries. A comparative method is used in this paper.  相似文献   

China contributed a majority of the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions in the first 11 years of this century The trajectory of emissions has changed radically since then, as China has irrplemented its Cancun 2010 commitment to reduce the 2005 emissions intensity of economic activity by 40-45percent by 2020. The change in trajectory has been reinforced by China's new model of economic growth, with its greater emphasis on equity in income distribution, consumption and services. The large-scale deployment of low emissions technology in China is lowering the cost of transition to a low carbon economy all over the world. China ' s new emissions trajectory improves the opportunity For the international community to meet the 2℃ climate target. It is essential that the changes in China are brought to account in shaping global mitigation ambition.  相似文献   

In a globalised world, financial markets observe the optimal level of asset allocation and returns based on risk inherent in the economies. Whether public or private investors, they need to have an optimal return on their investment given the finite resources. In relatively new sectors like grid‐connected renewable energy, many investors face difficulty in assessing proper return, making them more averse to financing such projects, affecting transborder project development opportunities. In developing countries like South Africa, which has tremendous potential for renewable energy projects, an arbitrary choice of the required rate of return for project evaluations can negatively affect funding decisions. This paper explores an index‐based model to make fair estimates of the required equity benchmark internal rate of return (IRR) using financial markets observation for renewable energy projects in South Africa. The index‐based model is parsimonious and captures common macroeconomic factors. More specifically, it provides a simple and effective mechanism to calculate IRR for renewable energy projects given different gestation periods.  相似文献   

At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. The government invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and to assist in poverty relief If China is to replace fossil fuels on a large scale with renewable energy sources, the production costs and prices of renewable energy must be brought down. All countries are facing the challenge of moving to a more secure and low-carbon energy system without weakening economic and social development. In this regard, China is facing an even greater challenge in terms of economic cost, as cheap coal remains the main energy form. Technical innovation and industrialization in the area of renewable energy is an important means of lowering cost. China is in for a period of high-speed development of its economy and the rising demand for energy is irreversible. If the technical progress and development speed of renewable energy lags behind the growth in demand, it will be difficult to realize the improvement of its energy structure.  相似文献   

李书锋 《特区经济》2007,224(9):184-186
四川省拥有丰富的可再生能源资源,在传统化石能源逐渐枯竭的背景下,大力发展可再生能源产业对于经济的可持续发展、环境的保护和能源的安全无疑具有重要意义。本文主要通过解析产业发展理论,四川省在可再生能源产业发展中存在的障碍着手,分析障碍存在的原因,从而为四川省发展可再生能源产业提出一些有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

循环农业发展中农村可再生能源探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史锦华  张雅璐  时东 《乡镇经济》2009,25(10):49-53
循环农业是循环经济理念在农业经济发展中的应用和体现。文章以促进循环农业发展为起点,分析了农村能源消费的总量和结构,以沼气为实证说明了可再生能源在循环农业中的地位和作用,提出了构筑以可再生能源为支撑的循环农业生态系统的观点,并为促进农村可再生能源发展提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

基于VIKOR多属性方法的可再生能源技术评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VIKOR多属性方法能有效解决多指标冲突问题。可再生能源规划要综合权衡各类可再生能源技术对能源、经济、社会、环境等各方面跨越时空的影响,而对能源、经济、社会、环境影响的这些指标通常是互相冲突的,为此把VIKOR多属性方法引入到可再生能源规划领域。根据可再生能源技术评价的特点,建构了三层十个不同属性的指标体系,建立了基于VIKOR的可再生能源技术评价模型,指出了其方法和步骤。并利用该方法,对某省的海上风电、陆上风电、小水电、地热能、太阳能热水器、大中型沼气工程、户用沼气、生物质柴油、太阳能光伏发电、生物质发电、潮汐发电十一种可再生能源技术的协同效益进行了评价,从而为该省2020年的可再生能源规划发展战略提出政策参考。  相似文献   

通过比较"金砖国家"清洁能源利用的现状,利用空间状态模型实证研究"金砖国家"能源消费弹性的变化,发现:"金砖国家"在经济发展过程中确实带动了清洁能源的消费;"金砖国家"清洁能源的消费弹性存在着时期差别;在比较周期中,中国的清洁能源与煤炭资源、石油体现了一个较为明显的替代效应。  相似文献   

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